Agriculture & International Development
Textbooks, research and professional titles in Agriculture and International Development
View Rights PortalTextbooks, research and professional titles in Agriculture and International Development
View Rights PortalParkstone International is a cosmopolitan publishing house that specialises in fine art books.
View Rights PortalEpicene is now one of the most widely-studied of Johnson's plays. Brilliantly exploiting the Jacobean convention whereby boys played female roles, it satirises the newly fashionable and sexually ambiguous world of the West End of London, where courtly wit rubs shoulders with commercial values. This authoritative new edition, now in paperback, is based on a thorough re-examination of the earliest texts. The introduction analyses the play as originally written for the newly formed Children of the Queen's Revels, and performed at the little-known Whitefriars Theatre. Dutton discusses the composition of the play, which took place during a critical period in Jonson's life and career, when he was established as the principal writer of entertainments at the court. His relationships at this time, with ambitious wits such as John Donne, Sir Edward Herbert and the actor Nathan Field, are examined as models for the principal characters. This challengingly historicised text of Epicene will be essential reading for all serious students of early modern drama. ;
Queer lives give rise to a vast array of objects: the things we fill our houses with, the gifts we share with our friends, the commodities we consume at work and at play, the clothes and accessories we wear, and the analogue and digital technologies we use to communicate with one another. But what makes an object queer? The sixty-three chapters in Queer Objects consider this question in relation to lesbian, gay and transgender communities across time, cultures and space. In this unique international collaboration, well-known and newer writers traverse world history to write about items ranging from ancient Egyptian tomb paintings and Roman artefacts to political placards, snapshots, sex toys and the smartphone. Fabulous, captivating, transgressive.
Ein Bär in meinem Bett und ein Schakal in meinem OfenAmüsante Abenteuer eines israelischen ZoologenAvinoam Lourie und Cissy ShapiroWer kann schon sagen, er hat einen syrischen Bären im Bett gehabt? Oder hat einen Schakal im Backofen aufgewärmt? Oder wurde von einem eifersüchtigen Reh aufgespießt? Oder von einem Tiger angegriffen? Oder hatte Affen, die sich von seinem Kronleuchter schwingen? Oder verlor eine Schlange in einem Flugzeug?Rührende, unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Erlebnisse des israelischen Zoologen Avinoam Lourie mit einer exotischen Vielfalt an wilden Tieren, samt ihrer Familienangehörigen, erzählt mit Wärme, Humor, Witz und Weisheit, für die er bei seinen treuen Lesern bekannt ist.Avinoam Lourie erhielt die Medal of Honor des israelischen Präsidenten, wurde als einer der „wichtigsten 100 Personen“ in Haifa ausgewählt und hat dazu beigetragen, dass mehrere gefährdete Tierarten nach Israel gebracht wurden. „Ich habe Avi bei seinen Feldstudien begleitet und war Zeuge, wie er mehrere Generationen von Israelis in ihr einheimischen Ökosystem eingeführt hat. Es ist ein Vergnügen, die Dramatik, den Humor und die Einblicke zu erleben, die in diese fesselnde Sammlung von Anekdoten eingebracht hat,“ sagt Sneed Collard III, Autor und Verleger, Preisträger des Children’s Book Guild Non-fiction Award „Viele unserer Freunde haben Hunde, Katzen und andere Haustiere, aber niemand hatte einen Vater, der einen Tiger, einen Bär, oder sogar einen Affen mit nach Hause gebracht hat!“ sagt Dr. Barak Lourie (das zweite von drei Kindern von Dr. Avinoam Lourie), Haifa. „Er hat mich gelehrt, dass Tiere genauso wie Menschen sind: behandele sie genauso, und behandele sie gut." So fasst ein Schüler die Botschaft von Dr. Lourie zusammen, die er der achten Klasse der Mittelschule in Wildlife Conservation and Ecology, Green Bay, Wisconsin, vermittelt hat.
