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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Double Wahala, Double Trouble

        by Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike

        A woman chops off her finger to demonstrate her fidelity to her lover. A mother loses her mind upon discovering that her husband has left her and their only child. An artist seeks to unravel why his neighbour's face enchants him. A passenger on a bus acts as an emissary of death. Meet some of the characters in Double Wahala Double Trouble, a collection of eleven stories by the award-winning poet, short story writer, children's novelist, and literary scholar. In this stunning collection, Umezurike lures the reader into a journey of the absurd and the grisly to show us men and women struggling to live, desire, love, and thrive against the eddy of troubles in their world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2023

        Medieval women and urban justice

        Commerce, crime and community in England, 1300–1500

        by Teresa Phipps

        This book provides a detailed analysis of women's involvement in litigation and other legal actions within their local communities in late-medieval England. It draws upon the rich records of three English towns - Nottingham, Chester and Winchester - and their courts to bring to life the experiences of hundreds of women within the systems of local justice. Through comparison of the records of three towns, and of women's roles in different types of legal action, the book reveals the complex ways in which individual women's legal status could vary according to their marital status, different types of plea and the town that they lived in. At this lowest level of medieval law, women's status was malleable, making each woman's experience of justice unique.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Women and Pilgrimage

        by E. Moore Quinn, Alison T. Smith, Sharenda Holland Barlar, Maryjane Dunn, Susan Dunn-Hensley, Shirley du Plooy, Vivienne Keely, Sarah E. Owens, Emma Rochester, Lisa F. Signori

        Women and Pilgrimage presents scholarly essays that address the lacunae in the literature on this topic. The content includes well-trodden domains of pilgrimage scholarship like sacred sites and holy places. In addition, the book addresses some of the less-well-known dimensions of pilgrimage, such as the performances that take place along pilgrims' paths; the ephemeral nature of identifying as a pilgrim, and the economic, social and cultural dimensions of migratory travel. Most importantly, the book's feminist lens encourages readers to consider questions of authenticity, essentialism, and even what is means to be a "woman pilgrim". The volume's six sections are entitled: Questions of Authenticity; Performances and Celebratory Reclamations; Walking Out: Women Forging Their Own Paths; Women Saints: Their Influence and Their Power; Sacred Sites: Their Lineages and Their Uses; and Different Migratory Paths. Each section will enrich readers' knowledge of the experiences of pilgrim women. Readers' understanding will be further enhanced by the book's: · interdisciplinary nature: The contributors hail from a wide range of disciplines, including Anthropology, Political Science, French, Spanish, Fine Art, and Religious Studies; · uniqueness: The text brings together previously scattered resources into one volume; · feminist perspective: Much of the subject matter utilizes feminist theories and methodologies and argues that further research will be welcome. The book will be of interest to scholars of pilgrimage studies in general as well as those interested in women, travel, tourism, and the variety of religious experiences.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 1999

        Plays on women

        Anon, Arden of Faver

        by David Bevington, Kathleen McLuskie

        Based on the original and authoritative Revels texts, Plays on women brings together four plays which dramatise the lives of women in Shakespeare's England The only available anthology focusing on women and including the four plays most often discussed. . . . ;

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        February 1905

        Little Women

        by Louise May Alcott

        Little Women "has been read as a romance or as a quest, or both. It has been read as a family drama that validates virtue over wealth", but also "as a means of escaping that life by women who knew its gender constraints only too well".[6]:34 According to Sarah Elbert, Alcott created a new form of literature, one that took elements from Romantic children's fiction and combined it with others from sentimental novels, resulting in a totally new format. Elbert argued that within Little Women can be found the first vision of the "All-American girl" and that her multiple aspects are embodied in the differing March sisters.

      • Health & Personal Development


        And how to spot them

        by Tere Díaz Sendra

        Are you tired of asking your partner and explaining what you need, and receive noresponse? Are you frustrated by feeling that your needs are not considered? Do you fearthat your relationship will limit your personal growth? Do you feel that there is love, butalso that his love catches you and wears you down? Many people, particularly women, seek therapy for symptoms like depression and anxiety, but without clear awareness of what causes them. Many blame themselves for not being “good enough, ” and not understanding to their partners.The common denominator of their mental health challenge is the minimization and invisibility caused by the oppression in in their exchanges with their partner, as opposed to receiving encouragement and support for their personal and professional development. This oppression will lead to diminishment and limiting their decisions through silences,gestures, humiliations or even physical violence, while they protect themselves byassuming a role that is lower than that of his/her partner. Jerks are not always easy to identify; they tend to confuse their partners with effusivedisplays of love that cover up their high doses of control and abuse. We talk about thejerks, those men who make people fall in love with sweet words, flowers and attention and who, little by little, display their crude, aggressive and even dangerous ways of “loving”. They destroy self-esteem and make their prey feel guilty for their behaviors. This book is a guide that speaks to the person trapped in a pitiful relationship. To reflect on your daily life and identify the characteristics of an abusive relationship, leading her by the hand to recognize the beliefs that trap her, to distinguish the patterns that she repeats, and to put into practice techniques that will allow her to get out of the abuse,recover, and bloom again.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 1994

