All Things Women
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View Rights PortalAn independent, online children’s book publisher, Madeleine Editions merges traditional storytelling and digital technology to create a collection of children’s digital books that provide a multi-lingual, multi-sensory, and multi-cultural reading experience for children ages 3~8. Most editions are available in English, French, and Chinese. Each story is an original collaboration between artists from all over the world: award-winning writers, world renown musicians, the classical music label Deutsche Grammophon, + the newest generation of illustrators from Paris.
View Rights PortalExile, its pain and possibility, is the starting point of this book. Women's experience of exile was often different from that of men, yet it has not received the important attention it deserves. Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas addresses that lacuna through a wide-ranging geographical, chronological, social and cultural approach. Whether powerful, well-to-do or impoverished, exiled by force or choice, every woman faced the question of how to reconstruct her life in a new place. These essays focus on women's agency despite the pressures created by political, economic and social dislocation. Collectively, they demonstrate how these women from different countries, continents and status groups not only survived but also in many cases thrived. This analysis of early modern women's experiences not only provides a new vantage point from which to enrich the study of exile but also contributes important new scholarship to the history of women.
At once pervasive and marginal, appealing and repellent, exemplary and atypical, the women of the Bible provoke an assortment of readings across early modern literature. Biblical women in early modern literary culture, 1550-1700 draws attention to the complex ways in which biblical women's narratives could be reimagined for a variety of rhetorical and religious purposes. Considering a confessionally diverse range of writers, working across a variety of genres, this volume reveals how women from the Old and New Testaments exhibit an ideological power that frequently exceeds, both in scope and substance, their associated scriptural records. The essays explore how the Bible's women are fluidly negotiated and diversely redeployed to offer (conflicting) comment on issues including female authority, speech and sexuality, and in discussions of doctrine, confessional politics, exploration and grief. As it explores the rich ideological currency of the Bible's women in early modern culture, this volume demonstrates that the Bible's women are persistently difficult to evade. ;
This handbook is for journalists, researchers and policy makers that are interested in working on science communication for water peace and cooperation and that are searching for ideas and inspiration. It features descriptions and reflections of the activities (action research, training modules, joint workshops, reporting grants, podcast, online photo campaign...) implemented by Open Water Diplomacy project in the Nile basin, and in the new international basins identified under the top-up activities on capacity development, as well as activities in the field of media and water diplomacy implemented by other actors. It will be an online open access repository of case studies and best practices in the field of journalism and science communication for water peace and cooperation.
This book collects stories of 41 outstanding women representatives who participated in the movement during the 1911 Revolution and the New Democracy Revolution, and focuses on the contribution they made to national liberation, people' freedom, and emancipation of women. It is aimed at presenting the revolutionnary spirit and commemorating those heroines.
This volume examines the films of Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers from the 1930s to the present day. It establishes productive connections between film practices across these geographical areas by identifying common areas of concern on the part of these female filmmakers. Focusing on aesthetic, theoretical and socio-historical analyses, it questions the manifest or latent gender and sexual politics that inform and structure the emerging cinematic productions by women filmmakers in Portugal, Spain, Latin America and the US. With a combination of scholars from the UK, the US, Spain and Latin America, the volume documents and interprets a fascinating corpus of films made by Hispanic and Lusophone women and proposes research strategies and methodologies that can expand our understanding of socio-cultural and psychic constructions of gender and sexual politics. An essential resource to rethink notions of gender identity and subjectivity, it is a unique contribution to Spanish and Latin American Film Studies and Film Studies. ;
This volume examines the films of Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers from the 1930s to the present day. It establishes productive connections between film practices across these geographical areas by identifying common areas of concern on the part of these female filmmakers. Focusing on aesthetic, theoretical and socio-historical analyses, it questions the manifest or latent gender and sexual politics that inform and structure the emerging cinematic productions by women filmmakers in Portugal, Spain, Latin America and the US. With a combination of scholars from the UK, the US, Spain and Latin America, the volume documents and interprets a fascinating corpus of films made by Hispanic and Lusophone women and proposes research strategies and methodologies that can expand our understanding of socio-cultural and psychic constructions of gender and sexual politics. An essential resource to rethink notions of gender identity and subjectivity, it is a unique contribution to Spanish and Latin American Film Studies and Film Studies.
