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        September 2021

        Hunan Mutation——Album of Poverty Alleviation in Hunan

        by Publicity Department of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee

        Hunan Mutation——Album of Poverty Alleviation in Hunan,One Book of Poverty Poverty Campaign is the content of clues, with vivid lens language, record the provincial government, party members and cadres at all levels, and group organizations, and groups from all walks of life. The feat, panorama presents the precision poverty alleviation work in Hunan Province, focusing on the series of new practices, new models and depth analysis of Hunan in the precise poverty alleviation, and the "precision poverty alleviation" is progranted under the guidance of "precision poverty alleviation". The promotion of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation experience, the comprehensive objective presence of the bright grade achieved by the province. Through the strong contrast before and after poverty poverty in poor area, fully highlight the obvious improvement of the local production and living conditions and deprotection of the poverty, reflecting the vicissitudes of the Sanxiang Earth, fully demonstrating the Sanxiang children, the spiritual style of hard work, and retain the spirit of the difficulties. The great historical painting of the poverty alleviation is precisely poverty alleviation.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Health Promotion

        Global Principles and Practice

        by Ruth Cross, Louise Warwick-Booth, Simon Rowlands, James Woodall, Ivy O'Neil, Sally Foster

        Health promotion is a key mechanism in tackling the foremost health challenges faced by developing and developed nations. Covering key concepts, theory and practical aspects, this new edition continues to focus on the themes central to health promotion practice worldwide. Social determinants, equality and equity, policy and health, working in partnerships, sustainability, evaluation and evidence-based practice are detailed, and the critical application of health promotion to practice is outlined throughout the book. Beginning with the foundations of this important area, in this new edition the authors then place greater emphasis on the role of power within health and communities. Drawing upon international settings and teaching experience in the global North and South, it finishes with a summary of the future directions of professional health promotion practice. Placing a strong emphasis on a global context, this book provides an accessible and engaging resource for postgraduate students of health promotion, public health nursing and related subjects, health practitioners and NGOs.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1993


        Der amerikanische Traumwagen

        by Box, Robert de la Rive

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        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Tour Operators and Operations

        Development, Management and Responsibility

        by Jacqueline Holland, David Leslie

        With a focus on the creation and distribution of packaged holidays, this text covers the fundamentals of business and the relationship between tour operators and destinations. With particular reference to the sustainability of both parties, it reviews the impacts and influences of tour operations and practices on destinations within the overriding context of tour operator responsibility. It addresses the entirety of this key component of the tourism sector, and reflects the shift in recent years from traditional 'sun, sea and sand' holiday to more bespoke packages. Taking into account tour operators as a growing factor among the major emergent economies of the world, this book is: - The first textbook to provide such in-depth content of tour operators and operations. - Written by authors with industry, research and teaching experience. - A wealth of information regarding popular eco, nature and adventure trips, as well as myriad niche and special interest products. Full of international and highly topical case studies, exercises and discussion questions, Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility is a fundamental text for students of tourism.

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        Children's & YA

        Tamaras Book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        Tamara’s book is something you can hold in your hands and read now but before it was just a dream. Tamara’s dream was kept in a beautiful box and when the box was opened up, it became possible for the dream to come true. This book is evidence that dreams can come true.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2012

        Health Promotion

        Global Principles and Practice

        by Rachael Dixey, Ruth Cross, Sally Foster, Skye Hughes, Diane Lowcock, Ivy O'Neil, Louise Warwick-Booth

        Health promotion is a key mechanism in tackling the foremost health challenges faced by developing and developed nations. Covering key concepts, theory and practical aspects, this textbook focuses on the themes central to contemporary health promotion practice on a global scale. Social determinants, equality and equity, policy and health, working in partnerships, sustainability, evaluation and evidence-based practice are detailed, and the critical application of health promotion to practice is outlined throughout the book. With contributions from the Centre for Health Promotion Research team at Leeds Metropolitan University, the author shows how ideas drawn from social science can aid health promotion theory and practice in complex, real-life situations, drawing upon international settings and teaching experience in the global North and South, finishing with a summary of the future directions of professional health promotion practice. Placing a strong emphasis on a global context, this book provides an accessible and engaging resource for postgraduate students of health promotion, public health nursing and related subjects, health practitioners and NGOs.

