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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2012

        Als schliefe sie

        by Elias Khoury, Leila Chammaa

        Elias Khoury ist einer der tonangebenden Schriftsteller und Intellektuellen der arabischen Welt. Welche Geschichten, fragen seine Bücher, sind ans Licht zu holen, wenn es um die Entstehung des palästinensisch-israelischen Konflikts geht? Mit welchem Gebirge aus Leid, Schmerz und Gewalt muß es eine „Friedensordnung“ für den Nahen Osten aufnehmen? Khourys neuer Roman führt zurück in die 1940er Jahre, die Zeit vor der palästinensischen Niederlage und der Gründung des Staates Israel. Er erzählt von der Liebe zwischen dem Palästinenser Mansur und der „traumbegabten“ Libanesin Milia. Nach der Heirat ziehen die beiden nach Nazareth. Als Mansurs Bruder Amin, der gegen die jüdische Einwanderung gekämpft hat, getötet wird, muß Mansur seine Rolle übernehmen. Milia hat Angst, Angst um ihn, Angst um ihr Kind. Sie ist schwanger. Bei der Geburt am 24. Dezember 1947 stirbt sie, indem sie aus ihrem letzten Traum nicht mehr erwacht – ein Traum, der sie noch sehen läßt, wie Mansur mit dem Säugling aus dem brennenden Jaffa auf ein griechisches Schiff flieht.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2012

        Das Begräbnis des Paten


        by Tapani Bagge, Stefan Moster

        Leila liebt Allu, Allu liebt Leila. Der Ex-Gauner hat ein Kind mit der Polizistin und es gibt gute Gründe, am Leben zu bleiben und das Gefängnis zu meiden. Aber die Idylle bekommt Risse, als Leilas Patenonkel, ein Schwindler und Säufer, auf mysteriöse Weise in die Luft fliegt. Der jungen Polizistin Leila fällt es schwer zu glauben, dass ihr geliebter Patenonkel sich in die Luft gesprengt haben soll. Sie geht der Sache nach. Zeit dazu hat sie, denn sie befindet sich im Erziehungsurlaub. Zu Hause passt Allu auf den gemeinsamen Sohn auf. Eigentlich hat er Leila versprochen, keine krummen Dinger mehr zu drehen. Aber dann erhält er einen Anruf vom Chef einer Rockerbande. Allu soll für ihn einen Koffer mit ziemlich viel Drogengeld suchen. In Drogengeschäfte scheint auch Leilas Onkel verwickelt gewesen zu sein. Denn vor seinem Wochenendhäuschen in der tiefsten finnischen Provinz wachsen neuerdings Cannabispflanzen statt Weidenröschen. Sie geraten ins Visier der finnischen Drogenmafia, die vor nichts zurückschreckt. Für Allu und Leila wird es gefährlich …

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      • Trusted Partner

        To Love Life

        by Alawiya Sobh

        The novel revolves around the heroine Basma, who suffers from a neurological disease. The sedative medications prescribed by her doctor have affected her memory and so she has become confused. She tries to restore her memory and her body, which has been plagued by painful spasms – something difficult for someone like her, a dancer and choreographer.   The novel unfolds inconsistently, telling the story of Basma from childhood on, experiences with her first boyfriend, Ahmad, and her sickness after following the tragic departure of him and her father during the Lebanese civil war. In addition to Basma’s story, we read about the lives of the people she knew and liked throughout her life, including her friend, Anisa, and her emotionally and financially tight husband, and how writing changed her life and helped her fight her disability. We also read about Amina, who is emotionally hungry, and Nizar who investigated different politics and beliefs, ending up insane. In addition to other characters with stories that run in parallel with the main character, Basma, whose life centres on her relationship with her lover and husband, Youssef. A creative painter, his shifts towards fundamentalism lead her to separate from him as she is passionate about life, love and dancing.   The novel accurately describes the similarities between her sick body and that of Arab cities collapsed due to the sectarian wars that took place after the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. The heroine documents her sickness to a virtual friend, describing what made her sick and how she resists her illness with will and determination. Her narrative expresses her rejection of religious, sectarian and terrorist extremism of all sects and religions, especially those that diverged from the true Islamic religion and its compassionate teachings.   In this novel we find poignant human details and a graceful narration full of expressions that make the reader anxious to know more about the destinies of all its characters. Between the memory of a past saturated with loss and love, and a crueler present witnessed in collapsing cities, Basma clings to her body that keeps on betraying her.   Who said that our lives and our bodies are different from the stories of our cities? Who among us knows if our most recent dance was the farewell dance, or a new beginning?

      • Trusted Partner

        Rejoice, My Heart

        by Alawiya Sobh

        Ghassan, a musician and Oud player, leaves for New York, fleeing the Lebanese civil war after his extremist bother, Afif, murdered his older and pacifist brother Jamal, who sought to open the door to Muslim-Christian dialogue. In New York, Ghassan struggles to erase all his memories but his thoughts would always bring him back to his hometown, Dar El Ezz, as it was long before the war. ///Soon, he falls in love with and marries Kristin, becomes more emotionally stable, and embraces American culture. But when he must return to Lebanon for his father’s funeral, nostalgia for his homeland and a series of events force Ghassan to face a convergence of two cultures. ///“Efrah Ya Qalbi” (Rejoice, My Heart!) is a novel about love, music, identity, one’s sense of belonging, brotherly conflicts, and the diaspora. It dives into the lives, troubles, and dilemmas of the characters. ///The stories intertwine amid a fascinating narrative, thus revealing the turmoil and troubles of the Lebanese community torn by wars and outbursts. The novel also addresses the relationship between the East and the West, where struggling and cracked identities are silenced and offers a new vision through analysis and narration.

