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      • Trusted Partner

        The Painting Series of Chinese Folk Tales: The Moon Lady’s Dresses

        by The Editorial Board

        This series contains 31 titles of picture books. It is a collection of traditional Chinese classic tales, including fables, myths, idioms and folk legends. It’s playful and readable with attractive illustrations and concise text.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2018

        Glimpses of Gardens in Eastern China

        by TUNG Jun, TUNG Ming (translator)

        The architect Chuin Tung introduced the classic beauty of Chinese gardens to the world through this book The interest of garden appreciation: profound interpretation of the spirit and connotation of Chinese gardens  The method of gardening: comprehensive analysis of the details and techniques of garden construction (including architectural and planning, ornament and furniture, rockery, planting)  The history of gardens: detailing the difference between garden history and Eastern and Western gardens   建筑学界一代宗师童寯向世界介绍中国园林之美的经典著作 赏园之趣:深刻解读中国园林的精神与内涵 造园之法:全面分析园林营造的细节与技法(建筑与布局,装修与家具,叠石,植物配置) 园林之史:细述园林历史及东西方园林的区别

      • Trusted Partner

        Chinese Traditional Colour

        by Qing Jian

        The book selects 71 Chinese traditional colours (goose yellow, moon white, sky blue, etc. )and categorized them into 8 groups according to China’s traditional way: blue, red, yellow, white, black, purple, green and brown. The author analyzs each colour from 3 perspectives: its source and character(HANZI,汉字), its application on national treasures such as paintings, furniture, sculpture, and china, and scenery captured by the author on her journeys around China, illustrating the cultural metaphor of colour, eliminating the cultural life of ancient Chinese people and their unique taste. 71 old colors, 200 excellent photos, four-colour printing, perfect presentation of Chinese traditional culture.  《古色之美》选取中国传统五正色和三间色:青红黄白黑紫绿褐,详析八大色系七十一种传统颜色(胭脂、藤黄、月白、藕荷……)的源流与现状。 每个色系分三篇论述:言色、物色、行色,从字源、国宝器物,和作者旅行途中捕捉的景色三个角度,分享古色之美。分析色彩的文化隐喻,解读古人的文化生活、审美情趣,一本读懂色彩背后的中国文化。 七十一种经典古色、两百张绝美摄影,精选纸张、四色印刷,完美呈现中国传统色彩与文化之美。

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2018

        Useless Beauty

        by LIN Xi

        In Useless Beauty, Lin Xi analyzes the essential of art aesthetic education and shares the fun of Chinese calligraphy, the method of being focused, the cultivation of mental power and the way of learning art. From the perspective of a Chinese literatus, Lin Xi introduces the aesthetic taste in a contemporary world, explains what is “Useless beauty”, how to “be independent” in this fast-changing world, and seeks to discover ways to integrate traditional aesthetics into our modern life. 林曦以手艺人之道,解析艺术美育的本质内涵,分享写字的乐趣、专注的法门、心力的修炼及艺术的学习途径等;从中式文人的视角,观照当代生活的审美情趣,阐释何为“无用之美”、如何“独善其身”,探索让传统美学回归现代生活的践行方式等。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Heal Knee Pain

        by Zhang Fu

        This book is a collaborative work of experts in strength, body building, rehabilitation training and sports medicine. It is a manual for knee protection, functional training and injury recovery, offering practical and comprehensive guidance for athletes. The writer intends to share his own experience of healing knee pain with readers.   内容简介 力量、体能、体形、康复训练专家与运动医学专家的鼎力之作,膝关节保健、功能性训练与伤后康复训练手册,实用、全面的运动者有效护膝指南!作者以亲身经历与万千读者一起见证“终结膝痛”!

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment

        Series of the National Zoological Museum of China for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: Butterflies

        by Wu Chunsheng

        This book invites readers to explore the world of butterflies with fascinating facts and stunning full-color photographs. The readers can use this book to identify different species of butterflies in China. 内容简介 在茫茫的大千世界里,我们常常能看到一类美丽的昆虫——蝴蝶,它们挥动两对色彩艳丽的翅膀,飞翔在树林、草丛和鲜花中,为大自然平添了美色。蝴蝶是人类最喜爱动物之一,是人类最喜爱的昆虫,本书为读者展示绚丽多姿的蝴蝶世界!