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        Diets & dieting
        October 2008

        Nutrition Promotion

        Theories and methods, Systems and Settings

        by Tony Worsley

        With the media highlighting the growing obesity epidemic in western society, dieticians, nutritionists, and other health professionals increasingly have to promote healthy eating to the general public. Although nutrition education has been established for decades, health promotion and media communication are now part of the toolkit needed to solve wide ranging nutritional issues that cause major health problems. Nutrition Promotion sets nutrition education firmly in a public health context and provides practical applications in a variety of settings and age groups. It draws on international research and theory, and includes international case studies and examples.

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        Empty Lunch Box

        by Author: Ai Wen’er, Xing HuoIllustrator: Xing Huo

        Key Points: Touches in little wishes teach children to be kind and make the connections.   Brief content Coronavirus disease breaks out at a dizzying speed. A stray dog that used to rely on people’s feed now loses its food supply. Fortunately, a girl and her grandma, who often fed the dog, adopt it. The parents of the girl are both front-line medical workers who devote themselves to battling with the epidemic. During the time when the girl’s parents are far away, the dog is a comfort to her, accompanying her to wait for her parent’s victory and homecoming.    Reading Guidance This picture book illustrates the life in a community facing epidemic. The empty lunch box becomes a symbol of the empty street in the time of an epidemic. Therefore, filling up the empty lunch box symbolizes the emotions between humans and animals and the love among people. Flowers in the empty lunch box embodies the seed of hope sprouting in love.  Animals are human beings’ friends. This book on the one hand focuses on the epidemic situation and the community’s work. On the other hand, it guides children to care about life and pass on love to others.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India,Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to     (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to           (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to    (fetch code: 0la4)

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Die große Olchi-Detektive-Box 1

        by Erhard Dietl, Barbara Iland-Olschewski, Frank Gustavus, Markus Langer, Benjamin Dittrich, Wolf Frass, Frank Gustavus, Peter Weis, Patrick Bach, Pia Werfel, Monty Arnold, Peter Kirchberger, Christian Stark, Frank Jordan, Eva Michaelis, Stephanie Kirchberger, Robert Missler, Dagmar Dreke, Kai Henrik Möller, Lennardt Krüger, Rudolf Danielewicz, Jens Wendland, Leon Seibel, Frank Gustavus, Alexander Rieß, Katharina von Keller, Volker Hanisch, Gerlinde Dillge, Erhard Dietl, Christoph Schöne

        In "Die große Olchi-Detektive-Box 1" entführt Erhard Dietl junge Hörer in die spannende Welt des berühmten Olchi-Detektivs Mister Paddock und seines tollpatschigen Gehilfen Dumpy. Diese Box enthält vier Hörspiele, in denen das ungleiche Duo einige der listigsten Verbrecher Londons jagt, darunter den berüchtigten Firebomb Jack. Von den Gully-Gangstern über Falschspieler bis hin zu rätselhaften Raubzügen – mit Scharfsinn und der Hilfe der Olchis aus Schmuddelfing gelingt es ihnen, jeden Fall zu lösen. Die Geschichten sind reich an Abenteuer, Witz und pfiffigen Wendungen, ideal für Kinder im Alter ab 6 Jahren, die Spannung und Humor gleichermaßen schätzen. Spannende Detektivgeschichten: Perfekt für junge Hörer*innen, die Abenteuer und Rätsel lieben. Bildungswert: Fördert logisches Denken und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten durch mitreißende Kriminalfälle. Beliebte Charaktere: Mister Paddock und Dumpy sind bei den Kindern für ihre lustigen und cleveren Ermittlungen bekannt. Familiengerecht: Eine unterhaltsame Auswahl für gemeinsame Hörstunden, geeignet für Kinder und ihre Eltern. Robuste Verpackung und hochwertige Produktion: Sichert eine langanhaltende Nutzung und einfache Handhabung. Vier Geschichten in einer Box: Bietet stundenlanges Hörvergnügen und hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Enthält die Hörspiele: Olchi-Detektive 1: Jagd auf die Gully-GangsterOlchi-Detektive 2: Rote Karte für HalunkenOlchi-Detektive 3: LöwenalarmOlchi-Detektive 4: Im Einsatz der Königin