Un oso en la cama y un chacal en el horno Divertidas aventuras de un zoólogo israelí especializado en la fauna silvestre Avinoam Lourie y Cissy Shapiro ?Cuántos pueden decir que han tenido un oso en la cama, que calentaron un chacal en el horno, que fueron corneados por un corzo celoso o atacados por un tigre, que han tenido monos colgados de la araña, o que han perdido una víbora en un avión? Las vivencias reconfortantes, divertidas y educativas del zoólogo israelí Avinoam Lourie con una exótica variedad de animales salvajes y también con los miembros de su familia, contadas con la calidez, el humor, el ingenio y la sabiduría que bien conocen sus asiduos lectores. Avinoam Lourie ha recibido la Medalla de Honor del Presidente de Israel, ha sido seleccionado como una de las "100 personas más importantes" de Haifa, y ha ayudado a traer a Israel varias especies en peligro de extinción. "Como alguien que ha acompañado a Avi en el terreno, mientras enseñaba a nuevas generaciones de israelíes acerca de sus ecosistemas nativos, es una alegría compartir el dramatismo, el humor y las ideas que esta fascinante colección contiene", señala Sneed Collard III, autor y editor, que ha recibido el premio del Washington Post y del Children's Book Guild a obras de noficción. "Muchos de nuestros amigos tenían perros, gatos y otras mascotas, ?pero nadie tenía un padre que trajera a casa un tigre, un oso o incluso un mono, como nosotros!", dice Dr. Barak Lourie (el hijo intermedio de Avinoam), Haifa, Israel. “Él me enseñó que los animales son como la gente: trátalos de la misma manera y bien". Resumen del estudiante de una comunicación de Avinoam a la escuela secundaria media de octavo grado de Conservación de la naturaleza y ecología de Green Bay, Wisconsin, Estados Unidos.
Un ours dans mon lit et un chacal dans mon four De drôles d’aventures d’un zoologue de la vie sauvage israélien par Avinoam Lourie et Cissy Shapiro Combien de personnes peuvent se vanter d’avoir eu un ours syrien dans leur lit ? Ou d’avoir réchauffé un chacal dans leur four ? D’avoir été chargé par les cornes d’un chevreuil jaloux ? D’avoir été attaqué par un tigre ? Ou encore de voir des singes se balancer du lustre de leur salon ? Et d’avoir égaré un serpent dans un avion ? Ce sont quelques unes des expériences passionnées, amusantes et éducatives qu’a vécues, avec une variété d’animaux sauvages exotiques, le zoologue israélien Avinoam Lourie, ainsi que les membres de sa famille. Il les raconte avec enthousiasme et humour, de sa manière spirituelle et la sagesse bien connues qui captivent ses lecteurs. Avinoam Lourie a participé à amener en Israël plusieurs espèces en danger ; il s’est vu décerner la Médaille d’Honneur du Président de l’Etat d’Israël et il a été sélectionné comme l’un des « 100 Notables de la Ville » de Haïfa. « Ayant accompagné Avi sur le terrain quand il apprenait à de nouvelles générations d’israéliens à connaître leurs écosystèmes natifs, c’est une joie de partager le drame, l’humour, et les dessous refermés dans ce recueil fascinant », Sneed Collard III, auteur et éditeur, habitant à Missoula, au Montana, lauréat du Prix des œuvres non fictionnelles de la Guilde du livre d’enfants du Washington Post. « Beaucoup de nos amis avaient des chiens, des chats et autres animaux domestiques, mais aucun n’a vu son père rentrer à la maison avec un tigre, un ours ou même un singe, comme cela arrivait chez nous ! », Dr Barak Lourie (le fils cadet d’Avinoam), de Haïfa, Israël. « Il m’a appris que les animaux sont juste comme les personnes : conduisez-vous bien vis-à-vis d’eux et ils vous traiteront de même » résumé du message d’Avinoam par un de ses étudiants à la classe de 4ème de l’école secondaire de Vie naturelle et d’écologie de premier cycle de Green Bay, au Wisconsin.
How many can say they’ve had a Syrian bear in their bed? Warmed a jackal in their oven? Been gored by a jealous roe deer? Attacked by a tiger? Had monkeys swing from their chandelier? Or lost a snake on a plane? Heartwarming, entertaining and educational experiences of Israeli zoologist Avinoam Lourie, with an exotic variety of wild animals, and his family members as well, told with the warmth, humor, wit, and wisdom for which he is well-known by his captivated readers. Avinoam Lourie is a recipient of the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor, was selected one of the "Top 100 Important People" in Haifa, and has helped bring several endangered species to Israel. “As someone who has accompanied Avi into the field as he educated new generations of Israelis about their native ecosystems, it’s a joy to share the drama, humor, and insights packed into this riveting collection.", Sneed Collard III, Author and Publisher, Recipient of the Washington Post's- Children's Book Guild Award for Non-Fiction, Missoula, Montana. “Many of our friends had dogs, cats, and other pets, but no one had a father who brought home a tiger, bear, or even a monkey, like we did!”, Dr. Barak Lourie (Avinoam's middle child), Haifa, Israel. “He taught me that animals are just like people: treat them the same, and treat them well.”, A Student's Summary of Avinoam's message to eighth grade middle school in Wildlife Conservation & Ecology, Green Bay, Wisconsin. An English-Language edition was published in 2008 by Sephirot press
Ziel des vorliegenden Bandes ist es, aus einem möglichst breiten Spektrum sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsrichtungen Sichtweisen, Konzeptualisierungsangebote und Theoretisierungsbestände für die Untersuchung großer technischer Systeme zusammenzutragen und miteinander zu konfrontieren. So sind in diesem Band neben der Technik- und Industriesoziologie auch die Technik-, Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte, die Politikwissenschaften, zwei Spielarten der Systemtheorie sowie die Organisation und Wissenschaftsforschung vertreten.
