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      • Trusted Partner

        The Secret Chief Revealed

        Conversations with Leo Zeff, Pioneer in the Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement

        by Myron J. Stolaroff

        Leo Zeff (1912 – 1988) was a pioneering psychedelic therapist and researcher focused on LSD, MDMA and other psychoactive drugs. He conducted much of his work and practice underground after psychedelics were declared illegal in the 1960s. By the time he turned 70, Zeff was single-handedly responsible for the introduction of psychedelic compounds in use globally among nearly 4,000 individual therapists/practitioners. The Secret Chief Revealed is written as a transcription of an interview conducted in the 1980s with Zeff about his research, studies, and practice with psychedelicassisted therapy. The revised 2nd edition maintains much of the 2nd edition release, including thoughtful contributions on Zeff’s lifework/research from other leaders in the psychedelic movement including Albert Hofmann, discoverer of LSD, psychedelic researcher and author, Stanislav Grov, a founder of transpersonal psychology, and Ann & Alexander Shulgin, renowned psychedelic researchers and authors, who also mention Zeff in Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story.

      • Trusted Partner


        Essays in Honor of Stanislav Grof

        by Edited by Sean Kelly, Ph.D. and Richard Tarnas, Ph.D.

        Essays that honor the path-forging lifework of Stani-slav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., the world’s leading researcher in psychedelic-assisted therapy, breath-work, and the exploration of non-ordinary states.

      • Trusted Partner


        The Science of Interoception and Healing Through Connection to Yourself & Others

        by Saga Briggs

        Drawing from the latest research on interoception— which examines how our senseof self arises from subjective appraisal of bodily signals and how those appraisal habits develop in childhood—the book argues for a reframing of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other “mental health” issues as social-emotional illnesses rooted in the body. Saga Briggs harnesses psychedelic science to show how interoception can be altered by psychoactive substances, providing an additional framework for understanding their therapeutic benefits.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Kotryna Zylė

        Changeling is a rebellious novel about creativity, youth and the raging intensity of teenage emotional life. The gripping story plunges the reader into the depths of a mystical town, a haunting and haunted place, where boundaries between the real and the otherworldly become dangerously blurred. A strange and electrifying tale of teenage disenchantment, Changeling is a work of stunning emotional force that captures the twisted complexities of family relationships and friendships, first love, and the quest for self-definition. Guided by short introductions to Baltic mythology, readers will find themselves in an urban landscape steeped in pagan and post-Soviet history.

      • Trusted Partner


        A User Friendly Guide to Psychedelic Drug Assisted Psychotherapy

        by R. Coleman

        Psychedelic Psychotherapy is a comprehensive, easy-to-read resource for therapists and laypeople who need practical guidelines for psychedelic drug-assisted psychotherapy. This book contains valuable insiders’ information for those using psychedelics for their own healing, and for practitioners who facilitate their sessions. Its focus is the nitty-gritty of healing trauma using MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin. It includes step-by-step guidance on how to safely and effectively navigate through the psychedelically enhanced healing process.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        ZIG ZAG ZEN

        Buddhism and Psychedelics

        by Allan Badiner and Alex Grey

        Buddhism and psychedelic exploration share a common concern: the liberation of the mind. This edition of the classic work on Buddhism and psychedelics is a serious inquiry into the moral, ethical, doctrinal, and transcendental considerations of Buddhism and psychedelics.

      • Trusted Partner


        Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana

        by Mike Crowley

        Secret Drugs of Buddhism is the first book to explore the historical evidence for the use of entheogenic plants within the Buddhist tradition. Drawing on scriptural sources, botany, pharmacology, and religious iconography, this book calls attention to the central role which psychedelics played in Indian religions. It traces their history from the mysterious soma potion, celebrated in the most ancient Hindu scriptures, to amrita, the sacramental drink of Vajrayana Buddhism. Although amrita used in modern Vajrayana ceremonies lacks any psychoactivity, there is copious evidence that the amrita used by the earliest Vajrayana practitioners was a potent entheogen. It is the nature of this psychedelic form of the sacrament which is the central topic of this book. In particular, Secret Drugs of Buddhism attempts to identify the specific ingredients employed in amrita’s earliest formulations. To this end, the book presents evidence from many countries in which the Vajrayana movement flourished. These include Bhutan, Japan, Mongolia, and Tibet but special attention is given to India, the land of its origin.

