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      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2015

        Kids and branding in a digital world

        by Barry Gunter

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2015

        Kids and branding in a digital world

        by Barry Gunter

      • Trusted Partner
        Self-help & personal development
        November 2021

        Here be Dragons

        How to win deals and influence ideas by mastering the eloquent art of storyselling

        by Richard Mulholland

        STOP TELLING STORIES. START SELLING THEM! The world is rightly obsessed with the incredible power of a good story. Unfortunately too many of us take that to mean that it is our own story that's important. It's not. The magic happens not when we tell our customers the story of our past, but when we sell them a new story of their future. One in which we play a part. As a salesperson (and make no mistake, you are a salesperson) you have two jobs. Job No. 2 of the storyseller is to help your clients and customers slay their dragon. Job No. 1 of the storyseller is to help them see their dragon. You are in the dragon hunting business, but dragon hunting ain’t easy – there’s work to be done. In this short and highly practical book, renowned speaker Richard Mulholland shares with you how to use powerful stories to change minds, drive sales, and solve problems. Here Be Dragons isn’t just a how-to book, it is far more a why-to, and mostly a what-to-do book.

      • Business competition

        Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

        How to Use Seminars and Public Speaking to Market and Promote Your Business, Profession, or Passion — Profitably

        by David R. Portney

        We are in an age where the battle to get your customers’ attention is fierce and advertising options are becoming more expensive and less effective. In Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, you will learn everything you need to know to market yourself and your business in the least expensive and most effective way possible — by using the power of seminars and public speaking. With seminar and public speaking expert David Portney as your guide, you’ll learn how to ▪ organize a seminar for little or no money, ▪ sell from the stage, ▪ write a presentation in four easy steps, ▪ brand yourself as the expert in your field, ▪ get your customers to come to you. Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is contains all of the information and know-how so that you can go from stage-wary beginner to awe-inspiring speaker in no time flat, including ▪ a 30-day fast-start action plan, ▪ a cornucopia of resources, ▪ tons of advice and methods for overcoming stage fright and fear of public speaking, ▪ how to combine your Internet strategy with your seminar strategy, ▪ and all the tips and techniques you need to market whatever you’re selling effectively, inexpensively—and profitably.

      • Business & management
        January 2012

        The Unprincipled

        The Unvarnished Truth About Running A Marketing Agency From Start-up To Sell-out

        by David Croydon

        Building a business from start-up to sell-out. When I started, or at least co-founded, a small sales promotion agency called Marketing Principles in Oxford over 20 years ago, I had no idea about the dramas that would ensue, or the mixture of fun and games and pain and heartache that could be telescoped into 12 short years. I needed to get a lot of this off my chest for cathartic and purely selfish reasons, but in doing so, and in my current role as small business advisor/coach/mentor/NEC, I realised along the way that the lessons learned might be instructive as well as just entertaining, which is where it originally started. The title is taken from the scurrilous in-house ‘newsletter’ our creative department took to compiling a couple of times a year, to debunk any of our employees who… oh, just anyone who worked for us (including me). We begin the journey in 1985.  The key protagonists (at the beginning) all have gainful employment at another local agency, and on the face of it should be content with their lot.  But then this thing called ambition comes knocking, and a 12-year roller coaster ride begins. A couple of reviewers have described the content as part business handbook, part memoir, part comic novel, which makes it difficult to categorise in publishing terms.  Its style and tone of voice is what makes it unique, and it will appeal to small business owner/managers - from start-ups to established businesses - anywhere: they will recognise many of the issues and problems that we confronted along the way. So it's a personal account, but one that will resonate with anyone who has ever run a small business (or aspires to). Here's a video about the business that is the book's subject matter:

      • Sales & marketing
        September 2017

        The Authority Guide to Creating Brand Stories that Sell

        Smart and simple strategies to make your business irresistible

        by Jim O'Connor

        The business with the best brand story wins. Find out how to write yours. Connect with your customers and make your business impossible to resist using this sharp, practical Authority Guide that will save you time, money and frustration. Combine psychology, creativity, logic and emotion expertly into a brand story that will make your business stand out from the crowd. And using Jim O’Connor’s hard-won knowledge and vast experience give your business the focus, affinity, distinction and competitive advantage it needs to succeed and thrive.

