Bebel Books

Irreverent books to ignite conversations for a better future. Comics, love, humour and freedom!

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Bebel Books publishes illustration, comics, printmaking, calligraphy, photography, and other graphic expressions. BbB strives to occupy the narrative space with constructive and critical content. Since 2012, it has launched over 90 titles in Brazil and abroad. The publishing house has participated in book fairs in Brazil, Mexico, and the UK, and at Fiesta Gráfica, a Latin American graphic arts exhibition in Paris. Our latest releases are: “The seven lives of Jouralbo the cat”, an adventurous children's comic book by iconic artist Allan Sieber and "Sicky Boi: Real illustrated stories about toxic masculinity", an anthology of comic (tragicomic, actually) stories drawn by 11 women and non-binary artists.


This publishing house is part of the Frankfurt Invitation Programme 2023. More information:


  • English
  • German
  • Portuguese


  • Brazil

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