      • Fiction

        The Psychedelic Traveller

        Short Stories

        by ANTHONY JAMES

        A collection of short stories from adventures and fantastic imaginings aroud the world.  Each story is set in a different country, from Brazil to Siberia, from new Zealand to India. Each story is a cameo in itself, each one of a different mood, be it playful, or dark, of conflict or good humour. Stories will remind those who travel widely of the pitfalls and opportunities and remind all the readers that there is nothing more wonderful than this wonderful world and the ppeople in it.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences


        Psychedelic Sacraments and the New Psychotherapy

        by Don Lattin

        A look at the recent history and credible prospects for using MDMA, psilocybin, and ayahuasca to treat mood disorders and promote spiritual well-being. Changing Our Minds is an experiential tour through a social, spiritual and scientific revolution that is redefining our culture’s often-confusing relationship with psychoactive substances.Veteran journalist Don Lattin chronicles the inspiring stories of pioneering neuroscientists, psychotherapists, spiritual guides and ordinary people seeking to live healthier lives by combining psychedelic drugs, psychotherapy, and the wise use of ancient plant medicines. In ground-breaking clinical trials, specially trained therapists employ Ecstasy (MDMA) to help U.S. veterans struggling with the psychological aftermath of war.Other psychiatrists in government-approved research offer psilocybin to alcoholics trying to get sober and cancer patients struggling with the existential distress of a life-threatening illness.Meanwhile, new imaging technology has enabled neuroscientists to map the psychedelic brain in real time, deepening our understanding of human consciousness. the essential primer for understanding and navigating this new consciousness-raising territory.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences


        A Chemical Love Story

        by Alexander “Sasha” and Ann Shulgin

        Tells the tale of a psychopharmacologist and his wife/research partner, and recounts decades devoted to the creation and investigation of psychedelic drugs as tools for the study of the human mind.

      • Trusted Partner
        Philosophy of mind


        A Guide to Psychedelic Integration and Existential Exploration

        by Dr. Kile Ortega

        A framework for understanding psychedelic-assisted therapy.

      • Fiction

        Yogi Stripper

        by Marie-Claude Renaud

        In a frank, judgment-free tone, Marie-Claude Renaud explores what led her to pursue— in such a singular manner —her two passions: erotic dancing and yoga. The author looks back at her start in small town strip clubs, which led to success in the biggest clubs in Montréal, revealing hidden sides of this scandalous universe. The author also tells of learning yoga from a toxic guru and expresses her solidarity with the women in both fields, unquestionably quite different. She addresses, with the same spontaneity, her difficult relationship with food and body image, as well as her exploration— happy to a certain extent —of the world of psychedelic drugs. Captivating, funny and blisteringly sincere, Yogi Stripper invites us into a world that’s nothing if not colourful.

      • Whole Medicine

        A Guide to Ethics and Harm-Reduction for Psychedelic Therapy and Plant Medicine Communities

        by Rebecca Martinez, Juliette Mohr

        Psychedelic advisor Rebecca Martinez lays out the groundwork for an ethical approach to 21st-century psychedelic therapy. Applying a social-justice lens to entheogenic practice, Martinez provides practical guidance for psychedelic sitters, advocates, explorers, and those practicing (or learning to practice) licensed psychedelic therapy.As psychedelics become a more accessible pathway to healing, how do practitioners—and seekers—navigate complex issues in a wide range of settings? Here, you’ll learn skills like: -Understanding consent and boundaries -Building safe and ethical psychedelic experiences -How to integrate the cultural and historical contexts of plant medicines -Considering the psychological risks and benefits of psychedelic therapy -How to apply a social-justice lens to entheogenic healing Martinez also discusses how, in many corners of the psychedelic community, an overemphasis on positivity can overwhelm attempts to challenge abuses of power; dismantle internalized hierarchies; and acknowledge and integrate our own flaws and traumas.An essential guide for any psychedelic therapist, entheogenic guide, or mind-expanding medicine enthusiast, Whole Medicine brings much-needed conversations about ethics, boundaries, and informed use out of the shadows for better, safer, community-centered psychedelic healing.

      • Adventure
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        Cartea „Te iubesc...” face parte din trilogia..., „Te iubesc, până la moarte...” și „Te iubesc, atâta timp cât îmi bate inima”, romane de dragoste autobiografice care includ capitole. din viața într-un cuplu dintre scriitorul Julien Tănase și soția sa, Magdi, cu care are o relație de 30 de ani, totul pe fondul evenimentelor prin care a trecut România în ultimele decenii, după Revoluția din '89. O trilogie despre rezistența de-a lungul timpului a unui tânăr cuplu de îndrăgostiți, care a trecut prin evenimente rupte de realitatea din România în care dormitul cu pistolul sub pernă, teama de a-și fi răpit copilul și chiar „războaiele”. „a purtat împotriva corupției magistraților, politicienilor și a sistemelor informaționale ale unei societăți civile cuprinse de corupția răspândită din România, inclusiv de procesul inventat de DNA (Național Anticorupție). Direcția) pentru a-și opri munca de jurnalist și câștigat în cele din urmă de scriitor, face din autobiografia scriitorului Julien Tănase una fascinantă care te lasă cu un gust amar în gură și cu un mare semn de întrebare; ... „astfel de lucruri s-au întâmplat și continuă să se întâmple în România”?... Scriitorul Julien Tănase : „Un prieten din Poliția Italiană mi-a spus, iar eu îl citez: „... dacă ai fi făcut în Italia ceea ce ai făcut pentru țara ta, astăzi o stradă ți-ar purta numele! Dar ai fost mort!"

