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      • Humboldt

        Our publishing house is known for books with high quality content and very practical use. Thematically, the books deal with health, nutrition, self-coaching, partnership, parents & child, photography, veterinary medicine and elderly care. Our authors are experts in their respective fields. They write books of outstanding quality for us, which provide contemporary and practical answers.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Humour, subjectivity and world politics

        by Alister Wedderburn

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Atlas of the world "Let's travel to the wonderland"

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        Let's travel to the Wonderland! Geographical atlas for the youngest. An interesting and unusual journey awaits the little reader in this book. Together with the fairy-tale boy Telesyk and Goosenya, he will go on a space journey, where he will get to know the stars and planets. And when he returns to the Earth, he will be able to look into all its corners, find out how many countries there are on it, what their flags are and how the inhabitants of these countries dress. And then you will get to know the various plants and animals characteristic of each region of the world, find out where such familiar plants come from, and who was the first to domesticate domestic animals. Telesyk with Geese will help the baby to get to know his native Ukraine better, its nature, to look at the bright colored maps that are produced and grown on its lands, which are crafts and crafts in Ukraine. And then everyone together will return to the world of fairy tales of Europe and America, Africa and Asia, Australia and Ukraine. The book is beautifully illustrated. The cartographic material is aimed at the reading level of the youngest schoolboy. The publication is a laureate of the national competition "Book Art of Ukraine", awarded with diplomas of the Forum of Publishers in Lviv and the Committee of Radio and Television of Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner

        Geographical atlas of the world

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        The Geographical Atlas of the World is a modern reference cartographic publication containing up to 100 political and physical maps of the world and political maps of individual countries and groups of countries. Political and administrative maps of the regions of Ukraine are presented separately. At the end of each separate section, a reference block with flags and a selection of modern, necessary information about the countries is provided from the "Political and political-geographical maps" section. In the second part of "Physical Maps", each map is supplemented with thematic illustrations, reference data, and interesting facts inherent in the corresponding region of our planet. The index of geographical names, which includes more than 16 thousand proper names of geographical objects in its list, will help you quickly find them on pages of the atlas. Modern design and printing capabilities were used to create the atlas.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2008

        Every man in his humour

        Ben Jonson

        by Robert Miola

        This edition breaks with the usual practice by presenting the 1601 quarto version of Ben Jonson's play, set in Florence, instead of the revised 1616 version, set in London. Robert S. Miola presents a meticulously edited and modernised version of the play as originally acted by the Lord Chamberlain's Men (with Shakespeare in the cast) in 1598. Miola explores the relevance of the Italian setting, particularly the potent, variegated, and fascinating body of myth and legend that constituted Italy for English audiences in 1598. The editor also illuminates the dramatic context of the play, while paying detailed attention to the social, political, and religious contexts. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2016

        Vee Loved Garlic

        by Richa Jha and Kunal Kundu

        When Miss Vee Noonie falls in love with garlic, there is pandemonium in the house. She is a vampire, after all. Her parents do their best to urge her to stay away from it. Garlic, they tell her, is fatal for vampires. Freethinker Vee’s research tells her that’s not true and she leaves no stone unturned in convincing her folks. Does she succeed? Richa Jha celebrates a young thinking mind’s spirit of inquisitiveness, questioning the given, persuasiveness and non-conformist free will in this pacey picture book that is packed with sharp dialogues, intense passion, and chic humour. The breathtaking sweep of Kunal Kundu’s detailed etching and dramatic artwork lingers on till long after the book has been put aside.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        May 2018

        The Manic Panic

        by Richa Jha and Mithila Ananth

        Mom and Dad completely lose the plot the day the Wifi stops working in the house. In a role reversal of sorts, it's up to little Shivi to get her bored and tantrum-throwing parents to see that there is a perfectly wonderful life to be enjoyed beyond their screen-craze.    Mithila Ananth’s zany, whimsical digital illustrations with a minimal neat colour palette and a touch of quiet humour throw into sharp focus Richa Jha’s funny story done as a second-person narrative. Together, they draw the reader right into the centre of this book’s relatable universe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Crime & mystery

