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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte

        by Kamo no Chomei, Nicola Liscutin

        Erdbeben, Tsunami, Taifune – immer wieder wird Japan von Naturgewalten überfallen, die in ihrer ungeheuerlichen zerstörerischen Macht ganze Landstriche, Ortschaften und ihre Einwohner vernichten. In ihrer Berichterstattung bemühen ausländische Journalisten gerne Kamo no Chomeis Worte von der Flüchtigkeit des menschlichen Lebens und der menschlichen Behausungen, um ihr Entsetzen, insbesondere aber einen „typisch japanischen” Stoizismus angesichts dieser Katastrophen zu beschreiben. Die Schreckensbilder, die uns in den vergangenen Wochen aus Japan erreichten, scheinen in der Tat den Chomei über achthundert Jahre früher skizzierten Naturkatastrophen verblüffend ähnlich. Die 'Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte' sind damals wie heute gleichermaßen aktuell. Japan im zwölften Jahrhundert. Großbrände, Wirbelstürme und Erdbeben haben die Hauptstadt Kyoto zerstört, Seuchen breiten sich aus, die Leichen der Verhungerten türmen sich an den Straßenrändern. Eindrucksvoll schildert der Mönch Kamo no Chomei (1155-1216) das Inferno und die Naturkatastrophen, von denen die Hauptstadt heimgesucht wird, das Elend und die Not der Menschen werden lebendig – 'all diese Geschehnisse lehrten mich, die Mühsal, in dieser Welt zu leben, die Vergänglichkeit und Zerbrechlichkeit des menschlichen Körpers und der menschlichen Behausungen zu begreifen.' Nach den Erfahrungen von Elend, Tod und Vergänglichkeit zieht sich Kamo no Chomei im Alter von fünfzig Jahren von Hof und Amt zurück, um ein Schüler Buddhas zu werden. Er kehrt der Welt den Rücken und baut sich in den Bergen eine schlichte Klause, in der er die 'Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte' beginnt. Er berichtet von seinem Einsiedlerleben in der Abgeschiedenheit, seine Gedanken kreisen um das Ideal des einfachen Lebens, um die Abkehr von den materiellen Werten und um die Frage, ob ihm in seiner kontemplativen Zurückgezogenheit die Überwindung der weltlichen Bindungen geglückt ist.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte

        by Nicola Liscutin, Nicola Liscutin, Kamo no Chomei

        Erdbeben, Tsunami, Taifune – immer wieder wird Japan von Naturgewalten überfallen, die in ihrer ungeheuerlichen zerstörerischen Macht ganze Landstriche, Ortschaften und ihre Einwohner vernichten. In ihrer Berichterstattung bemühen ausländische Journalisten gerne Kamo no Chomeis Worte von der Flüchtigkeit des menschlichen Lebens und der menschlichen Behausungen, um ihr Entsetzen, insbesondere aber einen „typisch japanischen“ Stoizismus angesichts dieser Katastrophen zu beschreiben. Die Schreckensbilder, die uns in den vergangenen Wochen aus Japan erreichten, scheinen in der Tat den Chomei über achthundert Jahre früher skizzierten Naturkatastrophen verblüffend ähnlich. Die »Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte« sind damals wie heute gleichermaßen aktuell. Japan im zwölften Jahrhundert. Großbrände, Wirbelstürme und Erdbeben haben die Hauptstadt Kyoto zerstört, Seuchen breiten sich aus, die Leichen der Verhungerten türmen sich an den Straßenrändern. Eindrucksvoll schildert der Mönch Kamo no Chomei (1155-1216) das Inferno und die Naturkatastrophen, von denen die Hauptstadt heimgesucht wird, das Elend und die Not der Menschen werden lebendig – »all diese Geschehnisse lehrten mich, die Mühsal, in dieser Welt zu leben, die Vergänglichkeit und Zerbrechlichkeit des menschlichen Körpers und der menschlichen Behausungen zu begreifen.« Nach den Erfahrungen von Elend, Tod und Vergänglichkeit zieht sich Kamo no Chomei im Alter von fünfzig Jahren von Hof und Amt zurück, um ein Schüler Buddhas zu werden. Er kehrt der Welt den Rücken und baut sich in den Bergen eine schlichte Klause, in der er die »Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte« beginnt. Er berichtet von seinem Einsiedlerleben in der Abgeschiedenheit, seine Gedanken kreisen um das Ideal des einfachen Lebens, um die Abkehr von den materiellen Werten und um die Frage, ob ihm in seiner kontemplativen Zurückgezogenheit die Überwindung der weltlichen Bindungen geglückt ist.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2001

