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      • Beletrina Academic Press

        Beletrina Academic Press, established 1996, is a leading Slovenian literary publisher that has gained its reputation by introducing prominent works of classic and contemporary world and national fiction and non-fiction to Slovenian readers. Beletrina currently represents over 20 of the best Slovenian authors, from the great classics to the biggest contemporary names and the most promising up and coming authors.

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      • American Academy of Pediatrics

        Leading global publisher in the field and practice of Pediatrics. AAP Publications are among the most respected and frequently referenced in the world, including journals, clinical and consumer books and eBooks, and continuing medical education.  Top title include Red Book, NRP, Pediatrics, PREP Self-Assessment, Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines, Caring for Your Baby and Building Resilience in Children.

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      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        March 2018

        El dragón de jade

        by Julio Santos

        Series of illustrated children’s books 7 y.o. or older.Over 120 pages of entertainment, adventures, and mystery with color illustrations. ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Txano y mi hermano mellizo se llama Óscar.¿Sabes dónde comienza esta historia?Pues en un lejano monasterio chino. Allí, la escultura de un precioso dragón de Jade y su leyenda llevaban siglos olvidadas en el fondo de un almacén.Cuando un terremoto sacudió la zona y los equipos de rescate llegaron al monasterio, encontraron al dragón milagrosamente intacto.El destino le acabó trayendo hasta Twin City y, sin comerlo ni beberlo, nos encontramos en medio de un misterio que llevaba 800 años esperando.¿Te apuntas a la aventura?

      • Religion & beliefs
        April 2018

        28 cosas que debes saber sobre los ángeles

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        In the spring of 2018 I was writing my second novel, "The Guardian of Omu", which by now and doing an exercise in temporal mysticism, I hope and wish that it has become a recognized "best seller". I was about a third of concluding the aforementioned novel, when one morning I dream, and I say exactly dream, with a rather vague scene in which the idea of ​​writing about the essence of angels materializes in my mind. It is at that moment when I regain consciousness and awake, but I decide to continue thinking about that dream, more than anything else because of the curiosity and exceptional nature of the event. I sing a sweet dream again, more than a dream, sleep it, I would say. In that diffuse period of space-time, I see clearly, as if it were a data transfer, a script of content that appears to my knowledge. A succession of clear and unequivocal ideas that I had never thought to ask myself before, and all of them, referring to the subject at hand here.At that moment I decide to get out of bed and sit in front of my computer. Approximately 60 minutes later I have written that dream or received script, or what do I know. After writing it all in a row, I decide to read it carefully and immediately afterwards I see that it really is the script of ideas that I must develop without wasting any more time. At that moment I decide to slice it and use it as an index.It is exactly the index of this book.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        A whole life to remember

        by Núria Pradas

        A fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of the iconic Disney Studios, A Whole Life To Remember is a fast-paced and utterly absorbing story which captures a beloved bygone era with acuity, wisdom, and heart. A Whole Life to Remember is the story of Sophie Simmons, a talented young girl from New York, who travels to Los Angeles in the 1930s to become a cartoonist. The story follows Sophie in her way to achieve her dream in a world of men at the golden beginnings of the Disney Studios. Love, friendship, tragedy and glamour are all the ingredients of this fascinating novel that will transport you to the backstage of the big first Disney cartoon productions, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or Dumbo accompanied by a heroine who will stay with you for a long time.

      • Fiction
        June 2020

        Drawings of Hiroshima

        by Marcelo Simonetti

        “The sky was covered with grey clouds. The drizzle was lighter than normal, almost pious. The Japanese were advancing through the streets with short, fast steps. Satoru was ahead of them. He pedaled at a good pace. From his bicycle seat, the city revealed itself to his eyes as a sequence of frames. It was strange to be there, in his grandfather's city, and to ride through it as he had probably never done before: on two wheels. Even so, the possibility that the route he was taking would intersect with the routes that his grandfather had taken when he was a child, provoked an intimate emotion in him. Those landscapes were over eighty years old, including an atomic bomb, but it was the land where Ryu Nakata had learned to walk, to speak, to read”. The death of his grandfather, awakens in the young Yasuhiro Nakata the desire to know the family history, especially after finding a letter in which he discovers another side of the old man whose last words were: 'Hiroshima, Hiroshima', warning of the existence of a secret. As a result, Yasuhiro embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso to Hiroshima, where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster. This is the beginning of Drawings of Hiroshima— a charming story that allows readers to follow the protagonist on a journey in which he not only reconnects with his Japanese origins, but also questions his present, his interpersonal relationships and his interest in writing, deepening the unconscious desire to understand the role that he plays in a story that is not his own but yet challenges him directly. With this new release, Marcelo Simonetti addresses issues such as migration and identity, connecting the historic Chilean port of Valparaiso with the memory of the tragedy occured in the Japanese city.

