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      • Gilam Agency - Giovanni Lamanna Agenzia Letteraria

        The Gilam Agency – founded by Giovanni Lamanna – is based in Italy and is specialized in Italian Fiction and Non-Fiction, and Children's Books. We represent about 25 authors, some already established (such as Attilio Del Giudice, Francesco Forlani, Peppe Lanzetta, Gianfranco Pecchinenda, Felice Piemontese, Elena Starace, Giulia Bracco, Roger Salloch), some beginners. We also hold the rights to Non-Fiction books (books about Maria Montessori, pedagogy, sport, social science, philosophy...) The Gilam Agency is partner of some Italian publishers (Neo Edizioni, Lavieri, Funambolo, Dalia, Fefé) in selling translation rights on foreign market. We are also going to represent foreign publishers for selling translation rights in Italy. The Gilam Agency takes part in the most important book fairs and exhibitions in Italy and in Europe. In 2020 the Agency has created a new brand (with its own dedicated staff) for Children's and Illustrated Book Rights (the Wrong Cat Rights Agency).

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      • Thê Gioi Publishers

        Since 1957, Thế Giới Publishers, formerly known as Foreign Language Publishing House, has been publishing books in an array of languages such as English, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.  Our products have gained the attention of readers at home and overseas. Through publishing books in a variety of languages and on a multitude of subjects, such as Việt Nam—A Long History by Nguyễn Khắc Viện and Wandering Through Vietnamese Culture by Hữu Ngọc, Thế Giới Publishers has been considered to be a cultural bridge between nations. Email:

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        A Place Beyond the Heart

        by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

        A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Teardrops on the Weser

        by Amatoritsero Ede

        A masterful evocation of past wrongs through the lens of a seductively peaceful present. Amatoritsero Ede's meditative voice seduces us into a voyeuristic trance on a German river bank. Until we are suddenly awakened to the realisation that the "teardrops" are not for the Weser but for the burden of history carried all the way to Africa and beyond. A compelling read.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Double Wahala, Double Trouble

        by Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike

        A woman chops off her finger to demonstrate her fidelity to her lover. A mother loses her mind upon discovering that her husband has left her and their only child. An artist seeks to unravel why his neighbour's face enchants him. A passenger on a bus acts as an emissary of death. Meet some of the characters in Double Wahala Double Trouble, a collection of eleven stories by the award-winning poet, short story writer, children's novelist, and literary scholar. In this stunning collection, Umezurike lures the reader into a journey of the absurd and the grisly to show us men and women struggling to live, desire, love, and thrive against the eddy of troubles in their world.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2025

        White Hearts

        by Nnamdi Okose

        Two young boys seeking to be initiated into the order of warriors, find their lives upturned when an accident wakes a vengeful goddess. This story, weaved from the oral lore and magic of the Igbo takes the reader on a journey through the lake where mermaids and crocodiles contend for power. And through enchanted kingdoms ruled by mythical spirits. A curse has been unleashed that would cause the destruction of the world. An army of both humans and mythical creatures must be raised to defend the world. Only a white heart can lead this great army.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        November 2023

        The Rights of Indigenous Peoples Explained

        by Summer Okibe

        Hey Child, I am excited to simplify the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) for you. You are special and you deserve to know that the Indigenous People around you have rights. You should, at all times, respect and acknowledge their rights.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2024

        James Baldwin Review

        by Douglas Field, Justin Joyce, Dwight McBride

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        A Room of One's Own

        by Virginia Woolf

        »Fünfhundert Pfund im Jahr und ein eigenes Zimmer« sind die Voraussetzung dafür, dass auch Frauen große Literatur produzieren können: Brillant und überaus amüsant beschreibt Virginia Woolf 1929 in ihrem Essay A Room of one’s own die Lage der Frauen aus der Perspektive einer fiktiven Schriftstellerin. Hätte Shakespeare eine Schwester gehabt, ebenso begabt wie er, wie wäre es ihr ergangen? Und was brauchen Frauen, um künstlerisch tätig sein zu können? A room of one’s own wurde sehr schnell zu einem der klassischen Texte der Frauenbewegung und weltweit ein großer Erfolg.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Room for Love 2. Three with a Key