      • Trusted Partner

        Wenn Leila Wasser holt

        Kinder in der Dritten Welt

        by Grosse-Oetringhaus, Hans M

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Die besten Mädchengeschichten für Erstleser

        by Schindler, Nina; Kaup, Ulrike; Dierks, Martina

        Die zehn magischen Geschichten über naseweise Elfen, abenteuerlustige Nixen und mutige Piratentöchter sind das perfekte Lesefutter für Mädchen in der ersten Klasse. Lesen lernen leicht gemacht mit: - großer Fibelschrift und - kurzen Textabschnitte Diese Hilfen garantieren schnelle Leseerfolge. Rätsel am Ende der Abenteuer regen zum Gespräch über die Geschichten an und sichern das Textverständnis. Lesen lernen mit dem Bücherbär Die kleine Elfe Tissa begegnet im Wald einem gruseligen Monster, die bezaubernde Nixe Leila erlebt ein Abenteuer in den Tiefen des Meeres und Kiki, die furchtlose Piratentochter, rettet einen ganz besonderen Hund. - Empfohlen von Westermann - Der Titel ist auf gelistet.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Dragon Fruit

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, Nigel P. Taylor, Pradyot K. Pathak, Kundan Kishore, Ankita Sahu, Prinya Wongsa, Taner Bozkurt, Özhan Simsek, Joanna Cho Lee Ying, Phebe Ding, Long Haibo, Tang Liangde, Li Huadong, Hamide Gubbuk, Recep Balkic, Lokman Altinkaya, Leila Aparecida Salles Pio, Renato Paiva, Mai Van Tri, Dinh Thi Yen Phuong

        Dragon fruit (pitaya) is a perennial climbing cactus, native to the tropical areas of North, Central and South America. It is suited to tropical and subtropical regions and is commercially grown in an increasing number of countries, including Israel, Australia and the USA. Dragon fruit generates considerable consumer interest because of its exotic appearance and potential health benefits. The fruit is rich in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. It can be eaten fresh or used in the preparation of juices, jellies, jams, etc. The natural bioactive compounds in pitaya have the potential to be exploited in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Increasingly cultivated worldwide, the plant is drought-resistant, easily adapts to light intensity and high temperatures, and has a tolerance to a wide range of soil salinities. With ongoing global warming, dragon fruit has great potential as a new crop for many more countries. This book is a compilation of the current state of knowledge on dragon fruit physiology, cultivation, production technology, postharvest management and processing, and is written by leading international authors.

      • Trusted Partner
      • September 2020

        For the Love of Life

        by Alawieh Sobh

        At the moment of Youssef’s departure, a fiery memory, led by a convulsive body, opens. Basma’s cramps increase, but Youssef’s picture always brings a smile. Between the memory of a past paved with loss and love, and a harsher present of crumbling Arab cities, Basma clings to her body that never stops betraying her. Who said that our bodies are not like the stories of our cities? And who among us knows if our last dance is a farewell dance, or a new beginning? Alawiya Sobh: A Lebanese novelist. Published by Dar Al-Adab: Maryam of the Stories», «Donia», and «They name it Passion». Maryam of the Stories was published in German by Suhrkamp and in French by Gallimard.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        The Flower Year

        A Colouring Book

        by Leila Duly

        Leila Duly's new colouring book is a celebration of a year of flowers. Month by month, follow the progress of the seasons with intricate illustrations of flowers, birds, butterflies and other insects and small creatures to colour in, adding up to a year's worth of colouring enjoyment.

      • October 2019

        A House Full of People

        by Mariana Sández

        "Possibly one of the best fictions published in recent months. Mariana Sández's prose is a beautiful and intelligent surprise, within the framework of the new narrative produced by Argentinean authors". Hinde Pomeraniec, Infobae Before she dies, Leila, a frustrated writer and book lover, leaves her daughter her personal diaries, along with curious and detailed instructions on what to do with them. By reading them, Charo will reveal a side of her mother that she did not know, trying to understand that period when Leila seemed to be swept away by a gale, more absent and more vital than ever, that time when a series of disturbing events took place in the building where they lived, and which unleashed her mother's infinite guilt.

      • Escritas Diversas do Eu

        by Leila de Aguiar Costa (Org.), Jéssica Aline Ferreira Felix (Org.)

        Escritas Diversas do Eu "Páginas comoventes, pungentes, ternas, jocosas, divertidas, alegres, sofridas, plenas dos mais variados afetos: o que se lerá nesse volume são os frutos doces ou amargos de uma experiência literária a que se dedicaram jovens entusiastas, estudantes de Letras, desejosos de se deixarem habitar pela linguagem, de se inclinarem ao acontecimento poético e, por isso mesmo, de oferecerem ao leitor - e a ele se des-cobrirem - vidas subjetivas que só têm razão de ser porque se locam em contato com o Outro. Fica, então, aqui, o convite ao encontro!" (Leila de Aguiar Costa)

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