      • Crime & mystery
        July 2018

        Donde lloran los demonios

        by Martí Martínez, Pedro

        Inspector Cesar Giralt enjoys a period of happiness previously denied to him since the brutal murder of his sister by the criminal known as the locker seven years before. However, when life shows him its nicer side, the shadow of his worst fears comes back to Barcelona together with the coldest winter that the city has experienced for several years. The body of another dead girl reaches the same beach where, years before, had appeared, in the same circumstances, one of the locker's victims.   El inspector César Giralt disfruta de una felicidad que le había sido negada desde el cruel asesinato de su hermana a manos del encerrador siete años atrás. Pero cuando la vida por fin le muestra su lado más amable, la sombra de sus peores miedos regresa a Barcelona de la mano del invierno más frío de los últimos años. El cadáver de una chica llega a la misma playa en la que apareció, en idénticas circunstancias, una de las víctimas del Encerrador. ¿Es posible que se trate de un imitador? ¿O acaso el asesino de Eva ha vuelto de entre los muertos? Ayudado por su equipo, el inspector Giralt emprenderá una última travesía por los recovecos de su pasado para descubrir qué tipo de persona es en realidad antes de afrontar un último baile con el mismísimo diablo.

      • Fiction
        June 2019

        El guardián de Omu

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Juan suffers a spectacular camouflaged traffic accident, since his real objective was suicide. Then he discovers that it was not Juan, but an experienced special agent of the Solar Police of this galaxy, with jurisdiction over the entire solar system and a life completely opposite to what he had. Recover the memory and assume his situation, sharing mission and adventures with Yura, his eternal partner and co-worker.Argos recovers and learns to live "out of the box" again, facing alien species of clear negative polarity in his new mission. The very existence of planet Earth is in your hands.Without a doubt, it is a current and action novel. For minds of the New Earth, awake beings, with intuition, and capable of recreating in their imaginations scenarios, concepts, and fictitious events that could be very close to becoming real potentials in the immediate future.Take back the pleasure of fiction ... Or not.

      • Adventure

        La Dame Chevalier and Salomon’s lost table

        by A.Z. Codenonsi

        The years is 1927 and the murder of a soldier in a military hospital in Morocco begins a chance for an extremely valuable artefact, disappeared for more than a thousand years: the Table of Salomon, King of Kings, that would give its owner the wisdom of a thousand wise men. And when the Bureau’s investigation gets to the weapon used in La Dame Chevalier’s parents’ murder, the agent decides to travel to north Africa looking for the artefact and answers. Along with the young Justine Carbonneau, both women go to the desert among a war between the empire and the Berbers, fighting for their independence. But Chevalier will have company. Mercenaries led by the mysterious organization Ostia Mithrae also

      • The Arts
        April 2018


        by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)

        This second volume of New History of Brazilian Cinema covers Brazilian cinema from the postwar period up to the present, discussing the Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal movements, the state-owned producer Embrafilme, pornochanchada (soft-core sex comedies) and the crisis and revival of Brazilian film production from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, ending with an overview of experimental filmmaking, documentary film and contemporary film fiction up to 2016. Ebook version brings additional texts: “Brazilian New Cinema (1960-1972)”, by Bertrand Ficamos, and the extensive filmography “Brazilian films released from 1969 to 2016”, by Luiz Felipe Miranda

      • Fiction
        December 2019

        Under the guardian

        by Juca Serrado

        A secret that the Catholic Church wants to protect at all costs, the true story of Mary Magdalene, his followers and his beloved master Jesus, rage, murder, danger, passion and time travel. A mystery protected by the Knights of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, better known as the Knights Templar, which involves the story of the Christ the Redeemer statue building, in Rio de Janeiro. A long journey begins with investigations in Brazil and runs through Paris and Israel, a narrative full of adrenaline, unimaginable scenes in "a real cocktail of emotions." The Brazilian writer Juca Serrado leads us seductively at the beginning of the Templars time and embraces us in an exciting contemporary novel, a work of painstaking and fascinating fiction.

      • Children's & YA


        by Marcia Kupstas

        An unforgettable journey changes the way the protagonist Maurícia faces life, releasing her from her daily fears and anxieties.  The adventures and challenges the youth faces allow the reader to see himself/herself in the reference universe where the characters are inscribed, as well as share their spheres of action. The storyline takes us through the Brazilian Amazon and gets Machu Picchu, the ruins of the Inca city in Peru, involving Archeology and UFOs.

