Hotel de las Ideas
Hotel de las ideas is a cooperative, with 10 co-founders.
View Rights PortalDer Briefwechsel Rainer Maria Rilkes (1875-1926) und Ellen Keys (1849-1926) gehört zu den aufschlußreichsten Dokumenten von Rilkes dichterischem Selbstverständnis. Die heute weitgehend vergessene schwedische Schriftstellerin hatte mit ihrer Studie »Das Jahrhundert des Kindes« (1900) biographische Erfahrungen Rilkes wie der anderer Autoren des Jahrhundertbeginns bestätigt: deren Leiden unter der Erwachsenenwelt, speziell der Schule.
This book consists of selected, edited and revised papers from a workshop held at ICRAF (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) in July 2000.
Kripkes bahnbrechende Untersuchung Name und Notwendigkeit markiert einen Wendepunkt in der philosophischen Theorie der Eigennamen. In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der klassischen Theorie der Eigennamen entwickelt Kripke seine berühmte Alternative: die kausale Namentheorie. Sie besagt, daß der Bezug (die Referenz) eines Namens zunächst in einer Art Taufe festgelegt wird und dann in der Kommunikationsgemeinschaft tradiert wird. Dabei wird die Beschreibung, die bei der Festlegung der Referenz noch eine Rolle gespielt hat, irrelevant, so daß der Name selbst keinen semantischen Sinn hat. Namen sind, im Gegensatz zu Beschreibungen, sogenannte starre Bezeichnungsausdrücke (Designatoren), die, wenn einmal festgelegt, denselben Gegenstand in allen möglichen Welten bezeichnen. Daraus ergibt sich die Verbindung zum zweiten Thema der Untersuchung, der Notwendigkeit.
A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.
Is there a best name in the world? A blue fox always envies others’name. On his trip, he asked Frog, Squirrel and other animals for names. His name became longer and longer, and harder to remember as well. The story tells us, if it suits you most, then it is the best.
Urban pests are common all over the world. These include cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ticks, fleas, ants, termites, rodents and others. These pests thrive in human structures, where there is food, warmth and places to hide. Urban pests are one of the leading causes of illnesses in humans due to allergies, bites, food contamination and phobias. They can also cause significant damage to property and structures. Knowledge and training in this field is vital for professional and trainee pest managers. This book is specifically intended to provide an aid to such candidates. The book contains 500 multiple-choice questions (and answers) grouped into the following major topic areas: · The history of urban entomology · Household pests · Cockroaches · Flies · Mosquitoes · Bed bugs · Termites · Sporadic pests · Stored product pests · Vertebrate pests · Pesticides and pesticide formulations · Handling pesticides · Integrated Pest Control Produced in a convenient format that can be used at any time in any place, the book allows the reader to learn and revise the subject and much more. Its structure allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through a simple introduction followed by key revision questions, many of which require students to use their practical knowledge. The answers to each of the questions are provided at the end with short explanations wherever appropriate.
Key Questions in Environmental Toxicology is designed as a self-study tool for undergraduate students. Questions review the origin, characterization and environmental distribution of major pollutants, followed by their absorption and metabolic disposition in living organisms. They address implications for the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary dysfunction and neurological conditions in relation to gaseous pollutants, particulates, persistent organic compounds and radioactive emissions, then cover the impact of pollutants on biodiversity, food safety, and water contamination. This book: - Covers toxicology from human morbidity, ecological impact and biodiversity perspectives, and emphasises the impact of diverse organic pollutants in worsening these interconnected phenomena, leading to wider environmental emergencies; - Provides a selection of fill-in-the-gap, multiple choice and short answer question types for students to vary their learning and enhance motivation; - Includes full answer rationales, allowing students to gain true insight into the subject. Providing support to programmes across environmental science, ecology and human health, and covering all the major biological toxins and pollutants as well as unintended consequences of actions designed to improve outcomes, this book may be used in conjunction with the companion volume Introduction to Environmental Toxicology.
An understanding of ecology is an important requirement of a wide range of academic areas, including biology, zoology and environmental science. This book is a study and revision guide for students following programmes of study in which ecology is an important component. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: · The history and foundations of ecology · Abiotic factors and environmental monitoring · Taxonomy and biodiversity · Energy flow and production ecology · Nutrient and material cycles · Ecophysiology · Population ecology · Community ecology and species interactions · Ecological genetics and evolution · Ecological methods and statistics The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of ecological terms, the basic processes operating in ecosystems, the dynamics of populations, ecological genetics and the process of evolution, the methods used in ecological surveys, and much more. The structure of the book allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through simple questions to those that are more demanding. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data or photographs, providing a useful tool for independent study.