        Banana Street

        by Macaria España

        Isabel Tierra Frías is still a young woman who has gone through all kinds of humiliations, until one day that she decides to set scores straight. Then she becomes what: a vigilante, a heroin, just a killer? Taking a comedy stand closer to comic-book stories, Macaria España deals with some of the most dramatic situations for women in Mexico with a good pinch of humour, which has brought her protagonist, Isabel Tierra Frías, as one of the deares characters in Mexican literature today

      • Trusted Partner
        Crime & mystery

        Women who Kill

        by Sylvia Arvizu

        The author spent 15 years in prison. She interviewed most of her inmates about the crimes for which they were imprisoned for, selected the best stories, and narrated them as brilliant true crime stories told during their everyday life of imprisonment. At the same time, she shows how commiting a crime was the only way to escape from an oppresing living conditions. Every story dives into the human condition and its social restrains, in magnificent story-telling techniques not exent of a sour sense of humour.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2008

        Every Man Out of His Humour

        Ben Jonson

        by David Bevington, Helen Ostovich, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Despite its popularity when it first appeared in print in 1600, Every Man out of His Humour has never appeared as a single modern critical edition until now. The volume's introduction and annotations convey early modern obsessions with wealth and self-display by providing historical contexts and pointing out the continuity of those obsessions into modern life. The play is of interest because of its influence on the course of city comedy and its wealth of information about social relationships and colloquial language at the end of Elizabeth's reign. Jonson's experiments in generating theatrical meaning continued throughout his career, but Every Man out of His Humour - with its youthful vigour and extraordinary visualizations of the urban capacity for self-deceit - is a text that enriches the understanding of all the plays that come after it. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology

        by Victoria Aspinall, Melanie Cappello

        A sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an essential basis for the effective clinical treatment of companion animals and farm animals alike. The fifth edition of this bestselling textbook continues to provide students with a comprehensive description of the anatomy and physiology of dogs, cats, birds, exotics, farmed animals, and horses. This new edition: Contains detailed descriptions of the systematic anatomy and physiology of a wide range of animal species with expanded bird coverage for the first time. Includes applied anatomy tips that relate theory to clinical practice. Considers anatomy education not only for veterinary science students, but also those studying wider animal science, animal behaviour, or agriculture. Newly enhanced with an online test-yourself course and augmented reality animations to view on your phone and bring the subject to life, this book is an essential and easy to understand introduction for all those embarking upon a veterinary, animal science or animal management career.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Chalk Giraffe

        by Kirsty Paxton

        What if your drawings magically came to life, only to prove rather demanding art critics? Oh, the hassle! In The Chalk Giraffe we follow an artistic child who finds herself drawing a giraffe with chalk… but she is surprised when her creation comes alive and demands changes to his surrounding landscape. What follows is a quirky and humorous tale of creativity and perspective, with the beautiful African landscape as a backdrop to this new and unlikely friendship.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful"

        by Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" is a work organized and compiled by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Extension" consists of 4 chapters. With a lot of little-known details, interesting stories and grand perspectives, the work restores the filming process and the national hit effect of "The Country Is So Beautiful" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive reviews, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective Presents all aspects of this film and television drama.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        December 1997

        Temperate Forage Legumes

        by J Frame. Edited by J F L Charlton, A S Laidlaw.

        The major temperate forage legumes are of global importance in the sustainable productivity of ruminant feed in the developed world. This book brings together in one volume all aspects of their basic biology and associated production practices. Emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding plant characteristics and their consequences in terms of forage output, quality and utilization by livestock. Recent research advances are reviewed and put into context and several recently commercialised species are also covered. The introduction considers the history, current extent, benefits and limits of temperate forage legume usage. Subsequent chapters are dedicated to a comprehensive examination of each forage species in turn, dealing with their origin, morphology, physiology, ecology, nitrogen-fixing capability, cultivars, seed production, nutritive value and productivity. The key factors for optimal management are identified and the prospects for the future outlined, including the potential arising from the use of biotechnology. This book is essential reading for degree and postgraduate students of plant science, agronomy and animal production. Additionally, students and researchers in ecology and environmental science will also find it a valuable resource. The management sections will be of particular value to grassland advisers, consultants and progressive land users.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Die Olchis im Land der Riesenkraken

