All titles - 2024 Frankfurt Invitation Programme
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    Editora Elefante

    Your Results(showing 7)

    • Afro-atlantic voices

      autobiographies and memories of slavery and freedom

      by Rafael Domingos de Oliveira

      The lives of Africans were not limited to enslavement and the destruction of their previous forms of social organization. After the remarkable experience of crossing the Atlantic, millions of lives were reinvented even under terribly adverse conditions. New devotions, family formations, languages, new foods: everything had yet to be done in the different forms of resistance mobilized for survival. And survival was the greatest resistance, not to mention that learning to tell one's own story in a way that was understandable to the interlocutors one wanted to reach was undeniable proof of vitality. [...] The author did not let himself be intimidated by the unusual source in the environment of professional historians in Brazil and tackled subjects on which authoritative authors seemed to have already said it all, such as the meanings of freedom for those who built them. Facing these challenges is proof of Rafael's intellectual maturity. If this proof serves to qualify him in his craft, the book also brings the reader a fine, well-constructed and pleasurable writing.

    • History of LSD in Brazil

      the first medicinal uses and the beginning of repression

      by Julio Delmanto

      In História social do LSD no Brasil, Júlio Delmanto analyzes the details of the first court case for trafficking lysergic acid diethylamide in the country, which took place thirteen months after the dictatorship was hardened by AI-5. The book covers the long road between the discovery of LSD in Switzerland in 1943 and the arrest of a young artist in the city of São Paulo in 1970, a case crossed by episodes of torture and journalistic sensationalism. In this journey, the author discusses the first uses of the substance in Brazil - in scientific research that, as early as the 1950s, sought to investigate the effects of the new drug on the human mind - and the political and social background that made acid an icon of counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s, playing a catalyzing role in artistic movements that influenced generations.

    • Political organization of Brazilian agribusinees

      by Caio Pompeia

      What is agriculture? In this essential book for understanding contemporary Brazil, Caio Pompeia scrutinizes the political intricacies of the self-proclaimed most important sector of the national economy. From the origins of the concept of agribusiness at Harvard University in the 1950s - soon used as a front for imperialist expansion by the United States - to the first years of the Jair Bolsonaro government, through to the internal disputes between entities that represent Brazilian agribusiness on and off the farms, the author explains in detail, naming the oxen, how agribusiness entered the state and imposed its agenda on the country, with successive attempts to run the tractor over agrarian reform, indigenous rights, environmental preservation and the will of the ballot box.

    • Rebel territories

      by Raúl Zibechi

      Raúl Zibechi is one of the most important researchers of social struggles in Latin America, and his work expresses a fundamental tradition of radical thought in the region, which is closely connected to territories and collective movements. Despite his immense relevance, only a very small part of his work has been published in Portuguese. This collection aims to help remedy this publishing gap in Brazil, but also to reverberate a type of intervention that takes up the autonomist hypothesis of struggles, in order to continue thinking and walking with those who resist on a continent conflagrated by the permanent war against peoples. It is not as an intellectual or illustrious avant-garde theoretician that this Uruguayan writer, activist and journalist appears to those who come across his texts and interventions. Zibechi appears to us, first and foremost, through the movements he accompanies, through his complicity with those who fight and think with their feet on the ground. This attitude is reflected in the form of his texts, which are marked by direct and open language, without academicism and committed to the circulation of issues as they are formulated in the contexts in which they arise.

    • Searching for community

      ways of critical thinking in global south

      by Fabricio Pereira da Silva

      As a response to the widespread social, economic and ecological malaise that is a consequence of the expansion of modernity, Fabricio Pereira da Silva gives voice to a quest that has long been a banner of the left: the yearning for a fairer, more equitable way of life, free from the modern values of individualism, exploitation and inconsequential and disproportionate economic growth, based on the recovery and re-reading of pre-capitalist ways of life. This book is driven by the urgency of a utopia that recovers the ideas of communality gestated in the global periphery to inspire another kind of future. In Search of Community presents a list of theoretical perspectives created in the so-called Global South, with the aim of overcoming a “monoculture of knowledge”. Fabricio Pereira da Silva analyzes Mariátegui's Indo-American socialism, the concepts of negritude and ubuntu, 20th century African socialisms, the idea of Good Living (sumak kawsay/suma qamaña) and Bhutan's gross internal happiness. By “illustrating the richness of proposals from the periphery”, the author offers us other theoretical resources, capable of dealing with the “crisis of modernity, the crisis of Western Marxism and socialist projects in a modernist key”.

    • The futures of Darcy Ribeiro

      by Darcy Ribeiro

      This book contains a careful selection of Darcy Ribeiro's writings, forming a panorama of his visions for the future. By going through the different phases of Darcy's thought, it is possible to understand the complexity of Brazilian social formation and glimpse ways to overcome chronic problems, which, in the author's words, would enable us to “flourish tomorrow as a new civilization, mestizo and tropical, proud of itself”. Returning today to the futures undertaken by Darcy between the 1960s and 1990s makes it possible to see what we could have been, helps us understand why we are still far from being so and reveals some of the reasons why we repeatedly turn a deaf ear to emancipatory projects.

    • Who's gonna cook this food?

      women, housework and healthy diet

      by Bela Gil

      Today, after decades of scientific research and questioning of the fast-food industry, we know that ultra-processed foods are major promoters of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as contributing to the destruction of nature, since they are based on monocultures of commodities such as soy, wheat, corn and sugar cane. We also know that home cooking with fresh or minimally processed ingredients is the best option for nourishing the body, strengthening regional cultures and respecting the environment. But, as Bela Gil asks in her new book, who is going to make this food? Based on this question, the chef, presenter and activist links healthy eating, feminism and domestic work, complexifying a debate ignored by cookbooks and cooking shows. Is it the housewife, the mother, the grandmother, the wife, the migrant domestic worker, the poor black woman from the periphery who will continue to have to man the stove? And who will make her food, her family's food? In Who's going to make this food?, Bela Gil criticizes the historical devaluation of the act of cooking, which has its roots in slavery, and calls for the payment of wages for domestic work, a theme of the work of thinkers such as Silvia Federici. “Is it right that, for a few to have fresh food and be healthy and free to pursue their dreams, many others have to make do with ultra-processed products that are bad for the body and the planet - and that's when they don't go hungry?”

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