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      • Plexus Publishing Ltd.

        Plexus are publishers of high quality, illustrated non-fiction books, specialising in biography, popular culture, movies, music and gift books. Contact:

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Forever fluid

        by Hanneke Canters, Grace M. Jantzen

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        Humor in Psychiatric Care

        by Jonathan Gutmann

        How can humor be used to engage with and help people suffering from mental illness? This practical handbook explains the concept of humor in psychiatric treatment and sets out the case for employing it. The author outlines how nurses can assess who might benefit from the use of humor and for whom it would be out of place, and provides a toolkit of humorous interventions for daily nursing practice.   Target Group: Practicing nurses, psychiatric nurses, care clowns

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009

        Max Frisch. Citoyen

        by Max Frisch, Matthias Gunten

        »Wir riefen Gastarbeiter, und es kamen Menschen.« Mit Sätzen wie diesem griff Max Frisch immer wieder in das öffentliche Leben der Schweiz ein. Als politischer Intellektueller war er auch in anderen Ländern ein gefragter Gesprächspartner: Er diskutierte mit Henry Kissinger über den Krieg in Vietnam, war 1977 in der Nacht, in der die »Landshut« gestürmt wurde, bei Helmut Schmidt in Bonn. Dem Citoyen, dem engagierten Bürger Max Frisch hat Matthias von Gunten sein Porträt gewidmet. Zu Wort kommt, neben Kissinger und Schmidt sowie Schriftstellerkollegen wie Christa Wolf, Günter Grass und Peter Bichsel, auch der Autor Max Frisch selbst – seine Tagebucheinträge und Reden werden gelesen von Reto Hänny. »Solche Stimmen fehlen heute in der Schweiz«, sagte von Gunten dazu der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung. Man möchte ergänzen: und anderswo.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Max-Frisch-DVD-Box zum 100. Geburtstag

        by Max Frisch

        Zu Max Frischs 100. Geburtstag versammelt eine DVD-Box in der filmedition suhrkamp auf fünf DVDs die wichtigsten Filme von, mit und über den großen Schweizer Schriftsteller: ein Porträt des öffentlichen Intellektuellen Frisch (Matthias von Guntens Dokumentation "Max Frisch. Citoyen"), die vielfach ausgezeichnete Verfilmung "Holozän" von Heinz Bütler und Manfred Eicher, Richard Dindos "Journal I-III" (eine filmische Lektüre der Erzählung Montauk) sowie die Gespräche im Alter, die Philippe Pilliod in den Jahren 1985/1986 geführt hat. Vervollständigt wird das Paket durch ein besonderes Extra: Volker Schlöndorffs "Homo faber"-Adaption. Die Verfilmung mit internationaler Starbesetzung macht die Box zu einem Ereignis. Ein einzigartiger Zugang zu Leben und Werk des großen Autors.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        Bovine Tuberculosis

        by Mark Chambers, Stephen Gordon, Francisco Olea-Popelka, Paul Barrow

        This book is contemporary, topical and global in its approach, and provides an essential, comprehensive treatise on bovine tuberculosis and the bacterium that causes it, Mycobacterium bovis. Bovine tuberculosis remains a major cause of economic loss in cattle industries worldwide, exacerbated in some countries by the presence of a substantial wildlife reservoir. It is a major zoonosis, causing human infection through consumption of unpasteurised milk or by close contact with infected animals. Following a systematic approach, expert international authors cover epidemiology and the global situation; microbial virulence and pathogenesis; host responses to the pathogen; and diagnosis and control of the disease. Aimed at researchers and practising veterinarians, this book is essential for those needing comprehensive information on the pathogen and disease, and offers a summary of key information learned from human tuberculosis research. It will be useful to those studying the infection and for those responsible for controlling the disease.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Humour, subjectivity and world politics

        by Alister Wedderburn

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Pettersson und Findus. Findus zieht um

        Das Original-Hörspiel zum Kinofilm

        by Sven Nordqvist, Stefan Kurt, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Herbrechter, Ursula Illert, Barbara van den Speulhof

        Was? Findus darf nicht mehr um vier Uhr am Morgen auf seinem Bett herumhopsen?! Dann zieht er eben aus! Und zwar in das alte Plumpsklo. Dank bunter Tapeten, Bett, Tisch und Stühlen wird das kleine Holzhäuschen schnell hübsch und gemütlich gemacht. Jetzt kann Findus seine Sprünge machen, wann immer er will. Dumm nur, dass es nachts ganz schön einsam ist. Und ein bisschen Angst vor dem Fuchs hat Findus auch. Das Original-Filmhörspiel zu "Pettersson und Findus - Findus zieht um", dem dritten Leinwanderfolg zu den Büchern von Sven Nordqvist. Mit Stefan Kurt, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Herbrechter und Ursula Illert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Intimacy and mobility in an era of hardening borders