      • Business, Economics & Law


        Strategic, Tactical and Visual Merchandising Secrets

        by Regina Blessa


      • Business, Economics & Law

        CRM in Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing

        by Shailendra Tripathy

        The word CRM had gained a different connotation in the industry. The book was written by Shailendra Tripathi, a rich industry experienced sales & marketing professional and a management teacher explains the real meaning and relevance of CRM in pharmaceutical and healthcare business driving the importance of customer-centricity over product centricity and thereby creating a long term partnership over transactional relationship.The book captures the history of global pharmaceutical business and how Indian Pharmaceutical and Health Care evolved from the era of Charak and Sushruta to the modern era, Indian healthcare system, and emerging trends, the evolution of CRM from pre-World War era to Modern era.The book addresses the challenge of customer defection and switching to competitors’ brands. It talks about various strategic tools for identifying right customers for CRM, Retain and Enhance the profitable business from them.The economics of CRM has been simplified for better understanding and terms like Net Present Value of future profit from customer and its relevance, decision to customer targeting and selection based on Choice Matrix, running loyalty program for a different set of customers based on Loyalty Matrix. The concept of Activity Based Costing is simplified and explained how it can be applied in marketing for a better return.How to create a superior customer experience, especially in an industry where execution has been a black spot. Therefore measurement of marketing effectiveness has been subjective. The book has captured various CRM tools and features of Sales Automation and Marketing Automation systems. You can learn about creating quality content and superior customer experience, increasing the overall marketing effectiveness that is the need of the hour.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law


        How to Influence Others, Establish Trust, and Build Lasting Business Relationships

        by Jill Lublin

        When kindness becomes your primary goal, everything changes: how you look at life, what you get from it, and how others interact with and relate to you. The Profit of Kindness will help you master the art of building trusting, long-lasting relationships through open, non-adversarial interchanges that result in mutually beneficial outcomes. A basic adjustment in attitude and approach can substantially improve virtually every facet of your life. Focus more on giving and working with others rather than simply “winning”—because doing so is guaranteed to help you actually win.

      • Business, Economics & Law



        by REGINA BLESSA

      • Business innovation
        May 2021

        The AI Marketing Canvas

        A Five Stage Roadmap to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

        by Raj Venkatesan and Jim Lecinski

        The AI Marketing Canvas offers a direct, actionable plan marketers can use to map out initiatives that are properly sequenced and designed for success—regardless of where their organization is in the process. The book is also a call to action for marketing leaders to confront and decide how they will address this critical pivot point in marketing. The authors pose the critical questions of "How should modern marketers be thinking about artificial intelligence and machine learning?" and "How should marketers be developing a strategy and plan to implement AI into their marketing toolkit?" The opening chapters provide marketing leaders with an overview of what AI is precisely, and how it is different than traditional computer science approaches; then they propose a five-stage framework of best practices to implement it, called the "AI Marketing Canvas." This framework is based on research and interviews with leading marketers currently successfully weaving AI into their marketing strategies, including at Google, LYFT,, and Coca-Cola. The authors offer tangible examples of what these, and other brands across varying industries and operational size are doing at each stage of the AI Marketing Canvas. The book ends with a discussion of important implications for marketing leaders and their teams, people and culture. Strategically sound, application-focused, and customer-centric, this book fills a gap in action-oriented marketing strategy guidance at a time when it is most needed.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        March 2019

        What those with money buy

        The infallible strategy to become the best negotiator

        by Gerardo Mendoza Peña

        Do you want to become the best salesperson? Do you want to achieve success? Gerardo Mendoza, expert and leader in sales, shares with you this invaluable guide. A solid research based on interviews with negotiators from the most representative organizations in the market. Here you will learn the skills that clients value most in a sales advisor, as well as the main keys to influence the final decision of your buyer. Reach the next level and turn your negotiations into long-lasting business alliances.

      • Sales & marketing

        AXIOMS of Marketing, The

        The 6 Invariable Propositions That Underlie and Determine Every Marketing Success

