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Promoted ContentSeptember 2021
Enjoying the Moment
by Changsha Bank Corporate Culture Construction Committee
This is a collection of works on the theme of corporate culture. There are four chapters in the book: "Enjoy•Value", "Enjoy•Ecology", "Enjoy•Life", "Enjoy•Culture". The first chapter elaborates the development of Changsha Bank into a big, party building as the soul, management as the foundation, service as the key, love as the beauty, and technology as the first from the three dimensions of management, products and the future. It records the birth and development of Changsha Bank’s products Growth, imaginative business planning, etc.; Chapter 2 shows the steps of Changsha Bank to explore ecological banking, build a financial ecosystem, cross-border brand alliances, openness and win-win, compatibility and inclusiveness; Chapter 3 tells the story of employees' hard work, etc.; The fourth chapter presents the research results of the Changsha Bank’s Corporate Culture Construction Expert Advisory Committee.
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Trusted PartnerDecember 1982
Zwangsvollstreckung gegen Behörden.
Die Handhabung der zivilprozessualen Vollstreckungsnormen bei der Zwangsvollstreckung aus allgemeinen Leistungsurteilen gegen Verwaltungsträger.
by Bank, Wilfried J.
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Trusted PartnerJune 2016
»Was ist ein Einbruch in eine Bank gegen die Gründung einer Bank?«
Das Brecht-Brevier zur Wirtschaftskrise
by Bertolt Brecht, Tom Kindt
Sieben Jahre Wirtschaftskrise. Sieben Jahre Beruhigungsrhetorik und Durchhalteparolen aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Höchste Zeit für einen neuen Blick auf die Erschütterungen, die Banken und Börsen, Währungen und Gesellschaften seit 2008 an den Rand des Abgrunds drängen. »Was ist ein Einbruch in eine Bank gegen die Gründung einer Bank?« zeigt, dass Bertolt Brechts Werk einen solchen Blick auf die Wirtschaftskrise bereithält. In sechs Lektionen versammelt das Brevier literarische, aphoristische und publizistische Texte Brechts, die – obgleich vor mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert entstanden – wie Analysen und Kommentare zu den ökonomischen Turbulenzen der Gegenwart erscheinen.
Trusted PartnerOctober 1964
Jargon der Eigentlichkeit
Zur deutschen Ideologie
by Theodor W. Adorno
»Jargon der Eigentlichkeit« setzt sprachkritisch an, ist aber ideologiekritisch im strengen Sinn, Untersuchung eines falschen Bewußtseins, wie es in einem sehr bestimmten neudeutschen Wortschatz sich offenbart. Dabei wird zunächst die Sprachform auf ihren Ausdrucksgehalt hin analysiert und dann dieser aus der Unwahrheit der Philosophie abgeleitet, die jenen Wortschatz prägt. Es geht also um ein Stück ausgeführter Dialektik von Form und Inhalt. Die Veränderung jenes falschen Bewußtseins ist von unmittelbarer, eingreifender praktischer Bedeutung.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2023
My Bank Washes Greener
Eco lies told by the finance sector
by Bernd Villhauer
— By the expert in ethical business — Once you have finished this, you will never fall for green financial lies again — Global Ethic Institute (Weltethos- Institut) network And suddenly every bank is sustainable. This truly necessary "debate book" explains in a wellfounded way what green-washing means in the financial sector, and why banks, insurance companies, asset managers, stockbrokers and other financial players clothe themselves in their allegedly so green-and-friendly cloak. It provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the various forms of greenwashing, how we can recognise the different "varieties" and – above all – how we can avoid them. This is also important because the entire financial and capital system is an important part of a sustainable future – and this can only succeed if it is honest, transparent and impact-orientated.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2013
The Madmen of Bethlehem
by Osama Alaysa
