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        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2022

        Youth and the Rural Economy in Africa

        Hard Work and Hazard

        by James Sumberg, Jordan Chamberlin, Barbara Crossouard, Máiréad Dunne, Justin Flynn, Marjoke Oosterom, Carolina Szyp, Dorte Thorsen, Felix Kwame Yeboah, Thomas Yeboah

        This book brings together recent findings from quantitative and qualitative research from across Africa to illuminate how young men and women engage with the rural economy, imagine their futures and how development policies and interventions find traction (or not) with these realities. Through framing, overview and evidence-based chapters, it provides a critical perspective on current discourse, research and development interventions around youth and rural development. It is organised around commonly-made foundational claims: that large numbers of young people are leaving rural areas; have no interest in agriculture; cannot access land; are stuck in permanent waithood; that the rural economy provides (or can provide) a wealth of opportunity; and that they can be the engine of rural transformation. It draws from existing literature and new analysis arising from several multi-country and multi-disciplinary studies, focusing on gender and other aspects of social difference. It is a major contribution to current debates and development policy about youth, agriculture and employment in rural Africa.

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        by Carmen Korn

        January 1st, 1950: in Cologne, Hamburg and San Remo, people ring in the new decade. The one before left deep scars in the cities and in people’s minds and hearts. Gerda and Heinrich Aldenhoven’s house in Cologne is bursting at the seams. Heinrich’s art gallery is not making enough money to feed all the hungry mouths. In contrast, Gerda’s friends Elisabeth and her husband Kurt in Hamburg don’t have money worries. As press officer of the savings bank, Kurt can provide a modest existence for his family. But they also yearn for a little more lightness in their lives. Their son-in-law Joachim still hasn’t returned from the war.  And Margarethe Aldenhoven has ended up in San Remo. Her life at her Italian husband’s side seems carefree, but she is tortured by her dependency on her mother-in-law. As differently as they all spent New Year’s Eve – out and about in Cologne, quietly at home in Hamburg, classily in San Remo – the questions on New Year’s Day are the same: will the wounds finally heal? What will the future bring?

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        Children's & YA
        November 2019

        Claire Malone Changes the World

        by Nadia L. King / Alisa Knatko

        Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg has captured the world’s attention as she campaigns to raise awareness of climate change and calls world leaders to account. All children can follow Greta’s lead. Claire Malone is the hero of Claire Malone Changes the World, a feisty character with boundless energy to change her world for the better. Armed with her typewriter and the determination to make a difference, Claire is an ordinary kid with an extraordinary desire to change things for the better. Writing letter after letter, Claire advocates for change. One day she notices that her local park needs upgrading and she commits wholeheartedly to the cause. This an empowering and inspiring picture book for young children but especially for girls. You will love the journey of Claire, a strong and ambitious girl, so much that you will want to read this book over and over again.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Child, nation, race and empire

        Child rescue discourse, England, Canada and Australia, 1850–1915

        by Margot Hillel, Shurlee Swain, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm. ;

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        A New Account of Tales of the World for Children

        by Zhang Xiaochun

        A New Account of Tales of the World is a collection of notes and novels about famous scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, recording their anecdotes that are unconventional, interesting, and full of wisdom and philosophy. Written with refined, subtle, meaningful, and vivid language, the book carries many well-known famous sayings and literary allusions, making it an excellent book on Chinese culture that is easily accepted in modern times. This series selects chapters that are suitable for Children and presents charm of famous scholars in the Wei and Jin dynasties and the unique social customs of that era, leading young readers to easily understand the classical work.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Love in the Big City