        by Laura Labas, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Bronwyn und Nick – Es ist kompliziert. Was denkst du über Friends with Benefits, über Freundschaft plus? Kann klappen, ja, aber nur, wenn die Liebe nicht dazwischen funkt. Das genau scheint bei Bronwyn und Nick das (ziemlich knisternde) Problem zu sein. Die beiden sind seit ihren Kindertagen in Louisiana befreundet, nun sind sie mit ihrer gemeinsamen Freundin Claire nach New York gezogen, raus aus den beengten Verhältnissen in den Südstaaten. Heimlich schlägt Bronwyns Herz schon lange für ihren Freund, den attraktiven Stuntman Nick. Doch ein vor Jahren geschlossener Pakt macht ihre Liebe unmöglich: als Vierzehnjährige schwören sich Bronwyn, Nick und Claire für immer Freunde zu bleiben, ohne andere Gefühle. Nachdem Claire New York wieder verlassen hat und nach Louisiana zurückgegangen ist, bekommen Bronwyn und Nick überraschend eine Einladung zu ihrer Hochzeit. Zurück in der Kleinstadt, in der alles begann, müssen die beiden sich endlich ihren Gefühlen und der Frage stellen: Wagen sie den gefährlichen Sprung von der Freundschaft in die Liebe? Room for Love 2. Three with a Key: Kann aus Freundschaft Liebe werden? Für Fans der New Adult Romane Room for Love von Laura Labas Three with a Key (Band 2) als Fortsetzung von Two in a Room (Band 1) Neue Gefühle zwischen alten Freunden – eine Lovestory, in die du dich verlieben wirst. Deine Lieblings-Tropes Slow Burn, Liebe gegen alle Widerstände und Forbidden Love. Andere Leser*innen liebten die authentischen Figuren der Young Adult Bücher und die intensive Spannung zwischen den Protagonist*innen. Traum-Setting zwischen dem coolen New York und Amerikas schwülen Südstaaten.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022


        by Cat S.

        Are you going somewhere, Big Bear? Way Way Out There is where big things reside. They're so big - they cast shadows impossible to ignore. It's a long way away, but sometime big things come to shore on White Cliff to watch fascinating little things. Jules is an aspiring Big Bear born in White Cliff. He's been dreaming big from an early age, but has yet to figure it out. How does one grow Big? Where does one find directions? Who do you listen to? Can one so small really get There? To take one giant's advice--you'd have to see it for yourself. Way Way Out There.A wonderful fable told from the point of view of a small mind mapping out a path that would lead to something beautiful, good and true.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Kritzel-Krimi 2. Spuren: Verwischt!

        by Doro Ottermann, Doro Ottermann, Frauke Schneider

        Geschafft! Kommissar Feder und seine „Nummer zwei“ haben ihren ersten Bösewicht geschnappt, ungefähr eine Million Skribblingfans gewonnen und eine neue Stadt erschaffen. Doch Feders Erzfeind, der Tintenkiller, ist immer noch auf freiem Fuß. Das muss sich ändern, findet Feder und heuert noch einmal Nummer zwei an – und das seid IHR. Findet kritzelnd heraus, was für ein Schurke diesmal sein Unwesen treibt. Löst gemeinsam die neuen Rätsel. Und kritzelt, bis Kritzelcity endlich wieder sicher ist! Ein interaktives Krimi-Abenteuer. Bring mit Kommissar Feder einen Bösewicht zur Strecke, indem du knifflige Rätsel löst, Codes knackst und ins Buch kritzelst, was das Zeug hält. Jede Seite farbig illustriert.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Room for Love 1. Two in a Room

        by Laura Labas, Leonie Landa,

        Crashing into You. Unwiderstehliche Romantic Comedy mit Tempo, Witz und ganz viel Herz  Alles nimmt seinen Anfang, als die 20-jährige New Yorker Mathematik-Studentin Shiloh auf dem Weg zur Uni einem gestürzten Fahrradfahrer hilft. Zum Dank lädt Miles sie in das schicke Hotel in Brooklyn ein, wo er um die Hand seiner Freundin anhalten will. Das edle Büfett kann sich die chronisch unterfinanzierte Shiloh nicht entgehen lassen. Aber Miles wird von seiner Freundin eiskalt abserviert, und so lässt er den Abend mit Shiloh ausklingen. Wieso die Honeymoon-Suite ungenutzt lassen? Die Wege der zwei – die es bei allen Unterschieden beide nicht gerade leicht haben mit ihren Eltern – trennen sich wieder. Aber zum Glück sind da ja noch der Zufall und die Stadt New York ...  Ungekürzt gelesen von Leonie Landa

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Room for Love 1. Two in a Room

        by Laura Labas, Moon Notes

        One Night in the City – eine New Yorker Rom-Com. Alles nimmt seinen Anfang, als die 20-jährige New Yorker Mathematik-Studentin Shiloh auf dem Weg zur Uni einem gestürzten Fahrradfahrer hilft. Zum Dank lädt Miles sie in das schicke Hotel in Brooklyn ein, wo er um die Hand seiner Freundin anhalten will. Das edle Büfett kann sich die chronisch unterfinanzierte Shiloh nicht entgehen lassen. Doch Überraschung: Miles wird von seiner Verlobten eiskalt abserviert, und so lässt er den Abend mit Shiloh ausklingen. Wieso die Honeymoon-Suite ungenutzt lassen? Die Wege der zwei – die es bei allen Unterschieden beide nicht gerade leicht haben mit ihren Eltern – trennen sich wieder. Aber zum Glück sind da ja noch der Zufall und die Stadt New York ...   Zufällige Begegnung oder Schicksal?  Eine freche romantische Komödie: „Sex in the City“ mit jungen Studierenden. Authentisch unperfekte Protagonisten, die du lieben wirst. New Girl meets Rich Boy in New York City. Rasante und witzige Lovestory – ein Mix aus New Adult und Coming of Age.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Farm Animal Medicine and Surgery for Small Animal Veterinarians

