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      • Reimheim Verlag Thorsten Zeller

        Home to poetry slammers / stage poets and their stages-texts as well as novels / fictional works. What have all our authors in common? They can perform on stages what make every reading quite entertaining. When a stage-experienced actor and poetry slammer writes a dragon-novel for yound readers / listeners, then it's beatuful to read, listen and his readings are always fascinating. That way, the young dragon Fionrir, princess Quirina and their most unusual pack gained a intensely interacting fanbase. As the other stage-performers do.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Lohnsubvention und negative Einkommensteuer.

        Wirkungen auf Arbeitsangebot und Wohlfahrt.

        by Vierling, Michael

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        May 2007

        Vorlesung über Negative Dialektik

        Fragmente zur Vorlesung 1965/66

        by Theodor W. Adorno, Theodor W. Adorno Archiv, Rolf Tiedemann

        Die Vorlesung über Negative Dialektik ist die letzte der vier Vorlesungen aus den Jahren 1960 bis 1966, die die Entstehung von Adornos Negativer Dialektik begleiteten. Zusammen mit den drei vorangehenden Vorlesungen – Ontologie und Dialektik, Zur Lehre von der Geschichte und von der Freiheit sowie Metaphysik. Begriffe und Probleme – bildet sie sowohl eine Propädeutik als auch den Selbstkommentar zu Adornos Hauptwerk von 1966. In der Variation von Themen, die sich im Buch unter dem Titel »Einleitung« finden, entfaltet Adorno in den Vorlesungen eine »Theorie der geistigen Erfahrung«, in der er diejenige Philosophie zu charakterisieren versucht, die ihm stets vorschwebte. Diese Theorie galt ihm denn auch für nichts weniger als eine Methodologie seiner Philosophie überhaupt.

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        Why ADHD is Not a Disease

        A polemic

        by Amrei Wittwer

        In some European countries, one in four children is now diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) due to their socially disruptive behaviour. The treatment usually consists of suppressing the symptoms with psychostimulants such as Ritalin. This treatment does not improve school performance, but it curbs the children’s creativity and may stigmatise them for their entire lives. Taking an opposing viewpoint, ADHD expert Dr. Amrei Wittwer focuses on the physical and psychological well-being of the affected children. Because almost all “ADHD patients“ are facing difficulties in relationships with adults, she considers that a solution begins with the children’s domestic and school environments, instruction of parents and teachers, and by using therapeutic approaches rather than simply sedating the children. “Children are our future”, is a common theme in Sunday speeches. Anyone who takes this point seriously, whether or not they themselves are immediately affected, should think about this important topic.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Personality Disorders, Second Edition

        by Heather Barnett Veague, Ph.D and M. Foster Olive, Ph.D.; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        Personality disorders are patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are negative, abnormal, or stressful. They typically persist over time and involve perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors upsetting to the individual who experiences them and which cause significant problems in the person's relationships and professional and social activities. They can include antisocial behavior, acute shyness or sensitivity, negative perceptions, and more severe forms, such as paranoia or schizophrenia. Personality Disorders, Second Edition defines and explains these behavioral patterns, which are organized into three types, or clusters, the social and medical issues related to them, and how doctors can treat them.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        June 2016

        Studying Successfully with ADHD

        A Pratical Guide for Parents

        by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund

        For children with ADHD and their parents, the school years are often difficult. Children may avoid homework they dislike, involve their parents in endless discussions of the point or pointlessness of particular exercises, dawdle and daydream their time away, or explode with frustration if they get something wrong or cannot do something.   This book provides parents with concrete and practical help. It shows you how you can:   • improve your child’s concentration and stamina• increase your child’s motivation to learn and study• reduce frustration, arguments, and tears over homework• control chaos and forgetfulness• help your child succeed by using smart learning methods• develop your child’s strengths• help your child cope with failure and maintain self-confidence• establish a good relationship with the school.     For: • parents / relatives of children with ADHD• therapists• learning coaches• teachers

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Coming to Terms with Life

        by Matthias Wengenroth

        Do you struggle with thoughts and feelings that make life difficult? Have you tried all sorts of ways of dealing with this without getting anywhere? Do you feel that life is passing you by? Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), which this book describes in a clear and entertaining way, provides new and very enlightening insights into the causes of human suffering. At the same time, ACT shows how we can improve the way we handle the difficult aspects of being human, while also developing our abilities and strengths. This title shows how using the described simple but effective methods can lead you to a happier, better life.   Target Group: people who want to utilize their potential more fully, people interested in acceptance and commitment therapy, people practicing or interested in psychotherapy (psychologists, doctors, coaches, social workers)

      • Trusted Partner

        Food Composition Table for the Practice

        The small Souci/Fachmann/Kraut

        by Founded by S.W. Souci, W. Fachmann and H. Kraut. Revised by Dr. Petra Steinhaus. Edited by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich.