        by Robert W. Bly

        Laws are broken. Rules get bent. The premiere book in the exciting new line that puts a foundation underneath your efforts! In The AXIOMS of Marketing, you have 6 undeniable truths about marketing, what they can do, and how to implement them in your marketing for maximum results.   Laws are broken. Rules get bent. AXIOMS [ak-see-uhms] –noun 1. statements or propositions that are regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true 2. the sublime and intrinsic facts of a subject that form the foundational underpinnings upon which one can build unbounded and limitless success. The Premiere Book in the Exciting New Line That Puts a Foundation Underneath Your Efforts! The AXIOMS of Marketing are Marketing Effectiveness Is Not Subjective Likeability ‡ Effectiveness High Accuracy = High Results Lead Quality = 1/Lead Quantity Knowledge Is Finite Emotion > Facts In The AXIOMS of Marketing, you have 6 undeniable truths about marketing, what they can do, and how to implement them in your marketing for maximum results. The axioms work virtually all the time, and when you defy one or more of the axioms, your marketing results invariably falls short of the mark. What’s the difference between a rule and an AXIOM? A rule is a guideline to follow that has a strong probability of yielding the expected result. An AXIOM is an immutable law which can be violated only under the most extraordinary circumstances if at all. The value of having these AXIOMS written out for you is I think obvious, but in case not, let me state it plainly: By obeying these AXIOMS, and making your promotions conform to them, you can substantially improve your marketing results. Conversely, when you ignore all or even one of these marketing axioms, you risk poor results and monetary losses. One other advantage of mastering and following these 6 AXIOMS of marketing is that they, unlike marketing technology and channels, are immutable and do not change over time. “The same principles of human desire and methods of influence that guided the markets of ancient Greece are still operating today,” writes Craig Simpson and Brian Kurtz in their book The Advertising Solution. “In order to get people to do what you want them to do, you have to understand what motivates them. You also have to know how to prevent yourself and your product to get their interest, their trust, and ultimately their willingness to call you, visit you, or send you their money.” What You’ll Learn in The AXIOMS of Marketing Why you should avoid making marketing decisions based on subjective judgment. The 25-50-25 rule of testing marketing variables. 14 A/B split tests worth doing. How to make your marketing tests statistically valid. Do ads consumers find entertaining outsell other ads? The 5 characteristics of winning advertisements. Don’t underestimate the power of targeted marketing. Profiting from the Recency, Frequency, Monetary formula. Understanding demographics. Selling to the “starving crowd.” Succeed in internet marketing with the Agora Model. 6 ways to take a deeper dive into the mind of your prospect. The inverse correlations between lead quality and lead quantity. The MAO-FU formula for qualifying prospects. 8 proven ways to generate more sales leads. The importance of calculating lifetime customer value. The 5-step Motivation Sequence for more powerful persuasion. 31 ways to increase response to your ads. 50 ways to increase direct mail response rates. Increase content marketing ROI. Coping with “Big Data.” Which is more potent-emotion or facts? The BDF formula for finding your customer’s “dominant resident emotion.”

      • Business communication & presentation

        AXIOMS of Copywriting, The

        The 5 Universal Elements That Form the Foundation of Advertising Copy That Works

        by Robert W. Bly

        Laws are broken. Rules get bent. An Amazon #1!Discover the 5 universal elements of persuasion that form the foundation of writing advertising and marketing copy that sells. In this book, we delve into the 5 most important fundamentals of persuasion in print broadcast and on-screen. We call them AXIOMS because they are universal and work virtually all the time.   Laws are broken. Rules get bent. AXIOMS [ak-see-uhms] –noun 1. statements or propositions that are regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true 2. the sublime and intrinsic facts of a subject that form the foundational underpinnings upon which one can build unbounded and limitless success. The AXIOMS of Copywriting are – Offer > Brand Long Copy Works More Research = Better Copy More Experiences = Better Copy Effectiveness = 1/# People Discover the 5 universal elements of persuasion that form the foundation of writing advertising and marketing copy that sells. In this book, we delve into the 5 most important fundamentals of persuasion in print broadcast and on-screen. We call them AXIOMS because they are universal and work virtually all the time. More and more copywriters today do not know the proven rules and principles of persuasion. Why this refusal to adhere to first principles? Many copywriters don’t understand the fundamentals of sales writing. Some copywriters look down upon the time-tested rules as old-fashioned, out-of-touch, or even antiquated. Others are more concerned with winning creative awards and filling their portfolios with snazzy ads rather than effective ads that send sales through the roof. What you’ll learn in this book How to generate 1 OX more sales for your ad dollars. Page 3. The 6 characteristics of winning offers. Page 4. Using offers that support the brand. Page 6. 10 questions to ask before testing your offer. Page 11. Gevalia Coffee’s amazing offer. Page 13. What should your ad sell-the product or the offer?Page 19. 79 tested offers. Page 20. What works best-long copy or short copy? Page 28. How research can help you write kick-butt copy. Page 37. 7 ways to prove claims in your copy. Page 46. The 4-step discovery process for copywriting. Page 50. 11 ways to use life experience to make your copy stronger. Page 67. The best process for copy reviews. Page 71. The 25-50-25 rule for making edits. Page 77.

