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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        100 Cards for Coaching with Resource Activation

        by Deppe-Schmitz, Uta; Deubner-Böhme, Miriam

        This set of cards includes 70 color photos and 30 question cards. The combination of pictures and questions allows for the use in a wide range of activities in coaching, which are presented in the enclosed booklet. The card set is also the ideal complement to the book “Coaching with Resource Activation”, which explains the possibilities of using the cards in more detail. In addition, the card set can also be used for resource activation in the context of therapy. For:• coaches• therapists• counselors• trainers

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Howling Tiger

        by Mu Ling

        This booklet describes a beast-infested mountain forest inside and outside, several generations of mountain people and the tiger between the grudges and feuds - this was originally a know how to fear nature, and wildlife and coexist in harmony with the family; by the temptation of foreign, but also out of the narrow-minded "vengeance" mentality, the villagers Wang Ermeng and a few hunters again and again contrary to the rules of the village to capture beasts and hunt tigers, resulting in the tiger and the mountain people of the antagonism, but also brought the contradiction between fathers and sons.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Lin Handa Chinese History Stories (Comic version)·The Spring and Autumn Period

        by Lin Handa

        The comic illustrated series of “Lin Handa Chinese History Stories” is the original unabridged comic illustrated version of “Lin Handa Chinese History Stories”. There are five sets, divided into: the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, Western Han, Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms. This set of 8 volumes has 1 knowledge booklet, suitable for children from the third grade and above. Author Lin Handa is a famous educator and linguist. He has edited the “Lin Handa Chinese History Stories” and this series sell best for more than 50 years. This is a classic book of Chinese history for children.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Knot of Fairy Tales

        by Vitaliia Savchenko (Author), Natalia Khmelivska (Illustrator), Stepan Bybyk (Illustrator)

        This collection includes tales about friendship and faith in miracles. It is an ideal reding text for preschool and primary school children.   From 3 to 8 years, 6563 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Language training for small moderators

        Children's Language Art Series Textbook

        by Guangzhou Aiyi Education and Training Institution

        This book is an extension of the "Children's Language Art Series Teaching Material-Language Skills Training for Little Hosts". Pinyin is added to facilitate learning and teaching. The teaching method is also more suitable for preschool children, through language training to exercise children's language expression ability. The book consists of two parts: basic knowledge and performance. Full color printing. The book core paper is 80 grams of Monken, which does not hurt the eyes.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: Mr. Seahorse in his head

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, Zhang Jiamin

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This booklet mainly describes the structure and function of the brain. The story begins with the protagonist Mia and her mother visiting the grandfather in the nursing home on the Double Ninth Festival. It mainly introduces the area and function map of the brain, especially the hippocampus and its important role in our memory.

      • Trusted Partner

        80 Picture Cards for Coaching, Training, and Psychotherapie

        Initiating Learning- and Change Processes

        by Evelin Fräntzel, Dieter Johannsen

        People think and remember in images, images influence our feelings and our perception, they shape our interpersonal communication and interaction. Coaches, supervisors,trainers, consultants, and therapists can use picture cards as a creative method to initiate learning and change processes among their clients. The card set can be used when working with groups and teams as well as in individual settings. Using the picture cards and the detailed exercise descriptions, processes ofprofessional and personal reorientation and further development of clients can be effectively supported. The enclosed booklet gives numerous suggestions for the use of the picture cards in practice.   For: • coaches• supervisors• consultants• group leaders• psychotherapists• psychologists• teachers, educators, personnel developers

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Great game power: ancient poetry amusement park

        by Duomapeiwa

        This is a set of books that can make ancient poetry study and play. It contains three ancient poetry game sets, and selects 78 ancient poems that must be mastered by primary school students. Each ancient poem is designed with a game that is helpful for reading and memory, so that preschool and lower primary school children can learn ancient poems in the game. In addition, the game chess of ancient poetry and the token of flying flowers of ancient poetry are designed for the children who have spare efforts.