        Italian women writing

        by Sharon Wood

        How has it happened that from being politely ignored or marginalized just half a century ago, women writers in Italy are now at the centre of literary activity? To what extent does writing by women reflect the successes and failures of Italy in the post-war period? What form did the feminist movement in Italy take, and how did this affect what - and how - women wrote? And how are women who write responding to a more fragmented post-modern age? These are just some of the questions asked of the relationship between women and fiction in post-war Italy in this anthology. It includes stories by Cialente, Ginzburg, Ortese, Morante, Romano, Maraini and Duranti as well as Bompiani, Sanvitale, Mizzau, Scaramuzzino, Capriolo and Petrignani. The thirteen stories presented offer a range of style and content indicative of the wealth and diversity of writing by women, and their reading is supported by critical notes and an extensive vocabulary. This is a clear and challenging introduction to the rich field of women and fiction in Italy. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        A Drip, A Drop, A Deluge

        A Period Tragicomedy

        by Andeasyand (Nurulhuda Izyan)

        What do newspapers, bread, cosmic changes, and a uterus lining have in common?A Drip. A Drop. A Deluge: A Period Tragicomedy takes us on a journey through theeyes (and wombs) of six different women and how they – and the people aroundthem – experience their monthly cycles.Menstruation is an intimately personal yet shared experience that can sometimesbe hard to talk about candidly, but it’s time to put menstruating bodies at the heartof the conversation. Inspired by true stories from Asian women, this beautifullyillustrated short comic by Andeasyand shows the lived experiences of unique,individual bodies, and brings to light the commonly undiscussed symptoms andtrepidations of periods – heavy, regular, or nonexistent.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        The Mindset Challenge

        For mastery of life and living

        by Kate Munari

        What kind of mindset do you really need to succeed  as a Helicopter Pilot in Afghanistan? Kate Munari really wanted to fly helicopters, and she really wanted to go into a combat zone. What it took to get her there, how she coped with everything from enrolment, to pilot training courses, preparation for deployment to one of the most dangerous places in the world, for anyone to be in 2008. Three successful tours of Afghanistan was the highlight of a 17 year career as a helicopter pilot for Kate, and she shares her stories to inspire anyone wanting to know more about the mindsets she employed during that time, and for her life in general. It’s a riviting tale of determination, courage, and ambition. Her personal stories include insights into:  12 hours per day transporting troop in Helmand Province while being shot at. Advanced training and formation flying that will leave you breathless. Flying under extreme pressure in various parts of the world. Enounters with Royalty, Tribal Chief's, and Interrogators.  This book is perfectly targeted at Leaders who are either in business or running teams of any size in any industry, based on Kate's development and insights as a military person. It is also ideally targeted at young women - 15-30 years of age who want to be inspired to either join up, punch well above their weight in any career path, and navigate a journey into what's truly possible for women any where in the world, in any industry based on a resilience and capability focused mindset.   As a full time presenter, Kate speaks to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand about her perspectives on leadership borne out of her experiences both in the Navy and as a civilian. Her book is due for release in 2024.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Women, men and the representation of women in the British Parliaments

        Magic numbers?

        by Anna Manasco-Dionne

        This is the first book to consider the difference women MPs make for women constituents in Britain by comparing women parliamentarians' activities, priorities and perceptions to those of their male colleagues. It uncovers complicated gender dynamics that have been neglected in other works because of an exclusive focus on the activities of women MPs, and mounts a systematic challenge to the idea that a critical mass of women is necessary for women's presence to matter. By comparing the representation received by women from a parliament with few women to that received from a parliament with many women, Anna Dionne leads the reader to understand why numbers are not magic. Her empirical research includes interviews with over eighty parliamentarians in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the amassing of an unprecedented and comprehensive database of representatives' legislative activities. She compares how men and women and different political parties introduce and support bills and motions, ask parliamentary questions, participate in committee and floor debates, and work behind the scenes for cross-party consensus and on constituency casework. The analysis considers gender similarities and differences throughout the policy process and explains the gender dynamics with a new sensitivity to their fluctuation. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Refugee women in Britain and France

        by Gill Allwood, Khursheed Wadia

        This book is about the lives of refugee women in Britain and France. Who are they? Where do they come from? What happens to them when they arrive, while they wait for a decision on their claim for asylum, and after the decision, whether positive or negative? It shows how laws and processes designed to meet the needs of men fleeing political persecution often fail to protect women from persecution in their home countries and fail to meet their needs during and after the decision-making process. It portrays refugee women as resilient, resourceful and potentially active participants in British and French social, political and cultural life. It exposes the obstacles that make active participation difficult. The book is an authoritative and thorough synthesis of all available material on refugee women in Britain and France. The style is accessible and highly readable, making this an ideal book for academics, students and interested readers. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2014

