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      • American Diabetes Association

        The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.

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      • Diametric Verlag Jutta A. Wilke e.K.

        Diametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        April 2025

        Anti-colonial research praxis

        Methods for knowledge justice

        by Caroline Lenette

        How can anti-colonial research methodologies be transformative and achieve knowledge justice? This book brings together an eclectic group of leading scholars from around the world to share methodological knowledge grounded in First Nations and majority-world expertise and wisdom. The authors challenge western-centric and colonial approaches to knowledge production and redefine the possibilities of what we can achieve through social research. First Nations and majority-world perspectives are contextual and unique. They share a common aim of disrupting established beliefs on research methodologies and the unquestioned norms that dictate whose knowledge the academy values. The ten chapters in this edited collection describe how the authors draw on Indigenous knowledge systems, feminist frameworks, and creative methodologies as anti-colonial research praxis. The examples span several disciplines such as development studies, geography, education, sexual and reproductive health, humanitarian studies, and social work. Authors use a reflexive approach to discuss specific factors that shape how they engage in research ethically, to lead readers through a reflection on their own practices and values. The book reimagines social research using an anti-colonial lens and concludes with a collaboratively developed and co-written set of provocations for anti-colonial research praxis that situate this important work in the context of ongoing colonial violence and institutional constraints. This book is an essential guide for researchers and scholars within and beyond the academy on how anti-colonial research praxis can produce meaningful outcomes, especially in violent and troubled times. Cover art courtesy of Tawny Chatmon

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2021

        Anti-racist scholar-activism

        by Remi Joseph-Salisbury, Laura Connelly

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019

        Managing diabetes, managing medicine

        Chronic disease and clinical bureaucracy in post-war Britain

        by Martin D. Moore, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Through its study of diabetes care in twentieth-century Britain, Managing diabetes, managing medicine offers the first historical monograph to explore how the decision-making and labour of medical professionals became subject to bureaucratic regulation and managerial oversight. Where much existing literature has cast health care management as either a political imposition or an assertion of medical control, this work positions managerial medicine as a co-constructed venture. Although driven by different motives, doctors, nurses, professional bodies, government agencies and international organisations were all integral to the creation of managerial systems, working within a context of considerable professional, political, technological, economic and cultural change.

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        June 2011

        Mücki und Max. Die schönsten Kinderwitze

        Eine Geschichte für Erstleser

        by Arena Verlag

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        January 2008

        Im Land der magischen Geheimnisse

        Bunter Geschichtenspaß mit TV-Hexe Lilli

        by Arena Verlag

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        From Perversion to Purity

        The stardom of Catherine Deneuve

        by Lisa Downing, Sue Harris

        Catherine Deneuve is indisputably one of the world's most celebrated actresses, both in her native France and throughout the world. Her career has spanned five decades during which she has worked with the most significant of French auteurs, as well as forging partnerships with international directors such as Bunuel and Polanski. The Deneuve star persona has attained such iconic status that it can now symbolise the very essence of French womanhood and civic identity. In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of essays by a selection of international film academics and writers, the Deneuve persona is scrutinised and illuminated. Beyond the glamorous iconographic status of Yves Saint Laurent's muse, and the epitome of sexual inviolability, Deneuve's status as actress is foregrounded. The book will be essential reading for students and lecturers in star studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        CATY (Yaoundé Anti-Terrorist Unit) - Cartoon

        Ça va chauffer (It's going to be a hot one)

        by Georges Pondy

        Bobo, a frightened young basketball player, witnesses a murder and is soon caught and held hostage by Essono, a notorious psychopathic terrorist who promises to take him to the States to play for the Chicago Bulls. Special Agent Jacky Wabo of the Yaoundé Anti-Terrorist Unit is tasked with apprehending Essono and eventually rescuing Bobo, if he is still alive...

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2025

        Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left

        by Scarlet Harris

        Islamophobia is one of the most misunderstood and pernicious forms of racism in Britain. But how do those committed to challenging Islamophobia understand it? And what does this mean for their practices 'on the ground'? Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left combines first-hand accounts from activists and community workers across two British cities with sociological theory, critically interrogating Islamophobia's relationship to 'race', racial capitalism and other modalities of racism. Setting this discussion against some of the most pertinent political shifts in Britain in recent years - from the resurgence of left nationalism to Black Lives Matter - the book assesses the limits of recent attempts to think about and tackle Islamophobia, and considers the possibilities of an alternative approach from and for the anti-racist left.

