Cassava Republic Press
Cassava Republic Presswas founded with the aim of bringing high quality fiction and non-fiction for adults and children alike to a global audience.
View Rights PortalCassava Republic Presswas founded with the aim of bringing high quality fiction and non-fiction for adults and children alike to a global audience.
View Rights PortalRepublika Penerbit is a Jakarta-based publishing company. We publish books with genres ranging from religious (Islamic books), nonfiction, biography, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, fantasy, picture books, to comics. Some of our fiction has been adapted into films and there will be more to be filmed.
View Rights PortalKlassiker für starke Jungs Wieder einmal sind Sherlock Holmes und sein scharfer Verstand gefragt. Denn auf rätselhafte Weise ist der Onkel von Sherlocks Assistenten Bob verschwunden. Seine Spur führt mitten hinein in eine düstere Moorlandschaft. Ausgerechnet dort treibt ein unheimlicher Hund sein Unwesen. Der Meisterdetektiv lässt sich von diesem Hokuspokus natürlich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen … oder vielleicht doch? Abenteurer und Detektive - Klassiker einfach lesen Der Titel ist auf gelistet. Nach dem berühmten Roman von Arthur Conan Doyle - kindgerecht geschrieben und leicht zu lesen für Kinder ab 7/8 Jahren. Weitere Geschichten von Sherlock Holmes bei Arena 978-3-401- 70712-9 Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv - Das Geheimnis des blauen Karfunkels 978-3-401-71718-0 Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv - Das Rätsel um den schwarzen Hengst 978-3-401-71534-6 Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv - Der unsichtbare siebte Mann
What is the appearance of the famous Liangzhou statue? Why is the image of the newly arrived Bodhisattva in Beiliang so different from that in the mainland? What "The Grotto Corridor of China" does is to focus on presenting this cultural birthmark and artistic treasure left by the Silk Road to Gansu, to revive the millennium grottoes, and to let the audience enter the history and discover a wonderful China in the grottoes.
In "Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore" von Catherine Doyle findet der 11-jährige Fionn Boyle zusammen mit seiner Schwester Tara den Weg zu der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore, um den Sommer bei ihrem Großvater zu verbringen. Dort entdeckt Fionn, dass er in die Fußstapfen seiner Vorfahren treten und als Sturmwächter die Insel und ihre Bewohner vor den dunklen Mächten schützen muss. Die Fähigkeit, Magie in der Flamme einer Kerze einzufangen und in die Vergangenheit zu reisen, eröffnet ihm eine neue Welt voller Geheimnisse und Abenteuer. Doch als sich ein heftiger Sturm ankündigt, steht Fionn vor der Herausforderung, die Inselbewohner vor der erwachenden dunklen Zauberin zu beschützen, die in den Tiefen Arranmores schläft. Catherine Doyles atmosphärisch dicht erzählter Roman ist eine Hommage an die Kraft der Natur und der Magie, verwebt mit der tiefen Verbindung zwischen Familie und Tradition. Fionn muss lernen, sein Erbe anzunehmen, seine Ängste zu überwinden und sein Vertrauen in die eigene Kraft zu finden, um seiner Bestimmung als Sturmwächter gerecht zu werden. "Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore" ist nicht nur ein spannendes Abenteuer über Mut und Selbstfindung, sondern auch eine berührende Geschichte über den Umgang mit Trauer und den Zusammenhalt innerhalb der Familie. Mit seiner einzigartigen Mischung aus Magie, Humor und emotionaler Tiefe zieht das Buch Leser jeden Alters in seinen Bann und legt den Grundstein für eine fesselnde Reihe. Dieses einzigartige Fantasy-Abenteuer für Jung und Alt entführt Leser in eine Welt voller Magie und Mysterien auf der irischen Insel Arranmore, ideal für Leser ab 10 Jahren und auch Erwachsene. Überzeugt durch eine Kombination aus magischen Elementen, Familienbanden und der Auseinandersetzung mit ernsten Themen wie Trauer und Mut, eingebettet in eine fesselnde Handlung. Protagonist Fionn Boyle erlebt eine bemerkenswerte Reise des persönlichen Wachstums, unterstützt durch die lebendigen Nebencharaktere und die komplexe Beziehung zu seiner Familie. Die innovative Nutzung von Magie, insbesondere durch die Kerzen, die Zeitreisen ermöglichen, und die Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturgewalt, verleiht dem Buch eine einzigartige Note. Catherine Doyles Schreibstil ist fließend und atmosphärisch, wodurch die irische Landschaft und die magische Atmosphäre Arranmores lebendig werden. Die Suche nach dem neuen Sturmwächter und der Kampf gegen eine dunkle Macht halten die Spannung hoch und versprechen ein packendes Leseerlebnis. Mit Andeutungen auf zukünftige Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen bleibt die Vorfreude auf weitere Abenteuer in Arranmore bestehen. Neben Unterhaltung bietet das Buch auch Tiefgang durch die Auseinandersetzung mit Mut, Verlust und dem Wert von Erinnerungen.