        Iraqi women in Denmark

        Ritual performance and belonging in everyday life

        by Marianne Holm Pedersen, Alexander Smith

        Iraqi women in Denmark is an ethnographic study of ritual performance and place-making among Shi'a Muslim Iraqi women in Copenhagen. The book explores how Iraqi women construct a sense of belonging to Danish society through ritual performances, and investigates how this process is interrelated with their experiences of inclusion and exclusion in Denmark. The findings refute the all too simplistic assumptions of general debates on Islam and immigration in Europe that tend to frame religious practice as an obstacle to integration in the host society. In sharp contrast to the fact that the Iraqi women's religious activities in many ways contribute to categorising them as outsiders to Danish society, their participation in religious events also localises them in the city. Written in an accessible, narrative style, this book addresses both an academic audience and the general reader interested in Islam in Europe and immigration to Scandinavia. ;

      • Children's & YA

        Mom's Bra

        by Edmée Pardo / Edgar Clement

        A girl whose body is starting to change, and who starts exploring herself with great curiosity, notices that her Mom's body is also changing. It all started when Mom noticed a lump in one of her breasts. Thus beings a journey of mutual self-exploration, unending love, compassion, and the joy of sharing the marvel that the body is, and the importance of self exploration for women to take care of their bodies.

      • Trusted Partner


        Bad Girls of Literature

        by Eve Gil

        Biographical sketches of 27 women writers who achieved literary acclaim despite their tragic lives. Beautifully written, each sketch is told with richness in literary techniques in a way that they become masterful short stories, by a writer who has won several awards for her literary works.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2009

        Popular Victorian women writers

        by Kay Boardman, Shirley Jones

        Popular Victorian women writers considers a diverse group of women writers within the Victorian literary marketplace. It looks at authors such as Ellen Wood, Mary Braddon, Rhoda Broughton and Charlotte Yonge as well as less well-known writers including Jessie Fothergill and Eliza Meteyard. Each essay sets the individual author within her biographical and literary context and provides refreshing insights into their work. Together they bring the work of largely unknown authors and new perspectives on known authors to critical and public attention. Accessible and informative, the book is ideal for students of Victorian literature and culture as well as tutors and scholars of the period. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2012

        Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers

        Theory, practice and difference

        by Parvati Nair, Julian Gutierrez-Albilla

        This volume examines the films of Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers from the 1930s to the present day. It establishes productive connections between film practices across these geographical areas by identifying common areas of concern on the part of these female filmmakers. Focusing on aesthetic, theoretical and socio-historical analyses, it questions the manifest or latent gender and sexual politics that inform and structure the emerging cinematic productions by women filmmakers in Portugal, Spain, Latin America and the US. With a combination of scholars from the UK, the US, Spain and Latin America, the volume documents and interprets a fascinating corpus of films made by Hispanic and Lusophone women and proposes research strategies and methodologies that can expand our understanding of socio-cultural and psychic constructions of gender and sexual politics. An essential resource to rethink notions of gender identity and subjectivity, it is a unique contribution to Spanish and Latin American Film Studies and Film Studies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers

        Theory, practice and difference

        by Parvati Nair, Julian Gutierrez-Albilla

        This volume examines the films of Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers from the 1930s to the present day. It establishes productive connections between film practices across these geographical areas by identifying common areas of concern on the part of these female filmmakers. Focusing on aesthetic, theoretical and socio-historical analyses, it questions the manifest or latent gender and sexual politics that inform and structure the emerging cinematic productions by women filmmakers in Portugal, Spain, Latin America and the US. With a combination of scholars from the UK, the US, Spain and Latin America, the volume documents and interprets a fascinating corpus of films made by Hispanic and Lusophone women and proposes research strategies and methodologies that can expand our understanding of socio-cultural and psychic constructions of gender and sexual politics. An essential resource to rethink notions of gender identity and subjectivity, it is a unique contribution to Spanish and Latin American Film Studies and Film Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        November 2017

        Zhuzhou Heroines in Revolutions

        by Chen Lixia

        This book collects stories of 41 outstanding women representatives who participated in the movement during the 1911 Revolution and the New Democracy Revolution, and focuses on the contribution they made to national liberation, people' freedom, and emancipation of women. It is aimed at presenting the revolutionnary spirit and commemorating those heroines.

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