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      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents

        A Guide for Teens and Their Parents

        by Wewetzer, Gunilla; Bohus, Martin

        This guide, written for adolescents with borderline personality disorder and their parents, informs the readers about the symptoms, causes, treatment options, and especially the course of treatment of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A). Many examples make the content easy to grasp and detailed descriptions of different self-help exercises that can be done at home. The appendix also provides worksheets and useful contact information. This guide wants to encourage affected teens and their parents to seek help early on, as it has been proven that an early diagnosis and subsequent treatment positively influence the progression of the disorder.

      • Self-help & personal development
        September 2022

        Working Dad

        How to Reconcile Hands-On Fatherhood with Your Career

        by Roman Gaida

        Great Dad, Great Career: Here’s How Roman Gaida—himself the father of four-year-old twins and a top executive—shows how to reconcile career and family without letting down oneself, one’s partner, one’s kids, or one’s job. What counts is to reach a correct estimation of one’s own attitude and personal situation: What career steps do I need to take now? What does success mean to me? What is important and what merely nice to have, and how do I find the right employer? The author offers a toolkit of hacks, strategies and quick wins to meet the twofold challenge posed by kids and career. Gaida’s tips and tools are framed in his own experience and garnished with personal anecdotes.   • A successful manager shows what an active family life means for your job • The right mindset for reconciling work and career • Tips and tools combined with personal stories

      • Pregnancy, birth & baby care
        October 2021

        Consultation with a midwife

        by Ingeborg Stadelmann

        Over 750.000 copies sold in Germany. The bestseller for pregnant women: completely revised and expanded.   This guidebook accompanies you competently and reliably from the beginning of pregnancy until the first year of your child's life.   Ingeborg Stadelmann, midwife and naturopathy expert, accompanies you sensitively, expertly and with a realistic view through the time of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. She encourages you in your self-determination and personal responsibility and takes you gently by the hand in difficult moments.   In most cases, it is "rescue forces" from nature that help and calm the situation, whether aroma mixtures, homeopathic globules, Bach flowers or teas. To which kind of support or therapy you feel attracted, you will recognize yourself.     “Since 'Die Hebammen-Sprechstunde' came into existence, there has been a noticeable change in the self-confident way in which expectant parents deal with pregnancy, birth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding. Ingeborg Stadelmann encourages mothers and fathers-to-be to take their own responsibility and trust in their own strength."  Dr. Christiane Schwarz, Professor of Midwifery at the University of Lübeck

      • Health & Personal Development
        February 2021

        Mums to Mums vol. I – pregnancy - preparing for a revolution in your life

        by Barbara Falenta

        74 key pregnancy-related topics in one place! Practical advice and answers to questions that puzzle parents. Up-to-date scientific information, presented in a clear and accessible way. Controversial topics and a debate with traditional approaches to parenting. The needs of the child, the mother and the rest of the family are treated equally.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Early emotional education

        by Gloria Latorre

        The family is the first modeler of interpersonal relationships. In it all the richness of the emotional world unfolds. That is why it is key to teach our children from birth to build their own path to inner well-being, through self-knowledge and the skills to manage their emotions. This will help them from the beginning of their lives to connect with the other from empathy and compassion. “This book offers us a journey to recognize the emotions in our relationships. On each page, it offers us pauses to reflect, realize and experiment, allowing true learning. It is a companion for travelers such as parents, teachers, psychologists and for all of us who work in accompaniment ”. Jorge Genzone, President of the Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires

      • Family & health
        May 2015

        Familienrat nach Dreikurs - Ein Gewinn für alle

        by Heide Köpfer, Erika Becker

        Eine Familie ist dann ein Team, wenn jeder dem anderen zuhört, jeder seine Meinung sagen kann und jeder ernst und wichtig genommen wird.Wie das gelingen kann? Mit dem Familienrat nach Dreikurs!Hier kommen alle regelmäßig zusammen, bestimmen gemeinsam die Regeln für ein friedliches Miteinander und erleben sich als gleichwertig. Hier haben kleine und große Menschen eine Stimme, werden gehört und gesehen.Sie denken, das ist utopisch? Nein, es ist ganz einfach!Es braucht nur ein wenig Mut – und genau dazu verhilft Ihnen dieses Buch. Probieren Sie es aus.