      • Trusted Partner

        Sentence Completions for Adolescents

        by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann

        Sentence completions provide importantstarting points for therapeuticwork with children and adolescentsand are therefore often used in thecontext of diagnostics. The card setcontains 180 cards with sentencestarters for 17 categories, such as familyand origin, love and identity or beliefsand values, which provide informationon conflicts, resources,problems, fears, hopes and wishes ofadolescents aged 12 to 18. The cardsare the ideal companion for diagnosticsand the further course of treatmentthanks to the various possible uses andapplications in individual or group settings,which are described in detail inthe accompanying booklet, as well asextensive online materials. This meansthat children and young people cancomplete the sentence starters as anat-home task and people using thecard set can write down the answers tothe sentence starters directly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Preparing Children for School Through Play

        by Astrid Wirth, Efsun Birtwistle, Anna Mues, Frank Niklas

        Playful learning is an excellent way to help children acquire skills from an early age. This book illustrates ways to promote the development of preschool- age children through play in everyday family and kindergarten life – entirely without expensive resources!  Promotion of (written) language development and mathematical development forms a focus of this book, while preparing your child optimally for the two school subjects English and Mathematics. For:• parents and guardians• interested laypeople• educational specialists (such asteachers, childcare workers, socialworkers)

      • Trusted Partner

        Sentence Completions for Children

        by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann

        Sentence completions provide importantstarting points for therapeutic workwith children and adolescents and aretherefore often used in the context of diagnostics.The card set contains 160cards with sentence starters for 16 categories,such as family and origin, loveand identity or beliefs and values, whichprovide information on conflicts, resources,problems, fears, hopes andwishes of children and young peopleaged 5 to 13. The cards are the idealcompanion for diagnostics and the furthercourse of treatment thanks to thevarious possible uses and applicationsin individual or group settings, which aredescribed in detail in the accompanyingbooklet, as well as extensive online materials.This means that children andyoung people can complete the sentencestarters as an at-home task andpeople using the card set can writedown the answers to the sentencestarters directly.

      • Trusted Partner

        Character Strengths Intervention Cards

        50 cards with instruction booklet

        by Matthijs Steeneveld, Anouk van den Berg

        Would you like to teach your clients what their character strengths are and how they can use them more? This set of cards helps you do just that. Endorsed with a foreword by Ryan M. Niemiec, VIA Institute 50 full color cards Individual cards for the VIA 24 character strengths and 6 virtues 16 intervention cards 16-page booklet provides practice tips The VIA character strengths look at what positive character traits help us lead fulfilling and happy lives, rather than looking at what is wrong with us. Research has shown that knowing your strengths and using them more often leads to greater well-being, better performance, and more resilience. With these cards, you can help clients learn about their character strengths.   For: • psychotherapists• clinical psychologists• counselors

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Series of Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine School-Menghe School of Medicine

        by Chen Renshou

        This series of books has a detailed record of the history of the formation and development of important schools of traditional Chinese medicine in traditional Chinese culture. The chief editors of each booklet analyzed and summarized the academic characteristics of the school, representative figures, and the secret recipe and academic experience of the school in detail. He also raised his ardent expectations for the future development of this school. The content has high academic value and is a precious document for the study of traditional Chinese medicine culture. This book comprehensively introduces Meng He from the historical and cultural background of Menghe, the group of Menghe medical experts, the anecdotes and historical relics of Menghe medical school, the clinical academic thought of Menghe medical school, the foreign development and contemporary influence of Menghe medical school, etc. The formation and development of the medical school. Different from the general introduction, this book summarizes the circulation of the main medical books of the Menghe medical school, conducts field visits to its historical relics, and analyzes the clinical characteristics and academic commonality of the Menghe medical school.

