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        Children's & YA

        Yu Bao’s World

        by Huang Beijia

        The 11-year old boy-Yu Bao walks and runs on the dusty “Heaven Street” every day, which is located at rural-urban joint place. During his journey, he passes many groceries by which nonnatives make a living, wades across muddy rainwater which is up to the waist, detours huge dump of the city. Meanwhile, he worries about where he can place his desk ,and he is anxious about how to find his missing father, and he is concerned about helping his laborious mother, and he is also happy just because his sisters—Yu Xiang and Yu Duo are happy……The boy’s life is difficult but neither embarrassed, alone, nor dark. Not only because his whole family can stay together, but there is sincere friendship from his companions—Meng Xiaowei, Luo Tianyu and so on. It is a long novel which directly involves current reality. The author pays attention to the living condition and status of the kids who are from rural places, and talks about loneness, setback, fear, perplexing, disaster even death that they face in their boyhood. After the first draft of this works was finished. it was once read by teachers, students and children’s parents in many primary schools. To some extent, it was a classic works created by famous author and some little readers.

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        Children's & YA

        A Kiss to My Mum

        by Huang Beijia

        A Kiss to My Mum is a novel that delves into the growth of a child from a single-parent family. The hero is a ten-year-old boy called Zhao Andi. He is Zhao Andi to his teacher, My Dear An to his father and Didi to his mother. At his father’s funeral, for the first time he sees his mother Shu Yimei, so beautiful as if she stepped down from a photo. At this gloomy moment Didi was pushed to an arduous cliff, on the other side of which is his mother Shu Yimei, blowing the scent of orange. The novel develops around the gradual emotional thaw of the boy and his mother. At first they cannot get along with and are watchful of each other. But distance gradually gives way to proximity and then to mutual understanding and harmony between the two on their way to the future. This is a story of a boy and his parents, singing high praise for children. It is also about our life, our minds and love. All the characters in the novel are very much realistic, including the boy of slight autism and the mother of slight depression. The atmosphere of modern life in the novel is achieved through the depiction of other characters such as the hero’s classmate and good friend Zhang Xiaochen, his sister Ke’er, his uncle Baolin and his English teacher Li Qinsong, a man of dubious identity, thus adding to the enjoyment of the book.

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        Children's & YA

        Gou’er Drifting from a Boat

        by Huang Beijia

        Gou’er Drifting from a Boat is a novel about growth. In the small neighborhood with the name “The Yard of Phoenix Tree”, a group of children whose parents are middle school teachers and quite an ordinary girl become good friends and they try all the games under the sun. The reader may join the group, among which there is the clever Xiao’ai, the learned Fang Mingliang, the noble Bunny, the naughty Xiao Shan and Xiao Shui, the fairy-like Little Sister and the hero Gou’er, the very ordinary girl who has high aspiration but bad fortune. With this group the reader may go scooping for fish with a net, catching cicadas with something sticky, secretly taking books out of school libraries, reading the comic strips A Dream of Red Mansions without parents’ permission, writing letters directly to the Great Leader Mao Zedong, looking small before a beautiful coryphée, feeling nervous at the bodily changes at teenage, tasting the vague love between teenagers and lots of other things. Reading the novel is like viewing an ancient film, offering the reader not only great fun and joy but also melancholy.

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        Children's & YA

        Children’s Eye

        by Huang Beijia

        The most anticipated entry in the series by Huang Beijia. It is the latest novel by Huang Beijia, following the style of her beloved work The Tenderest Eyes. It is a story of a group of kids growing up in a rather poor neighborhood in China during the 1970s. Though they have experienced much hardships and indifference in the process of growing up, those unforgettable and precious childhood memories give them the purest children’s eyes to view the world.

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        Children's & YA

        The Flower Petals Drop

        by Wang Miao

        Setting Beijing of 1920s as the background, the novel describes a story among three girls from different classes, whose names are Ye Jingzhi, Waner and Lu Aiyi. The novel draws an outline of the panorama of history and customs of ancient Beijing. Ye Jingzhi grows up in the southern China and follows her father who works in the Ministry of Foreign Affair to Beijing, and they rent a house in Aunt Guan's courtyard. Jingzhi's mother is constantly ill and her two younger brothers are too naughty and stubborn, so her life doesn’t go well at all. However, Jingzhi gradually adapts herself to the Beijing life, and forms a deep relationship with poor Waner and Lu Aiyi whose parents are officers with high rank.