      • Sales & marketing
        August 2022


        Gaining Customers in a Distracted World

        by Oliver Pott

        If You’re Invisible, You Might as Well Not Exist We are living in a visibility economy: products and services that aren’t visible go unnoticed by potential customers. But whereas visibility was once a costly commodity that came at the price of big-budget advertising campaigns on TV and in print media, high-value visibility can now be reliably obtained on a shoestring. This book shows readers the six steps they have to take to create smart visibility for the business in order to reach key customers and increase sales significantly. And anyone who has internalized the three dimensions of value-oriented visibility—relevance, authority, and storytelling—will have no need to resort to loud and attention-grabbing campaigns in the future.   • Smart visibility on a tight budget • Sustainable strategies for reaching large digital audiences • The book on online marketing by two experienced experts

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Go the Extra Inch

        By the inch its a cinch ... by the yard it's hard

        by Guy Arnold

        Go the Extra Inch is a simple powerful syatematic approach to continual improvement in systems, processes and behaviours, both at home and in the workplace. Using the principles of common sense, this process can help find solutions to life's most pressing problems, whilst at the same time reducing cost and stress.

      • Business & management

        Sales Through Service

        Focus on Service and the Sales will follow: not the other way round

        by Guy Arnold

        Sales through Service is a ‘Sales’ book like no other. It turns the world of ‘sales’ upside down, and align the process with the customers’ REAL needs in the world of the empowered customer, social media and the transparent business. It seeks to drag the world of Sales kicking a screaming from the 19th to the 21st Century in a powerful, easy to read and fun way by applying 4 powerful principles of blindingly obvious common sense and human behaviour at all stages in the process. It’s written in simple, powerful, easy to digest chunks, with Pictures, Exercises and Top Tips at every stage. It follows on from Guy’s 1st book: Great or Poor: reviews of which can be seen here:   This book and process dispels the myths and frustrations from the process of finding, getting and keeping customers, and realigns it to the customer’s point of view, so that the whole process becomes more enjoyable, less frustrating, and much more effective … at all levels and for everyone. It addresses the key question: ‘How can I sell more AND at the same time reduce costs in this scary new world of social media, the transparent business and the empowered customer?’ It empowers non ‘sales people’ to excel in sales without selling anything, using the power of reputation, referral and recommendation. It delivers simple ideas and tools to improve the sales process from both the ‘seller’ and the customer’s point of view at every step of the process. It does this in small easily readable and understandable chunks, that can be actioned immediately at any level for great results. It makes your actions and processes 100% customer focused at every step, so customers are more likely to buy quickly, remain loyal, pay more, buy more, rave about you on social media and recommend what you do to their friends. It is suitable for anyone selling anything at any level, internally or externally, profit making or non profit making, as it is focused on simple powerful principles of common sense … that are so often not common practice! It is especially helpful to people who do not regard themselves as ‘sales people’ or who don’t want to be ‘sales people’ but who would still want more sales for less effort. It covers the whole sales process from marketing, through getting leads, getting decisions and then building loyalty and referrals. The key message is to systematically align everything in your processes and behaviour around the key principles of customer behaviour and needs … and the sales will follow like magic!

      • Business strategy

        129 More Seminar Speaking Success Tips

        by David R. Portney

        Public speaking and seminars remain as the perfect marketing and advertising solution to promote any business, service, product, charity, issue, or cause. Hence, this book you’re reading right now. The title of this book is 129 More Seminar Speaking Success Tips because this is the follow up to 129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips. Taken together, these two books comprise 258 hard-hitting tips and techniques you can use right away to build relationships with prospects and potential customers and clients using the most powerful method remaining to date: public speaking and seminars. In 129 More Seminar Speaking Success Tips, you will find . . . ▪ tips that will motivate you to action ▪ life-saving tips that will help you conquer stage fright and overcome fear of public speaking ▪ tips that will allow you to organize your own seminars with ease ▪ tips that will allow you to prevent your seminar from becoming a chaotic disaster ▪ terrific marketing tips ▪ tips on how to get the “butts in the seats” ▪ tips on how to be a master of the stage ▪ tips on how to avoid deadly mistakes And much, much more.

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