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      • National University of Singapore Press

        The NUS Press Story NUS Press publishes academic books and journals, as well as general non-fiction. Our home market is Singapore and Southeast Asia, but our books are distributed internationally. We publish books of special relevance to Southeast Asia and we maintain a disciplinary focus on the humanities and social sciences. Books and memoirs meant mostly for a general audience and to be sold in bookshops are published under our Ridge Books imprint. We publish some 30 books a year.   NUS Press currently publishes two academic journals: China: An International Journal (for the East Asian Institute at NUS) and Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia.  We are accepting new journal proposals. Please contact us at if you are interested to start a new journal. For more, see Journals.   The National University of Singapore Press is heir to a tradition of academic publishing in Singapore that dates back some 60 years, starting with the work of the Publishing Committee of the University of Malaya, beginning in 1954. Singapore University Press was created in 1971 as the publishing division of the University of Singapore. The University of Singapore merged with Nanyang University in 1980 to become the National University of Singapore, and in 2006 Singapore University Press was succeeded by NUS Press, bringing the name of the press in line with the name of the university.   Our publishing mission is to enable the dissemination and creation of knowledge through the publishing of scholarly and academic books; and to empower learning, innovation and enterprise for the Singapore- and Asia-focused global community. All NUS Press books must be approved by a Publishing Committee, drawn from the ranks of the academic staff at the National University of Singapore. NUS Press is currently managed by Peter Schoppert. Previous Director Paul Kratoska remains onboard as Publishing Director.

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      • Singapore Book Publishers Association (SBPA)

        The Association represents the interests of Singapore publishers who are engaged in a wide range of publishing, marketing and distribution activities in both print and digital formats. From 22 member companies at its inception, the Association has grown to accommodate more than 70 members who publish in all four official languages of Singapore. Since its inception, the SBPA's objective has been to develop and strengthen the book ecosystem of Singapore in partnership with other like-minded organisations.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1985

        Wie entsteht Religion?

        by Alfred North Whitehead, Hans Günter Holl

        Religion in the Making – so der englische Originaltitel – besteht aus vier Vorlesungen, die Whitehead 1926 gehalten hat. In der gleichen Perspektive, wie er in den ein Jahr früher gehaltenen Lowell Lectures, die unter dem Titel Wissenschaft und moderne Welt erschienen sind, Entwicklung und Wirkung der modernen Wissenschaft analysiert hatte, verfolgt er in Wie entsteht Religion? die Ziele, »eine gedrängte Analyse der vielfältigen Faktoren in der menschlichen Natur vorzulegen, die in ihrem Zusammenwirken eine neue Religion entstehen lassen, den unausweichlichen Wandel der Religion im Zusammenhang mit dem Wandel des Wissens darzustellen und insbesondere die Aufmerksamkeit darauf zu richten, wie die Religion von unserer Auffassung jener beständigen Elemente abhängt, vermöge derer es in der Welt eine feste Ordnung gibt – beständige Elemente, ohne die es keine sich verändernde Welt geben könnte«.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2002

        Die Religion der Gesellschaft

        by Niklas Luhmann, André Kieserling

        Die Klassiker der Soziologie hatten die Religionssoziologie als einen zentralen Teil der Gesellschaftstheorie angesehen, und zwar auch und gerade dort, wo ihnen die moderne, angeblich so religionsfern gebaute Gesellschaft vor Augen stand. Der vorliegende Band, an dem Niklas Luhmann bis kurz vor seinem Tod gearbeitet hat, erneuert diesen Anspruch, indem er die Religion als autonomes Kommunikationssystem innerhalb der modernen Gesellschaft beschreibt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2022

        Vietnam Tourism

        Policies and Practices

        by Huong T. Bui, Giang T. Phi, Long H. Pham, Huong H. Do, Andrew Le, Binh Nghiem-Phu, Quynh N. Bui, He T. Bui, Phuong-Anh Dang, Thuy T. Duong, Thomas E. Jones, Thu G. Hoang, Phuong M. Ngo, Tuan Q. Pham, Thanh D. Tran, Hang T.B. Tran, Le-Anh Trinh, Hai Q. Truong