      • Trusted Partner

        The Basics of Tea

        by Chonglin Zhou

        Tang Dynasty, tea efficacy, cultivation, collection, decocting and drinking methods, etc. Zhou Chonglin, a famous writer of tea culture, has been studying tea for 15 years with profound knowledge. He has referred to more than 40 kinds of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign editions in detail. He has been well proofread and proofread the Classic of Tea, which is original and easy to understand. In addition to the careful translation of the original text, there is also an in-depth and extended discussion on the theme of each chapter, from the ancient and modern evolution of tea to the basic cultivation of tea people, from tea events in previous dynasties to tea ceremony, tracing back to the source, unique insights, comprehensive revelation of the code of thought of the Book of Tea. The combination of ancient tea sets and tea drawings can help readers understand the features and structure of ancient tea sets more intuitively, feel the elegant tradition of tea, and draw on the wisdom of ancient people in drinking tea. 《茶经》是关于历代制茶、饮茶、茶道演变的百科全书,后世茶书的开源之作;共十篇,全面记述了唐及唐以前的茶叶历史与产地,茶的功效、栽培、采制、煎煮、饮用方法等。 知名茶文化作家周重林,精研茶学15年,功底深厚,详细参考古今中外版本40余种,勘校精良,带来原汁原味而又通俗易懂的《茶经》读本。除对原文的精心译注之外,还有对每个章节主题的深入延伸探讨,从茶的古今演变到茶人的基本修养,从历代茶事到茶席茶礼,溯本求源,见解独到,全方位揭秘《茶经》的思想密码。搭配古代茶具、茶画图,帮助读者更为直观了解古代茶具的特点和构造,感受茶雅传统,汲取古人饮茶智慧。

      • Trusted Partner

        The Fat

        by Yingchun Zhu

        Fat is a collection of essays on the topic of fat , which was carefully edited and designed by Zhu Yingchun, the winner of "The most Beautiful Book in the world", after six years of manuscript preparation. The book invites more than 100 authors to tell the story of "fat" together, as well as a number of well-known artists to draw illustrations in the text. The book includes memories of famous people from all walks of life, such as Shen Changwen, Zhong Shuhe, Su Tong, Li 'er, Ye Zhaoyan, Mai Jia, Zhang Jiajia and Jiang Fangzhou, as well as stories of people of different ages and fields and people from other countries and regions. Fat is not only a kind of food, but also a period of memory, which embodies the bitter past, sweet memories and ongoing stories of sweetness, bitterness and bitterness from generation to generation. 《肥肉》是一本以“肥肉”为话题的散文集,由“世界最美的书”获奖者朱赢椿历时六年约稿,精心编辑与设计而成。本书邀请到百余位作者共同讲述“肥肉”的故事,以及多位知名画家制作内文插画。既有沈昌文、钟叔河、苏童、李洱、叶兆言、麦家、张嘉佳、蒋方舟等社会各界知名人士关于肥肉的珍贵记忆,也收录民间不同年龄、不同领域的人和其他国家、地区的人们的肥肉故事。 肥肉不仅是一种食物,更是一段时代记忆,凝聚了一代又一代人辛酸的过往、甜蜜的回忆以及正在发生的酸甜苦辣的故事。物价已回不到往昔,肥肉又有了新故事。全新增订版特别收录陈晓卿、封新城、石光华、地主陆、田原、史航、汪天稳等好文。书中囊括的这几代人的胃,比世间档案更懂中国。

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Chen style Tai Chi- from beginners to masters

        by Chen Yibing

        Video presented by Chen YiBin- the prentice of national Tai Chi master Chen XiaoXing. It contains 32 patterns of Tai Chi, lead you to exercise and enjoy the life.     内容简介 国际太极拳大师陈小星入室弟子陈以斌亲身示范太极拳视频,扫码即看。陈式太极拳第十二代正宗传人,2013年受文化部、外交部、体育总局邀请天安门广场太极拳大型表演活动者和太极文化传播者!好功夫自有万钧之力,32个精华太极拳招式。既可锻炼身体,又能修身养性!

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment

        Series of the National Zoological Museum of China for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: Animal Diversity

        by Zhang Jinshuo, Zhang Fan

        This book addresses major themes in biological diversity, and reviews new research results in taxonomy in each phyla. Many new discoveries are the first time to spread to Chinese readers, who may know the general principles of evolution, ecology, classification, systematics, and animal body plans. Then readers delve into the taxonomy and general biology of all groups of animals. The census of each groups, not only phylum, but orders, families, and even species and subspecies are quite new to science.   内容简介 本书使用目前国际上最新的、最权威的动物分类研究成果,将所有动物界中的各大门类作了系统的归纳和厘定,其中的各类群,例如纲、目、科等级别的最新变化和成果充分地反映在本书之中,是目前为止国内对所有动物的多样性研究最新的总结。

