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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1998


        Die kreative Aufarbeitung des Seitensprungs

        by Spring, Janis Abrahms; Spring, Michael

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2007

        Black Tom

        by Andrew Hopper

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        Children's & YA

        Different Spring Festival

        by Gao Jing

        The story happens in an ordinary Chinese family. It features the extraordinary scene of the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2020 under the sudden attack of the COVID-19 pandemic, answering the question asked by the little protagonist, "Why can't we hang out?" The book is both informative and humanistic, for it not only incorporates COVID-19 pevention knowledge into the story, such as what the novel coronavirus is, how it spreads, and what control and prevention measures should be implemented to fight against it, but also touches readers' heart by demonstrating family affection, friendship, and true love among people with elegant watercolor images. It guides children and even their parents to develop a sense of cherish and respect for the ordinary lives.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996


        Die kreative Aufarbeitung des Seitensprungs

        by Spring, Janis Abrahms / Englisch Herbst, Gabriele

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992

        Lebensplanung ohne Kinder

        Perspektiven eines bewussten Verzichts

        by Ziebell, Lindy; Schmerl, Christiane; Queisser, Hannelore

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019


        by David Appleby, Andrew Hopper, Jason Peacey

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The Gulf monarchies after the Arab Spring

        by Cinzia Bianco

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        December 2019

        The Professional Handbook of Cider Tasting

        by Travis Alexander, Brianna Ewing

        In recent years, with the rise of the craft beverage movement, the cider industry has been through a period of rapid commercial and non-commercial growth. Tasting and quality control is a core aspect of successful cider making and it is essential for industry and researchers to characterize cider using a standard, quantifiable metric. This book is a research-based text for understanding both the theory and practice of effectively evaluating the sensory properties of cider. The Cider Tasting Professional Handbook includes content on the physiological basis of sensory evaluation, effective profiling of sensory evaluation, types and styles of cider, origins of cider quality attributes and direction for pairing cider with foods. The book also: - Covers a broad range of cider tasting techniques with associated technical explanations. - Provides data and research-driven information. - Contains sample sensory evaluation sheets, a tasting wheel, and guidance for creating fresh cider sensory standards and the utilization of various apple cultivars. Including a summary of the current global cider styles, this is an invaluable resource for commercial cidermakers, non-commercial cidermakers, students on cider production courses, researchers and other industry and stakeholder personnel.

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        July 2023

        Germs and governance

        The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control

        by Anne Marie Rafferty, Marguerite Dupree, Fay Bound Alberti

        Germs and governance brings together leading historians, practitioners and policy makers to consider the past, present and future of hospital infection control. Combining historical case-studies with practitioner experiences, this volume offers a new understanding of the emergence of theories of germ transmission and containment and how these theories played out in real-world environments, networks and professional organisations. Exploring the historical context in which technologies like gloves were developed and popularised, as well as how relationships between communities and hospitals, doctors and nurses, and the emerging role of hospital bacteriologists have shaped infection control practices, the collection emphasises the diverse contexts in which ideas about germs, infection and safety circulated. The volume also addresses the historical neglect of the critical role of nurses in the development and success of infection control measures.

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        January 2016

        The Autumn of Innocence

        by Abbas Beydoun

        In his novel, The Autumn of Innocence, prominent Lebanese poet and novelist Abbas Beydoun artfully weaves a tragic story of a father-son relationship that ends disastrously with the son's violent death. This story unfolds along with the Arab Spring movement and explores the motivations behind religious extremism and questions cultural constructs of masculinity.   The novel opens with a letter from Ghassan to his cousin, describing how his father Massoud strangled his mother to death when Ghassan was just three years old. Afterward, Massoud flees the village in southern Lebanon. For 18 years, no one hears from him, and Ghassan grows up stigmatized by his father's violent crime.   In time, Ghassan's aunt Bushra-Massoud's sister-makes a confession: She encouraged Massoud to kill his wife, believing that his wife's low socioeconomic status would bring embarrassment to their wealthy family. Bushra also reveals that Massoud was driven to kill his wife because he feared that she would tell someone that he was impotent, undermining his sense of manhood and social status.   Meanwhile, Massoud has moved to southern Syria, where he remarried and had two more sons. During the Arab Spring, the militant groups fighting the Syrian regime transform him into a religious extremist.   In the second half of the novel, Massoud return to the village in southern Lebanon. He brings with him a group of men. Together they seize control of the village and terrorize its inhabitants. After killing the dogs, they begin murdering the villagers in the name of religion. One of Ghassan's friends is among the victims, and Massoud also threatens his family. Ghassan decides that he must kill his father, avenging the death of his friend and the deaths of the other villagers. In the end, he fails and is beheaded by Bushra's son, his cousin, who is has joined Massoud's thugs.   Beydoun captures the shifting points of view in a family shattered by the tyranny of normative masculinity and the resulting violence. The victims are women, of course, but also the men like Ghassan who reject these social and cultural expectations. The novel also portrays the rise of religious extremism and the terrorism it can inspire, which wreaks havoc on the lives of ordinary people. Beydoun's engaging language imbues the characters and the places they inhabit with a vibrancy and vitality that transcends the difficult subject matter.

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        December 2025

        Yanzi's Spring and Autum Annals

        by XU WENXIANG

        "Yanzi's Spring and Autum Annals" is a classical document describing the words and deeds of Yan Ying, a famous politician and thinker of Qi in the late Spring and Autumn Period. It is an important material for studying Yanzi and the social history of that time.It is an ancient book with unique characteristics, which is known as the oldest collection of legends and stories in China.

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        The Arts

        Representative Works of Chinese Woodblock New Year Paintings

        by Feng Jicai

        Woodblock new year painting is an old handicraft of China, going back thousands of years. People celebrate the Spring Festival by posting up woodblock new year paintings, praying for their good wishes. Chief edited by the contemporary Chinese author, artist, and cultural scholar Feng Jicai, the Representative Works of Chinese Woodblock New Year Paintings is a collection of the masterpieces selected out of over ten thousand woodblock new year paintings. It has two volumes, the Northern and the Southern, from which one can see the differences in the custom of the two regions. The book has received support from scholars and institutions worldwide, among which the Japanese museums' collections of Gusu woodblock new year paintings in the early Qing Dynasty and the Russian museums' collections of late Qing and early Republic China are disclosed to the world for the first time. So the book is not only a historical art collection, but also of high cultural heritage significance.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Mount Caravan

        Die fantastische Fahrt im Nimmerzeit-Express

        by Ruhe, Anna

        Jake war sein Leben lang Außenseiter. Dass er jetzt noch in ein Internat für Schwererziehbare gesteckt wird, ist echt das Letzte. Doch das seltsame Mount Caravan ist nicht das, was es vorgibt zu sein. Insgeheim beschützt die Schule ein uraltes Buch, und in diesem steht nichts Geringeres als die Zukunft der Menschheit! Plötzlich ist es an Jake und seinen Freunden Ava und Finley es vor den machthungrigen Feinden der Schule zu beschützen …

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