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2017

        It's Buddha Time: An evening yoga ritual for parents and children; finding peace at last

        An evening yoga ritual for parents and children; finding peace at last

        by Daniela Heidtmann, Teresa Heilmann, Maren Engel, Lara Schmelzeisen

        It’s Bed Time - It’s Buddha Time  An evening spent mindfully, content children who are happy to go to bed,a calm end to the day and some relaxi ng time to yourself.Out of reach?  Not at all, thanks to your evening yoga ritual.    “Muuuuum, where are you?!”  A standard afternoon with my three kids: arguments over mathshomework, the older two are bickering, the little one didn’t nap, the cathas a fev er. We have to visit the orthodontist, the vet and take my eldestto scouts, but my “real work” begins when they’re all in bed. I’m a yogateacher and every day, I practice strategies to prevent the chaos fromengulfing me and to help myself reach my inner sanctuary. Would you liketo join me?  With the help of yoga, Buddha’s wisdom, and meditation, you too canbetter weather the whirlwinds of your life and find the calm in the eye ofthe storm. With a smile on your lips and hand in hand with yourchildren .  This book will show you how!

      • Health & Personal Development
        April 2022

        Secret Fertility Club

        A journey from heartbreak to healing

        by Amelia McCloskey

        1 IN 5 COUPLES HAVE FERTILITY ISSUES. 1 IN 4 PREGNANCIES END IN MISCARRIAGE. SO WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT IT? Welcome to the Secret Fertility Club. A club nobody wants to join, full of women linked by a singular goal – to become parents, despite the obstacles stacked against them. In her book, Amelia McCloskey shines a light on the strength and perseverance of its members. After making the decision to start trying for a child with her partner, Amelia soon discovers that it’s not as simple as she expected. Follow her journey through ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infertility and IVF treatment in this personal, poignant memoir of love, hope and loss. Vulnerable and personal, this story will touch the hearts of its readers. Amelia hopes that, by sharing her story, others who have experienced these issues will feel less alone.

      • Health & Personal Development
        May 2016

        The Drug Conversation

        How to talk to your child about drugs

        by Owen Bowden-Jones

        The Drug Conversation is a guide for parents about how to raise the thorny issue of drugs with their children. It will help you begin a useful conversation about drugs with your child. The book provides information on the different types of psychoactive drugs available, their attractions and harms, how they work in the brain, and who uses them and why. It covers issues such as how to detect drug use, drug testing, synthetic drugs (‘legal highs’), accessing help, effective treatments and what to expect from professional medical services. The Drug Conversation also gives practical advice on how to prepare for and have a conversation about drugs with your child – including examples of actual conversations between parents and children. Case studies from the author’s own clinical practice are used to illustrate the main points. All parents will need this book at some stage. It will help you to feel properly informed about drugs, more confident in talking to your child, more able to keep drug-related problems from developing and better equipped to tackle problems if they do arise

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2023

        Empowering Parents. The Dialogical Approach in Seminars and Counselling. A guide for practice

        Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis

        by Johannes Schopp

        The "Dialogical Concept", initially conceived for parent education, was published for the first time in 2005. The power that has developed from it has a noticeable effect on the neighbouring fields of society. The author's central idea is that the system in which relationships and education, health and the development of potential are struggled for, needs a culture of dialogue instead of one of judgement and instruction. A culture that enables adults to meet each other and adults and children to meet each other with equal dignity, to appreciate and respect each other unconditionally. A culture that understands education as personality development.Thanks to his wealth of experience, Schopp illustrates how courage, well-being, curiosity, allowed failure, outgrowth and confidence thrive in a dialogical atmosphere. In this way, all participants could (re)find the necessary access to themselves and develop new confidence in their own abilities, in other people and in the world. Pedagogues, teachers, educators, doctors, mothers, fathers, consultants, lawyers, coaches and trainers, all those who work with people will find in this guide the encouragement and feasibility of a dialogical culture of living and learning.

