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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1977

        Die Krise der Diktaturen Portugal, Griechenland, Spanien

        Aus dem Französischen ĂŒbersetzt von Bernd Schwibs

        by Nicos Poulantzas, Bernd Schwibs

        Was bedeutet der Niedergang der diktatorischen Regime in SĂŒdeuropa? Welche Tendenzen, Entwicklungen haben zu ihrer Krise oder ihrem Zusammenbruch beigetragen? Welche politischen und sozialen KrĂ€fte werden im Innern dieser Staaten und von außen den Umbruch und seinen Verlauf auf lange Sicht bestimmen? Fest steht, daß die Wirtschaften sowohl Portugals als auch Griechenlands und Spaniens partiell abhĂ€ngige Wirtschaften sind. Fest steht auch, daß ĂŒber diese AbhĂ€ngigkeit die innenpolitische Entwicklung dort gesteuert, notfalls »korrigiert« werden kann. Steht eine neue Strategie politischer Einflußnahme auf der Tagesordnung? Die Untersuchung des französischen Politikwissenschaftlers Poulantzas prĂŒft die Chancen der Befreiung dieser Gesellschaften aus den Fesseln der Diktatur im Rahmen ihrer AbhĂ€ngigkeit von den »Metropolen« und ihrer relativen »Unterentwicklung» innerhalb des europĂ€ischen Staatensystems. – Ganz ohne Zweifel sind die Entwicklungen bis zum Sommer 1976, die Poulantzas darstellt, von hoher politischer Bedeutung nicht nur fĂŒr die unmittelbar betroffenen LĂ€nder, sondern auch fĂŒr die Zukunft der westlichen Gesellschaften, fĂŒr ihre Wirtschaftsstrategie, ihre BĂŒndnisse und ihre Parteienkonstellationen. VerĂ€nderungen wie diejenigen in Portugal, Griechenland und Spanien beeinflussen zwangslĂ€ufig die politische Geographie Europas – vielleicht nicht nur Europas.

      • Trusted Partner

        Billy Jenkins: Europe's King of the Cowboys

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and
 but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangéa Publishing Group,2019.  534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Brand New Ancients / Brandneue Klassiker


        by Johanna Wange, Kae Tempest

        Die antiken Götter von heute leben im SĂŒdosten Londons. Sie heißen Kevin und Jane, Mary und Brian, Thomas und Clive – zwei Familien in benachbarten HĂ€usern, Eheleute, die einander betrĂŒgen, HalbbrĂŒder, die nichts voneinander wissen. Ihre Nöte, Hoffnungen und EnttĂ€uschungen bringt Kae Tempest in dem preisgekrönten Langgedicht Brand New Ancients / Brandneue Klassiker zu Gehör. In den kleinen, prekĂ€ren Leben findet Tempest die Kraft der alten Mythen wieder. Dem Zynismus und der GleichgĂŒltigkeit der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft setzt Tempest Humanismus und EinfĂŒhlungsvermögen entgegen und die Wucht der literarischen Sprache.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Brand New Ancients / Brandneue Klassiker


        by Kae Tempest, Johanna Wange

        Englisch und deutsch. Übersetzt von Johanna Wange. Die antiken Götter von heute leben im SĂŒdosten Londons. Sie heißen Kevin und Jane, Mary und Brian, Thomas und Clive – zwei Familien in benachbarten HĂ€usern, Eheleute, die einander betrĂŒgen, HalbbrĂŒder, die nichts voneinander wissen. Ihre Nöte, Hoffnungen und EnttĂ€uschungen bringt Kate Tempest in ihrem preisgekrönten Langgedicht Brand New Ancients / Brandneue Klassiker zu Gehör. In den kleinen, prekĂ€ren Leben findet sie die Kraft der alten Mythen wieder. Dem Zynismus und der GleichgĂŒltigkeit der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft setzt sie Humanismus und EinfĂŒhlungsvermögen entgegen und die Wucht ihrer Sprache.