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Dragon Child Bundle (Bände 1-3)

        by Omphalius, Ruth

        ***Alle drei Bände der magischen Drachenfantasy im Bundle*** Entfache das Feuer in dir! Sophie hat mit Übergewicht zu kämpfen, wird in der Schule gemobbt und kann sich nicht einmal gegen ihren kleinen Bruder durchsetzen. Am liebsten zieht sie sich mit einem guten Buch von der Welt zurück und hofft, im besten Fall einfach übersehen zu werden. Doch all das ändert sich schlagartig, als sich ihre unterdrückte Wut eines Tages in einem markerschütternden Schrei entlädt, Feuer und Verwüstung um sich greifen und Sophie in bizarre Träume abgleitet: hoch in der Luft schwebend über dem Haus ihrer Eltern oder auf der Flucht vor schaurigen Vogelwesen. Selbst dem coolsten Mädchen der Klasse, Melissa, fallen die Veränderungen auf und sie beginnt Sophie auszuspionieren. Weder Melissa noch Sophie ahnen jedoch, wie groß und lebensbedrohlich das Geheimnis, dem sie auf der Spur sind, tatsächlich ist. Dieses Bundle enthält alle drei Teile der fantastisch-magischen Dragon Child Serie: - Dragon Child 1: Das Erwachen - Dragon Child 2: Die Rebellion - Dragon Child 3: Die Allianz

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Die Olchis 10er Box

        by Erhard Dietl, Robert Missler, Eva Michaelis, Rainer Schmitt, Stephanie Kirchberger, Monty Arnold, Jodie Ahlborn, Nadine Schreier, Jens Wendland, Robin Brosch, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, Nils Wulkop, Erhard Dietl, Wolf Frass, Frank Gustavus, Uticha Marmon, Frank Gustavus, Uticha Marmon

        Die besten Geschichten der Olchis in einer Box zum muffelfurzteuflischen Preis von nur 14,99 €! Krötig gut! Enthält: Die Olchis sind da Die Olchis auf Geburtstagsreise Die Olchis fliegen in die Schule Die Olchis im Zoo Die Olchis und der schwarze Pirat Die Olchis und die Teufelshöhle Die Olchis und die Gully-Detektive von London Die Olchis. Safari bei den Berggorillas Die Olchis. Jagd auf das Phantom Die Olchis im Land der Dinos

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Pettersson und Findus 10er Box

        by Sven Nordqvist, Laura Maire, Fred Maire, Jens Wawrczeck, Martin Reinke, Angela Metzler, Stefanie Mühle, Katherina Wolter, Ilse Strambowski, Angelika Kutsch, Frank Oberpichler, Dieter Faber, Theresia Singer, Theresia Singer

        10 tolle Abenteuer & Geschichten zum Spitzenpreis von nur 14,99 €! Herrlich unerwachsen kommen die wundervollen Geschichten mit Pettersson und Findus daher. Ein nostalgischer Welterfolg rund um den schräg-schrulligen Pettersson mit seinem sprechenden Kater, den Hahn Caruso oder die Mucklas: Eine Box voller Spaß und toller Abenteuer: - Eine Geburtstagstorte für die Katze - Ein Feuerwerk für den Fuchs - Armer Pettersson - Pettersson kriegt Weihnachtsbesuch - Aufruhr im Gemüsebeet - Pettersson zeltet - Findus und der Hahn im Korb - Wie Findus zu Pettersson kam - Findus zieht um -  Schau mal, was ich kann, Pettersson!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Das kleine Böse Buch 3er Box

        by Magnus Myst, Arndt Schmöle, Frank Bahrenberg, Amelie Plaas-Link, Kim Friehs, Michael Kamp, Marc Hotz, Kristin Scheinhütte, Thomas Hussung, Ralf Kiwit, Ralf Kiwit