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2012

        Balance on All Levels with the Crystal and Indigo Energies

        by Anni Sennov

        This book is an expanded and updated version of Anni Sennov’s previous book “Crystal Children, Indigo Children and Adults of the Future” and it gives you good all-round insight into what it means to be a New Time Indigo and Crystal child/person and how the Indigo and Crystal energies, now and in the future, will affect everyone’s lives, life values and day to day existence on Planet Earth.The Indigo and Crystal energies have already arrived on Earth. Not in the form of a strong white light or a great holy Angel descending from above but through all the children of the New Time born from the mid-1980s onwards and many more New Time children are yet to come. They are born with pure spiritual energy and total balance fully integrated in their bodies.However, for adults with a soul aura structure, the New Time energy does not appear by itself. It must be chosen consciously. You can achieve this through an AuraTransformation™, which is a permanent and radical expansion of your personal consciousness. It gives you more radiance, drive and intuition and also helps you to better define who you are and what you want.It is a condition of being aura-transformed that you read this book so that you are fully informed and aware of the effects of integrating the New Time energy into your aura.

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2020

        The Art of Good Enough

        The Working Mom’s Guilt-Free Guide to Thriving While Being Perfectly Imperfect

        by Dr. Ivy Ge

        ★ 2020 Readers' Favorite International Book Award Silver Medal Winner ★ You Don't Have to Be Perfect to Be Happy.  What if there are proven methods to prevent you from feeling depleted, anxious, and unsatisfied in times of crisis? Imagine you become confident about your ability to handle stress and pressure, know how to make wise decisions, and find solutions to your problems.From an aspiring actress to becoming a pharmacy professor, Dr. Ivy Ge has transformed her life while balancing her role as a working mother. Using her life lessons as a new mom juggling work and school, she helps you navigate the complexity of motherhood in simple, meaningful ways. Read the reviews from working moms and see how they have benefited from Dr. Ge's real-life examples, great advice, and steps for applying that advice effectively. If you have trouble handling difficult emotions or improving your situation, read this book to discover the answers featured on PBS, Thrive Global, Working Mother magazine, Parentology, and The Times of India.In this book, you'll learn:*How to overcome difficult emotions and make wise decisions*How to handle adversity and overcome your obstacles using your hidden strengths*How to look and feel your best regardless of your size and age*How to simplify your life and get more done in less time*How to raise self-reliant children and resolve tension in your relationship*How to reverse engineer your life by going from where you want to be to where you are now... and much more.The secret to living your best life is to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

      • Health & Personal Development

        A Potent Love

        The Power of Undivided Attention, One Moment at a Time

        by Mei C. Yao and Mama Shiangrue

        Parental love could gift a newborn with a lifetime of peace and harmony, and just as potently it could impose on it a lifetime of confusion and misery. All parents love their children and they always do so to the best of their ability. But why are so many people plagued by feelings of emptiness and alienation, and sometimes just collapsed at the height of their career and business success? And why are a few lucky others seemingly so able to keep calm and charge on even in the midst of severe crises? The majority of us, men and women, spend much of our adulthood trying to sort through vague feelings of unworthiness, injustice, and emotional turbulence. We cannot seem to come to terms with where this “pain body” is originated and, thus, unknowingly propagate similar tragedies -- outward and downward -- to almost everyone who comes into our sphere of influence. As concluded in The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self, Dr. Alice Miller said, “I have come to see that this [universal human] tragedy cannot be undone in a single generation.” Planet Earth is increasingly vibrating higher and higher in the frequency of pure love. The higher the Earth vibration rises, the more rapidly those who are bogged-down by emotional imbalance and mental stress -- because of having been deprived of the experience of “truth love” as elaborated in Thich Nhat Hanh’s 1997 book titled, True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart -- will have a tough time thriving on the new planet of love: The New Earth. In this book, Mei Yao will share with us “the key” she uncovered for unleashing this most potent human energy -- parental love -- in the most beneficial and natural way, as demonstrated by her mother-in-law, Mama Shiangrue, an extraordinarily wise woman despite (or in spite of) her having never been formally educated. She was simply a woman who knew how to love, and in a very Thich Nhat Hanh way.

      • Family & health
        April 2019

        Islamic Montessori: Inspired Activity

        Montessori Activities for Moslem Households

        by Zahra Zahira

        Montessori is probably the most well known parenting method right now. However, some family still have tradition and values that goes through generation that cannot be found in the popular parenting method. This realization came to Zahra Zahira’s mind as she is working as Montessori practitioner who comes from moslem family. Thus, she made a lesson plan activity inspired by montessori philosophy and curriculum. This book will help moslem parents to apply montessori and introduce islamic values to their children at home, at the same time.

      • Advice on parenting

        Why Some Animals Eat Their Young

        A Survivor's Guide to Motherhood

        by Dallas Louis

        When Dallas Louis decided that all she wanted was to meet and marry her Prince Charming and become a mom, she had no idea what was in store for her. But she would soon find out. After only seven months of dating the love of her life, she married him, and within the course of twenty-six months, she gave birth to three children. Her husband knew her longer pregnant than not pregnant!In this laugh-out-loud book, Dallas shares highlights of what happened in her world once all her dreams came true. She would like readers to find comfort in knowing they aren't the only ones suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or buyer's remorse. And, yes, it's okay to admit that both of these conditions apply to parenting, though hopefully not all the time.Channeling Erma Bombeck, Dallas will tell you the things your friends won't and the things other books are too afraid to print. With her irreverent humor and brash "tell it like it is" style, she'll help you laugh at everyday situations, easing the pressure of the toughest job in the world: being a mom.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Brain Stages

        How to Raise Smart, Confident Kids and Have Fun Doing It

        by Patricia Wilkinson and Jacqueline Frischjnecht Phd

        Enjoy your kids more and stress less! Brain Stages is the ultimate leg up for parents and caregivers in today’s complicated, competitive world. A grade-by-grade guide through the formative elementary school years, this book will show you how to have fun with your kids as you help them grow into successful, well-adjusted humans. Drawing from thousands of hours of research and decades of education experience, veteran teacher Patricia Wilkinson and learning expert Jacqueline Frischknecht, PhD, offer tools and advice that will boost your child’s brainpower, social skills, and love for learning. In Brain Stages, you’ll discover: How brains develop and what you can do to help your child succeed The best form of praise that builds confidence and self-esteem Surefire ways to help a struggling child get caught up in math or reading How to get your gifted child’s needs met Ideas for helping an anxious child relax for better learning Tips for teaching kids the art of building healthy relationships Over 150 fun games and activities to engage and nurture young minds Whether you have a child who has fallen behind, an extra smart kid you want to keep intrigued, or a grade-schooler who could use some help getting along with others, Brain Stages will give you the information and support you need to be an effective parent and enjoy your child-raising journey.

      • Advice on parenting

        Nutrition for Children

        A No-nonsense Guide for Parents

        by Wyndham. Boobier

        How nice it would be to find a book about children's nutrition that was written for parents by a parent. Such a book would be straightforward, easy to understand, and would not be full of obscure facts and statistics. Written by a father and nutritionist with over five years experience giving lectures on nutrition and health promotion to parents and children of all ages, this is such a book. There is no claim for it to be the most comprehensive 'text' on nutrition, but it is written for parents and carers of children who are truly concerned about their health.   Contents include: Diet and Health - the Basic Building Blocks Vitamins Requirements of Pre-School Children Minerals Healthy Eating for School-Aged Children Physical Activity Healthy Eating for Adolescents Reading Food Labels Healthy Eating - The Balanced Diet Diabetes - Some Basics.

      • Advice on parenting

        Messages from Thomas

        Raising Psychic Children

        by James F. Twyman

        In 2001, James Twyman travelled to Bulgaria to meet a group of psychic children living at a very special monastery. His book "Emissary of Love: The Psychic Children Speak to the World" recounts this adventure. In this follow-up volume, Thomas, one of the children he met, shares his insights on how to raise a child that exhibits psychic abilities. Over 40,000 people receive regular messages from Thomas through a special Web newsletter, but this is the first time he has provided such detailed information. Other well known authors and teachers have contributed to this special book, adding their insights on how to help our children change the world.

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