      • September 2017

        Every food has a history

        by Joana Monteleone

        A delicious piece of work. Several essays, all of them told with pleasure of a historian who, at this moment, is not making History, but telling stories. Such storytelling, however, demands culture and talent, and Joana has extra talent and culture: she is a cook, that is, a first-rate storyeller, who moves through several times and through several dishes. The book, indicated for readers of any age, shows how much eacha meal we make is full of stories to be told and to tell us.

      • Fiction
        May 2019

        Assesta's Short Stories - Water

        by Assesta

        In this second volume of short stories by the authors of Assesta (Writers Association of Alentejo), water was the chosen theme to bring to life the imagination of writers and illustrators of Assesta.Short stories or poetic prose wanderings, the reader will find everything in these small texts followed by marvellous illustrations, all made in Alentejo.

      • Fiction

        Isaac D

        by Leandro Pileggi, Levi Tonin

        What if you woke up and were someone else? What if unnamable creatures showed up everywhere? What if only you noticed they were there? What if they came after you? Would you run? Would you hide? Or would you fight… Isaac D is a Light novel full of action and good humor, spiced by many Lovecraft and pop culture references. A fantasy built on humanity’s largest mysteries that brings together modern myths and pulp story classics.

      • Poetry (Children's/YA)


        by Mario Caballero

        Poems, those first thoughts that embrace to the children. I would like to be a moon to live among stars and rise the tide, reign in your dreams, change every day. I would like to be the moon to watch you in the evening. I would like to be the wind to rock the moon and take away the bad, bring you the good, sow storms. I would like to be the wind to blow your first words Mother. I would like to be bird to travel with the wind and feel light, travel forever, play with the clouds. I would like to be a bird to look from the sky.

      • Children's & YA

        Toucan Tunico in the Amazon Rainforest

        by Ana Orsi; Tamie Gadelha

        Toucan Tunico decides to leave the forest to get to know the rest of the Amazonian area. Travel with him to get to know the Parintins party, Manaus, where the Amazon river meets the sea, the native Brazilians and so much more. The book is all illustrated in water colors by Tamie Gadelha (Alice in the Badland), who lives in the area.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        May 2020

        The princess and the monster

        by Olga Redrado

        Nereah is a 27-year-old woman who emigrates to the United States from Belgium pursuing a dream. She wants to be a singer and knows for certain she will have more opportunities in the States than in Europe. A month after arriving in Chicago, the New York Twin Towers are destroyed. Almost as a bad omen and despite it, she decides to continue her path and meets a man she falls in love with. She even breaks her remote relationship with a Belgian true love. After a few months, they get married and together they begin a life that soon displays a less gentle side than what she had expected. When their son is born, problems increase gradually and she looks for answers with therapists and regressions to previous lives. When the situation gets unbearable, Nereah finds help in the most unsuspected person. Then she will have to take a final decision to preserve her life and that of her son.

      • 2022

        El hilo (Crónica de los días en los que se paró el mundo)

        by Eva Santana López

        After a week of lockdown due to the pandemic, a teenager trapped alone in her flat in Barcelona glances at the empty street and spies through the window on her neighbour across the street, Samuel. He soon notices her and, although at first he labels her as a snoop, they end up becoming friends. Together they try to discover who is the mysterious stranger dressed in yellow who wanders around the neighbourhood, raising the alarm bells of the two youngsters: Could he be the criminal the media call “the Eixample killer”?

      • Fiction
        August 2019

        Between Beirut and You

        by Roser Miquel

        In a city and a country immersed in a permanent conflict, the Liban, Rita, Shawn, Ibraïm and some other characters as Mahmud, Mariam or old Suleiman will be involved and pulled into the heart of the conflict, gobbled down by the passional force that pulls strings in the history of this country.

      • Science fiction
        December 2018

        Psique El despertar Sombrío

        by Iván R. Sánchez

        ohn, a man immersed in the addiction of alcohol, is constantly tormented by his inner demons; repentance, loneliness and grief are translated into hallucinations, nightmares and terrors that he silences with liquor. One day, after ending up in jail because of a terrible night of abstinence, he discovers that something in him has changed and that now he must face a long road of redemption. He will discover that he is not alone and that the monsters that inhabited the darkness of his thoughts can come out, whisper to him, pursue him ... The real and the unreal are confused within a spiral of tragic events that lurk in every place where he seeks refuge.

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