        Vietnam has experienced rapid growth within its tourism industry during the past decades. This growth is part of Vietnam's opening economy allowing a wide range of forms of tourism. Vietnam Tourism: Policies and Practices provides a comprehensive review of tourism development in Vietnam. Part I outlines the history of tourism, the role and involvement of public and private sectors in governance and planning, and the markets for tourism. Part II offers analysis and assessment of various types of tourism in Vietnam, including marine and island, eco, heritage, dark and community-based tourism. Part III centres on current operational issues of tourism, hotels and events. The book provides an up-to-date analysis on Vietnamese tourism policy, structure, governance, and operations as well as various forms of tourism from both a theoretical and practical perspective by: providing a comprehensive review in a single resource; outlining public and private sector tourism; addressing Vietnamese structure, governance and planning of tourism; examining special interest tourism; · addressing current issues of industry's operations and management; embracing local and global perspectives; principles and practices applicable to Southeast Asia. Written by scholars with extensive research experience on tourism in Vietnam this book is a reliable source of reference for students, researchers and industry practitioners who are interested modern tourism specifically in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Immortals in Ancient China

        by Li Kehe

        This book collects 180 stories about immortals in ancient China, translated into English, and accompanied by relevant pictures. It can help Chinese and foreign readers to understand the general situation of Chinese native immortals, especially Taoist immortals, and show the evolution of Chinese ancient folklore and cultural thoughts from one side.The copyright has been exported to Malaysia .

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        The education system in colonial Algeria (1833-1962)

        Statistical and historiographical review

        by Kamel Kateb

        ‘‘The means of dominating a people and assimilating it is to take possession of childhood and youth: this cannot be done by coercion, but the moral means are numerous and effective... The object of our efforts must be the extension of Arabic-French teaching: it is through this that we will take possession of the new generations almost from the cradle.’’ (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). What is the record of French education in Algeria during the period of colonisation? After 132 years of French presence in Algeria (annexed to France in 1838), how many Algerians (French Muslims, indigenous French subjects) had a sufficient knowledge of the French language, and how many of them had learned to read and write in French? Was compulsory schooling for children aged 6 to 13, in accordance with the J. Ferry law of 1882, applied in Algeria? How many Algerian children attended state schools? How many went to lycée and university? What was the number of students at the time of the country's independence? How many doctors, engineers, primary and secondary school teachers did Algeria have at the time of its independence? What was the status of local languages (Arabic, dialectal Arabic, Berber) in the Algerian education system? As well as answering the questions listed above, this book attempts to analyse the objectives assigned to French schools in Algeria and to study the attitudes of the various populations to the objectives pursued. What role did education play in the various forms of colonial ‘confrontation’? What was the role of the elites produced by the colonial education system? And what role and place did they occupy in the struggle for Algerian independence? Were they the driving force behind the independence movement, as the Europeans in Algeria feared? Or did they mediate between colonisation and the mass of the colonised, as the enlightened ideologists of the colonial system hoped?

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2017

        Conflicts, Religion and Culture in Tourism

        by Razaq Raj, Kevin Griffin, Yasin Bilim, Ayesha Chowdhury, Maite Echarri-Chavez, Necmeddin Guney, Tinka Delakorda Kawashima, Katerina Kikilia, Maximiliano E Korstanje, Lourdes Cisneros Mustellier, Dimitrios Mylonopoulos, Moira Polyxeni, Özgür Özer, Balal Qayum, Jan Rája, Manas Ranjan, Sanjeev Singh, Kartikeya Sonker, Rukeya Suleman, Panagiota Vasilopoulou, Pierre Wiktorin