This book provides a detailed analysis of women's involvement in litigation and other legal actions within their local communities in late-medieval England. It draws upon the rich records of three English towns - Nottingham, Chester and Winchester - and their courts to bring to life the experiences of hundreds of women within the systems of local justice. Through comparison of the records of three towns, and of women's roles in different types of legal action, the book reveals the complex ways in which individual women's legal status could vary according to their marital status, different types of plea and the town that they lived in. At this lowest level of medieval law, women's status was malleable, making each woman's experience of justice unique.
While there is increasing interest in the lives of medieval women, the documentary evidence for their activities remains little known. This book provides a collection of sources for an important and influential group of women in medieval England, and examines changes in their role and activities between 1066 and 1500. For most noble and gentry-women, early marriage led to responsibilities for family and household, and, in the absence of their husbands, for the family estates and retainers. Widowhood enabled them to take control of their affairs and to play an independent part in the local community and sometimes further afield. Although many women's lives followed a conventional pattern, great variety existed within family relationships, and individuality can also be seen in religious practices and patronage. Piety could take a number of different forms, whether a woman became a nun, a vowess or a noted philanthropist and benefactor to religious institutions. This volume provides a broad-ranging and accessible coverage of the role of noble women in medieval society. It highlights the significant role played by these women within their families, households, estates and communities.
What kind of mindset do you really need to succeed as a Helicopter Pilot in Afghanistan? Kate Munari really wanted to fly helicopters, and she really wanted to go into a combat zone. What it took to get her there, how she coped with everything from enrolment, to pilot training courses, preparation for deployment to one of the most dangerous places in the world, for anyone to be in 2008. Three successful tours of Afghanistan was the highlight of a 17 year career as a helicopter pilot for Kate, and she shares her stories to inspire anyone wanting to know more about the mindsets she employed during that time, and for her life in general. It’s a riviting tale of determination, courage, and ambition. Her personal stories include insights into: 12 hours per day transporting troop in Helmand Province while being shot at. Advanced training and formation flying that will leave you breathless. Flying under extreme pressure in various parts of the world. Enounters with Royalty, Tribal Chief's, and Interrogators. This book is perfectly targeted at Leaders who are either in business or running teams of any size in any industry, based on Kate's development and insights as a military person. It is also ideally targeted at young women - 15-30 years of age who want to be inspired to either join up, punch well above their weight in any career path, and navigate a journey into what's truly possible for women any where in the world, in any industry based on a resilience and capability focused mindset. As a full time presenter, Kate speaks to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand about her perspectives on leadership borne out of her experiences both in the Navy and as a civilian. Her book is due for release in 2024.
Women and madness in the early Romantic novel returns madness to a central role in feminist literary criticism through an updated exploration of hysteria, melancholia, and love-madness in novels by Mary Wollstonecraft, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Maria Edgeworth, and Amelia Opie. This book argues that these early Romantic-period novelists revised medical and popular sentimental models for female madness that made inherent female weakness and the aberrant female body responsible for women's mental afflictions. The book explores how the more radical authors-Wollstonecraft, Fenwick and Hays-blamed men and patriarchal structures of control for their characters' hysteria and melancholia, while the more mainstream writers-Edgeworth and Opie-located causality in less gendered and less victimized accounts. Taken as a whole, the book makes a powerful case for focusing on women's mental health in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literary criticism.
