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        Eye on Egypt: Café Riche

        by Maisoon Saqer

        The book opens a unique door to the history of Cairo and its journey from a social and cultural perspective and aims to build a new and different narrative for this history—one that shows Cairo as a cosmopolitan, multicultural city. Cairo’s Cafe Riche has a deep cultural history and a broad creative and social heritage. Saqer describes it as “the site where endless friendships are established between the café and history.” Saqer’s narrative is not just about the small café, but rather constitutes observance and analysis of the presence of this café in the history of Egypt and how we can view many events surrounding it. Here there is no separation between the political and the cultural, between the historical, the social, and the artistic. The book combines history and narrative, which makes it a documented historical biography on the one hand and a creative work on the other. It also documents an important era in Egypt’s cultural history by examining the cultural and social transformations in modern Egyptian history and highlighting prominent intellectuals and creators associated with the cafe and the history of intellectual life in Egypt.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Services

        Future on site

        by Dr. S. Werner and T. König

        Make it simple! The pharmacy can do more than just provide medicines. In this book, two smart authors show what ideas are out there for pharmacy services and how they can be offered. This involves much more than just the pharmaceutical services that are paid for. Digitalisation makes many things possible. Optimised operational processes, broad knowledge and skills become further services that offer good opportunities for the on-site pharmacy. Here you can read about • what contemporary services are available, how they can be introduced, and what they should cost, • why telemedicine and appointment booking software can be helpful strategies, and • how pharmacies can effectively counter the mail-order trade. From the content: pharmaceutical counselling in and outside the pharmacy on health topics, prevention and medicinal products, services for specific target groups, distributing and blistering, vaccination, determination of physiological values and much more.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Practice Workbook

        practise, consolidate, revise

        by Annette Thomas / Nadine Sprecher

        Advising patients, dispensing, preparing and checking drugs – that is the essence of pharmacy practice and – at the same time – a broad field. This workbook enables knowledge about legal and regulatory requirements concerning the dispensing of drugs, the use of particular dosage forms, specific risks of drugs as well as the handling of medical devices or hazardous substances to be deepened – and in an amusing and entertaining way, thanks to a varied range of exercises! It is the ideal complement to the textbook Pharmacy Practice of the Deutschen Apotheker Verlag and the perfect preparation for the final examination. But quite apart from that, it guarantees fun for all prospective and active pharmaceutical technicians, returnees and pharmacy interns when learning and revising. It provides valuable ideas and support for pharmaceutical technician schools and pharmacies with teaching and training.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

      • Trusted Partner

        General Pharmacy

        A textbook for pharmacy interns, continuing professional development and pharmacy practice

        by Patrick Schäfer (ed.)

        Guide for pharmacy interns First-hand knowledge makes preparation for the 3rd State Examination easier. Each chapter ends with tips for pharmacy interns and – if appropriate – links to the worksheets of the BAK (Federal Chamber of Pharmacists) guidelines for practical training. Requirement for continuing professional development In-depth content supports those undertaking CPD in the area of general pharmacy. Each chapter contains additional proposals, such as participation in suitable seminars organised by the Chambers of Pharmacists, topics for the practical tasks or the project work. All-round talent for routine pharmacy practice Case examples link theoretical knowledge with actual patient counselling situations. Tips for practice, drug profiles and various boxes promote rapid and easy reference. New: The 2nd edition expands the proven, practical concept by chapters such as vaccination, hyperlipidaemia or dealing with adverse drug reactions.

      • Trusted Partner

        The sustainable pharmacy

        Climate change, protection of the environment and health

        by Esther Luhmann (ed.), By Björn Schittenhelm, Gabriele Renner and Florian Giermann

        We encounter the effects of climate change on a daily basis. It also presents a danger to our health. So is it not part of our responsibility as healthcare professionals to do something for the health of our planet? What contribution can pharmacy staff make? The authors explore these questions in depth. They examine the side effects that medicinal products can have on the environment and where alternatives are to be found. To help ensure that environmental protection is part-and-parcel of everyday pharmacy practice, the book offers practical tips and checklists for the whole team. For not only can the pharmacy conserve resources and advise patients on the consequences of climate change for their health – it can be a role model. The future lies in our hands!