Extinction of species has alarmingly increased in recent decades due to anthropogenic activities, natural calamities and climate change. The life history, ecology and evolution of such species have often not been well studied. Gymnocladus assamicus is an archaic tree endemic to the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India. Locally known as 'Menangmanba-shi' by the Monpa tribe of Arunachal Pradesh (India), mature G. assamicus pods contain high saponin and are used traditionally for cleansing purposes and rituals. We rediscovered the species after more than 70 years from high altitude areas in the Himalayas through extensive field explorations and employing an ecological niche modeling approach. Our study revealed a very few actively reproducing mature G. assamicus trees surviving in unique microclimatic conditions. The species is classified as 'critically endangered' (IUCN red list). The book contains detailed information about G. assamicus and discusses its current distribution, population status, ethnobotanical uses and other ecological parameters. Major intrinsic and extrinsic factors that might be responsible for population decline are described. More importantly, we reported a very rare mating system known as 'androdioecy' in which male and hermaphrodite individuals co-exist in the natural population. Overall, the book highlights the story of a critically endangered tree species with a unique biological and socio-cultural importance and will serve as a case study and referencefor other similar species both locally and globally.
The story of The White Witch's Garden is about a white witch living in the sky wants to create into a garden, and she experimented three thousand years but has not been succeeded. Cannot see the sunlight and no air circulation, no warmth and love, only infinite expectations and a variety of radical experiments, so of course there not open a beautiful flower. The good is that the white witch finally figured it out. She opened the window, let the sun shine in, let the air flow, swept away the tension and anxiety, arrogance and greed in her heart, and the spring would come for the flowers. This picture book is full of children's philosophies and gives children good inspiration for their thoughts. The pictures are beautiful and enhance their aesthetic skills. It is lovely to be persistent, but sometimes it is possible to take a step back, let go of tension and anxiety, and open yourself up to more possibilities.
Yang Peng's Award-winning Novels are a collection of the award-winning works of Yang Peng's many outstanding stories. Not only are the selected articles humorous, but also rich in imagination. They are also rich in profound educational philosophy that can enlighten the mind and help readers to reflect on themselves. There have been a lot of strange things happening in the classroom recently. Sometimes students' homeworks were lost. Other times some pencil sharpener or rubber may be missing. Is this because of someone who want to escape from writing homework or is there a thief in the classroom? When everyone talked about it, some people found out that there was actually a black hole in the classroom. The black hole sucked away all these things. Further, the more amazing thing is that not only can the black hole absorb substances, but also colors, viruses, selfish distractions and many other things. As a result, students would like to make a wish, asking the black hole to suck away what they didn't want ...
Shanka is the king's gardener. He lived in a small house with his wife. One night, unable to sleep, Shanka sat up and looked out of the window, and saw a white elephant was eating grass in the silvery moonlight! Shanka never saw a white elephant before, where was it from? Shanka jumped out of his bed and tiptoed into the garden, grabbed the elephant by the tail and flew up to heaven.
Rainer Maria Rilke war äußerlich kein schöner Mann, doch suchten Frauen unterschiedlichen Standes, Alters und Lebensstils immer wieder seine Nähe. Faszinierend wirkten nicht nur sein seelenvoller Blick und seine androgyne Zartheit, sondern vor allem seine Fähigkeit, die Wirklichkeit auf eine unbekannte Art aufzunehmen und dem nicht allein in seiner Dichtung, sondern auch im persönlichen Umgang Ausdruck zu geben. Ursula Voß erkennt im Spiegel des weiblichen Blicks auf Rilke viele neue Facetten des Dichters und setzt zugleich den Frauen, die ihn inspiriert und gefördert haben und sich von ihm inspirieren ließen – seien es Freundinnen, Gefährtinnen, Geliebte und Gönnerinnen –, mit diesem Buch ein eindrucksvolles Denkmal.