        by Sang Young Park, Jan Henrik Dirks

        Young flippert zwischen Bude, Hörsaal und den Betten seiner letzten Tinder-Matches hin und her. Er studiert in Seoul, zusammen mit Jaehee, seiner BFF und Mitbewohnerin, zieht er durch die glitzernden Bars und queeren Clubs der Stadt. Mit noch einem Glas Soju in der Hand und eisgekühlten Marlboro Reds zwischen den Lippen beschwören sie die Euphorie, jede Nacht. Gegen die Ängste, gegen die Liebe, gegen die Ansprüche der Familie und die Not mit dem Geld. Doch als auch Jaehee endlich ankommen will, bleibt Young allein zurück im Partymodus. Mit seiner altgewordenen Mutter, mit dutzenden Liebhabern, von denen kaum einer seinen Namen kennt, mit der Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben und einer Frage: Ist in diesem Land für einen wie mich überhaupt eine Zukunft vorgesehen? Kann ich sie erreichen? Love in the Big City ist eine Heldengeschichte von gewaltiger Zärtlichkeit und Lässigkeit. Sang Young Park erzählt von Chaos, Freude, Leichtigkeit des Jungseins, und seinen schmerzhaften Grenzen, in einer Gesellschaft, deren Vergangenheit trotz allem Blitzen, Blinken, Träumen seltsam mächtig bleibt … Das Kultbuch aus Südkorea, Porträt einer Generation, Psychogramm eines faszinierenden Landes.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Ode to Youth

        by Shi Zhongshan is a writer, scriptwriter, and television producer. He has written novels such as The New Generation in the Military Compound and Hailing from All Corners of the Country and novelettes such as Years of Passion Burning, Resonance of Military Songs,and Happiness as Flowers, of which over thirty have been adapted for over one thousand episodes of TV plays.

        Dong Hongmei's father died of disability after the war, and her mother mysteriously “disappeared” when she was three years old. The tragic life experience indicates that her growth will be bumpy. However, her life turned a corner as she became the so-called "child of high-ranking officials," and she managed to drag herself out of the morass of despair. By virtue of the identity of "the child of high-ranking officials," all kinds of good things, such as awards, promotion, and the opportunity of going to Beijing, followed close on one another, while all these actually resulted from a huge misunderstanding... Dong Hongmei's life is full of affecting friendship, thereby making Ode to Youth a rare masterpiece full of romantic feelings in contemporary literary circles.

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        Children's & YA

        Three Pieces of Young Ginger

        by Chang Xin’gang

        Three Pieces of Young Ginger is a novel about growing up. It tells stories of three boys of the same age, Xijia Kangrui, a fan of animals, Wan Juan, who enjoys fantasying, and Meng Da, a football fan. Like three pieces of spicy young ginger, they express their dissatisfaction with life, taste their respective sadness, and grow up in the way they like. Though look alike, when you get closer, you realize they are as different as you can never find one identical piece of ginger.   Three Pieces of Young Ginger is one of the typical growing up fiction books of Chang Xin'gang, reflecting the realistic home-school life of contemporary children. Through these painful, hopeful growing up stories, the author conveys his profound thought on the education system and family relationship and calls for more spaces for children to express, to make choices, and to try and fail.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The After-Time Chronicles

        One Small Spark

        by Andy Woodage

        In the footsteps of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series comes Andy Woodage's debut novel and our entrance into his bio-engineered fantasy world. The After-Time Chronicles: One Small Spark is a young-adult fantasy novel of good, evil, genetically engineered creatures, romance, blood, and the search for belonging. Imagine a world without oil, where metals are only available if they can be salvaged or recycled. Imagine if coal was running out. It’s a world where armies no longer build metal monsters, but biological horrors. A world where genetic engineering has become the art of war. This is 12-year-old Jothan’s world. Orphaned by a terrible accident, he dreams of leaving his uneventful life with his grandparents on the family’s griffin farm. However, when a catastrophic attack wipes out every homestead in The Zoological Zone, his world is turned upside down. He finds himself thrust into a story larger than he ever dreamed, embarking on a rough journey with a mysteriously appearing warrior to the fabled ‘Temple of Elohim’. Accompanied by his best friend, the griffin Gozell, Jothan sets off across a land ravaged by poverty and wild creatures. Battling his way across the dangerous landscape, his eyes are opened to an empire in the grip of war and unrest... with the ever increasing weight of his role in events to come. Will they make it to the Temple? Will they be welcomed when they arrive? Can Jothan unravel the secrets that seem to control the lives of everyone he meets, including his mysterious saviour?