What's going on in London? A mass breakout of prisoners, an attack on a hotel and a bank robbery - all that happens within a short while. Sherlock Holmes draws a rapid deduction: This cannot be an accident. He already has a theory what and most of all who is behind it. Remains to find out how his arch enemy managed to do that. But Sherlock is on his tracks because the thieves and their leader have left their fingerprints ...
The book is pointed to education and administrative theory, based on the historical material of the national education, systematically combing, analyzes the history of education administrative development evolution during the Republic of my country, organizational functions, personnel administration, administrative supervision, funding integration, and special committee settings, The situation and effectiveness of administrative reform attempts. This book first reviews the development environment, research value, characteristics and period division of the Republic of China. Presenting the Outstanding Officer of the Republic of China, cut into the field of educational history of the Republic of China, then evolving from education administration, education administrative organization and functions Educational personnel administration, education administrative supervision, education funds, university categories and university-level reforms, and control the entire world of the Republic of China. Finally, in the form of a conclusion, the revelation of the Republic of China education is revealed and cracked. What role played in the development of the Republic of China, what role is played, and it is more comprehensive and objectively displaying the concept and characteristics of the Republic of China Education Administration.
China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.
In "Sturmwächter 2. Die Magie von Arranmore", der fesselnden Fortsetzung der "Sturmwächter"-Reihe von Catherine Doyle, spitzt sich die Lage auf der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore dramatisch zu. Der junge Sturmwächter Fionn Boyle steht vor einer seiner größten Herausforderungen: Die böse Zauberin Morrigan regt sich in den Tiefen der Insel, bedrohliche Seelenstelzer landen auf Arranmore, und Fionn muss seine Magie beherrschen lernen, bevor es zu spät ist. Doch diese Aufgabe erweist sich als schwieriger als erwartet, insbesondere da sein Großvater Malachy, der ihm bislang stets zur Seite stand, immer schwächer wird. Mit jedem Tag, der vergeht, intensiviert sich der Kampf um die Insel. Fionn, entkräftet durch das Versiegen seiner magischen Kräfte und konfrontiert mit dem schwindenden Gedächtnis seines Großvaters, ist gezwungen, sich auf seine Freunde Shelby und Sam zu verlassen. Gemeinsam suchen sie nach der verlorenen Armee der Merrows, mystische Meereskreaturen, die als einzige Morrigan und ihre Anhänger aufhalten können. Doch niemand außer Fionn glaubt an deren Existenz. Während die Inselbewohner sich auf eine Invasion vorbereiten, beginnt ein verzweifelter Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um Arranmore vor der Zerstörung zu bewahren. Diese Fortsetzung bleibt bis zum Schluss spannungsgeladen und bereitet die Bühne für den nächsten Band, der mit Sehnsucht erwartet wird. Die Geschichte setzt die Abenteuer von Fionn Boyle auf der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore fort, wo er gegen die böse Zauberin Morrigan und ihre Seelenstelzer kämpft. Erzählung durchdrungen von der Magie der Insel und einer dichten Atmosphäre, die die Leser in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse und alter Legenden entführt. Fionn steht vor der schwierigen Aufgabe, seine magischen Kräfte zu kontrollieren und die Insel zu schützen, während er persönliches Wachstum und Entwicklung durchmacht. Der Kampf gegen die dunklen Mächte und die Suche nach der verlorenen Armee der Merrows sorgen für durchgehende Spannung und fesselnde Wendungen. Die Sturmwächter-Reihe behandelt komplexe Themen wie Familie, Mut, Vertrauen und den Umgang mit Verlust und Ängsten, was eine zusätzliche emotionale Tiefe schafft. Begeistert Leser jeden Alters mit seiner faszinierenden Welt und der mitreißenden Geschichte. Ideal für Leser ab 10 Jahren, die sich nach magischen Welten sehnen, in denen die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Fantasie verschwimmen und die das Geheimnisvolle und Mystische lieben.