      • Trusted Partner

        Emergencies at the Pharmacy

        Deal competently with emergency situations

        by Matthias Bastigkeit

        In emergency situations, a pharmacy assumes a special importance. Being an easily accessible point of contact, it is called upon to provide help in confused situations and also in those where there is a clear need for first aid. In such serious cases, it is essential to respond quickly and adequately. - How does one recognise an emergency? - How does one proceed? - What is one allowed to do, what must one do? The book provides clear answers to all these questions about emergency scenarios that can occur at a pharmacy. Whether it is an attack of asthma, a heart attack, burns or poisoning – in future, one will know what to do. In addition, the book provides information about the actions of the emergency physician and the common drugs used in emergencies.

      • Trusted Partner

        Paediatric Pharmacy

        Handbook for further training from the PädiaAkademie

        by Dr. MHA Constanze Schäfer, Dr. Christian Ude, Dr. Miriam Ude (eds.)

        The treatment of small and growing patients requires a broad knowledge - and the advising of these patients and their parents calls for great skill! The interdisciplinary team of pharmacist and physician authors addresses the central themes of paediatrics: - What is important for a high degree of safety in pharmacotherapy? - Which prophylactic measures maintain health? - Administration and adherence: what are the special features? - Comprehensive information for advising on the most important indications from the point of view of pharmacists and paediatricians. The handbook has become an established reference work in pharmacies. The second, updated edition provides the fundamental knowledge for certified further training “Specialist Adviser Paediatrics” and for skilful advice at the pharmacy in a tried and tested way.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Assessment

        Sale and purchase of pharmacies

        by Dipl.-Kfm. Axel Witte and Dipl.-Bw. Doris zur Mühlen

        To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is worth taking a closer look when buying or selling a pharmacy. Whether buyer or seller: both parties ask themselves the question of the market value of an object. This is determined by a multitude of factors. This book shows how both parties arrive at a realistic assessment. The revised and updated edition of the classic work guides you through the process of assessing a pharmacy’s value. Various examples help to assess the facts and support the understanding of relevant factors during the sale or purchasing process, which is usually carried out with the help of an advisor experienced in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        April 2010

        Coffee Wilt Disease

        by G J. Hakiza, Adugna Girma, Deusdedit L. Kilambo, Richard Musebe, Michael A. Rutherford, Noah Phiri, P.C. Musoli, E. Negussi, Adrien Kalonji-Mbuyi. Edited by Julie Flood.

        Coffee Wilt Disease has cost African coffee farmers an estimated US$1 billion to date, resulting from reduced yields and the extra costs incurred in trying to manage the disease. This devastating fungal disease has destroyed millions of coffee trees in affected countries across Africa and will be a contributory factor in any attempt at revitalization of the African coffee sector in the future. This book is one of the outputs of the Regional Coffee Wilt Programme and is a compilation of the current knowledge of various aspects of CWD, including information about the pathogen, its spread and importantly its management.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        April 2007

        Coffee Pests, Diseases and their Management

        by M Bigger, Rory J Hillocks. Edited by Jim M Waller.

        Price collapse and oversupply have made coffee a high-profile crop in recent years: never has efficient production and crop protection been more important for reducing costs and increasing quality. Packed with illustrations, this book covers the origins, botany, agroecology and worldwide production statistics of coffee, and the insect pests, plant pathogens, nematodes and nutrient deficiencies that afflict it. With emphasis on integrated crop management, this book reviews control measures suitable for any coffee pest or disease and will enable agriculturists to design and implement sustainable pest management systems.

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        Food & Drink

        Infinite possibility of Creative Coffee

        by Lin Dongyuan

        Written by the Asia Barista Championship judge Lin Dongyuan, the book sheds light on general knowledge and key points of creative coffee and includes 62 recipes. No matter you are a coffee lover, barista, or candidate for a barista competition, the book can offer some necessary guidance. (Hong Kong rights sold.)

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Chocolate, women and empire

        by Emma Robertson

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Coffee, Cocoa and Tea

        by Ken C Willson

        While botanically quite different, coffee, cocoa and tea are often considered together in the teaching of students of horticulture or agriculture. This is because all three represent plantation cash crops that are used as stimulant beverages and are grown in many of the warmer, less developed regions of the world. While there are a number of specialist books available on aspects of each individual crop, as well as grower manuals focusing on particular regions, there is currently no book that provides a general introductory overview of the scientific principles underlying production of all three crops. This book fills this gap, and will serve as a broad-based text for students of agriculture, horticulture and food science, as well as professionals seeking an overview of the topic.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Varta in the Game

        by Natalia Matolinets

        Dark sorceress Varta Tarnovetska used to live a quiet life in Lviv: she worked in a cafe, hanged out with her friends and occasionally clashed with light sorcerers. But everything changed, when the Game began in the city. Power in the Central European Conglomerate for the next century is at stake of this decisive battle. Despite all her efforts, Varta can’t stay away from this violent competition. The marks waiting for sorcerers’ blood, the story of a demon and the secret of what happened a hundred years ago are lying ahead of her. The game is on...

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Candy Guild (1). The Magic Pact

        by Tanja Voosen/ Viktoria Gavrilenko

        The most magical adventure since the discovery of chocolate! Do you believe in magic and miracles? Everyone in the little town of Belony takes magic and miracles for granted – everyone except Elina, who thinks it’s all a load of nonsense. That is, until her nervous neighbour Charlie happens to get hold of a bar of chocolate that has a very strange effect on her. Suddenly Elina is convinced that Charlie has fallen under a spell. Of all people, it’s shy Robin who comes to the girl’s rescue. He is a member of a Candy Guild family – people who have the ability to create magic sweets that will help others. This is how he knows that only the mysterious Candy Guild can lift the curse on Charlie. With a suitcase full of magic sweets, the three of them set out on a dangerous quest. Because not everyone keeps to the pact that magic sweets should only be used to do good… The Candy Guild. The Magic Pact is the first in a new series of magic-fantasy books for children of 9+ - as enchanting as chocolate and as wild as a Christmas cracker!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Impassive Rivers

        by Akram El Kebir

        “In any case, when you decide to try harga, it's because you no longer expect anything from life. Or that you expect a lot!” (Akram El Kebir) The summer of 2018 was particularly deadly in Oran, as the discovery of harraga corpses being fished out of the Mediterranean was commonplace. That same summer saw the commissioning of a water cab, the Rossinante II, which made the daily shuttle between Oran and the small seaside town of Aïn El Turk. A cafe owner in a small estaminet in Sidi El Houari, Zaki, at the age of 24, led a dull, boring life, with no prospects for the future other than to cherish the hope of one day attempting the harga. It was only the fear of ending up eaten by fish that dissuaded him. That said, as soon as he heard about the water cab, an absurd idea occurred to him: what if he hijacked the boat and headed for the Iberian coast? He won't be alone in this crazy adventure, as his neighborhood friends Okacha and Anis, and other outcasts, are sure to follow him. But these modern-day Don Quixotes shouldn't claim victory too soon! They'll learn the hard way that hijacking an entire ship is no picnic. They'll have to face up to the Italian crew, as well as the rest of the passengers. Passionate debates ensue, in a sort of impromptu Citizens' Assembly, where all issues affecting society are discussed. On the eve of the February 22nd Revolution, Zaki has eyes only for one of his hostages, the impetuous Nafissa...

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