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Promoted ContentDecember 2024
Genome Editing for Crop Improvement
Theory and Methodology
by Jameel M Al-Khayri, Muhammad N Sattar, Sudhir K. Sopory, Shri Mohan Jain
Genome editing offers a powerful tool to significantly accelerate crop-breeding programs in order to develop new and improved varieties. It allows precise modification of an organism's DNA sequence, often by creating targeted double-strand breaks at specific locations. The CRISPR-Cas system has emerged as the preferred method of gene editing and offers a powerful technology for crop improvement. The use of CRISPR in plant research has led to significant improvements in crop performance in terms of yield, nutrition, stress tolerance and resistance against agricultural pests and diseases. This book explores the cutting-edge field of genome editing, its applications and potential to revolutionize the genetic improvement of crops. It includes: Foundational concepts and historical context of genome editing (GE). Structure and mechanisms of various genome editing techniques. Application of GE for trait improvements in plants. Regulatory, biosafety, and ethical considerations. This is a valuable resource for researchers in crop genetic improvement, graduate and postgraduate students in molecular biology and biotechnology programs, and professionals in the field.
Promoted ContentSeptember 1979
Die soziale Situation
Entwurf eines Modells zur Analyse des Verhältnisses zwischen personalen Systemen und ihrer Umwelt
by Jürgen Markowitz
Jürgen Markowitz unternimmt zum ersten Mal den Versuch, den bisher recht unspezifisch gebrauchten Begriff der Situation systematisch zu entfalten. Seine Hauptgesichtspunkte entstammen der phänomenologischen Soziologie und der funktionalistischen Systemtheorie.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawDecember 2018
World Heritage Sites
Tourism, Local Communities and Conservation Activities
by Takamitsu Jimura
Heritage is a growing area of both tourism and study, with World Heritage Site designations increasing year-on-year. This book reviews the important interrelations between the industry, local communities and conservation work, bringing together the various opportunities and challenges for different destinations. World Heritage status is a strong marketing brand, and proper heritage management and effective conservation are vital, but this tourism must also be developed and managed appropriately if it is to benefit a site. As many sites are located in residential areas, their interaction with the local community must also be carefully considered. This book: - Reviews new areas of development such as Historic Urban Landscapes, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Memory of the World and Global Geoparks. - Includes global case studies to relate theory to practice. - Covers a worldwide industry of over 1,000 cultural and natural heritage sites. An important read for academics, researchers and students of heritage studies, cultural studies and tourism, this book is also a useful resource for professionals working in conservation, cultural and natural heritage management.
Trusted PartnerBiography: historical, political & military2021
Mazepa. Rights to the sabre
by Vira Kuryko
An outstanding Cossack figure, romanticized in European culture: his image was inspired by Voltaire, Hugo, Liszt, and Byron. Even during the hetman's life, the Russian tsar launched an information war against Mazepa, and for the fourth century, he has been cursed by Moscow and glorified by Ukrainians. Who is he? A hero of his homeland, a traitor, a romantic lover? This book is an attempt to look once again at what we know about Mazepa, his significant role in the history of Europe, his difficult decisions and his bright life.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & young adult fiction & true stories2020
The Olive Pit
by Olha Kupriyan
In search of a better life, the ancient Greek family travels from Miletus to Tyras, distant Black Sea regions, where there are already several Greek settlements. His grandmother stayed in Miletus and gave him a bag of olives for the journey. In the new place, the ancient culture is intertwined with the local one, the steppe culture. What is it like to travel for a long time in the sea into the unknown? Which part of home can be brought with you? What will remain only a poignant memory? This life-affirming story will give parents support to help their children experience complex emotions: homesickness, anxiety, boredom.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & young adult: general non-fiction2020
Union of Soviet Things
by Petro Yatsenko
The soviet realia are not entirely clear to modern adolescents. Childhood in the late Soviet Union was not like it is now. Back in those days, everything was different and even scary to some point: a premonition of the nuclear war, propaganda, shortages, and confusing household items. The main characters of the book, a teenage Matvii and his father Petro, go to Lviv to visit their grandmother. There are still heaps of Soviet things in her ceiling cabinet and they are good at telling stories. Paretns are good at this as well, if you ask them well. The book gives a reason to talk about feelings of nostalgia and values.