        Band 1-3 in einer Box zum unschlagbaren, gar nicht bösen Download-Preis von nur 9,99 €! Das kleine Böse Buch hat einen großen Traum: Es will ein richtig Böses Buch werden, ganz wie die Großen. Nur braucht es dafür die Hilfe der Leser*innen – als Versuchskaninchen, um damit auf den richtigen ... äh, bösen Weg zu kommen! Und dann ist da auch noch Finster, der das Geheimnis der Bösartigkeit aufdecken und stehlen will. Mit kniffligen Rätseln und schaurig-lustigen Geschichten.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Max-Frisch-DVD-Box zum 100. Geburtstag

        by Max Frisch

        Zu Max Frischs 100. Geburtstag versammelt eine DVD-Box in der filmedition suhrkamp auf fünf DVDs die wichtigsten Filme von, mit und über den großen Schweizer Schriftsteller: ein Porträt des öffentlichen Intellektuellen Frisch (Matthias von Guntens Dokumentation "Max Frisch. Citoyen"), die vielfach ausgezeichnete Verfilmung "Holozän" von Heinz Bütler und Manfred Eicher, Richard Dindos "Journal I-III" (eine filmische Lektüre der Erzählung Montauk) sowie die Gespräche im Alter, die Philippe Pilliod in den Jahren 1985/1986 geführt hat. Vervollständigt wird das Paket durch ein besonderes Extra: Volker Schlöndorffs "Homo faber"-Adaption. Die Verfilmung mit internationaler Starbesetzung macht die Box zu einem Ereignis. Ein einzigartiger Zugang zu Leben und Werk des großen Autors.

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        September 2020

        Manual on Postharvest Handling of Mediterranean Tree Fruits and Nuts

        by Carlos H. Crisosto, Gayle M. Crisosto

        Postharvest is an important element of getting fresh, high quality fruit to the consumer and technological advances continue to outpace infrastructure. This book provides valuable, up-to-date information on postharvest handling of seven fruit and nut crops: almonds, figs, table grapes, pistachio, persimmon, peach and pomegranate. These crops are of particular importance in the Mediterranean region, but also to those countries that export and import these crops, where intensive economic resources are dedicated to developing information to understand and solve their postharvest problems. Written by a team of internationally-recognised postharvest experts, this manual collates and verifies essential but often difficult to access information on these important crops, pertinent for the World economics that affect agricultural communities. The book - Covers relevant postharvest topics for each crop across the growing, packing, shipping and retail postharvest phases - Has an emphasis on knowledge useful to solve current worldwide industry problems - Includes practical recommendations - Makes available information previously published in other languages This is must-have manual for growers and commodity handlers, cold storage managers, transportation personnel, produce managers and retail handlers, or anyone in the food chain that packs, transports, stores and sells these fruits and nuts.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        Literary Tourism

        Theories, Practice and Case Studies

        by Ian Jenkins, Katrín Anna Lund

        Literary tourism is a nascent field in tourism studies, yet tourists often travel in the footsteps of well-known authors and stories. Providing a wide-ranging cornucopia of literary tourism topics, this book fully explores the interconnections between the written word and travel. It includes tourism stories using guidebooks, films, television and electronic media, and recognises that stories, texts and narratives, even if they cannot be classified as traditional travel writing, can become journeys in themselves and take us on imaginary voyages. Furthermore, the book: - Provides a grounding in the theoretical perspectives on literature and the tourist experience; - Explores practical applications of literary tourism, such as destination promotion and creation, responsible tourism and learning benefits; - Uses global case studies to study literary tourism in action. Appealing to a wide audience of different disciplines, it encompasses subjects such as business literary writing, historical journeys and the poetry of Dylan Thomas. The use of these different perspectives demonstrates how heavily and widely literature influences travel, tourists and tourism, making it an important read for researchers and students of tourism, social science and literature.

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