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        Civil rights & citizenship
        July 2015

        Anti-terrorism, citizenship and security

        by Lee Jarvis, Michael Lister

        This book explores how different publics make sense of and evaluate anti-terrorism powers within the UK, and the implications of this for citizenship and security. Drawing on primary empirical research, the book argues that whilst white individuals are not unconcerned about the effects of anti-terrorism, ethnic minority citizens (including, but not only those identifying as Muslim) believe that anti-terrorism powers have impacted negatively on their citizenship and security. This book thus offers the first systematic engagement with 'vernacular' or 'everyday' understandings of anti-terrorism policy, citizenship and security. It argues that while transformations in anti-terrorism frameworks impact on public experiences of security and citizenship, they do not do so in a uniform, homogeneous, or predictable manner. At the same time, public understandings and expectations of security and citizenship themselves shape how developments in anti-terrorism frameworks are discussed and evaluated. This important new book will be of interest to researchers and students working in a wide range of disciplines including Political Science, International Relations, Security Studies and Sociology.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Sky Always Bright--Short and Medium Works Collection

        by "Dream Round 2020" Theme Literary Essay Activity Office

        This book is a collection of short and medium works in the series, including short and medium stories, short and medium reportage, prose, poetry and children's literature. These works are rich in the characteristics of the times and the breath of life. They show the moving deeds of Hunan's targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and demonstrate the spirit of people's struggle towards a well-off society. The theme is clear and prominent, the tone is positive, portraying and praising the most beautiful people and typical models participating in poverty alleviation and development, praising the true feelings of the world and transmitting positive social energy.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Wild Claws (2). Der Biss des Alligators

        by Held, Max

        Wilde Tiere und gefährliche Abenteuer: Auf zu WILD CLAWS, der Wildtierstation in den Everglades! Ein Alligator im Swimmingpool oder eine riesige Python in den Sümpfen - bei Jack und Logan von der Wildtierstation Wild Claws kann das schon mal vorkommen, denn hier wartet jeden Tag ein tierisches Abenteuer auf die Freunde! Jack und Logan von der Wildtierstation Wild Claws machen eine schreckliche Entdeckung: Ein Alligator im Sumpf wurde getötet und aufgeschlitzt. Wer tut so etwas und sind auch andere Tiere in Gefahr? Mit ihrer Freundin Charlotte machen sich die zwei auf Spurensuche und geraten dabei gefährlichen Tierschmugglern in die Quere. Oder sind die Verbrecher hinter etwas ganz anderem her? Eine spannende Jagd durch die Sümpfe Floridas beginnt! Band 2 der neuen Actionreihe von Max Held rund um Abenteuer und wilde Tiere in den Sümpfen der Everglades. Die realistische und spannende Kinderbuchreihe ist besonders für Jungs ab 9 Jahren geeignet. Mit schwarz-weiß Illustrationen von Timo Grubing. Alle Bände der Reihe: Wild Claws. Im Auge der Python (1) Wild Claws. Der Biss des Alligators (2) Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung. Max Held wurde in Nairobi geboren. Schon immer interessierte er sich für Tiere, und so verbrachte er endlose Stunden mit der Beobachtung von Gorillas, Krokodilen und Jaguaren. Als Erwachsener arbeitete er in Nationalparks rund um die Welt, bevor er sich schließlich in Deutschland niederließ und damit begann, seine Abenteuer in Form von Kinderbüchern niederzuschreiben. Treue Begleiterin seit vielen Jahren ist seine Vogelspinne Elfriede.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Wild Claws / Im Auge der Python

        Wild Claws (1)

        by Held, Max

        Dass morgens ein Alligator im Swimmingpool schwimmt, das kann in Homestead/Florida schon mal vorkommen. Aber wenn eine Horde Wildschweine eine Tierstation angreift und eine Python von riesigem Ausmaß die Sümpfe der Everglades unsicher macht, dann stimmt etwas nicht. Die Freunde Jack und Logan von der Wildtierstation Wild Claws glauben nicht, dass dieses Verhalten sich mit zu viel Hitze erklären lässt. Erst recht nicht, seit dieser mysteriöse Forscher aus Miami aufgetaucht ist und in den Sümpfen sein Lager aufgeschlagen hat. Das Wohl der Tiere hat dieser McRibbon bestimmt nicht im Sinn. Ob er schuld daran ist, dass die Wildtiere plötzlich alle verrücktspielen?

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