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment

        Series of the National Zoological Museum of China for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: Insects

        by Liang Hongbin

        Dr. Liang Hongbin highlights the biology of insects, supplying an in-depth treatment of the classification, ecology and conservation. In recent years, Chinese insect photographers develop the field investigations by cameras, contributing to this book that we can see a lot of pictures of insects in China. 内容简介 昆虫是地球上最昌盛的动物类群,已知种类超过100万种,约占整个动物种类的四分之三。在我们周围,常见的昆虫有蝴蝶、蜻蜓、蜜蜂、苍蝇、蚊子、蝗虫、天牛等等,这些虫子千姿百态,形态各异,有些有美丽的翅膀,有些有坚硬的外壳,有些性情温顺,有些凶猛异常。那么,你究竟对昆虫有多了解呢?本书带你走进昆虫世界,领略昆虫世界的精彩。

      • Trusted Partner


        by Li Pan

        Ukiyo-e is a print art popular during the Edo period (1601-1867) in Japan. It is known as the "encyclopedia of Japanese folklore". It features oiran beauty, Kabuki actors, erotic charms, scenery, flowers, birds, and social customs, representing the lifestyles and fashions of all classes of society at that time. Pan Li, an authority on Ukiyo-e research, clearly described the 300-year history of the rise and fall of Ukiyo-e. The ins and outs of 7 major genres including Torii School and Utagawa School, the life stories and artistic achievements of 31 masters including Kitagawa Utamaro, Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Hiroshige, etc., more than 200 classic works such as "One Hundred Views of Edo" "Three Beauties of the Present Day" "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji" are perfectly displayed and fully analyzed in the book. Every Ukiyo-e picture carries a wealth of Japanese folk culture codes. Only by unlocking this information in detail can we say that we truly understand Ukiyo-e and have a more accurate understanding of Japanese culture. ——Pan Li 浮世绘是流行于日本江户时代(1601-1867)、出自民间画工的版画艺术,被誉为“日本民俗的百科全书”,它以花魁美人、歌舞伎演员、春宫魅惑、民俗风景、花鸟虫鱼等社会风俗为主要题材,表现当时社会各阶层的生活百态和流行时尚。 中国浮世绘研究权威潘力清晰地讲述了浮世绘300年的兴衰史。鸟居派、歌川派等7大流派的来龙去脉,喜多川歌麿、葛饰北斋、歌川广重等31位大师的生平故事与艺术成就,《歌撰恋之部》《富岳三十六景》《名所江户百景》等200多幅经典作品的风格解析,都在书中得到了完美展现。 每一幅浮世绘都承载着丰富的日本民俗文化密码,只有巨细无遗地解锁这些信息,才能说是真正看懂浮世绘,也才能对日本文化有更准确的认识。——潘力

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2021 - October 2025

        the moon creator and the legend of human origin

        by Microcosmic

        【內容】 ◎宇宙起源、地月傳說◎ 第1節楔子(1) 第二節 盤古大神開天闢地,小宇宙誕生(三) 第三節 銀河中的智慧(5) 第四節 月亮是古人造的(8) 第五節 月神之星際旅行(十) 第六節 主,微妙智慧的大神,重建地球(14) 第七節 神創造人的傳說是真實的。黃色、白色、紅色和黑色物種的神 (16)   ◎守護地月文明◎ 第8節:保護地球的月球古人類:地球上的五個王國(19) 第九節 六千七百萬年前五米高的巨人和恐龍的滅絕(21) 第十節 星際航行仍是金字塔文明(24) 第11節 冰封的南極洲,後代的寶庫(26) 第十二章 亞特蘭蒂斯的文明與墮落(二十九) 第13章 亞特蘭蒂斯與穆大陸之戰,影響月中之月(32) 第十四條:天罰。兩大洲一夜之間沉入海底 (37) 第15話女媧修天助地人修月女媧(40)

      • December 2014

        Inferno: The Art Collection (Chinese Edition)

        by Dino Di Durante

        令人嘆為觀止,令人刺激興奮的地獄圖象,呈現於兩部備受好評的影片裏!你喜歡恐怖故事書嗎?《地獄之旅》肯定讓你毛骨悚然,丧胆亡魂! 迪諾·杜蘭特的著作《地獄之旅 ---- 繪畫集》是一本由72張描繪但丁地獄之旅的全彩繪畫集,是但丁‧阿利吉耶裏的文學名著----《神曲》之第一部,《神曲》是繼《福音》之後,第二個最偉大的基督教故事。這是在意大利研究原版超過30年的迪諾‧杜蘭特的一個全新,深邃而迷人的視覺作品。此繪畫呈現於名為《但丁的地獄動畫》(現有DVD)裏,由埃里克羅伯茨擔任但丁的配音。整個繪畫集將呈現於即將上映的電影《但丁的地獄之旅》。這是你的最佳良伴,也是作為任何書寫地獄故事之視覺參考的最好選擇。這是一本超值的書!油畫版本售價介於$5,000及$30,000之間。為什麼你應該購買這本書:一種真正的、聖神的癡迷,尽全心全力以各種可行方式將經典世界文學帶入現代生活。環繞於他對但丁才智的驚奇和不朽,迪諾也用了生命和靈魂去重新描繪《但丁的地獄之旅》以獻給現代的觀眾,特別是需要從這崇高的智慧中多多學習的年輕一輩。他們將會發現這一切的美,猶如一場視覺的饕餮盛宴,以及體驗一次全新的,輕易擊敗最新電腦遊戲和電影特別效果的絕佳經驗。"