Trusted PartnerHistory of art & design styles: from c 1900 -2021
Art Nouveau. The Ukrainian Art Styles of 20th century
by Iryna Mahdysh
The twentieth century saw an outbreak of new styles in world art, among which Art Nouveau was the first chronologically. Ukraine absorbed all-new European creative ideas, filling them with Ukrainian meanings and forms. For those unfamiliar with Ukrainian art, this book will be a handy and attractive starting entry point to the world of Ukrainian visual culture. Art experts will be able to look at their field from a new angle: to see images of rare works of Ukrainian art nouveau from regional museums and trace the links between national and world trends in the art of the twentieth century.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA2021
Kerim’s Crimea
by Natalia Smyrnova
Home, family, blooming pomegranates, children’s mischief. One day all of this is swept away by World War II. And the next day, after so many losses, it turns out that being a Crimean Tatar is a sentence. Hasty deportation, weeks in the freight trains, heavier losses yet, unfriendly new settlements, hard work. Memories of the lost Crimea. How can one find meaning, strength to live, and faith in people?
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social Sciences2020
A Ukrainian Christmas
by Nadiyka Herbish, Yaroslav Hrytsak
Christmas brings the indestructibility of hope in times of the greatest hopelessness. As long as we celebrate this holiday, we can neither be defeated nor destroyed. This is the message that Ukraine is trying to convey to the world. And this is what our book is about.' From Christmas music to gifts and food, as well as a look back through the country's rich and troubled history through the perspective of the festive season, this beautifully illustrated and powerful book introduces readers to Ukraine's unique Christmas traditions. In a country where East and West meet, this is a fascinating and unmissable guide to capturing the spirit of one of the most important times of year and a powerful reminder of the strength of holding on to your culture and beliefs, even as others try to take everything from you.
Trusted PartnerAugust 2002
Angela Davis löscht ihre Website
Listen, Refrains, Abbildungen
by Andreas Neumeister
»Erst wenn schließlich auch die Werbeblöcke gestrichen werden,« so eine zuverlässige Faustregel, »ist die Sache wirklich ernst.« Eine weltmachterschütternde Kamikaze-Aktion oder wenigstens ein rekordverdächtiger Amoklauf vor der eigenen Haustür – es muß knüppeldick kommen, um die tägliche Infotainment-Maschinerie aus dem Takt zu bringen. »Das System, in dem wir leben«, ist auf den ersten Blick mehr ein mediales als ein politisch-ökonomisches. Auf den zweiten Blick ist beides identisch. In »Angela Davis löscht ihre Website« verbinden sich politisches Denken und Pop, der forcierte Blick auf die Gegenwarts-Oberfläche und dessen ständige Infragestellung vor dem Hintergrund der Historie auf. »Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen«, so die Frage, »oder Vortäuschung richtiger Tatsachen?« Schwer zu durchschauen – gerade angesichts von Gewalt und kriegerischer Auseinandersetzung und ihren jeweiligen Rechtfertigungen –, was Realität ist, was Medienrealität, was auslösende Gewalt, was angeblich gerechte »Vergeltung der Vergeltung der Vergeltung«. »Gibt es die neue Weltordnung schon?« In »Angela Davis löscht ihre Website« geht es um nichts Geringeres als um »das Zeitalter, in dem wir leben/ die Epoche, in der wir leben«, in der Gegensätze und Haltungen mitunter ununterscheidbar geworden sind; Veronas Welt und Sofies Welt stehen ebenso selbstverständlich nebeneinander wie MTV und CNN. »Kriegsfilm?/ Antikriegsfilm?/ Kriegsberichterstattung?« heißt es wiederholt aus dem Off, denn es gilt die unmißverständliche Losung: »seit 5 Uhr 45 wird zurückgefragt.«
Trusted PartnerAugust 2024
A Place Beyond the Heart
by Irehobhude O. Iyioha
A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & young adult: general non-fiction2020
Reactors Do Not Explode. A Brief History of the Chornobyl Disaster
by Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Stanislav Dvornytskyi
Chornobyl is not only a city or a nuclear power plant but also an Exclusion Zone, a tragedy and a symbol. This book aims to explain the tragic events to people who were born after it happened, so that “Chornobyl” is not only a word by which Ukraine is recognized but also a historical experience worth acknowledging. The event is shown in the book through several dimensions: technical, emotional, natural, and political. The authors are using both verbal and visual communication to tell the story of a large-scale tragedy in a simple way, yet still able to provoke emotions. The book brings up the topics of responsibility and the cost of human life; “the right to know”; heroics; totalitarian regimes; ecology.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & young adult fiction & true stories2020
Arrow of the Steppe
by Maria Artemenko
What toys and dreams could a Sarmatian girl who lived many centuries ago in the Black Sea steppes have? For example, to tame a wild horse. And to shoot bows as accurately as her mother, a glorious warrior. The main thing is to save a willful horse from a devastating storm in time and manage to hide in her tiny house. The story of Fati from the Sarmatian tribe is about character, struggle with fears, friendship, losses and discoveries.