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        Children's & YA

        Jin Sisters in Southern Village

        by Guo Jiangyan

        This is a story of children's growth, which describes the children finally walk out of the closed environment and set foot on broad road after they experience strong inner struggle. The heroines Jin Xiaoxi and Jin Xiaoliu live in a remote village in the mountains and they lead a simple, calm and boring life. The outside world doesn’t open to her until Xiaoxi comes across a city girl Tulan who escapes from kidnapping. She and other villagers help Tulan free from villains and gain freedom. The heroines also open their innocent and naive world and step forward to the wonderful future world. This novel has a strong power to make readers feel warm and touching.

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        Children's & YA

        Escape to Victory

        by Liu Hanqi

        There live a group of little joyous residents in the soybean field near the village. They are: Ant Wu yangyang, Hedgehog Zha zhajian and  Field Mouse Duo Duoyuan. The little boy named Douwa likes to play with these cute animals very much in the soybean field. One day, there is a huge human shadow covering the soybean field in the sky. How can these residents in the field get through this crisis? Come and open the book, and let's find out the answer together.

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        Children's & YA

        The Battle of Protecing Eggs

        by Liu Hanqi

        The hen Lu Xiaohua has a poor memory and lays the eggs everywhere while the mouse Bi Shujia loves eating eggs very much and stares at Lu Xiaohua day and night. One day, Lu Xiaohua lays the eggs in the soybean field and the residents launch a battle of protecting the eggs. Has the eggs been protected? How is the end going? Come and open the book, and let's find out the answer together.

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        Children's & YA
        November 2019

        The vegan wolf

        Contemporary fables

        by Ferrand Pierre/Mary-des-ailes

        Contemporary fables illustrated by drypoint engravings

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        Classic fiction (Children's/YA)
        August 2018

        Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

        A South African Edition

        by Carroll, Lewis / Bird, Megan

        Megan Bird has re-imagined this wonderful children's tale by Lewis Carroll to be a modern twist of maddened adventure. Alice's Adventure in Wonderland is about a curious little girl called Alice, whose curiousity leads her to fall down a rabbit hole and into a marvelously troublesome world. What follows is a series of colourful, excited, mad, and sometimes unfortunate, events... where Alice must decide of just what mind she's made up of, and how to get home.

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        Children's & YA

        El pollo Chiras

        by Víctor Eduardo Caro / Rafael Yockteng

        Chiras the chiken is a poem, written in the 1930’s by Víctor Eduardo Caro have been recited by many generations of Colombian kids, but is never been published as a picture book. It narrates the story of a chicken that is about to be slaughter in a farm, but with some wit, humor, and his prodigious peak, the chicken gets to see one more day. This hilarious plot is matched by Rafael Yockteng’s images, which tells another story and givesChiras a whole new personality.

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        Children's & YA

        The Hole

        by Evelina Daciūtė

        In the book The Hole, the girl tells a story about the time when she lost her beloved grandfather. Together with her dad, the girl goes through their loss by digging a hole. A very deep hole that reaches even Africa. The place where bad feelings become lighter. This book is about loss and strength. It is a story about continuity of life and opportunity to say farewell to those we love. We can find different ways to do it. The Hole offers one of them.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Mitten

        by Ivan Franko (Author), Art Studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        A modern warm red mitten is a home for the main characters of the book: Mousey Scratcher, Froggie Croaker, Running Rabbit, Little Sister Fox and others who got new knitted images. This lovely book is actually a handmade creation; it includes a toy souvenir shaped like a mitten. The Mitten is a joint project of  The Navchalna Knyha - Bohdan Publishing House and Art Studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn & Andriy Lesiv, Lviv, Ukraine). The Mitten won the award at The Biennial of Illustration, Bratislava, 2011. In 2012 The Mitten was also added to the White Ravens Catalogue of children literature.   From the 3 to 5 years, 179 words Rightsholders: Diana Semak,

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        Children's & YA
        January 2017

        Trouble Teaches

        by Lesya Ukrainka (Author), Lesia Tomkiv (Illustrator)

        Many generations of Ukrainian readers know the classic fairy tale of a sparrow learning to be wise after its troubles. "No one is born wise, wisdom is learned." The Ukrainian people have centuries of experience with this proverb and for them it is relevant at all times. This fairy tale tells children exactly how important it is to be wise and prudent in life.   This book is part of the Reading Is Really Interesting series. Reading Is Really Interesting was established to develop and improve children's reading skills as well as their cognitive interests. Reading the books in the series gives children encouragement and support, and makes them naturally motivated; by reading these books their curiosity is stimulated to read more and more, making them full of enthusiasm and eager to learn. The key feature of the series is that the texts have only one storyline and a small number of characters, making them easier to follow for beginner readers as well as more advanced learners.   From 3 to 8 Years, 1369 words   The books in the series correspond to different reading abilities: Level 1 – I am learning to read (short texts, simple sentences); Level 2 – I can read with someone’s help (simple plots, simple language structures);Level 3 – I can read by myself (more complicated figures of speech and vocabulary);Level 4 – I read with pleasure (various genres and themes). Books that invite readers into new worlds. "Read every day and at every chance you get!"     Rightsholders: Diana Semak;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Tale of the Old Lion

        by Mariana Savka (Author), Volodymyr Shtanko (Illustrator)

        The old Lion, tired of ruling, settles in glorious Lviv in a beautiful attic with windows overlooking Rynok Square. One day, during the rain, the ceiling of his apartment begins to leak. Someone has to repair it, and the old Lion asks his closest friends, Crocodile, Elephant, and Giraffe, for help. When they arrive in Lviv, amazing things start happening to them. This poetic tale is a true love letter to Lviv, where miracles happen almost every day.    From 3 to 6 years Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Parables. The Wisdom of Generations

        by Olga Ivanova (Editor), Olena Sheveka (Illustrator)

        The deep experience of every generation is hidden within their parables. They contain basic knowledge that every child should understand. Through the parables collected in this book, you will help children to understand truth and lies, love and indifference, joy and anger, as well as the importance of learning. And from these instructive short stories, the young reader will learn how to distinguish what good and evil are, and how to take decisions independently. Thanks to this book children will appreciate and respect their parents and will build good relationships with others. This book will help any adult  wishing to explore the deeper truths and values in life with children.   From 6 to 9 years, 106,000 words. Rightsholders: Anastasiia Taran,,

      • Children's & YA

        The Moon is Like a Golden Boat

        by Juhani Püttsepp, Gundega Muzikante

        White Raven 2021Every time Keete looks at pictures from her childhood where she’s holding her teddy bear Pätsu in her lap, she wonders what life would have been like without war. Her parents would certainly have been able to keep working as teachers without living in terror of the communists deporting them to Siberia. The whole family could have spent nights without having to hurry to the bomb shelter or see their precious hometown in ruins. In peacetime, she could have kept living on the second floor of their cherry-red home instead of setting off on a harrowing journey across the Baltic Sea to Sweden. Years and years later, Keete thinks about how lucky today’s kids are to grow up without war. And she still cradles Pätsu in her arms – a teddy bear who helped her get through life’s perils.

      • Children's & YA


        During his holidays, Olivier goes into the garden of one of the houses in his village without permission and makes a strange discovery… Is it linked to one of the most famous puzzles in history?

        by Florian Dennisson

        Olivier, 13 years old, moves with his parents to the countryside after his mother, a history and geography teacher, is transferred to Arville, an old town that prides itself on having a commandery that traces back to the Knights Templar and their preceptor. While walking his friend Thomas’ dog, Olivier watches heavy work in a neighboring property and notices, horrified, that a shovel falls into a huge hole. Curiosity leads Olivier to go back to his neighbors’ garden and, to his great astonishment, uncovers with the shovel some old chests decorated with a kind of logo representing two riders on the same horse. The adventure could have begun here, but because Olivier went on the neighbors’ property without permission, his strict father punishes him: Olivier is grounded for all of summer vacation and will not be able to leave the house.Fortunately, Amanda, who he is secretly in love with, lives across the street and promises to help him.

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