How has it happened that from being politely ignored or marginalized just half a century ago, women writers in Italy are now at the centre of literary activity? To what extent does writing by women reflect the successes and failures of Italy in the post-war period? What form did the feminist movement in Italy take, and how did this affect what - and how - women wrote? And how are women who write responding to a more fragmented post-modern age? These are just some of the questions asked of the relationship between women and fiction in post-war Italy in this anthology. It includes stories by Cialente, Ginzburg, Ortese, Morante, Romano, Maraini and Duranti as well as Bompiani, Sanvitale, Mizzau, Scaramuzzino, Capriolo and Petrignani. The thirteen stories presented offer a range of style and content indicative of the wealth and diversity of writing by women, and their reading is supported by critical notes and an extensive vocabulary. This is a clear and challenging introduction to the rich field of women and fiction in Italy. ;
From Tamale to Paris, Hong Kong to Texas and back to Ouagadougou, this collection of scholarly chapters, poetry and personal essays theorizes the lives of African women and people of marginalized genders on the continent and the diaspora. The book is an important intervention in conversations on social movements and their convergence with digital media and other praxis tools. The contributors bring a refreshing perspective to discourses on African feminists' agency and how this manifests in their organizing in the physical world and in the digital public sphere. The volume demonstrates the relationships between the struggles of African feminists on the continent and the diaspora charting pathways for African scholars to build coalitions and work toward collective liberation.
Women and Pilgrimage presents scholarly essays that address the lacunae in the literature on this topic. The content includes well-trodden domains of pilgrimage scholarship like sacred sites and holy places. In addition, the book addresses some of the less-well-known dimensions of pilgrimage, such as the performances that take place along pilgrims' paths; the ephemeral nature of identifying as a pilgrim, and the economic, social and cultural dimensions of migratory travel. Most importantly, the book's feminist lens encourages readers to consider questions of authenticity, essentialism, and even what is means to be a "woman pilgrim". The volume's six sections are entitled: Questions of Authenticity; Performances and Celebratory Reclamations; Walking Out: Women Forging Their Own Paths; Women Saints: Their Influence and Their Power; Sacred Sites: Their Lineages and Their Uses; and Different Migratory Paths. Each section will enrich readers' knowledge of the experiences of pilgrim women. Readers' understanding will be further enhanced by the book's: · interdisciplinary nature: The contributors hail from a wide range of disciplines, including Anthropology, Political Science, French, Spanish, Fine Art, and Religious Studies; · uniqueness: The text brings together previously scattered resources into one volume; · feminist perspective: Much of the subject matter utilizes feminist theories and methodologies and argues that further research will be welcome. The book will be of interest to scholars of pilgrimage studies in general as well as those interested in women, travel, tourism, and the variety of religious experiences.
— Who is behind the big platforms, what are their alternatives and why do algorithms contribute to polarisation? — A contribution to the discussion on current media policy in the EU It's a paradox: thanks to the countless platforms and channels that are around today, it has never been so easy to express your opinion. And yet never before have so few people decided on the rules of these platforms. Never before has the free formation of opinion, which is essential for our democracies, been in so much danger. And never before have the signs of recognising this been so obvious. So what needs to be done? In a controversial discourse on the effects of TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the rest, Björn Staschen reveals how we are slowly losing our freedom – and how we can get it back again.
In Germany, 132 women were murdered by their (ex-)partners over the past year, according to police statistics. An attempted murder happened every other day – the real figure is in all probability much higher. Julia Cruschwitz and Carolin Haentjes unveil their book on femicides in Germany with research from interviews with academics, criminologists, police officers, social workers, lawyers, survivors, witnesses and relatives and their analysis of scientific reports. Their work highlights how the issue of femicides affects the whole of society, but there are sensible ways to protect women more effectively from male violence. All we must do is take steps to follow these.
Are you tired of asking your partner and explaining what you need, and receive noresponse? Are you frustrated by feeling that your needs are not considered? Do you fearthat your relationship will limit your personal growth? Do you feel that there is love, butalso that his love catches you and wears you down? Many people, particularly women, seek therapy for symptoms like depression and anxiety, but without clear awareness of what causes them. Many blame themselves for not being “good enough, ” and not understanding to their partners.The common denominator of their mental health challenge is the minimization and invisibility caused by the oppression in in their exchanges with their partner, as opposed to receiving encouragement and support for their personal and professional development. This oppression will lead to diminishment and limiting their decisions through silences,gestures, humiliations or even physical violence, while they protect themselves byassuming a role that is lower than that of his/her partner. Jerks are not always easy to identify; they tend to confuse their partners with effusivedisplays of love that cover up their high doses of control and abuse. We talk about thejerks, those men who make people fall in love with sweet words, flowers and attention and who, little by little, display their crude, aggressive and even dangerous ways of “loving”. They destroy self-esteem and make their prey feel guilty for their behaviors. This book is a guide that speaks to the person trapped in a pitiful relationship. To reflect on your daily life and identify the characteristics of an abusive relationship, leading her by the hand to recognize the beliefs that trap her, to distinguish the patterns that she repeats, and to put into practice techniques that will allow her to get out of the abuse,recover, and bloom again.