      • Trusted Partner

        Sentence Completions for Adults

        by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann

        Sentence completions can be used toderive important starting points fortherapeutic work, which is why they areoften used in diagnostics. The card setcontains 180 cards with sentence beginningsin 17 categories such as familyand origin, love and identity or beliefsand values, which provide informationabout conflicts, resources, problems,fears, hopes and wishes of people aged18 and over. The cards are the idealcompanion for diagnostics and the furthercourse of treatment thanks to thewide range of possible uses and applicationsin individual or group settings,which are described in detail in the accompanyingbooklet, as well as extensiveonline materials. The card set particularlyenriches work in the fields ofpsychotherapy, counseling, couplestherapy, supervision and coaching.Various online materials complementthe card set. Adults can fill in the sentencestarters at home and people whouse the card set can write down the answersto the sentence starters directly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Iskra's Stellar Adventures

        by Olena Dovgalenko

        Are there smart dogs? Oh sure! The big scientific dog Iskra, fascinated by the beauty of the night sky, really wanted to study to gain knowledge about the cosmos, stars and constellations. An unexpected acquaintance with the elf Al and other fairy-tale heroes allowed Iskra to fulfil her dream and travel from star to star, where extraordinary adventures awaited her. In an interesting form, the fairy tale gives kids the first knowledge of astronomy, physics and ecology, introduces young readers to myths and legends about the stars, and gives an idea of space. A fairy tale is for children of preschool and primary school age and parents.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        The War and Little Veera

        by Julia Kosivchik (Author), Julia Kosivchik (Illustrator)

        The War and Little Veera  tells of the monster War, who brazenly interferes in the lives of children and feeds on their toys and laughter.  Nonetheless, little Veera still manages to defeat the horror. The monster War representes the events of Russia's military aggression in the eastern regions of Ukraine in 2014, and the book is full of optimism and confidence that light will always come after the darkness. To further celebrate young readers the book is full of interesting games and tasks. It is an ideal reading for children of preschool and primary school age.   From 5 to 8 years , 4841 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner

        Campus Environment and Design

        by Xu Hao

        The Campus Environment and Design series consists of 8 volumes, which are elaborately created by national recognized preschool education experts and senior professionals. Each volume has a theme with more than 2,000 design schemes to teach children and teachers to handle the spaces of doors and windows from festival layout, four seasons layout, classroom layout, hanging ornament layout, window  decoration layout,class theme layout, layout of corners and walls. The works can be used as toy classrooms, and can also be used for campus environment layout, which are convenient and practical for teaching through enjoyable activities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        July 1998


        An Identification Guide, 2nd Edition

        by Laurence A Mound, Geoffrey Kibby

        A number of species of Thysanoptera (thrips) are increasingly important crop pests in many parts of the world, as well as in some cases being vectors of plant disease. Communicating the known information about a species of organism is dependent on our ability to recognise or identify it accurately. This book is a completely revised and rewritten edition of the standard, widely used manual on these minute flying insects written by J.M. Palmer, L.A. Mound and G.J. du Heaume and published in 1989 as CIE Guides to Insects of Importance to Man 2. Thysanoptera, which provides a practical identification guide on a worldwide scale. The previous version posed problems for students in terms of fluency in English & knowledge of dichotomous keys. However, this thoroughly updated edition incorporates a new set of pictorial keys, which have been developed and used very successfully for training courses at the International Institute of Entomology and which will greatly enhance the ability of the non-specialist to identify thrips to species. Individuals of these insects can usually be identified only by examination under a microscope, often at high power. Within each species, individuals can vary in size, colour and shape and their appearance can be altered by techniques used in preparation. This booklet describes techniques used in the preparation of thrip specimens onto slides for identification and the means of identifying slide-mounted specimens most commonly encountered. It also introduces students to the biological diversity that is found amongst the Thysanoptera, their economic importance in terms of both damaging and beneficial effects, new identification techniques, additional information and taxa, glossary of technical terms, notes on each genus (described alphabetically within their families and subfamilies). Supplementary keys to species are also given within four genera that include several pest species (Caliothrips, Frankliniella, Scirtothrips and Thrips) along with new distribution records which have occurred since the publication of the first edition. It is an essential tool for applied entomologists and crop protection specialists involved in the control of crop pest thrips, and thrip taxonomists.

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