Trusted PartnerTrue stories (Children's/YA)2021
Lesya. Le Boule vagabonde
by Natalka Maletych
We see Lesya Ukrainka’s name every day on monuments and street signs, banknotes, and in-school classrooms. But how did Lesya herself see the world every day? As a living person, and not someone from an official portrait. What did she love, what did she laugh at and felt sad about, what did she write about in letters to the relatives, who was she friends with? Funny nicknames for siblings, homeschooling, stylish outfits, reluctance to perform in public, and long journeys — probably everyone will find something in common with Lesya, who called herself boule vagabonde — a “traveling ball”.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & young adult: general non-fiction2020
School Studies
by Halyna Tkachuk
The book introduces its readers to teaching methods and subjects in different times, from Kyivan Rus to the USSR, and shows how different schooling used to be. It also tells about some punishments for disobedience and misconduct which, luckily, can only be found in books today. All this makes “School Studies” an exciting and optimistic book which can rekindle the love for school even in those who are not very enthusiastic about studies. Written with lots humor and insights.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJanuary 2020
The Crescent over Kinburn
by Yuliia Stakhivska (Author), Oleksandra Bolotova (Author)
Two boys look at the crescent moon in the sky: Orkhan sees in it a Muslim symbol, and young Petrus — a Cossack chaika (boat). The events of The Crescent over Kinburn date back to the time when there were constant clashes between the Christian and Muslim worlds on the Kinburn Foreland near the Black Sea. Everyone has their own truth and their own path to freedom, so this story teaches mercy and acceptance because the path of revenge and violence can only bring more offence and mistrust in the world. From 5 to 8 years, 4819 words Rightsholders:
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesMay 2002
Natural Resources Management in African Agriculture
Understanding and Improving Current Practices
by Edited by Christopher B Barrett, F Place, A A Aboud
This book consists of selected, edited and revised papers from a workshop held at ICRAF (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) in July 2000.
Trusted PartnerJune 2000
Die Situation
by Peter Weiss, Wiebke Ankersen, Wiebke Ankersen
Stockholm, November 1956, das Jahr, in dem Truppen des Warschauer Pakts den Aufstand in Ungarn niederschlagen und westliche Truppen den Suezkanal besetzen: Einen Tag lang folgt Peter Weiss in diesem Roman Schriftstellern, Schauspielern, Malern und Journalisten bei ihrem Bemühen, angesichts des Weltgeschehens Stellung zu beziehen, die allgemeine, die künstlerische und die private Situation zu bestimmen. Peter Weiss macht sich wie in kaum einem anderen seiner Prosawerke die Perspektive ganz unterschiedlicher Menschen zu eigen. Unverkennbar sind dem Roman Züge aus dem Leben des seit 1940 in Stockholm arbeitenden Autors eingeschrieben.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1994
Aktor, Situation und normative Muster
Ein Essay zur Theorie sozialen Handelns
by Talcott Parsons, Harald Wenzel, Harald Wenzel
Dieser Essay wurde gegen Ende 1939 fertiggestellt, kaum zwei Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung des ersten großen Werkes von Talcott Parsons: The Structure of Social Action. Als ein Kompendium der dort begründeten »Theorie des Handelns« sucht es deren systematischen Gehalt zu explizieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Es knüpft unmittelbar an das dort gestellte Problem der sozialen Ordnung und dessen Lösungsversuch an. Soziale Integration sollte demnach durch gemeinsame, interindividuell geteilte Wertorientierungen garantiert sein. In diesem Essay nun wird der dieser Konzeption von Ordnung zugrundeliegende Handlungsbegriff präzisiert: Handeln ist die durch normative Muster vermittelte »Orientierung« eines Aktors an seiner Situation.
Trusted PartnerAdventure stories (Children's/YA)January 2021
Four Princesses
by Oleksandra Orlova (Author), Anna Surgan (Illustrator)
We know that the daughters of Yaroslav the Wise all married European kings. But who were they really? The author imagined what the childhood of Kyiv princesses could have been. Clever, derisive, playful girls — and at the same time, future rulers that have to learn princely virtues and honor books. From 5 to 8 years, 5433 words Rightsholders: