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      • Chemical Industry Press Co. Ltd.

        Chemical Industry Press( hereinafter called “CIP”) was established in 1953, and is one of the most distinguished state-owned publishers in China. As one of “top 100 publishers in China”, CIP has been seen as a well-known and trusted brand in China. For years, CIP is one of the most impressive Chinese publisher with powerful overseas libraries’ collection influence. Key subjects: Chemistry, Materials, Environment, Energy, Engineering, Machine, Automotive, Electric & Electrical, Architecture, Biology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Healthcare, Business & Management, Humanities, Lifestyle, Photography, Self-help, Baby & Parenting, Language learning, Literature&Arts,etc.

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      • Le Cheval d'août

        Le Cheval d'août is an independent publishing company located in Montréal (Québec, Canada) that specializes in fictional contemporary literature, from the novel to non-fictional genres. Passionate about new voices, original and pertinent forms, its catalog has quickly acquired a name for itself and has won the favors of critics and readers. Its authors have earned several distinctions, are translated in Canada and in Europe, and have seen their books enjoy a second life through various adaptations.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        He Yumin precise diet anti-cancer wisdom: how to eat bowel cancer

        He Yumin Precise Diet Anti-cancer Wisdom

        by Sun Lihong

        This book is based on the best-selling book "How to eat when you have cancer", based on Professor He Yumin's 40 years of clinical, scientific research and teaching experience in cancer diet and nutrition, as well as the appeals of hundreds of anti-cancer and anti-cancer audiences across the country. , And carefully proposed a personalized and targeted guidance program for the diet of patients with bowel cancer. Specifically for patients with bowel cancer, referring to the latest authoritative research materials at home and abroad, starting from "three mouths and one cancer, bowel cancer eaten", it introduces the effects of nutrients and phytochemicals in food on bowel cancer, and recommends it in daily life Common anti-cancer foods also list the bad eating habits that lead to bowel cancer. Propose reasonable, accurate, and personalized dietary guidance programs for patients during different periods of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and finally correct the patients' wrong dietary concepts by identifying dietary errors. This book can bring help to patients and their families, and effectively improve and enhance the clinical treatment effect and quality of life of patients!

      • Trusted Partner
        Insects (entomology)
        December 1998

        Tsetse Biology and Ecology

        Their Role in the Epidemiology and Control of Trypanosomosis

        by Stephen G A Leak

        Domestic livestock in Africa are of importance not only as a source of milk and meat but also as a source of animal traction enabling farmers to cultivate larger areas, with crops providing the staple foods. Trypanosomosis, a parasitic disease transmitted cyclically by the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.), is arguably still the main constraint to livestock production on the continent, preventing full use of the land to feed the rapidly increasing human population. Sleeping sickness, the disease caused in humans by species of Trypanosoma, is an important and neglected disease posing a threat to millions of people in tsetse-infested areas. Often wrongly thought of as a disease of the past, the prevalence of human sleeping sickness is increasing in many areas.Although alternative methods to control the disease are being investigated, such as immunological approaches, use of chemotherapy or exploitation of the trypanotolerance trait, it is only control or eradication of the tsetse fly vector which will remove the threat of the disease rather than providing a better means of ‘living’ with it. As a result of the economic impact of tsetse-transmitted Trypanosomosis, a large amount of research literature has been produced. This book provides a comprehensive review of this literature. The text is divided into four parts: tsetse biology and ecology, epidemiology, vector control and control of trypanosomosis. The book is invaluable for medical and veterinary entomologists, parasitologists and epidemiologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2004

        Antiinfektiöse Chemotherapie

        Für Klinik und Praxis: Praktische Hinweise zur Therapie mit Antibiotika, Antimykotika, Virustatika und antiparasitären Mitteln

        by Herausgegeben von Heizmann, Wolfgang R.; Herausgegeben von Spencker, Friedrich-Bernhard

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2008

        Gesammelte Gedichte

        1954 - 2006

        by Gernhardt, Robert

        Wir vergeben die meisten Genehmigungen zu Robert Gernhardt über den Band "Gesammelte Gedichte". Das Inhaltsverzeichnis findet sich im Punkt "Supporting Information." An den Gedichten auf den Seiten 1 bis 68 aus diesem Band hat S. Fischer keine Rechte!

