The Secret Chief Revealed

Conversations with Leo Zeff, Pioneer in the Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement

by Myron J. Stolaroff


Leo Zeff (1912 – 1988) was a pioneering psychedelic therapist and researcher focused on LSD, MDMA and other psychoactive drugs. He conducted much of his work and practice underground after psychedelics were declared illegal in the 1960s. By the time he turned 70, Zeff was single-handedly responsible for the introduction of psychedelic compounds in use globally among nearly 4,000 individual therapists/practitioners.

The Secret Chief Revealed is written as a transcription of an interview conducted in the 1980s with Zeff about his research, studies, and practice with psychedelicassisted therapy. The revised 2nd edition maintains much of the 2nd edition release, including thoughtful contributions on Zeff’s lifework/research from other leaders in the psychedelic movement including Albert Hofmann, discoverer of LSD, psychedelic researcher and author, Stanislav Grov, a founder of transpersonal psychology, and Ann & Alexander Shulgin, renowned psychedelic researchers and authors, who also mention Zeff in Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story.

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“The therapeutic results attained from Zeff’s method constitute an important argument in medical circles: whether again to liberate psychedelics for psychotherapeutic practice.”

Author Biography

Myron J. Stolaroff was a researcher and author best known for his work in psychedelic psychotherapy. In 1960, he founded the International Foundation for Advanced Study in Menlo Park, CA. There, he studied the effects of mescaline, LSD, and other drugs on human creativity. Stolaroff also served on the board of the Albert Hofmann Foundation, as a consultant to the Heffter Research Institute, and as an advisory board member for the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics.

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