        ■ How many omega-3 fatty acids does salmon contain? ■ Which dairy product contains the most calcium? ■ How iron-rich is spinach, really? Whether calories, vitamins or amino acids – whether in field beans, bananas, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese or onion – it is all here. The compact edition of the time-tested „large SFK [Souci/Fachmann/Kraut]“ offers tested data on over 70 ingredients in more than 360 foods, systematically structured according to food groups. This edition with thousands of values has been completely revised and updated by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich. Extra: 32 summary tables cover more than 300 other, less common foods and allow for targeted, clear comparisons. 16 orientation tables provide information about foods with particularly high or low amounts of ingredients. Nutritional values, energy content, main components and ingredients displayed in uniform systematics and a practical format – just look it up!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        What is “Good” Dementia Care?

        by Christoph Held

        People with dementia experience their condition as a big change in which, for example, new events are not linked to existing experiences and wishes, thoughts, and actions can no longer be connected to each other. This kind of experience of the self, due to the intergative function of the brainbeing temporarily or permanently lost, is called dissociative self-experience. Based on this understanding of dementia, the author develops an approach to effectively understand and support people with dementia in everyday activities. Typical everyday situations and behaviours are presented and reflected on in a practical context.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015

        Negative Produktinformation.

        Die Rechtmäßigkeit von staatlichen, staatlich finanzierten und privaten negativen Produktinformationen.

        by Boddenberg, Bastian

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        July 2000

        Negative Dialektik

        by Theodor W. Adorno

        Theodor W. Adorno wurde am 11. September 1903 in Frankfurt am Main geboren und starb am 06. August 1969 während eines Ferienaufenthalts in Visp/Wallis an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts. Von 1921 bis 1923 studierte er in Frankfurt Philosophie, Soziologie, Psychologie und Musikwissenschaft und promovierte 1924 über Die Transzendenz des Dinglichen und Noematischen in Husserls Phänomenologie. Bereits während seiner Schulzeit schloss er Freundschaft mit Siegfried Kracauer und während seines Studiums mit Max Horkheimer und Walter Benjamin. Mit ihnen zählt Adorno zu den wichtigsten Vertretern der »Frankfurter Schule«, die aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt hervorging. Sämtliche Werke Adornos sind im Suhrkamp Verlag erschienen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1997

        Negative Informationsfreiheit.

        Zugleich ein Beitrag zur negativen Grundrechtsfreiheit.

        by Fenchel, Jörg

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1992

        Negative Politik.

        Zur Grundlegung der Politischen Philosophie aus der Daseinsanalytik und ihrer Bewährung in den Politischen Schriften Martin Heideggers 1933/34.

        by Gebert, Sigbert

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        Negative Theologie der Zeit

        by Michael Theunissen

        Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Arbeiten sind Zwischenergebnisse eines work-in-progress, dessen Ziel im Titel angegeben ist. Der erste Beitrag, »Möglichkeiten des Philosophierens heute«, umreißt die Erkenntnisansprüche des Projekts von Michael Theunissen. Der zweite Beitrag, der nach den Bedingungen von Glück in einem von der Zeit beherrschten Dasein fragt, steckt die zu untersuchenden Gegenstandsbereiche ab. Die beiden folgenden Beiträge greifen Stücke aus der Geschichte der Zeitphilosophie heraus: Überlegungen zu Parmenides markieren den Ausgangspunkt einer Metaphysik, die sich in der Abstraktion von der archaischen Herrschaftserfahrung gebildet hat: Interpretationen zu Sartre bedenken ein Ende, das Elemente eines Neubeginns enthält. Der fünfte und sechste Beitrag bringen Beispiele für das von der Herrschaft der Zeit verursachte Leiden: »Die Gegenwart des Todes im Leben« exemplifiziert das normale Leiden. »Melancholisches Leiden unter der Herrschaft der Zeit« das abnorme. Das übergreifende Thema des siebten und achten Beitrags (»Freiheit von der Zeit. Ästhetisches Anschauen als Verweilen« und »Zeit des Lebens«) ist der vom Leiden mobilisierte Widerstand. Der Abschluß des Bandes bildet ein religionsphilosophischer Aufsatz, der gewissermaßen die Keimzelle des Theunissenschen Projekts darstellt.

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