        by Graham R Duncanson

        Small animal veterinarians are increasingly taking on caseloads that include farm animals, with cases being presented by local hobby farmers, smallholders, and 'novelty pet' owners. With the increase in veterinary telemedicine, they now also receive requests for advice electronically from owners further afield. Recognising this trend, this book provides a quick reference for small-animal orientated veterinarians in the basics of surgery and treatment of farm animals. Popular animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, camelids and backyard poultry are covered, and basic techniques such as anaesthesia, clinical examination techniques, breeding, surgery and euthanasia are discussed. This new edition: - Expands on recent developments in all areas of medicine and surgery, covering advances such as the increased use of ultrasound across species and adding a new section on anthelmintics. - Provides updates on current major disease threats, as well as providing a One Health perspective. - Includes full colour images to help bring the subject to life. Ideal for looking up information during a consult, or for use as a refresher guide and continuing professional development resource, this book is an important tool for veterinarians in small and mixed practices.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        The Twins that Saved Izonbele

        by Michael Afenfia

        Reminiscent of moonlight tales told by African aunties, mothers and grandmothers to children on special nights, The Twins That Saved Izonbele is a thrilling picture book about courage, language and the power of togetherness. It tells the story of how twin siblings, Beke-ere and Bekeowei took up the challenge of finding their lost language and reuniting their village after an unexpected event threatened to break the bond that held them together.

      • Trusted Partner
        Zoology & animal sciences
        October 2020

        Raptor Medicine, Surgery and Rehabilitation

        by David Scott

        Comprehensive, practical and extensively illustrated, this book accumulates years of practical knowledge when dealing with injured birds of prey. Written by a practicing veterinarian it is a concise, helpful, day-to-day guide which outlines everything from handling and the intake examination, through to practical procedures and the treatment of a comprehensive range of conditions and injuries. Also covering advice on housing, rehabilitation and eventual release, and fully updated throughout, this new edition incorporates new images as well as new and expanded information on electrocution, pesticides, feeding puppets and species habitats. With plenty of new 'raptor tips' and questions, Raptor Medicine, Surgery and Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition, includes handy hints, clinical pearls and retains its emphasis on practical procedures throughout. Forming a complete and approachable guide to raptor veterinary care, this book also features numerous rapid reference charts and appendices.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Compass Men's Health

        Healthy, fit and potent at any age

        by Dr. med. André Reitz

        — The book on men's health — Confessions from a urologist — Compact, competent, concise Men are often unwilling to seek medical advice when they have problems. However, a lot of diseases can only be treated if they are detected in time. This book contains comprehensible and entertaining information on all the important questions relating to men's health, from the erection and its disorders, fertility and prostate issues, to sexuality in old age. The author knows what matters to men: he speaks from his experience as a urologist.

      • Trusted Partner

        Audio Engineering

        for special events techniciansin training and on the job

        by Christoph Grzesinski. Founded by Dr. Volker Smyrek

        We all know that audio engineering is more than just acronyms. But what do they all mean? This practical textbook is designed to meet the special needs of events technicians. The textbook stands out from the crowd because it is designed specifically with the university curriculum and professional needs in mind, making it not only an excellent companion in the classroom, but a useful reference for on the job as well. The author, himself an instructor for special events technicians, covers the ground from physical fundamentals of acoustics and electronics to setting up mixing consoles and sound systems, providing a multitude of useful tips without confusing the reader with extraneous details. A chapter on video technology rounds off the book. Sample calculations put the material in a practical context, and sample problems at the end of each chapter (with solutions in the appendix) help review what has been learned and inspire further thought. Entertaining guest essays provide a broader perspective.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2024

        'The industrialized designer'

        Gender, identity and professionalization in Britain and the United States, 1930-80

        by Leah Armstrong

        What does it mean to be called an industrial designer? This book traces the remarkable rise of this professional identity in historical perspective from a position of anonymity in the early twentieth century, to mid-century professionalisation, to decline and disintegration by 1980. Drawing on new, extensive, original archival research, it uncovers the history of a profession in a state of re-invention, 1930-1980 in Britain and the United States. The book tests assumptions about the relationship between the professions in the two countries, bringing them into comparative historical perspective for the first time. The gendered dynamics of professionalisation and their interaction with the representation of the heroic male designer are interrogated and critically examined. Building on new gender perspectives to the history of the industrial design profession, the book calls for a re-examination of the limits and boundaries of what constitutes professional identity and work.

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