      • August 2021

        Barbarians of the Beyond

        by Matthew Hughes

        Twenty years ago, five master criminals known as the Demon Princes raided Mount Pleasant to enslave thousands of inhabitants in the lawless Beyond. Now Morwen Sabine, a daughter of captives, has escaped her cruel master and returns to Mount Pleasant to recover the hidden treasure she hopes will buy her parents’ freedom.   But Mount Pleasant has changed. Morwen must cope with mystic cultists, murderous drug-smugglers, undercover “weasels” of the Interplanetary Police Coordinating Company, and the henchmen of the vicious pirate lord who owns her parents and wants Morwen returned. So he can kill her slowly…   Barbarians of the Beyond is a return to “Jack Vance Space” and space-opera derring-do that follows in the science fiction Grand­master’s footsteps.    On the Paladins of Vance label, Spatterlight publishes original works by authors who have given their own imagination free rein in the many wonderful worlds of the Grandmaster of fantasy & sci-fi.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2004

        Hungry Generations

        A Novel

        by Daniel C. Melnick

        At the center of “Hungry Generations” is the great European piano virtuoso Alexander Petrov, one of the émigré geniuses who lived in the incredible community of gifted Europeans in Los Angeles during the Second World War. Fleeing from Nazi Germany, the legendary classical pianist – like Schoenberg, Stravinsky, the Werfels, and the Manns – settled in L.A. and attempted to raise a family there on the edge of the Pacific. In September of 1972, Jack Weinstein – a young composer and a distant relation of Petrov – is newly arrived in L.A., living near Venice beach and seeking a job in the movie studios. Jack develops a friendship with the émigré virtuoso, who is nearing seventy and struggling to maintain his psychic and physical health in the midst of intense conflicts with his wife and his adult children. The renowned pianist tells the young man stories of his life from the thirties to the present, and soon Jack is absorbed into the family life of the Petrovs. Jack becomes a catalyst for confrontations among the Petrovs, as he intrudes on the family’s delicate balances. He falls in love with the pianist’s daughter, Sarah, who becomes Jack’s troubled muse, and in one climax, the father erupts in jealousy and desperation, assaulting his daughter’s lover. The son Joseph Petrov is a gifted, cynical, intense pianist himself, who also befriends Jack; resentments – new and old – build between son and father, and these too erupt in destruction and self-destructiveness. Also, Joseph is gay, and after a surreal New Year’s Eve party at the Polo Lounge, he makes a pass at drunk, dismayed Jack. Then there is Petrov’s wife, Helen, and her confession to Jack is one of the final assaults on the young composer. The remarkable expatriates living in Los Angeles during World War II figure both in Petrov’s stories and in Jack’s inner struggle to resurrect himself in the face of his experience of the Petrovs, of music, of sex, of the movie studios, of L.A. itself. During the year 1972-73, Jack composes a piano sonata infused with his love of Petrov’s famed recording of Beethoven’s Hammerklavier Sonata as well as the music of Stravinsky and Schoenberg – those composers even begin to enter Jack’s dreams, simultaneously blessing and critiquing him as he works in his Venice apartment. Hungry Generations paints a vivid portrait of the conflicts and struggles which erupt in L.A.’s singular expatriate community. At the center of the novel is finally the confrontation between émigré parents who survived the Holocaust at the peculiar remove of Los Angeles and their grown children. Each “hungry generations” reveals its yearning for meaning, love, and transcendence.

      • Trusted Partner


        The Continuation

        by Alexander “Sasha” and Ann Shulgin

        This is the continuation of the love story from PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story with a blend of travel, botanical facts, scientific speculation, and psychological and political commentary.

      • Trusted Partner


        A Course on Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Societal Responses and Social Impact Vol 1

        by Alexander Shulgin

        The Nature of Drugs is the story of humanity’s relationship with psychoactive substances from the perspective of a master psychopharmacologist. Derived from a lecture series by “Sasha” Shulgin at SFSU on the origins of drugs, how they work, how they are processed in the body, and how they affect our society. *Release Date Spring 2021

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