Adopting the story-within-a-story structure of Arabian Nights, author Osama Alaysa weaves together a collection of stories portraying centuries of oppression endured by the Palestinian people. This remarkable novel eloquently brings together fictional characters alongside real-life historical figures in a complex portrayal of Bethlehem and the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank. The common thread connecting each tale is madness, in all its manifestations. Psychological madness, in the sense of clinical mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, finds expression alongside acts of social and political madness. Together, these accounts of individuals and communities provide a gateway into the histories of the city of Bethlehem and Palestine. They paint a picture of the centuries of political oppression that the Palestinian people have endured, from the days of the Ottoman Empire to the years following the Oslo Accords, and all the way to 2012 (when the novel was written). The novel is divided into three sections, each containing multiple narratives. The first section, “The Book of a Genesis,” describes the physical spaces and origins of Bethlehem and Dheisheh Refugee Camp. These stories span the 19th and 20th centuries, transitioning smoothly from one tale to another to offer an intricate interpretation of the identity of these places. The second section, “The Book of the People Without a Book”, follows parallel narratives of the lives of the patients in a psychiatric hospital in Bethlehem, the mad men and women roaming the streets of the city, and those imprisoned by the Israeli authorities. All suffer abuse, but they also reaffirm their humanity through the relationships, romantic and otherwise, that they form. The third and final section, “An Ephemeral Book,” follows individuals—Palestinian and non-Palestinian—who are afflicted by madness following the Oslo Accords in 1993. These stories give voice to the perspectives of the long-marginalized Palestinian population, narrating the loss of land and the accompanying loss of sanity in the decades of despair and violence that followed the Nakba, the 1948 eviction of some 700,000 Palestinians from their homes. The novel’s mad characters—politicians, presidents, doctors, intellectuals, ordinary people and, yes, Dheisheh and Bethlehem themselves—burst out of their narrative threads, flowing from one story into the next. Alaysa’s crisp, lucid prose and deft storytelling chart a clear path through the chaos with dark humor and wit. The result is an important contribution to fiction on the Palestinian crisis that approaches the Palestinians, madness, and Palestinian spaces with compassion and depth.
Trusted PartnerFebruary 1997
Fever Pitch
Ballfieber - Die Geschichte eines Fans
by Hornby, Nick / Übersetzer Stegelmann, Marcus; Übersetzer Stegelmann, Henning
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Trusted PartnerNovember 1996
Net Jargon
Englisch fürs Internet. (rororo computer)
by Kreisel, Uwe; Tabbert, Pamela A
Trusted PartnerMay 2005
Bank Austria Creditanstalt
150 Jahre österreichische Bankengeschichte im Zentrum Europas
by Herausgegeben von Rathkolb, Oliver; Herausgegeben von Venus, Theodor; Herausgegeben von Zimmerl, Ulrike
Trusted PartnerNovember 1992
Das DSL-Bank-Modell.
Privatisierung eines öffentlichen Unternehmens bei fortbestehenden öffentlichen Interessen.
by Schmidt, Olaf
Trusted PartnerSeptember 1974
Europäisches Geld-, Bank- und Börsenrecht.
Teil I: Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Red.: Ulrich Brink / Hans-Peter Scheerer.
by Herausgegeben von Bärmann, Johannes; Mitwirkung (sonst.) Brink, Ulrich; Mitwirkung (sonst.) Scheerer, Hans-Peter
Trusted PartnerJuly 1980
Europäisches Geld-, Bank- und Börsenrecht.
Teil II: Frankreich. Bearb. von René Roblot / Heinrich Reinecker.
by Herausgegeben von Hadding, Walther; Herausgegeben von Schneider, Uwe H.; Adaptiert von Roblot, René; Adaptiert von Reinecker, Heinrich
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Trusted PartnerMarch 1991
Die Haftung der Bank bei der Kreditkündigung.
Ein Beitrag zu den Verhaltenspflichten der Banken bei der Kündigung von Krediten im deutschen und amerikanischen Recht.
by Möllers, Thomas M. J.