Mom's Bra
by Edmée Pardo / Edgar Clement
A girl whose body is starting to change, and who starts exploring herself with great curiosity, notices that her Mom's body is also changing. It all started when Mom noticed a lump in one of her breasts. Thus beings a journey of mutual self-exploration, unending love, compassion, and the joy of sharing the marvel that the body is, and the importance of self exploration for women to take care of their bodies.
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RIGHTS FOR ALL LANGUAGES, EXCEPT SPANISH, AVAILABLE through PaGe Literary Agency. For inquiries, please contact: and
Marketing Information
- This book is aimed at children but also the general public and health professionals who are interested in the importance of early self-detection
- First children's book in Mexico to educate readers about the importance of early self-detection for breast cancer
Author Biography
Edmée Pardo, born in Mexico City, holds a Ph.D. in Literature and is the autor of 38 books of fiction and non fiction, as well as professor of creative writing and a Reading and literacy promoter. Her work has been translated into English, Catalonian, Basque and indigenous Mexican languages including Nahuatl, Mayan, and Mixtec.
Some of her main titles include Oasis (Nieve de Chamoy, e-book México 2015), Letras para sanar (amati, 2012), La voz azul (Diana 2008, e-book 2015), Escribir cuento y novela: Caja de herramientas y cuaderno de trabajo (Paidós, 2005) Leer cuento y novela, guía para leer narrativa y dejar que los libros nos hagan felices (Paidós 2004), Flor de un solo día, Minimalia erótica (Solar editores 2002) Morir de amor, novela (Nueva Imagen 2002), Rondas de Cama y La madera de las cosas, invención varia y relatos (Cal y Arena México 1999), and Espiral (Tava Editorial, 1994). Her children’s and YA books focus on the physical, social and mental health of children and teenagers.
Copyright Information
The book was first published in Spanish in 2013 by Trilce. All copyright is now owned by the author, and represented by PaGe Literary Agency
PaGe Literary Agency
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher
- Orginal LanguageEnglish, Spanish
- Publication Country or regionMexico
- FormatPaperback
- Pages21
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleEl brassiere de mamá
- Copyright Year2016
- IllustrationEdgar Clement
- Biblio NotesBook has been translated into English, Euskera, Catala, and several Mexican indigenous languages
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