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Princess of Francois Langur / 王妃黑叶猴

        by Author: Shen, Shixi / 沈, 石溪

        Shen Shixi wrote aspects of the human world according to writting the animal. The Princess of Francois Langur: As human society, animal world also has gentle and cruel, kind and cunning. Here has hardship and hard work of life, but also joy and happiness of love, and love to children. The rich imagination and profound philosophical are fused together by writer, fully demonstrated love and hate, joys and sorrows. These animal novels are filled with heroic spirit, and shows great mental shock, but also give people a deep reflection. We seem to see the man himself, as we see these animals’s life course. Please read “The Princess of Francois Langur”: one of series products of Shen Shixi: The king of animal novels. / "王妃黑叶猴"内容简介:沈石溪通过写动物而写出了人间万象。"王妃黑叶猴":同人类社会一样,动物世界也有温和与残忍之分、善良与狡诈之别。这里既有生活的艰辛与拼搏,也有爱情的欢愉和幸福,还有对儿女的绵绵母爱。作者把丰富的大胆想象和深刻的哲学思考融为一体,淋漓尽至地表现了爱恨情仇、悲欢离合。这些动物小说充满了英雄之气,豪迈之情,给人以极大的心灵震撼,同时又给人以深刻的反思。看到这些动物的生命历程,我们仿佛也看到了人类自己。敬请阅读“动物小说大王沈石溪品藏书系”之"王妃黑叶猴"。

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Insanity Crimes

        by Dr.Ho Mei Yee Robyn

        Dr. Ho Mei Yee, an authoritative forensic psychiatrist, takes you inside the minds of criminals and explores the psychiatric reasons for a person’s drastic change in personality, which eventually lead to criminal behaviors. Volume 1 attempts to unveil the mystery and myths shrouding forensic psychiatry through 6 real cases.法醫精神科權威何美怡醫生,帶領你潛入犯罪者的內心,探索為何人會性情劇變,跨越法律的底線,走向瘋狂的犯罪之路。想與子女同歸於盡的單親媽媽、把僱主開膛破肚的恐怖傭人、把情婦刺殺卻試圖脫身的男人……周旋於失常罪犯之間,法醫精神科何美怡醫生以六宗改編自真實案例的故事為切入點,揭開「精神科X法律」的神秘面紗,探尋正常與失常、理智與瘋狂之間,最模糊的界線。Click here for more information

      • Society & culture: general
        February 2015

        The Silk Road 丝绸之路

        by State Administration of Cultural Heritage

        This book has collected over 400 pieces of cultural relics along the Silk Road, Chinese as well as foreign, with most of them being “Level I” artifacts, including wares made of gold, silver, copper, lead, jade, stone, wood, clay and porcelain as well as silk, paper, tomb mural and the like, and depicted the grand millennium-old history of Silk Road commerce and cultural exchange. Well illustrated through pictures, texts and academic writings, this book is a good story teller and may help readers find out more information about the Silk Road.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Snow Leopard Tragedy / 雪豹悲歌

        by Author: Shen, Shixi / 沈, 石溪

        Wild training, first hunting, love leisure and hate labour, indolence, rob food for making a living, mother and daughter reunion, enjoy family, diocletian augustus, friendless, tragic end, open the heart each other, forced to support oneself and human are not angels, red cliff sheep mystery, snow leopard was put into prison, reduced the gray-beard sheep prestige, ram a coup to light Angle and so on. Shen Shixi "Snow Leopard Elegy" -- ecological beauty of life! / "雪豹悲歌"内容简介:野化训练、初次狩猎、好逸恶劳、劫食谋生、母女重逢、重享亲情、手足相残、众叛亲离、悲惨下场、打开心灵樊篱、强迫自食其力、人类不是天使、红崖羊之谜、雪豹被关进牢笼、灰胡子头羊威信降低、公羊大白角发动政变等等。 沈石溪 雪豹悲歌 原生态的生命之美!

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