A Potent Love
The Power of Undivided Attention, One Moment at a Time
by Mei C. Yao and Mama Shiangrue
Parental love could gift a newborn with a lifetime of peace and harmony, and just as potently it could impose on it a lifetime of confusion and misery.
All parents love their children and they always do so to the best of their ability. But why are so many people plagued by feelings of emptiness and alienation, and sometimes just collapsed at the height of their career and business success? And why are a few lucky others seemingly so able to keep calm and charge on even in the midst of severe crises?
The majority of us, men and women, spend much of our adulthood trying to sort through vague feelings of unworthiness, injustice, and emotional turbulence. We cannot seem to come to terms with where this “pain body” is originated and, thus, unknowingly propagate similar tragedies -- outward and downward -- to almost everyone who comes into our sphere of influence. As concluded in The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self, Dr. Alice Miller said, “I have come to see that this [universal human] tragedy cannot be undone in a single generation.”
Planet Earth is increasingly vibrating higher and higher in the frequency of pure love. The higher the Earth vibration rises, the more rapidly those who are bogged-down by emotional imbalance and mental stress -- because of having been deprived of the experience of “truth love” as elaborated in Thich Nhat Hanh’s 1997 book titled, True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart -- will have a tough time thriving on the new planet of love: The New Earth.
In this book, Mei Yao will share with us “the key” she uncovered for unleashing this most potent human energy -- parental love -- in the most beneficial and natural way, as demonstrated by her mother-in-law, Mama Shiangrue, an extraordinarily wise woman despite (or in spite of) her having never been formally educated. She was simply a woman who knew how to love, and in a very Thich Nhat Hanh way.
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Author Biography
Mei C. Yao, a naturalist and a meditator, started her career as a software quality assurance manager for a fortunate 500 company in the 1980s. She stepped off from that demanding career track to better care for her two young daughters in early 1990s. Later, she became an international rights literary agent and has served in that capacity for over 25 years. Her current focus is on continued-awakening to her own personal truth and on walking the path she has apparently signed up to serve before embarking on this present Earth journey.
Mama Shiangrue, honorary co-author, was the mother of five peacefully balanced children: a privilege most women unknowingly forfeit -- by not becoming aware of the small window of opportunity that comes with each and every childbirth -- for claiming this precious honor. Her voice continues to express unconditional love to her children and grandchildren, though almost a half-century, has passed since her transition to the higher-dimensional realms.
The Yao Enterprises (Literary Agents), LLC
Do you know the original Greek translation of "Apocalypse" is "lifting the veil" or "revolution"? It is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of humankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception: a revealing of the true nature of things.
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- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier YaoLLC0002
- FormatPaperback
- Pages185
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusUnpublished
- Original Language TitleA Potent Love
- Original Language AuthorsMei C. Yao and Mama Shiangrue
- Page size8 x 5.38 (8 x 5.38) inches
- Reference CodeYaoLLC2020002