        Elegische Heimreise

        Ein japanisches Tagebuch aus dem Jahre 935

        by Ki No Tsurayuki, Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Peter Olbricht

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        The Case of Percecuted Pangolins

        by Muthoni wa Gichuru

        Book 3 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - In this book, Vaati wants to help her father show the pangolins near her village to the young researcher. But someone is digging up pangolin burrows and her father disappears. She together with the researchers have to find out if the two occurances are connected and what happened to the pangolin in the dug up barrows.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2021

        Conservation Agriculture in Africa

        Climate Smart Agricultural Development

        by Saidi Mkomwa, Amir H Kassam

        Tillage agriculture has led to wide-spread soil and ecosystem degradation globally, and more particularly in the developing regions. This is especially so in Africa where traditional agricultural practices have become unsustainable due to severe exploitation of natural resources with negative impacts on the environment. In addition, agriculture in Africa today faces major challenges including increased costs, climate change effects and a need for more sustainable production intensification methods. Conservation (no-tillage) agriculture has emerged as a major alternative sustainable agriculture practice in Africa and has spread to many African countries in the past decade as more development and research has enabled its extension and uptake. This landmark volume is based on the material presented at the Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 9-12 October 2018. The main theme of the Congress was: Making Climate Smart Agriculture Real in Africa with Conservation Agriculture: Supporting the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063. The Congress was aligned to mobilize stakeholders in all agriculture sectors to provide development support, impetus and direction to the vision and agenda for transforming African agriculture as set out by the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063. This book is aimed at all agricultural stakeholders in the public, private and civil sectors in Africa engaged in supporting the transformation of conventional tillage agriculture to Conservation Agriculture. This includes: researchers, academics, students, development stakeholders and policy makers as well as institutional libraries across the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        Kisa cha Kasa Wanaolengwa

        by Shaleen Keshavjee - Gulam

        Book 2 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - Swahili - In this book , Sandeep, was excited to watch turtle eggs hatch at the beach with his grandfather. Now that the turtle eggs are disappearing, he and his friends have to solve the mystery because he promised his ailing grangfather to protect the eggs until they hatch.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        The Case of the Prowling Panther

        by Vaishnavi Ram Mohan

        Book 4 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - In this book, Lemunyatta hoped to see a fabled black panther during a visit to its forest home. But rumours are rife saying the black panther is an evil curse. She and her friends have to separete facts, from fiction and find the truth about the evil going on in the forest and in the surrounding community.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies

        There was no Stalin

        by Borys Khersonsky

        Borys Khersonsky is one of Ukraine's leading Russian-speaking poets, winner of numerous international awards. In recent years Khersonsky has written not only in Russian language but also in Ukrainian language as well translated his Russian-language poems into Ukrainian. The collection "There was no Stalin" includes both new poems written in Ukrainian and self-translations from Russian poems made in 2016 and 2017. The themes and stylistics of the poems are typical for the author - surrealist attempts to comprehend the history of totalitarianism, "biographical lyrics", essays on the life in the 50s and 60s of the 20s century. The poems are intertwined with the parallels made to the Middle Ages and biblical motifs. The attentive reader will also find reviews of classical examples of Ukrainian poetry.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2021

        There is no soundtrack

        Rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract

        by Ming-Yuen S. Ma

        There is no soundtrack is a study of how sound and image produce meaning in contemporary experimental media art by artists ranging from Chantal Akerman to Nam June Paik to Tanya Tagaq. It contextualises these works and artists through key ideas in sound studies: voice, noise, listening, the soundscape and more. The book argues that experimental media art produces radical and new audio-visual relationships challenging the visually dominated discourses in art, media and the human sciences. In addition to directly addressing what Jonathan Sterne calls 'visual hegemony', it also explores the lack of diversity within sound studies by focusing on practitioners from transnational and diverse backgrounds. As such, it contributes to a growing interdisciplinary scholarship, building new, more complex and reverberating frameworks to collectively sonify the study of culture.