      • Trusted Partner

        Amazing Grace

        The Story of Grace O'Malley the Notorious Pirate Woman

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

 , the “Pirate Queen of Connaught,” was thus vilified by those English authorities who tried to bring stubborn, recalcitrant Ireland to its knees in the Sixteenth Century. Twice married, twice widowed, a passionate lover, gambler, pirate, sea captain, politician, mother of heroes, and, above all, a symbol of the indomitable human spirit and Irish independence. She was a force to be reckoned with by anyone – man, woman, even the sovereign of England, who tried to cross her path. AMAZING GRACE swaggered boldly across the world stage for more than seventy years. These were turbulent times of Henry VIII and “Bloody Mary” Tudor, and Queen Elizabeth – the age of discovery when the remnants of the Middle Ages were dying – except in the provinces of Ireland – and the Renaissance was in full flower – the days of the “discovery” of America by Spaniards, the exploration of Africa and India by Portugal, the launching of the Invincible Armada, and the great schism of two contending forces of western Christianity. Armed with courage and daring to match that of any man, AMAZING GRACE lived a life “larger than legend.” More sinner than saint, she is remembered throughout western Ireland more than four hundred years after her death, celebrated in story and song. In a time when women were very much “second class citizens,” GRACE O’MALLEY did not need a women’s rights organization – she was her own force, and if you tried to cross her, you’d best beware. Sir Henry Sidney, the English Lord Deputy of Ireland, said it best: “There came to me a most feminine sea captain called Grace O’Malley, with three galleys and 200 fighting men. She brought a husband with her, and she was, by sea and by land, well more than Mrs. Mate with him. This was a notorious woman in all the coasts of Ireland.” , nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler, whose books have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, Turkish, Hebrew, and German, and author of international bestsellers , , , and , lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five grown children.  Published by Pangéa Publishing Group, 402 Pages, 2019. 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Over the Jumhuriya Bridge

        by Shahad Al Rawi

        This novel, a bestseller in Baghdad, starts with the first two American tanks that crossed over the Jumhuriya Bridge into the heart of Baghdad in 2003, as the narrator watches events unfold from her grandfather’s house at the riverfront. That’s when her emigration journey begins, setting her on a path to experience both love and death away from her country. After her mother passes away, her father resorts to quantum physics in an attempt to interpret the meaning of existence, while the nameless protagonist discovers the novels of Virginia Woolf, Charles Dickens, and Francoise Sagan. ///The author depicts how different generations of the same family live different worlds, separated by experiences and time despite occupying the same physical spaces. The Jumhuriya Bridge threads symbolism throughout the novel—ushering in the beginning of the military fall of the city and later being the setting of sporadic events, from innocent flirting, to gulls, down to the shocking event that pushes the story up to its climax.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Bridge: A Journey to Your Soul

        by Yoel Tordjman

        The Bridge, authored by Yoel Tordjman, is a journey through the inner workings of the human mind from a Kabbalistic perspective, which heals its readers’ souls as they progress through its pages.   Per the Torah, health begins in the mind. Each chapter of The Bridge addresses a different aspect of the human psyche that could potentially lead to disease. It then illustrates the keys to manifesting good health by creating bridges that connect all parts of the self into a coherent whole and to the main power source of the psyche.   By addressing the most relevant questions of our times—such as how to deal with uncertainty, overcome chronic stress, increase vitality, experience peace, and live one’s best life—the book is an invaluable tool to achieve happiness and peace of mind.   The Bridge is a collection of teachings by the author provided in response to people seeking his guidance. It was recorded by his son-in-law in writing, so that a wide audience of readers can have access to this essential knowledge.   Yoel Tordjman is an artist, educator, and mystic. Born in Paris in 1960, he has lived in Israel since 1989, first in Jerusalem and then in the ancient holy city of Safed (Tzfat), the original center of Jewish mysticism—the renowned City of Kabbalah. He is joyfully married with lovable children and grandchildren.   The author comes from a distinguished family of Jewish Torah scholars dedicated to community service. He has continued this legacy by serving as a community leader for forty-five years, during which time he has achieved far-reaching influence through his paintings and his unique voice. Among the eclectic body of work is a captivating collection of 613 mixed media paintings that convey the powerful vibrational messages of the 613 commandments (mitzvot)—a symbolic, magical number that corresponds to the organs of the human body. These paintings have a profoundly healing effect on those who meditate on them and share the spaces they occupy. Tordjman’s global vision is to exhibit all of his paintings across twelve international bridges, creating a spiritual art event that bridges the gap of humanity across every religion, race, and culture.   An email English-language edition on has been scheduled for publication in Fall 2024. 320  pages , 15x 22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner


        by Emma-Jane Cross

        In Walking the Wheel of the Year holistic life coach, spiritual guide and pagan priestess Emma-Jane Cross supports you to create your own spiritual and personal growth path using nature’s seasonal rhythm as the catalyst for personal and spiritual growth.An inspirational tool to start living a lifestyle connected to nature’s rhythm, this book can be used as a year-long workbook to carry out various seasonal activities, journeys and ceremonies throughout the year.