Although mammals comprise a relatively small proportion of total biodiversity they are disproportionately represented in courses in biology and zoology and they are the dominant taxon in zoos around the world. Mammalogy is well-established as a discrete element of biological courses in some parts of the world, notably in North America. This book is intended as a study and revision guide for students following programmes of study in which mammalogy is an important component. It comprises 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - grouped into 10 major topic areas: 1. The history and principles of mammalogy 2. Origins, evolution and taxonomy 3. Anatomy 4. Physiology 5. Behaviour 6 Ecology and genetics 7. Zoogeography 8. Conservation and management 9. Parasites and diseases 10. Domestication and human use of animals The book is designed to be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to study the meaning of terms used in mammalogy, the history of mammalogy, the taxonomy, evolution and genetics of mammals, their zoogeography, their anatomy, physiology and adaptations to their environment, their behaviour, their conservation and management, their diseases, and their domestication and use by humans. Some of the questions will require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data, maps or photographs
Mycological paper on a revision of the Tabular Key to species of Phytophthora.
“A wise malice radiated from his features, and one always had the impression that he knew more than he was willing to say, that a shrewd reflection lurked behind his smiles. His quick wit and good humor were the delight of La Mauresque and its surroundings; a reminder through his quiet charm that the world could still harbor delicacy.” Mohamed Abdallah Oran, autumn 1954. At La Mauresque, a space symbolizing a whole country in turmoil, in the heart of the indigenous city of Oran, the doubts of its occupants multiply and questions abound. Journalists, politicians, novelists, poets and artists grapple with a pivotal moment in their countries' history. The old world is dying, while the new one is slow to emerge for them. Hesitations and initiatives abound. They are trying to navigate by sight in an ocean so vast that it merges with the horizon; a horizon they sometimes seem to forget, but which the author has tried to give readers a constant view of through his novel: Le Vent a dit son Nom (The Wind Has Said Its Name). Multiplying references to emblematic figures in the awakening of consciences to freedom, Mohamed Abdallah attempts to offer a fresh look at the role that men of letters, intellectuals and, more generally, people of culture can play, at a time when a Nation is preparing to face new trials. These are themes that still resonate today.
An understanding of the work of zoos and aquariums is central to many programmes of study in wildlife conservation and more specialised programmes in zoo and aquarium science and management. This book is intended as a study and revision guide for students following these programmes. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: 1. History of zoos and aquariums 2. Zoo and exhibit design 3. Aquariums and Aquatic exhibits 4 Visitor studies, zoo education and zoo research 5. Nutrition and food presentation 6 Reproductive biology and genetics 7. Conservation breeding and assisted reproductive technologies 8. Behaviour, training and environmental enrichment 9. Animal welfare and conservation medicine 10. Zoo organisation and regulation The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in zoo and aquarium biology, the principles of animal husbandry and enclosure design, the behaviour of zoo visitors, the operation of captive breeding programmes, the international organisation of zoos, their legal regulation and much more.
This book provides a series of exercises of various types covering matters of hydrology and watershed management. The exercises include true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and numeric, graphical, and analytical exercises. The questions draw on the basic disciplines of hydrology and physics, with some stress placed on correct or appropriate units. The questions reflect the authors' many years of teaching watershed management at undergraduate and graduate levels. Questions cover: 1. Terminology and measurement of flow (and units) 2. Quantifying stream networks 3. Concepts of water balance and evapotranspiration 4. Slope recharge, groundwater hydrology, and water-table/phreatic aquifers 5. Single and paired watershed experiments 6. Impacts of fires on watersheds 7. Concepts and measurements of water quality 8. Flooding forests 9. Valuation of water 10. Protection of forest stream by buffers 11. Urban watershed concepts The book is self-contained, and designed to be used at any time in any place, either for revision or as source material for teaching. The work is graded so that easier questions are presented early, followed by harder questions. Answers are concise but contain enough information to help students study and revise on a topic-by-topic basis. The book concludes with suggestions for student exercises and projects and is an invaluable resource for both students and instructors.