      • Children's & YA

        Mom's Bra

        by Edmée Pardo / Edgar Clement

        A girl whose body is starting to change, and who starts exploring herself with great curiosity, notices that her Mom's body is also changing. It all started when Mom noticed a lump in one of her breasts. Thus beings a journey of mutual self-exploration, unending love, compassion, and the joy of sharing the marvel that the body is, and the importance of self exploration for women to take care of their bodies.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Therapeutic Strategies in Veterinary Oncology

        by Chand Khanna, Nicole Amato, Jacob Cawley, Steven Dow, Joelle Fenger, Andi Flory, Ira Gordon, Kayla Harding, Kelvin Kow, Cheryl London, Nicola Mason, Arata Matsuyama, Jonathan Mochel, Anthony Mutsaers, Henrik Rönnberg, Wesley Wierson

        This book is a comprehensive resource for veterinary oncologists and trainees, covering therapeutic strategies used in the treatment of veterinary patients. In the setting of a rapidly changing field like oncology, this timely text focuses on mechanisms of action and biological rationale rather than current specific clinical recommendations, allowing current and future clinicians to adapt treatment approaches as our understanding of the biology of cancer evolves. With each chapter written by experts in their field, this book provides informative figures that convey this biological understanding and rationale of therapy. It starts from the mechanisms of treatment as we currently understand them, covering radiation therapy, chemotherapy options, enzyme therapy, gene editing, inhibitors, and many more. Dispensing vital, detailed and practical information about the different therapeutic strategies available, this book is a vital resource for practicing veterinarians, while also providing students of veterinary oncology with a better understanding of the key differences between different treatment strategies.

      • Medicine
        April 2016

        Fast Facts: Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

        by Rudolph M Navari, Bernardo L Rapoport

        Few side effects of cancer treatment are more feared by patients than nausea and vomiting. Failure to control these symptoms on the first day of chemotherapy increases the risk of them occurring on subsequent days and in subsequent cycles of chemotherapy, and can often result in patients refusing further cancer treatment. Very effective antiemetics are available to prevent this from happening, but do you know how best to use them? Fast Facts: Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting presents the evidence for the clinical agents that can prevent CINV, along with the recommendations for their use in various clinical settings using recently established international guidelines. Correct administration of prophylactic antiemetics in relation to the emetogenicity of the chemotherapy being given not only improves patients’ quality of life during treatment but also adherence to subsequent cancer treatments, thus improving overall outcomes. This refreshingly readable handbook is therefore a must-read resource for all health professionals in a position to make this kind of a difference.

      • Fiction
        December 2019

        Good Friend, Cancer

        by Pam Pam Liu

        When my mother gets cancer for the second time, she asked if I would keep her company through her chemotherapy. And of course, I said yes. But how am I meant to cope with it all? Pam Pam uses a clean but comical style to portray the joys and sorrows of accompanying a loved one through an illness.     Despite the technical and medical wonders of the modern age, cancer remains one of humanity’s biggest enemies. And while we all know the patients themselves suffer, what of their loved ones, who find themselves sudden becoming carers, struggling with negative emotions, drained by the demands upon them? They too face a long physical and emotional battle.   Good Friend, Cancer is a daughter’s first-hand account of her mother’s chemotherapy treatment. Finding herself now responsible for caring for her mother, she worries as she waits in the hospital that maybe her genes mean the same fate is in store for her. And she is also resentful – she has missed out on a change to follow her dreams and travel overseas. And most of all, and most unanswerably: why her?   Graphic novelist Pam Pam’s simple style and plain strokes provide a humorous look at a harsh reality and turn misfortunes into charming tales. Over the course of 18 short comics, Pam Pam examines the traditional roles of a “daughter” and the pressures of being an adult as she portrays truths about family relationships which we all recognize – even if we cannot admit to it.

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2018

        Winning the War on Cancer

        The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

        by Sylvie Beljanski

        President Nixon declared the War on Cancer in 1971. 45 years and billions of dollars later, it looks like we have lost the battle. Or have we? When a natural, non-toxic way to fight cancer is discovered, it is big news in the scientific community. But instead of being embraced, it is fiercely opposed by those tied to the pharmaceutical industry. Research by the late Mirko Beljanski, PhD,—one of the first green molecular biologists—revealed that natural molecules can selectively target cancer cells and work alongside many chemotherapy drugs. Called upon by President Mitterrand of France to treat his prostate cancer, Beljanski allowed Mitterand to reach his second term in office; but upon the president’s death, the scientist became the subject of relentless persecution. This book, written through the eyes of Dr. Beljanski’s daughter, Sylvie, tells the true story of one woman’s quest to carry on her father’s legacy and to discover a new treatment for cancer. The book combines scientific information with a tale of defiance, hope, despair, personal growth and love.

