
This collection brings 11 real stories about toxic masculinity, sent by women and non-binary people, adapted to comics by 11 diverse artists. They are made to inspire laughter and reflection about sexist behaviors, especially in romantic relationships.

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11 real stories about toxic masculinity adapted to comics by 11 diverse artists. A book to comfort the victims of toxic masculinity and to laugh at the ridiculousness of those sick from patriarchy. A collective book also in the financial aspect, with over 1400 people supporting its publication via crowdfunding. Print in special colors teal and magenta, on paper Pólen 80mg/m2.


"This is not a counterreaction to the misoginistic humour books, because it doesn't deny anyone's humanity. The sick boys are all miserable, vulnerable, fucked, human." Gregório Duvivier, talk show host and actor

Author Biography

“Sick Boi” is created by a team of diverse comic artists, with different styles, sensibilities, approaches and origins. Starting from 11 toxic masculinity real stories, sent by women all over Brazil, the following artists created their script and drawings:

Helô D’Angelo - Cartoonist and illustrator, she has published four books. Winner of the HQMIX Prize 2022, category “Web comics”. She is also one of the editors of the book.

Carol Ito - Cartoonist and journalist, winner of the Vladmir Herzog Prize 2022, category  “Art”. She is also one of the editors of the book.

Ale Kalko - Illustrator and storyteller, author of the zines “Mimimi vibrator” and “Matlosophy”

Bennê Oliveira - The mind behind the comic page “Slightly Insane Mind”

Bruna Maia - Author of “It seems it got worse” and “Guide of the postmodern wife”

Cecilia Marins - Author of “Park of Lights” and “Ties”

Kael Vitorelo - They are the author of “Gay Kit” and “Judite”

Lila Cruz -  Cartoonist and illustrator, author of “How to be a grown-up and other (im)possibilities”

Luiza Lemos - Author of “Transistorized” and co-author of the series “Deb Dreamwalker”

Marilia Marz - Author of “Indivisible” and cartoonist at Folha de S. Paulo newspaper

Tai - Amazonian artivist and author of “Tales of visagens for maluvidas kids”

Bebel Books

Bebel Books

Founded in 2012 by Bebel Abreu, Bebel Books strives to occupy the narrative space with constructive and critical content.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Orginal LanguagePortuguese
  • ISBN/Identifier 9786500775891
  • Publication Country or regionBrazil
  • FormatPaperback
  • Primary Price 15 USD
  • Pages96
  • ReadershipGeneral
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language TitleBoy Dodói: histórias reais e ilustradas sobre masculinidade tóxica
  • Copyright Year2023
  • Page size22x15 (22x15) cm
  • Illustrationgreen and pink special colors

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