The book is the main shaft in the development history of the Republic of China, and the development of blind education and deafness is clues, based on the research ideas of "continuous-cherbine-transformation", on the basis of combing two major educational institutions, Further analyze the development of special education in the Republic of China in the development of institutional, cultural, thinking, aimed at combating the context of the special education of the Republic of China to continue the development of special educational development, inspecting the creative trajectory of special educational institutions during the Republic of China, revealing the modern transformation of the Republic of China The trend, summarizing the historical experience of the special education of the Republic of China, providing a reference for accurate understanding of the development history of special education in the Republic of China.
This is an academic work of educational history of the Republic of China. The book is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is clues in time, through basic facts, combing and data analysis, the overall process of the development of the Republic of China, outline the historical trend and stage characteristics of the Republic of China, and inspect the development of private primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. Different historical trajectories and regional distribution characteristics. Through the case of different levels and types of schools, the final sepinion shows the effects of private schools and the contribution of the characters, and analyzes the impact of different levels in modern education reforms. First, two chapters have also shown an example of overall and case, macro and specific research on the research path. The four chapters showed the four important sides of the Republic of China in the form of a special form, examining the principal type, financing channels, management means and its legalization processes in the Republic of China, and private schools in teachers, students, professional and courses. Characteristics of school culture and other aspects.
The Republic of Letters emerged during the seventeenth century as a concept to describe the interaction between scholars across Europe and beyond. While the concept was an imaginary one, it was firmly grounded in a reality of close circles of interaction between intellectuals, which had always existed but which was now endowed with a renewed sense of collaboration and participation within this community without barriers of statehood or creed. These fifteen essays explore differing aspects of collaboration and interdisciplinarity in the context of the radical change in mindset that the emergence of the Republic of Letters had fostered. Essays deal with French and English theatre, travel writing, the identity of the woman writer, the nature and function of gossip, scholarly interaction, and political and theological ideologies. The concluding essay provides a synthesis of the nature of seventeenth-century scholarship. The volume offers new insights into the mechanisms and workings of the Republic of Letters and charters the transition of scholarly pursuit being classified, even by some scholars themselves, as a solitary and sometimes pedantic pursuit to the notion of a network of ideas and interchange. This self-identification with a transnational league which knew no limits of geography, resources, gender or class marks a radical transition in the history of ideas and was to have far-reaching consequences, solidly preparing the way for the Enlightenment.
Newly available in paperback, Redefining the French Republic is an innovative work. Explicitly adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the book investigates continuity and change in contemporary French politics, society and culture. The chapters go beyond the familiar question of whether the Republic is acting in accordance with its vocation, to address the issue of whether that vocation is still viable. Drawing on contributions that reflect a variety of methodological approaches, ranging from theoretical speculations and modelling to the interpretation of fieldwork data, this study examines the dynamics of the relationship between the Republic and its constituencies, in the fields of political relations, territorial identities, social movements, public policy and foreign policy, and in each context juxtaposing what is perceived as the model for that relationship with the current reality. France in the twenty-first century is facing challenges that could not have been imagined a generation ago. The test for the Republic is whether it will resist the ongoing pressures for redefinition imposed by internal contestation and the emergence of powerful supranational and global forces, or whether it will find a way of adapting to these pressures while preserving a part of the vocation and ambition that make it characteristically French. The book concludes that, though the French polity remains characteristically different from other models of modern liberal democracy, internal and external pressures have challenged the republican model to the core. ;
‘‘The means of dominating a people and assimilating it is to take possession of childhood and youth: this cannot be done by coercion, but the moral means are numerous and effective... The object of our efforts must be the extension of Arabic-French teaching: it is through this that we will take possession of the new generations almost from the cradle.’’ (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). What is the record of French education in Algeria during the period of colonisation? After 132 years of French presence in Algeria (annexed to France in 1838), how many Algerians (French Muslims, indigenous French subjects) had a sufficient knowledge of the French language, and how many of them had learned to read and write in French? Was compulsory schooling for children aged 6 to 13, in accordance with the J. Ferry law of 1882, applied in Algeria? How many Algerian children attended state schools? How many went to lycée and university? What was the number of students at the time of the country's independence? How many doctors, engineers, primary and secondary school teachers did Algeria have at the time of its independence? What was the status of local languages (Arabic, dialectal Arabic, Berber) in the Algerian education system? As well as answering the questions listed above, this book attempts to analyse the objectives assigned to French schools in Algeria and to study the attitudes of the various populations to the objectives pursued. What role did education play in the various forms of colonial ‘confrontation’? What was the role of the elites produced by the colonial education system? And what role and place did they occupy in the struggle for Algerian independence? Were they the driving force behind the independence movement, as the Europeans in Algeria feared? Or did they mediate between colonisation and the mass of the colonised, as the enlightened ideologists of the colonial system hoped?
Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" is a work organized and compiled by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Extension" consists of 4 chapters. With a lot of little-known details, interesting stories and grand perspectives, the work restores the filming process and the national hit effect of "The Country Is So Beautiful" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive reviews, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective Presents all aspects of this film and television drama.
The politics of old age in the twenty first century is contentious, encompassing ideological debates about the rights and welfare entitlements of individuals in later life. An important aspect is the manner in which older people and their representative groups are given the opportunity to articulate their interests in the policy-making process. Drawing upon key literature in political science, social gerontology and cultural sociology, The politics of old age explores the relationship between ageing, politics and representation. It reveals the complexity of older people's representation and how the power the organisations exercise, their legitimacy and existence remain highly contingent on government policy design, political opportunity structures and the prevailing cultural and socioeconomic milieu. This book is essential reading for policymakers and organisations interested in ageing, policy and the political process and for students of ageing, social policy and political sociology.
During the Republic of China, the Chinese school was transformed into modern schools by the Chinese school, the new school in the Qing Dynasty. Large to school name, school type, small to the student management system, school faculty said that it is basically clear and formulated in this period. The book has passed the content arrangement of the next two, and the school management history of the Republic of China will be combed from two different dimensions. Upline mainly for school research, from national universities, private universities, church schools, etc. Home and principals study their school management claims and specific practices. Through the priority historical examination and fine logic analysis, the panoramic reducing and presenting the original appearance of the school management development during this historical period.
Based on one of the richest surviving diaries of the Dutch Golden Age, Princely Power in the Dutch Republic recaptures the social world of William Frederick of Nassau (1613-1664). As a Stadholder and relative of the Prince of Orange, William Frederick was among the key players in a fragmented republican state system. This study offers a vivid analysis of his political strategies and reveals how unwritten codes of patronage guided his daily contacts and shaped his mental world. As a patron at his court and as a client of the Prince of Orange, William Frederick developed distinctive patronage roles, appropriate to different social spheres. By assessing these different roles, Janssen provides a unique insight into the ways in which a seventeenth-century nobleman negotiated and articulated clientage, friendship and corruption in his life. This study offers an in-depth analysis of political practices in the Dutch Republic and reconsiders the way in which patronage shaped early modern politics, affected religious divisions and framed social identities. ;
This book examines how Ireland's relationship with the EU was affected by a succession of crises in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The financial crisis, the Brexit crisis and the migration crisis were not of equal significance on the island of Ireland. The financial crisis was a huge issue for the Republic but not Northern Ireland, Brexit had a major impact in both polities, the migration and populism issues were less controversial, while foreign policy challenges had a minimal impact. The book provides a summary of the main features of each of the crises to be considered, from both the EU and the Irish perspective. Ireland and the European Union is the first volume of its kind to provide a comprehensive analysis on British-Irish relations in the context of Brexit. It assesses the Withdrawal Agreement and Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, the devolution settlement and the 1998 Agreement, as well as the European dimension to Northern Ireland's peace process. The contributors explore a number of policy areas that are central to the understanding of each of the crises and the impact of each for Ireland. Chapters examine issues such as security, migration and taxation as well as protest politics, political parties, the media, public opinion and the economic impact of each of these crises on Ireland's relationship with the EU.