      • Medicine

        Anti-Cancer Drugs

        An International Journal on Anti-Cancer Agents

        by Mels Sluyser PhD

        10 issues/yr - 2013 Volume(s) - 22 Anti-Cancer Drugs provides current information on the clinical and experimental effects of toxic and non-toxic cancer agents and is specifically directed towards breakthroughs in cancer treatment. Among the topics included are cytotoxic chemotherapy, hormonal or biological response modifiers such as interleukins, immunotherapy, drug design, adverse effects of drugs and drug resistance. Within the journal, strong emphasis is placed on papers reporting treatments to alleviate the side-effects of chemotherapy.

      • Ophthalmology
        August 2013

        Retinoblastoma: Clinical Advances and Emerging Treatment Strategies

        by Timothy G Murray

        Retinoblastoma is the most common primary intraocular malignant tumor of childhood and was invariably fatal until relatively recently. Now though, retinoblastoma is curable in virtually all children presenting in the developed world. Furthermore, it is now possible to preserve the eye and retain functional vision, and advances in treatment now spare hundreds of children the need for treatment with systemic chemotherapy. These twelve chapters span the current field of retinoblastoma from laboratory discoveries to diagnostic advances to primary treatment through visual rehabilitation. Specific attention is given to retinoblastoma in the developing world and its implications for extraocular and metastatic retinoblastoma. Finally, the surgical importance of this disease is highlighted in the discussion of anesthetic considerations for examination under anesthesia, chemotherapy including intraarterial ophthalmic artery treatment and application of radiotherapy in primary, recurrent and orbital disease.

      • Gynaecology & obstetrics
        March 2012

        Advances in Ovarian Cancer Management

        by Peter E Schwartz

        The sixteen chapters of Advances in Ovarian Cancer Management present a concise, timely and comprehensive overview on the current status of the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of women with epithelial ovarian cancer. The book introduces the incessant menstruation hypothesis, which may allow physicians to better understand and explain to patients why many serous ovarian cancers may actually be originating from the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube and why endometrioid and clear cell cancers may arise in association with endometriosis. Subsequent chapters discuss diagnostic evaluation prior to the patient undergoing treatment and the surgical and chemotherapeutic management of the disease. There are overviews of new approaches such as anti-angiogenesis therapy, PARP inhibitors, immunotherapy and emerging target therapies. Discussions of alternative treatment strategies, such as neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgical cytoreduction and adjuvant chemotherapy are included, together with the management of recurrent ovarian cancer, both from a surgical perspective and from a perspective of chemotherapeutic agents. Advances in Ovarian Cancer Management concludes with a chapter on palliative care, a critical part of the overall management of women with this devastating disease. The final chapter provides contemporary guidelines for the initial management of ovarian cancer as well as for recurrent disease.

      • Clinical & internal medicine
        October 2011

        Advances in the Management of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

        by Clifford A Hudis, Tiffany A Traina

        This book covers the whole spectrum of TNBC management, from risk factors, molecular profiling, and diagnostics to adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted agents. The optimal management of TNBC patients requires the understanding of molecular subgroups of this heterogeneous disease and possible use of combination treatment with conventional and novel targeted therapies.

      • Clinical & internal medicine

        Pharmacological Advances in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Management

        by James Cassidy

        Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignancy worldwide, with over 650,000 new cases diagnosed each year, and it is more common in developed countries. This book covers recent advances in systemic therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer, from first-line chemotherapy to the use of monoclonal antibodies, as well as novel targeted drugs in clinical trials and the future of pharmacogenomics and individualized chemotherapeutic treatment strategies.

      • Medicine

        Oncology Times UK Version

        The Independent Hem/Onc News Source

        by Edited by Serena Stockwell

        Monthly - 2013 Volume(s) - 8 This award-winning, independent newspaper, mailed to over 39,000 cancer specialists, reports on breaking clinical news in oncology, radiology, surgery, chemotherapy, and biological and gene therapy, as well as the professional, political, reimbursement, and practice management issues that affect those treating cancer patients. Included in this publication--the leading newspaper in oncology--are hard-hitting editorials and special reports

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