This book goes back to the historical scene of the late Qing Dynasty with meticulous writing to tell the history of Zuo Zongtang's youthful growth and restore the struggle of Zuo Zongtang to serve the country with his body in spite of the hardships and dangers. The book consists of twenty chapters, which are about the following contents: Zuo Zongtang came from a humble background and was in a troubled times, but he was a scholar and a soldier and he made many wonderful achievements; he founded such industries as Fuzhou Shipbuilding and Gansu Manufacturing Bureau, and contributed to the modernization of China; he defeated Agubert, who had occupied in Xinjiang for thirteen years, and carried the coffin to the expedition to recover Ili, so that all the territory of 1.66 million square kilometers was returned to China; he resisted the French and protected Taiwan, and contributed to the establishment of a province; he served as the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of the two rivers, and he was a member of the National People's Congress. He served as the Minister of Military Affairs and the Governor of the two rivers, and he was a clean and honest man who promoted water conservancy and rebuilt the book bureau to promote the country through culture.
Half of the Quilt(Youth Edition) is based on the movie Heart for Heart (produced by Xiaoxiang Film Group and directed by Meng Qi). In October 1934, the fifth anti-encirclement failed, the Central Red Army evacuated the Soviet Union and began the Long March. The Red Army field hospital was bombed by enemy planes and suffered heavy casualties. Dong Xiuyun, a female soldier who stayed at the field hospital to look after the wounded, decided to take the wounded with her and chase the troops. Dong Xiuyun took in the soldiers of the various units who were left alone along the road, forming a special team. After the team came to Shazhou Village, the three female Red Army lived in Xu Xiexiu's house. When parting, Dong Xiuyun cut the only one quilt in half to Xu Xiexiu. This book nourishes the young people's spiritual world with red culture, inherits the red gene, and allows the spirit of the Long March to be passed on from generation to generation among children.
Die erste Biographie der Ruth Landshoff-Yorck Sie spielte Krocket mit Thomas Mann, wurde von Oskar Kokoschka porträtiert, verhalf Marlene Dietrich zu ihrer Rolle im Blauen Engel, verkehrte mit Andy Warhol, Patricia Highsmith und Salvador Dalí … Ruth Landshoff-Yorck war Glitzergirl und androgyne Stil-Ikone, vor allem aber eine vielseitige Literatin, die die Presse der Weimarer Republik mit flotten Feuilletons versorgte und mehrere Romane publizierte. Ihre Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte wurden weltweit veröffentlicht. Das Leben der Ruth Landshoff schlägt eine Brücke von der Bohème der Weimarer Republik zur amerikanischen New Bohemia der 60er Jahre, vom expressionistischen Stummfilm zur Entstehung des experimentellen Off-Off-Broadways und nicht zuletzt von der schwulen Subkultur der „goldenen“ Zwanziger zur alternativen Szene New Yorks. In jahrelanger Arbeit hat Thomas Blubacher unbekannte Dokumente aufgespürt und Zeitzeugen befragt. Erstmals liegt nun eine Biographie der verkannten Avantgarde-Literatin und engagierten Antifaschistin vor, deren viele Leben in Berlin, Paris und Venedig, London und New York die Zeitläufte eines halben Jahrhunderts spiegeln.
While there is a story of "Three Little Pigs" in the western world, there is another story "A Little Pig and Ten Wolves" in China. An evil old wolf wanted to eat a piglet living alone but he was taught a lesson. The angry wolf found another nine wolves to take a revenge. The piggy was brave and scheming, and he repelled those wolves again.
This book mainly introduces the origin of the She ethnic group's Black Rice Festival. While areas of the She ethnic group suffered from pests, the land owners increased rents and fees. As a result, the She people were in shortage of food. Lan Tianfeng led people to the land owner's house to steal food. After being found out, Lan Tianfeng stepped forward to protect others and was imprisoned on March 3rd. There was no food in the prison for him. Later, some She people used black rice leaves to cook rice. The jailers did not dare to eat the black rice and passed the rice to Tianfeng. Over time, Lan Tianfeng slowly recovered. Three years later, again on March 3rd, Lan Tianfeng was rescued. In order for future generations to commemorate the feat of Lan Tianfeng and remember how hard to have rice, the Black Rice Festival is celebrated every year.
The story of The Nine-Colored Deer is originated from the story of the Deer King in the Dunhuang frescoes, where the divine deer saves people’s lives in contrast with the greed and cruelty of mankind. The pictures have a touch of the Dunhuang frescoes style.
Are there a lot of fancy ideas in your brain? In this regard, many people in the world are like you, even those intelligent and unique Nobel laureates are like you! With wisdom, knowledge and perseverance, those Laureates have put fantasy and imagination into practice again and again. Eventually, they made great discoveries and inventions in human history, from the insulin that brings the dawn to the century disease, to the nuclear fusion hidden in the sun; from the "human guardian" —our immune system, to the basic particle model; from the first Chinese Nobel Prize — the Parity violation, to the first scientific Nobel Prize in China... This book selects more than 30 subjects with high scientific and social values so that readers can experience the thrilling moments of discoveries and comprehensively learn the untold stories of Nobel laureates.