      • Trusted Partner

        Stalemate: There can be no winners

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Thirty-five years ago, Libertyville had a population of 2,000. Its citizens thought it would become the next  Atlanta. But it’s now 1989, and the population is down to 278 and falling. The town’s remaining employer, the outdated, money-losing Libertyville Cotton Works, owned by an elderly Holocaust survivor, has been sold to a conglomerate that intends to reap huge tax and political benefits.But two other factions have different ideas. Bishop William Wyatt Walker, spellbinding African-American televangelist whose church takes in $500 million a year in contributions from the poorest of the poor, decides the church has lost touch with the common man and needs a new symbol of salvation – the Libertyville Cotton Works and the 40 acres that surround it. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the church gets the property.Meanwhile, a brilliant, Mexican-American lawyer and his militant contingent, faced with “the country’s growing paranoia toward Hispanics,” seeks to create his own Sanctuary Nation. His “army” takes armed control of the cotton works, holding hostages to ensure that the factory and its acreage are deeded to “the first truly Mexican town in the Southeastern U.S.”The stage is set for a Stalemate of epic proportions, a war where there can be no winners. Like James Dickey’s Deliverance, this book is a mixture of a thriller tinged with adventure, camaraderie, dread, and the horror that only an unexpected, unspeakable situation can inflict. Human nature is human nature, and it is impossible to predict how anyone would act if confronted with a similar situation. Powerful and suspenseful, Stalemate explores the best – and the worst – in the human spirit as it thunders toward a spine-chilling climax.International best-selling author Hugo N. Gerstl’s latest work is one you won’t be able to put down – and one you’ll long remember. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group 184 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Fertilizers & manures
        November 2006

        No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture

        by C J Baker, Scott E Justice, Keith E Saxton, Peter Hobbs, William R Ritchie, W C T Chamen, Don C Reicosky, Fatima Ribeiro

        This book is a much-expanded and updated edition of a previous volume, published in 1996 as "No-tillage Seeding: Science and Practice". The base objective remains to describe, in lay terms, a range of international experiments designed to examine the causes of successes and failures in no-tillage. The book summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of no tillage. It highlights the pros and cons of a range of features and options, without promoting any particular product.Topics added or covered in more detail in the second edition include:* soil carbon and how its retention or sequestration interacts with tillage and no-tillage* controlled traffic farming as an adjunct to no-tillage* comparison of the performance of generic no-tillage opener designs* the role of banding fertilizer in no-tillage* the economics of no-tillage* small-scale equipment used by poorer farmers* forage cropping by no-tillage* a method for risk assessment of different levels of machine sophistication

      • Trusted Partner

        A Fire Within and Other Stories

        by Kristine Ong Muslim, Lilian Akampurira Aujo, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Lubnah Abdulhalim, Nnamdi Oguike, Heran Abate, Muthoni Muchemi, Farai Mudzingwa, Hellena Rial Isaac, MG Vassanji, Hassan Ghedi Santur, Muna Ahmed Omer, A. Igoni Barrett

        A Fire Within and Other Stories showcases award-winning African authors addressing crucial continental issues through compelling short stories. Set across various African countries, the anthology explores topics like women's leadership, early marriage, corruption, and climate change. It uniquely pairs each story with discussion prompts, encouraging readers to engage deeply with Africa's social, political, and economic challenges.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        I can't get no

        Ein paar 68er treffen sich wieder und rechnen ab

        by Schnibben, Cordt; Hannover, Irmela

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      • Trusted Partner

        La hermandad de la Casa Grande (The brotherhood of the Big House)

        Una novela negra sobre el juicio del Estado a los brujos de Chiloé (A detective novel about the state's trial of the witches of Chiloé)

        by Eduardo Pérez Arroyo

        It's 1879. To the north, Chile defends foreign investment in the Pacific War. To the south, beyond the already invaded Araucania, from a large, almost unexplored island, rumors of violence, superstition and a state incapable of enforcing its law spread. The elite would be at ease if some “elements” that are not occupied at the border with Peru penetrated Chiloé. They need evidence to condemn those criminals who terrorize the population with old indigenous beliefs. They call themselves witches. They are organized as La Recta Provincia or La Hermandad de la Casa Grande. They lie to scare and change the names of the cities on the island –Achao, Dalcahue or Quicaví–, confusing them with others: Buenos Aires, Villarrica, Salamanca. If they were only myths, it would be enough for the government to forget that secret place. But the one who calls himself the Greatest Liar in the World claims to have escaped the sorcerers and travels the north glimpsing the aliens: he talks to them of malice, monsters and murders; of the bloody clans' struggles to become a decaying reign. For these lies, or to secure an unstable national pride, coronels and tenants decide to put an end to things that a mortal has no power to finish.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I Am Not Alone

        by Ramy Tawil

        Maher realizes one day he is an only child with no siblings. He starts to feel a bit lonely, and wishes he had siblings - like his friends and cousins. Luckily, his toys are here and now it’s time to show Maher what it means to be surrounded with brothers and sisters.It’s a heartwarming story that shows how rich and powerful the imagination of an only child can be.

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