An understanding of animal behaviour and welfare is an important requirement of a wide range of programmes of study including biology, zoology, animal welfare, animal behaviour, psychology and zoo biology. This book is intended as a study and revision guide for students following programmes of study in which animal behaviour and welfare are an important component. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: 1. Foundations and history of animal behaviour and welfare 2. Basic concepts and mechanisms in behaviour 3. Biological basis of behaviour 4. Learning, memory and training 5. Territoriality, navigation and migration 6 Animal cognition and communication 7. Behavioural ecology and social behaviour 8. Measuring, recording and analysing behaviour and welfare 9. Animal exploitation and welfare 10 Animal rights, ethics and law The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in the study of animal behaviour and welfare, methods of recording behaviour and assessing welfare, the physiology of behaviour, learning, memory, cognition, behavioural ecology, animal rights and much more. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data or photographs.
An understanding of applied ecology and conservation is an important requirement of a wide range of programmes of study including applied biology, ecology, environmental science and wildlife conservation.This book is a study and revision guide for students following such programmes. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas:History and foundations of applied ecology and conservationEnvironmental pollution and perturbationsWildlife and conservation biologyRestoration biology and habitat managementAgriculture, forestry and fisheries managementPest, weed and disease managementUrban ecology and waste managementGlobal environmental change and biodiversity lossEnvironmental and wildlife law and policyEnvironmental assessment, monitoring and modellingThe book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in applied ecology and conservation, study the effects of pollution on ecosystems, the management, conservation and restoration of wildlife populations and habitats, urban ecology, global environmental change, environment law and much more. The structure of the book allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through simple questions to those that are more demanding. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data or photographs.
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Bronwyn und Nick – Es ist kompliziert. Was denkst du über Friends with Benefits, über Freundschaft plus? Kann klappen, ja, aber nur, wenn die Liebe nicht dazwischen funkt. Das genau scheint bei Bronwyn und Nick das (ziemlich knisternde) Problem zu sein. Die beiden sind seit ihren Kindertagen in Louisiana befreundet, nun sind sie mit ihrer gemeinsamen Freundin Claire nach New York gezogen, raus aus den beengten Verhältnissen in den Südstaaten. Heimlich schlägt Bronwyns Herz schon lange für ihren Freund, den attraktiven Stuntman Nick. Doch ein vor Jahren geschlossener Pakt macht ihre Liebe unmöglich: als Vierzehnjährige schwören sich Bronwyn, Nick und Claire für immer Freunde zu bleiben, ohne andere Gefühle. Nachdem Claire New York wieder verlassen hat und nach Louisiana zurückgegangen ist, bekommen Bronwyn und Nick überraschend eine Einladung zu ihrer Hochzeit. Zurück in der Kleinstadt, in der alles begann, müssen die beiden sich endlich ihren Gefühlen und der Frage stellen: Wagen sie den gefährlichen Sprung von der Freundschaft in die Liebe? Room for Love 2. Three with a Key: Kann aus Freundschaft Liebe werden? Für Fans der New Adult Romane Room for Love von Laura Labas Three with a Key (Band 2) als Fortsetzung von Two in a Room (Band 1) Neue Gefühle zwischen alten Freunden – eine Lovestory, in die du dich verlieben wirst. Deine Lieblings-Tropes Slow Burn, Liebe gegen alle Widerstände und Forbidden Love. Andere Leser*innen liebten die authentischen Figuren der Young Adult Bücher und die intensive Spannung zwischen den Protagonist*innen. Traum-Setting zwischen dem coolen New York und Amerikas schwülen Südstaaten.
Providing well over 1,000 questions to test your knowledge of preventative farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering preventative veterinary medicine for common livestock species, the book includes questions on: - general concepts of preventative medicine; - viral, bacterial, fungal and mycoplasma diseases; - ecto- and endo-parasitic infections. This self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.
Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - diseases of the reproductive, integumentary and urinary systems; - anaesthesia and pain management; - perinatal and geriatric diseases. With full chapters also covering diseases of the eye and ear, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.
Providing well over 1,000 questions to test your knowledge of preventative farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering preventative veterinary medicine for common livestock species, the book includes questions about: - rickettsial and protozoan diseases; - prophylaxis in animals; - diagnostic techniques; - collection, preservation, processing and dispatch of clinical materials. Including a full chapter considering important transboundary, emerging and exotic diseases, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.