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        Energy Future: Fossilien und mehr

        by Moty Kuperberg

        Energy Future: Fossilien und mehr / Moty Kuperberg Moty Kuperberg, Direktor von Oil & Gas Dynamic Shipping, Haifa, Israel Wir können nicht in einer Welt überleben, in der Öl 200 US-Dollar pro Barrel kostet und die Preise von einem Kartell bestimmt und von der Wall Street beeinflusst werden. Die freie industrialisierte Welt, die Ölindustrie selbst sowie die Industrie- und Entwicklungsländer sind Opfer der durch Gier verursachten Ölpreiskrisen geworden. Das schlimmste Jahr war 2008. Die Sicherheit unserer Energieversorgung, die die IEA als „ununterbrochene Verfügbarkeit von Energiequellen zu einem erschwinglichen Preis“ definiert, wurde beeinträchtigt. Der Durchschnittspreis für Rohöl lag zwischen 2010 und 2014 bei über 100 USD pro Barrel, sank jedoch bis Ende 2014 stark auf 56 USD, gefolgt von einem Wettlauf nach unten in Richtung 50 USD – einem Preis, der von der Branche als akzeptabel eingestuft wird. Zukunft der Energie stellt die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Öl- und Gasindustrie in einen Kontext, um eine alternative Zukunft einzuführen. Diese Zukunft basiert auf drei Hauptpfeilern, die vom Autor als ENERGY GPS definiert wurden: Geopolitik = zugänglich, Preis = erschwinglich und Supply = verfügbar.   Moty Kuperberg ist Absolvent der Abteilung für Geschichte des Nahen Ostens an der Universität von Haifa (1984) und hat einen Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaft und Schifffahrt von der City of London Polytechnic (1988). Er verfügt über mehr als zwanzig Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Schifffahrt und Energie und hat sich in den letzten fünf Jahren auf seine unabhängige Agentur für Energiesicherheit konzentriert ( als Plattform für eine verbesserte globale Versorgungssicherheit. Eine englischsprachige eBook-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2017 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht.

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        Children's & YA

        You for Future

        by Franziska Wessel/ Günther Wessel

        ‘We will not stop demonstrating,’ writes Franziska Wessel in a guest column in the Berliner Zeitung. Franziska is pursuing a goal. Decisive measures must finally be taken to protect the climate. While that is not happening she spends every Friday on the streets, gives interviews and puts pressure on politicians. But climate change isn’t the only thing threatening our future. There is so much suffering, injustice and destruction in the world. Something must be done about it. And as a climate activist, Franziska knows exactly how to be active. Together with her father, the journalist and author, Günther Wessel, she explains: How do I start a petition? How do I organise a campaign? How does lobbying work? So that everyone knows how they can make things happen.

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        January 2020

        The Future of Nuclear Power, Revised Edition

        by James A. Mahaffey, Ph.D.

        Newly conceived, safer reactor designs are being built in the United States (and around the world) to replace the 104 obsolete operating nuclear power reactors in this country alone. The designs—which once seemed exotic and futuristic—are now 40 years old, and one by one these vintage Generation II plants will reach the end of productive service in the next 30 years. The Future of Nuclear Power, Revised Edition examines the advanced designs, practical concepts, and fully developed systems that have yet to be used. This eBook introduces readers to the traditional, American system of units, with some archaic terms remaining in use. Ideal for students and teachers interested in the technology of energy production in the next 100 years, this updated, full-color resource provides clear explanations of the terms and expressions used almost exclusively in nuclear science and the direction in which nuclear power is expected to go.

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        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

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        by Art Antonian

        The üPopulation lost its human form a long time ago. In the world of people, heart palpitations are a crime, a terrible disease. Total prohibitions were declared absolute freedom, love of the motherland was replaced by aggressive political militarism, robots took the place of pets, they were created to train their masters in exquisite sadism. An ideal society is governed by the neÜsrooms. The only thing standing in the way of perfect order is Herz-terrorism, which arose as a result of a global cardiac pandemic. A law-abiding persön David works conscientiously for the benefit of the Ümpire at the TV center, helping to create a news product that should be regularly consumed by all representatives of the üPopulation. David, who is a cog in the merciless propaganda machine, falls into the maelstrom of events that not only question the perfection of the imperial system, but also threaten all of humanity.