        by Erhard Dietl, Erhard Dietl

        Von Kraken und Piraten: Die Olchis auf Schatzsuche im Teufelsmeer Ein Tauchgang im Teufelsmeer, um wertvolles Porzellan der Ming-Dynastie zu bergen? Das lassen sich die Olchis nicht entgehen. Mit Brauseweins Zeitmaschine geht’s ab ins Jahr 1604. Doch tief unten im Meer werden die Olchis plötzlich von gefräßigen Riesenkraken angegriffen. Und dann fallen sie um ein Haar auch noch wilden chinesischen Piraten in die Hände. Gelingt den Olchis die Flucht? Und wie kommen sie zurück in die Gegenwart? Mit den Olchis können Kinder ab sechs Jahren ein aufregendes Tiefseeabenteuer erleben und erste Versuche im Selberlesen unternehmen. Der perfekte Einstieg ins erste Selberlesen für Kinder ab 6 Jahren Aufregende Tiefsee-Abenteuergeschichte mit Zeitreise-Element Große Schrift und viele bunte Bilder

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Die Olchis im Land der Drachen

        by Erhard Dietl, Wolf Frass, Nadine Schreier, Eva Michaelis, Jens Wendland, Dagmar Dreke, Monty Arnold, Tim Grobe, Jodie Ahlborn, Dieter Faber, Uticha Marmon, Frank Gustavus, Erhard Dietl

        Auf einer Koralleninsel, weit weg im Ozean, lebt Helene, eine Freundin von Professor Brausewein. In einem versteckten Bergwerk erforscht sie dort Drachen. Doch jetzt machen ihr zwei ihrer Schützlinge Ärger, und sie bittet den Professor um Hilfe. Mit der Zeitmaschine sausen Brausewein und die Olchi-Kinder zu Helene. Denn warum hat sich der kleine Albert in Helenes Labor verschanzt, und was treibt er da? Und warum ist Drago auf einmal so böse geworden und lässt niemanden in die Nähe des Labors? Ein schwieriger Fall für die Olchis und Brausewein! Aber wer weiß, vielleicht dürfen sie am Ende zur Belohnung einen von Helenes kleinen Drachen mit nach Schmuddelfing nehmen? Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2019

        Giggi and Daddy

        by Richa Jha and Mithila Ananth

        Daddy wasn’t Daddy until Ria popped out of his pocket. Or so he says. Giggi and Daddy is a light-hearted tale which through an innocent clash of narratives between a father and his daughter explores the evolving definition of what it means to be the ‘Best Dad in the World’.  Richa Jha takes the reader on a jolly fun ride of tall tales and a fancy imagination, and an adorable Daddy-daughter duo. Mithila Ananth’s blend of simple uncomplicated lines and textured backdrops that ooze perfect comic timing make this book a hilarious visual treat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2009

        Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and His England John Lyly

        An annotated, modern-spelling edition

        by Paul Edmondson, Martin White

        John Lyly's Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and his England, created a literary sensation in their own age, and had a profound influence on Elizabethan prose. This modern-spelling edition of the two works, the first for nearly a century, is designed to allow the twenty-first century reader access to this culturally significant text and to explore the fascination that it exerted. Attuned to the needs of both students and specialists, the text is edited from the earliest complete witnesses, is richly annotated, and facilitates an understanding of Lyly's narrative technique by distinguishing typographically between narrative levels. The introduction explores the relationship between the dramatic and non-dramatic work, locating Lyly's highly influential plays in a wider context and Euphues' Latin poem in praise of Elizabeth I, translated for the first time, is discussed in an Appendix. A work of primary importance for students of Renaissance prose, this edition complements the on-going publication of Lyly's dramatic works in The Revels Plays. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Steamships and Whales

        by Hryhorii Falkovych (Author), Yana Grankovska (Illustrator), Rostyslav Popsky (Illustrator)

        Steamships and Whales is a collection of the most recent poems by Hryhoriy Falkovych, a modern prize-winning Ukrainian-Jewish poet. Aren't we lucky to get to know this incredible poet! He is a sage, a wit, a joker and a gentle lyricist, whose amazing poems stick to the mind from the first reading. Yana Grankovska and Rostyslav Popsky, brilliant young artists, made the poems come alive in their pictures.   From 3 to 6 years, 1201 words Rightsholders: or

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