        Conflicts, Religion and Culture in Tourism highlights the role of religious tourism and pilgrimage as a tool for improving cultural relations. Helping to form culture and society worldwide, faith plays a vital part in cross-cultural conflict resolution and opening dialogue across peoples. This book shows how faith and activism can respond to the common challenges of peace making and coexistence both within and among the world's many traditions. The book: - contains diverse empirical research insights on aspects of religious traditions, conflicts and challenges; - presents a range of contemporary case studies, across ancient, sacred and emerging tourist destinations as well as new forms of pilgrimage, faith systems and quasi-religious activities; - provides a global perspective, including contributions from Europe, Asia and the Americas. Conflicts, Religion and Culture in Tourism provides a timely assessment of the increasing linkages and interconnections between religious tourism and secular spaces on a global stage. Written from a multidisciplinary perspective, it provides an invaluable resource for those studying and researching religion, tourism and cultural management.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe

        by Konstantinos Andriotis, Carla Pinto Cardoso, Dimitrios Stylidis

        For many decades, Western European countries have undertaken diverse pathways in tourism development and planning. Most have experienced fast or even unlimited growth, resulting in overtourism and, now, the introduction of policies that respect the limits of communities and the sustainability of their resources. Focusing exclusively on tourism development, planning and policy, this book draws together new voices to discuss issues across Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It: - Provides both successful and unsuccessful case studies to illuminate real, practical solutions, developed by tourism scholars who are experts in their researched context countries. - Adopts a range of methodological approaches to cover diverse and less-covered areas such as industrial tourism, saltpans, natural and cultural heritage, and micro-destinations. - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in Western Europe's re-development. An invaluable collection for policy-makers, researchers and academics, this book is also an insightful source of engaging contemporary case studies for use in the classroom.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Eternal Pursuit of Peace in Zhijiang

        15th Anniversary of Peace Culture in Zhijiang

        by Tian Junquan

        Zhijiang, in Hunan province, is the place where China and Japan negotiated for the affairs about Japan surrendered in the World War Ⅱ. It plays an important role in the history of world peace. Zhijiang focuses on peace culture and has held "China Zhijiang · International Peace Festival" for five times since 2003, which makes peace culture a calling card for Zhijiang to go global. Due to the influence of this festival and further research of peace culture in Zhijiang, more and more attention both at home and abroad has been paid to Zhijiang so that people hope to know more about Zhijiang in a more comprehensive and thorough way. This book collects lots of scholar articles on the study od peace culture in Zhijiang, and gives a detailed introduction to "China Zhijiang · International Peace Festival", which reflects Chinese people attach importance to history and peace.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2007

        Religion in Revolutionary England

        by Christopher Durston, Judith Maltby

        This book offers a collection of essays tightly focused around the issue of religion in England between 1640 and 1660, a time of upheaval and civil war in England. Edited by well-known scholars of the subject, topics include the toleration controversy, women's theological writing, observance of the Lord's Day and prayer books. To aid understanding, the essays are divided into three sections examining theology in revolutionary England, inside and outside the revolutionary National Church and local impacts of religious revolution. Carefully and thoughtfully presented, this book will be of great use for those seeking to better understand the practices and patterns of religious life in England in this important and fascinating period. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        Die Zukunft der Religion

        by Gianni Vattimo, Richard Rorty, Santiago Zabala, Michael Adrian

        Nicht erst seit der vielbeachteten Wahl des neuen Papstes, nicht erst seit den religiös motivierten Terroranschlägen, die die westlichen Demokratien erschüttert haben, und nicht erst seit der Wiederkehr religiöser Fundamentalismen in allen Teilen der Welt wird deutlich, daß die Frage der Religion zu einer Nagelprobe der Zivilisation geworden ist. Doch war die Religion nicht längst überwunden? Die Philosophen Richard Rorty und Gianni Vattimo, die als Vertreter einer dezidierten Metaphysikkritik nicht gerade in Verdacht stehen, dem Christentum das Wort zu reden, stellen die Frage nach der Zukunft der Religion. In pointierten Texten und einem anschaulichen Gespräch gehen sie von der Beobachtung aus, daß die Metaphysikkritik mitnichten zum Verschwinden der Religion geführt hat. Der Tod Gottes gehört der Vergangenheit an, die Religion nicht. Doch gehört ihr wirklich die Zukunft? Oder hat nicht vielmehr eine Verschiebung der religiösen Erfahrung stattgefunden, die eine Metaphysikkritik keineswegs ausschließt? Wird eine Religion ohne Gott kommen?»Was kommt nach dem Ende der Metaphysik? Kann Religion ohne Begründungen, objektive Wahrheiten oder Gott auskommen? Zwei der einflußreichsten Philosophen unserer Tage kommen hier zu einer Antwort zusammen. Gemeinsam bestimmen Vattimos Hermeneutik und Rortys Pragmatismus unsere Vorstellung der christlichen Botschaft, daß die Liebe das einzige Gesetz darstelle, neu.« Nancy Frankenberry