      • Trusted Partner

        LIKE, WHAT?Graphical Teasers for Young Readers

        by Gideon Bar Sinai

        Like many adults, children are naturally inquisitive. They easily grasp principles, find challenges, and enjoy dealing with them; but how do you encourage their curiosity? When they come upon such an original book, it is like a treasure chest of surprises: colorful, intelligent, and fascinating. This is a unique concept, primarily intended to entertain young and adult readers alike. The utilization and encouragement of their natural curiosity enhance the book's enjoyment. The entire series contains 81 multicolor graphical teasers that cover a rich and diverse world of events. Each teaser conceals a riddle, where its discovery is a challenge within itself. While attempting to decipher the mystery, the reader develops an expertise in creative and investigative thinking, as well as abstraction, spatial perception, and imagination. Author Gideon Bar-Sinai explains: “The book goes beyond stimulating the readers' curiosity and desire to investigate, confronting them with the complexity of our world. It clarifies that the world is not as simple and structured as suggest most psychometric books, which are the dogmatic, one-dimensional antithesis of Like, What?” This brilliant series expands the reader’s imagination with the colorfulness and humor invested in it; although containing but a few words, it provides the young readers – and their parents who have not yet lost their natural curiosity – with entertainment, learning, insight, and enjoyment. As a universal book without words, it transcends the barriers of age, language, and culture, and makes for an ideal gift. A sequel with 27 additional graphic teasers will be published soon. Gideon Bar-Sinai, 49, married and father of three, former pilot with a B.Sc. in computer sciences, worked for many years in software development and held senior management positions in several Hi-tech companies. Like, What? is the first volume in this original series of graphic-teaser books.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Human capital and empire

        by Andrew Mackillop

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        Animal husbandry
        November 2006

        Applied Nutrition for Young Pigs

        by Ioannis Mavromichalis

        The nutrition of the young pig is one of the most active scientific fields of swine nutrition throughout the world. Its immense importance to the profitability of any pig production is demonstrated by the fact that maximal early growth in pigs, which depends on correct nutrition, is extremely efficient, yet hardly realised in most commercial situations. This book explains how to provide accurate nutrition to young pigs under commercial conditions, in order to achieve maximum growth performance at minimal cost. It includes coverage of nutritional physiology, nutrient requirements and idiosyncrasies, ingredients and diets, feed programs and management systems.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 2·Young Heros

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

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        Children's & YA
        June 2016

        Snail Girl

        by Cai Gao

        Once upon a time, there was a poor young man who lived alone. One day, he picked up a snail on the riverside and took it home. Since then, he could see a table of hot meal as long as he came back home. He was surprised to find that all these were cooked by a girl, who was changed out from the snail. It turned out that the girl was a goddess, who wanted to thank the young man for saving her life.

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        Zoology & animal sciences
        August 2007

        Redesigning Animal Agriculture

        The Challenge of the 21st Century

        by Edited by David L Swain, Ed Charmley, John W Steel, Shaun G Coffey

        At a time of increased concern over animal welfare and environmental degradation, the global demand for animal-based protein is necessitating the development and use of emerging agricultural technology.Focusing on livestock production systems, this comprehensive text addresses how the growing diversity of global food demands will be met in the future, providing insights into new and emerging scientific areas and the implications for addressing global drivers for change.Contributions from a wealth of international experts cover ethical, philosophical and systemic considerations, the impact of genomics on livestock production, the holistic systems perspective, the complex systems approach using stochastic modelling methods, and how all these factors can be linked to achieve sustainable outcomes.

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