This extensively illustrated book discusses the representation of women in the art of the late Middle Ages in Northern Europe. Drawing on a wide range of different media, but making particular use of the rich plethora of woodcuts, the author charts how the images of women changed during the period and proposes two basic categories - the Virgin and Eve, good and evil. Within these, however, we discover attitudes to sinful, foolish, married and unmarried women and the style and use of these images exposes the full extent of the misogyny entrenched in medieval society. ;
This series contains about 1,800 modern prints collected by Lu Xun at that time, which authored by nearly 200 domestic printmakers and currently in the Lu Xun Memorial Hall in Shanghai and the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing. It is showcasing the glorious history of modern Chinese woodcut art: In the 1920s and 1930s, in order to guide the artistic direction of Chinese literary youth, smashed the KMT’s counter-revolutionary cultural " encirclement and suppression", Mr. Lu Xun held a "woodcut workshop" in Shanghai, and cultivated a group of emerging woodcut backbone. These backbones led young artists in various regions of the country to create a large number of realistic works reflecting the suffering and tragic fate of the people at the bottom of the society at that time. They cruelly lashed the dark reality of society and called for national salvation and survival. These young woodcutters sent their woodcut works to Lu Xun, who not only guided their creation personally, but also spared no effort to collect, publicize and promote them to the public. With the active advocacy and support of Mr. Lu Xun, the emerging woodcut movement in China has developed vigorously, driving the modernization of Chinese art and leaving an indelible glorious footprint in the history of Chinese modern culture and art. This complete collection is a companion to the The Complete Collection of Foreign Prints by Lu Xun published in 2014.
This is the first book to consider the difference women MPs make for women constituents in Britain by comparing women parliamentarians' activities, priorities and perceptions to those of their male colleagues. It uncovers complicated gender dynamics that have been neglected in other works because of an exclusive focus on the activities of women MPs, and mounts a systematic challenge to the idea that a critical mass of women is necessary for women's presence to matter. By comparing the representation received by women from a parliament with few women to that received from a parliament with many women, Anna Dionne leads the reader to understand why numbers are not magic. Her empirical research includes interviews with over eighty parliamentarians in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the amassing of an unprecedented and comprehensive database of representatives' legislative activities. She compares how men and women and different political parties introduce and support bills and motions, ask parliamentary questions, participate in committee and floor debates, and work behind the scenes for cross-party consensus and on constituency casework. The analysis considers gender similarities and differences throughout the policy process and explains the gender dynamics with a new sensitivity to their fluctuation. ;
A hundred years after the tragic 1924 British Everest expedition, this collection explores the wider social and cultural history of the mountain. Mount Everest looms large in the popular imagination. Since the deaths of mountaineers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine in 1924, histories of the mountain have overwhelmingly focused on the mythologies of western male adventure and conquest. But there are many more stories waiting to be told. Other Everests brings together new voices and perspectives on the historical and cultural significance of Everest in the modern world. The book shines a light on the overlooked role of local people and high-altitude workers, while also revealing the significant contributions women have made to climbing the mountain and writing its history. It explores the depiction of Everest in a range of media and investigates how the forces of nationalism and commercialism have shaped many different 'Everests'. After years of exploitation, Indigenous people are now reclaiming Mount Everest in the twenty-first century. Other Everests re-examines the past and present of the world's highest peak, presenting an exciting vision of what Everest might become in the future.