        Gender, reproduction, regulation

        by Haldis Haukanes, Frances Pine

        This book is a collection of articles by anthropologists and social scientists concerned with gendered labour, care, intimacy and sexuality, in relation to mobility and the hardening of borders in Europe. Interrogating the relation between physical, geopolitical borders and ideological, conceptual boundaries, it offers a range of vivid and original ethnographic case studies that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in gendered migration, policies of inclusion and exclusion, and regulation of reproduction and intimacy. The book presents ethnographic and phenomenological discussions of people's changing lives as they cross borders, how people transgress and reshape moral boundaries of proper gender and kinship behaviour, and moral economies of intimacy and sexuality. It also focuses on migrants' navigation of social and financial services in their destination countries, putting questions about rights and limitations on citizenship at the core.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukrainian Worlds of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Stories about History

        by Natalya Starchenko

        The vision of the Ukrainian history dominant in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union focused exclusively on the heroic Cossacks and disenfranchised peasants. There was no room in it for the local elites: the Ukrainian aristocracy (szlachta) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As the result of this biased perspective, Ukrainians to this day know very little about the life of those people. This book invites the readers to take a closer look at the Ukrainian aristocracy. This introduction is done in a somewhat unusual form, through true anecdotes from the life of aristocracy gleaned from court records and other sources from the time. We get glimpses of the elites not only in their best garbs but also in their well-worn home clothes. The book brings together 105 brief chapters that describe how these people saw themselves, how they fought and made peace, how they fell in love and got married, how unwavering they were in the defense of their rights in court. Last not least, these essays explore whether the Ukrainian elites were mere extras and viewers in history or its active makers, resolute and strong in their insistence on defending and expanding their rights and freedoms.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Liquid Matter, Revised Edition

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Some of life's most essential activities such as power generation, air transportation, space exploration, sewage systems, and modern medicine depend upon humankind's ability to understand and predict how liquids and gases behave. Liquid Matter, Revised Edition gives an in-depth look into the fundamental characteristics of various liquids required for life on Earth and beyond. With liquids being one of the three most familiar states of matter encountered on Earth, this reference describes the role of liquids in Earth's most essential processes. This newly updated edition focuses on several important liquids, including water, blood, oil, and mercury, highlighting the most important scientific principles upon which the field is based.   Chapters include: Liquid Matter—An Initial Perspective Physical Characteristics of Liquids Fundamentals of Fluid Science Water—Nature's Most Amazing Molecule The Oceans Water—Its Power and Applications Liquid Refreshments Lethal Liquids Volcanoes, Hot Springs, and Geysers Very Cold Liquids.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2014

        Pettersson und Findus. Kleiner Quälgeist - große Freundschaft


        by Sven Nordqvist, Ulrich Noethen, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Herbrechter, Ursula Illert, Ali N. Askin, Barbara van den Speulhof, Barbara van den Speulhof

        Der alte Pettersson hat eigentlich, was er zum Leben braucht. Er wohnt in einem schönen, roten Haus, verbringt seine Tage mit Holzhacken, Bastelarbeiten und Erfindungen, angelt und versorgt die Hühner. Nur manchmal fühlt er sich einsam. Da kommt ihm der kleine Kater Findus, den ihm Nachbarin Beda Andersson schenkt, gerade recht. Als sein niedlicher neuer Mitbewohner dann auch noch zu sprechen beginnt, ist das Glück perfekt - zumindest fast. Schließlich stellt der quirlige Findus Petterssons gewohnten Alltag ganz schön auf den Kopf … Das Originalhörspiel zu "Kleiner Quälgeist - große Freundschaft", der ersten Realfilmadaption von Sven Nordqvists Bilderbucherfolg Pettersson und Findus. Mit Ulrich Noethen, Marianne Sägebrecht und Max Herbrechter. Nach den Büchern von Sven Nordqvist: Wie Findus zu Pettersson kam, Eine Geburtstagstorte für die Katze, Ein Feuerwerk für den Fuchs und Findus und der Hahn im Korb.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Humoral cytology atlas

        by Duan Aijun

        This book mainly introduces the morphological characteristics of body fluid cells and describes the cell pictures in detail. A total of 12 chapters, including serous cavity fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, joint cavity fluid, prostatic fluid/testicular hydrocele, sputum/alveolar lavage fluid/bronchial brush, gastric juice/vomit/gallbladder puncture fluid, puncture fluid /Skin scraping, eye/sinus discharge, vaginal discharge/amniotic fluid/tissue puncture fluid, urine, stool and rare types of body fluids

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Liu Haiqi

        The novel tells the story of the boy Liu Lixian who tried all ways to learn to swim. With humorous and witty words, it shows the vitality as well as special games and sports spirits that belongs only to one's childhood, and presents the strong self-identity built during one's growing up.   The story happened in Jinan, a City of Springs, where the author has been living for 58 years. Along with various children's games, the novel also portrays the rich and fresh details of life and folk customs of the city.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Murky waters

        British spas in eighteenth-century medicine and literature

        by Sophie Vasset

        Murky waters challenges the refined image of spa towns in eighteenth-century Britain by unveiling darker and more ambivalent contemporary representations. It reasserts the centrality of health in British spas by looking at disease, the representation of treatment and the social networks of care woven into spa towns. The book explores the great variety of medical and literary discourses on the numerous British spas in the long eighteenth century and offers a rare look at spas beyond Bath. Following the thread of 'murkiness', it explores the underwater culture of spas, from the gender fluidity of users to the local and national political dimensions, as well as the financial risks taken by gamblers and investors. It thus brings a fresh look at mineral waters and a pinch of salt to health-related discourses.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2008

        Every Man Out of His Humour

        Ben Jonson

        by David Bevington, Helen Ostovich, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Despite its popularity when it first appeared in print in 1600, Every Man out of His Humour has never appeared as a single modern critical edition until now. The volume's introduction and annotations convey early modern obsessions with wealth and self-display by providing historical contexts and pointing out the continuity of those obsessions into modern life. The play is of interest because of its influence on the course of city comedy and its wealth of information about social relationships and colloquial language at the end of Elizabeth's reign. Jonson's experiments in generating theatrical meaning continued throughout his career, but Every Man out of His Humour - with its youthful vigour and extraordinary visualizations of the urban capacity for self-deceit - is a text that enriches the understanding of all the plays that come after it. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        Als Max noch Dietr war

        Geschichten aus der neutralen Zone

        by Moor, Max

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2020

        Rethinking settlement and integration

        by Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska

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