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        May 2017

        Future Sex

        Wie wir heute lieben. Ein Selbstversuch

        by Emily Witt, Hannes Meyer

        Emily Witts Prognose für die weibliche Sexualität lautet: selbstbewusst, frei und unerschrocken. Mit einem wachen Blick, großer Begeisterungsfähigkeit und einer außergewöhnlichen Beobachtungsgabe erforscht die New Yorker Journalistin die neuen Formen weiblicher Sexualität, von Tinder über Feminist Porn bis hin zur Orgasmic Meditation. Emily Witt ist Mitte dreißig, Single und lebt in Brooklyn. Die ideale Voraussetzung für ein bewegtes Liebes- und Sexleben. Könnte man meinen. Doch eigentlich hat auch Witt trotz all der schillernden Angebote ein ganz bestimmtes Ziel im Visier: Ehemann, Kinder und ein Eigenheim. Um die Möglichkeitswelt jenseits der tradierten Ideale zu erkunden, entschließt sich die Journalistin zu einer Reise nach San Francisco, der Hochburg der freien Liebe und der digitalen wie libidinösen Zukunft. Sie durchstreift die Sphären des Internetdatings, feiert auf einer Hochzeit von Polyamoristen, spricht mit der Königin eines feministischen Kinky-Porn-Unternehmens, sie sondiert und überschreitet ihre eigenen Grenzen bei dem legendären Exzessfestival »Burning Man« und begibt sich ins Zentrum der »Orgasmic Meditation«. Am Ende ihrer Reise steht eine überraschende Erkenntnis.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories


        by Volodymyr Arenev

        This is the world of the distant future – comfortable, bright and full of hopes and expectations. This is Kyiv, in which kids fly to school on jetpacks and study at the School of Space Travelling. And this is Mykhailo Neborak, an ordinary schoolboy who on one April day meets Oleksandr Nenarok, a new boy in his school. And this newbie knows a lot of strange and dangerous things about this beautiful and comfortable world of the future… ‘Sapiences’ is a sci-fi novel for teenagers set in Kyiv of 2178. One of the protagonists, Oleksandr Nenarok, has two moms, a necromant grandpa and an iron heart. Dangerous adventures, interplanetary voyages and fighting against galactic thugs – the readers will find all these in the book.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        What Will Give Us Strength

        by Tetiana Teren (compiler)

        What gives us strength? To us as individuals, to our families, to the country, to the world? Each of us has his own source of inspiration. But what to do if it does not always work? Then we are looking for the strength in others, for their advice and support, for their way of keeping strong in challenging times. In 2019-2020, Ukrainians needed additional sources of strength, because war, uncertainty, political populism, and pandemic created additional stress. During those years twenty-five leading Ukrainian intellectuals reflected on their sources of their resilience in the publication "What will give us strength?". Collected under one cover, twenty five essays discuss a difficult period of challenges in the life of each author individually as well as Ukraine in general. The answers offered by the authors will become a valuable guide for the reader, a model of motivation, an advice to hold on to.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Memory and the future of Europe

        by Peter J. Verovšek

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        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)


        by Artem Chapeye

        After a young couple returns from their vacation to the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine, they discover that the world as they once knew it no longer exists. Tragedy happened and survivors are forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of their new reality: overcoming deeply-rooted fears, they try to forge another world where they can unite with those who still retained their humanity. Will the couple be able to survive, make alliances with others, and give birth to a new generation? Will the insidiousness of human nature manifest itself in this new world? Chapeye's post-apocalyptic novel, diluted with beautifully melancholic and black humor, is a kind of artistic study of people's behavior in critical situations when everything that once seemed stable falls apart.

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        August 2024

        A Place Beyond the Heart

        by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

        A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.

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        April 2017

        I will Determine the Future

        by Zhou Meisen

        This title focuses on a leadership at the provincial level, picturing the images of senior leaders. It also concerns economic life, researching the secret of capital operation, as well as relationship between market economy and power economy. It’s a thrilling story with deep reflection of 25 years’reformation practice of China.

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        October 2012

        Meeting the Future You

        by Zhang De Fen

        It was an easily-read, well-used and easily-learned “modern spiritual book”. “Dear, there is nobody outside, only us”. In this book, the author share her life wisdom in the area of seeking body and spiritual harmony, help us how to explore the our real self, to learn how to love ourselves, to take the full responsibility for our happiness and life, to embrace life’s shadow and to make ourselves, families and friends live more happier. The book sold over 1 million copies, receiving good comments and recommendations from over 120 thousands readers. It has been a classic of the spiritual healing books. The book is still on the top list of the best-sellers till now, and was promoted as “World Book Day’s recommended book”.

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        November 2021

        The Forest of the Future – A New Reality

        Understanding the ecosystem

        by Hans Jürgen Böhmer

        What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.

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        Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        I See That

        by Art studio Agrafka

        This is an educational picture book about sight from the creative studio Agrafka. It is about both things we can see with our own eyes and the mysterious, invisible to the human eye. This book is also about microscopes and telescopes that help us see incredibly small or extremely distant things. It explains that for better eyesight some people need glasses, while those who can’t see at all need a special system and symbols. By reading this book, you will learn how birds and animals see the world, how artists create optical illusions, and about the many millions of hues the human eye can perceive. I See That won the 2018 Bologna Ragazzi Award, the most prestigious award in children’s literature, in the award’s non-fiction category. I See That has been awarded with a Bronze Medal Stiftung Buchkunst in 2019.

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