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2004

        Religion in history

        Conflict, conversion and coexistence

        by John Wolffe

        This is an integrated collection of essays by leading scholars that looks at issues of conflict, conversion and coexistence in the religious context since the third century. The range of topics explored include paganism and Christianity in the later Roman world, the Crusades, the impact of the Reformation in Britain and Ireland, subsequent Protestant-Catholic conflict, the Hindu Renaissance in nineteenth-century India, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Britain in the 1960s, women and the ministry, and Christianity, Judaism and the Holocaust. The book concludes by offering an historical perspective on religion, conflict and coexistence in the world today. Published in association with The Open University, this is a student-friendly and accessible volume on popular subjects within religious history, and it will be of value to students on a range of courses, as well as to a wider readership interested in the historical background to the role of religion in the contemporary world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Religious Tourism in Asia

        Tradition and Change through Case Studies and Narratives - part of CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Series

        by Edited by S Yasuda, Deputy Associate Professor. Teikyo University, Japan, R Raj, Leeds Beckett University, UK, K Griffin, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

        The Asia-Pacific region is considered the world's religious core, with the greatest number of pilgrims and travellers to religious events for both international and domestic tourism. It is estimated that there are approximately 600 million national and international religious and spiritual voyages in the world, of which over half take place in Asia. This book focuses on tourism and sacred sites in Asia. Contemporary case studies of religious and pilgrimage activities provide key learning points and present practical examples from this 'hub' of pilgrimage destinations. They explore ancient, sacred and emerging tourist destinations and new forms of pilgrimage, faith systems and quasi-religious activities. It will be of interest to researchers within religious, cultural, heritage and Asian tourism.Key features include:- An Asian perspective on a growing area of tourism.- Case studies from across the continent.- Full-colour images of pilgrimage sites and key destinations bring the topic to life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2020

        Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays

        by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson

        This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2025

        Building Human Capital in Tourism and Hospitality

        Perspectives from theory and practice

        by Jorge Marques, Joana A Quintela, Marília Durão, Medéia Veríssimo

        Career development in the tourism and hospitality industry has attracted greater attention, leading to a higher recognition of the relevance of formal and industry-specific education and training. New career opportunities emerge as new challenges arise, urging for ongoing and renewed debates surrounding higher-level skills and the development and optimization of human capital. Building bridges between higher education institutions, the industry, and other relevant stakeholders - primarily via needs assessment, curriculum design, and monitoring of on-the-job training practices and processes - is critical to promoting the employability of a graduate-level skilled workforce. This book takes steps towards contributing to higher valuation of tourism and hospitality jobs by: combining theoretical and practical viewpoints from scholars, researchers, and practitioners, showcasing challenges and opportunities associated with managing human capital in tourism and hospitality, offering critical and reflective perspectives on competencies development, graduate employability, and improvement of human resource management practices. It will be of interest to researchers, students, teachers, and professionals who want to further explore the area of human capital in tourism and hospitality.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1981

        Theorien über primitive Religion

        by Edward E. Evans-Pritchard, Karin Monte

        Nach einer Darstellung der geistesgeschichtlichen Ausgangspositionen der kulturanthropologischen Forschung, den Problemen des Zugangs zu einer fremden Welt, der Materialauswahl und dem daraus resultierenden Zerrbild des »Primitiven«, diskutiert Evans-Pritchard psychologische (u. a. M. Müller, H. Spencer, E. B. Tylor, J. G. Frazer, S. Freud) und soziologische Theorien der Religion (u. a. E. Durkheim, M. Mauss, A. R. Radcliffe-Brown); ferner die Position von Lévy-Bruhl. Als Einleitung enthält dieser Band die Vorlesung »Sozialanthropologie gestern und heute«.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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