      • Trusted Partner

        SCRIBE :The Story of the Only Female Pope

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The monastery at Siani was famous throughout the academic world for its library. The monks of medieval days routinely obtained ancient, crumbling manuscripts and recopied them. Among them, hidden in a wall in the cellar, the following parchment was found and faithfully recopied in the practiced hand of the Sianian monks several centuries after its original writing.  Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the bestselling historical novels: AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Magnificent Trio That Built Israel's Air Force; SCRIBE: The Only Female Pope; AMAZING GRACE: The Outstanding Tale of Grace O'Malley, The Notorious Pirate Woman; LEGACY: A Turkish Saga; and the gripping, breath-holding thrillers ASSASSIN & MISFIRE, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish. as well as THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics. Hugo Gerstl lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By  Pangéa Publishing Group 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Under the bridge

        by Fonseka ,Kulasena

        Won the Srilankan State Literary Award in 1982 Award-Winning Film Based on the Novel in Sri Lanka   Under the Bridge (Palama Yata - ඎාගඞ à¶șට), which became the best novel of 1982 and was also made into a movie, is a story about a woman named Dottie, who is lonely because her husband was imprisoned, but it remains in the hearts of the readers as a story that captures the tragedy of the lives of the entire slum dwellers. This story unfolds as the events and characters are pulled from link to link, controlling time and space well. There Kulasena Fonseka tells us the story of Dottie's family as well as the story of illegal slum dwellers in Sri Lanka. Real life in prison surrounded by a beautiful ecosystem. It is the story of the downtrodden who have to risk their independence in the way of their lives, pushed more by bureaucracy.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Broken BridgeRemnant Snow

        by Wang Xufeng

        “Ten Scenes in West Lake” is the work of Wang Xufeng, the famous writer and Mao Dun Literature Award winner, in the background of Hangzhou West Lake. It is a collection of novellas with the historical " Ten Scenes in West Lake " as the starting point. The ten novellas  are independent stories ,and are also connected to each other, forming a series of books that are saturated with the charm of Jiangnan. The book Broken BridgeRemnant Snow is one of the novellas. The author uses the broken bridge scenic spots in the West Lake to tell the readers stories among the old man Xu Xuan and Xiao Bai, Xiao Qing and Master Hai. In the misty and rainy West Lake, a piece of past events begins.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2009

        Library of Chinese Classics :The Romance of West Chamber

        by Wang Shifu

        The "West Chamber" of Wang Shih-fu in the Yuan Dynasty was a masterpiece of Chinese classical opera and a masterpiece of Chinese literature. The theme of the drama is the love story of the young scholar Zhang Huan and the late Ying-Ying, the daughter of the 19-year-old Cui Xianguo. The whole play is divided into five (screen) twenty (field). The first Zhang Ying and Ying Ying in the temple at first sight. The second to write Zaibing siege filled homes, Zhangsheng rescue, Mrs. Cui allow her daughter Yingying with Zhangsheng wife, then eat their own words. The third one to write a pair of lover Acacia sponge. The fourth the first Valentine's tryst Valentine's Day; the second letter of Mrs. Choi to Changsheng Beijing exam, the high school after the wedding; the third Valentine's leave, Zhang went to Beijing to attend the meeting; the fourth fold of the lover dream phase Will be done. The fifth to write a couple reunion. In short, "The Romance of the West Chamber" wrote the contradiction between love and family honor. The result was that Zhang Sheng would try high school, winning the honor and winning the love.

      • Trusted Partner

        "Anxin Elementary School" Bridge Books for Social and Emotional Learning

        by Written by Cen Pengwei, Illustrated by Zhang Tingyu

        This series includes 5 bridge books, designed to cultivate five core competencies in children: interpersonal communication, emotional regulation, psychological well-being, time management, and financial management, which could assist children in navigating the complexities of school life and empower them to effectively solve problems.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors

        Ein lÀssiger Generationenroman aus Indien

        by Aravind Jayan, Daniel Beskos

        Es ist mehr als nur ein neues Auto. FĂŒr Appa und Amma der indischen Kleinfamilie beglaubigt der weiße Honda Civic – »Weiß ist gut. Das wirkt sauber« – den Aufstieg. Mittelschicht, harter Arbeit Lohn, die Kinder werden es mal besser haben. NatĂŒrlich sollen die Nachbarn das sehen! Doch Sreenath, ihr Ältester, verhĂ€lt sich seltsam, kommt nicht mal runter in die Einfahrt, und sehr bald wissen sie und ihr JĂŒngster sowieso: Ein Video ist aufgetaucht, eins von Sreenath und seiner Freundin, auf einer dieser Seiten. Seit Jahren sind sie ein Paar, trotzdem bedeutet dieses heimlich gefilmte Video eine unerhörte Schande, und eine sagenhafte Eskalation nimmt seinen Lauf 
 Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors ist ein beißender Generationenroman aus Indien. Aravind Jayan erzĂ€hlt darin mit der LĂ€ssigkeit der Jungen von Scham, Repression und Tradition im Angesicht von Klasse, Sex, dem Internet. Und doch beschreibt er mit ZĂ€rtlichkeit eine Heimat, die fortwĂ€hrend mit der eigenen Modernisierung kĂ€mpft.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Dust between Earth and Heaven

        by Pan Feng has published many essays, stories, and mini-stories in national literary journals, including "Love to the Western Hunan", "Sunshine Journey", "The Cattle", "The Fake Buddha", "The Chess Game", etc.

        The novel, Dust between Earth and Heaven, is a literary work created by Pan Feng, an author born in Hunan, based on his family history, which spans a century.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999


        by Wulf, Kirsten

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2016

        Tourism Theory

        Concepts, Models and Systems

        by Guilherme Lohmann, Alexandre Panosso Netto

        Theories within tourism can be difficult, even confusing areas to understand. Developed from the successful Portuguese textbook Teoria do Turismo, Tourism Theory provides clear and thorough coverage of all aspects of tourism theory for students and researchers of tourism. Consisting of five sections and over fifty entries, this book covers nine of the most important models in tourism study. The first three sections examine general concepts in tourism; disciplines and topics; and the tourist, which includes areas such as demand, gaze, psychology and typologies. A fourth section covers intermediation, distribution and travel, reviewing aspects such as travel agencies, tourist flows and multi-destination travel patterns. The final section encapsulates the tourism destination itself, covering organizations, the destination image, supply, seasonality and more. Encyclopedic cross-referencing between entries makes navigation easy, while in-depth analysis, exercises and further reading suggestions for each of the selected areas provide the context and detail needed for understanding. Entries can be used individually as a reference, or as part of the whole for a complete introduction to tourism theory. ; Developed from the successful Portuguese textbook Teoria do Turismo, Tourism Theory provides clear and thorough coverage of all aspects of tourism theory for students and researchers of tourism. It examines general concepts in tourism; disciplines and topics; the tourist; intermediation, distribution and travel; and the tourism destination. ; -: IntroductionSection 1: Concepts1.1: General systems theory and tourism1.2: Hospitality1.3: Leisure1.4: Entertainment1.5: Recreation1.6: Tourism and travel1.7: Food and beverage1.8: Events1.9: Landscape1.10: Authenticity in tourismSection 2: Disciplines and Topics of Study2.1: Jafari’s interdisciplinary model2.2: Ethics in tourism2.3: The anthropology of tourism2.4: Culture and tourism2.5: Postmodernity and tourism2.6: Psychology and tourism2.7: The sociology of tourism2.8: BoullĂłn’s theory of touristic space2.9: Nodal functions2.10: Tourism public policy2.11: Tourism planning2.12: Tourism balance of payments2.13: Tourism satellite account2.14: The tourism multiplier effect2.15: Tourism administration2.16: Tourism clusters2.17: Tourism marketing2.18: The economics of tourism companies2.19: Sustainability in tourismSection 3: The Tourist3.1: Tourism demand3.2: Tourist experience3.3: Determinant and motivational factors3.4: Crompton’s destination-choice model3.5: Schmöll’s tourism consumer choice model3.6: Urry’s theory of the ‘tourist gaze’3.7: Plog’s psychographic model3.8: Traveller typologies3.9: Klenosky and Gitelson’s conceptual model on travel agent recommendation processSection 4: Intermediation, Distribution and Travel4.1: Tourism distribution channels4.2: Travel agencies4.3: Computer reservation system4.4: Mariot’s model of tourist flows4.5: Campbell’s model of recreational and vacational travel4.6: Multi-destination travel pattern models4.7: Defert’s tourist function index4.8: Pearce and Elliott’s trip index4.9: Transport and tourism mobilitySection 5: The Tourism Destination5.1: Tourism destinations5.2: Tourism organizations5.3: Tourism destination image5.4: Resorts5.5: Butler’s model (tourism destination life cycle)5.6: Prideaux’s resort-development spectrum5.7: Tourism supply5.8: Tourism services and facilities5.9: Tourism infrastructure5.10: Tourist attraction5.11: Lodging establishments5.12: Seasonality

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        The elementary structuring of patriarchy

        Bolivian women and transborder mobilities in the Andes

        by Menara Guizardi

        Based on an ethnographic study on the Andean Tri-border (between Chile, Peru, and Bolivia), this volume addresses the experience of Aymara cross-border women from Bolivia employed in the rural valleys on the outskirts of Arica (Chile's northernmost city). As protagonists of transborder mobility circuits, these women are intersectionally impacted by different forms of social vulnerability. With a feminist anthropological perspective, the book investigates how the boundaries of gender are constructed in the (multi)situated experience of these transborder women. By building a bridge between classical anthropological studies on kinship and contemporary debates on transnational and transborder mobility, the book invites us to rethink structuralist theoretical assertions on the elementary character of family alliances.

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