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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2021
Critical theory and feeling
The affective politics of the early Frankfurt School
by Simon Mussell
This book offers a unique and timely reading of the early Frankfurt School in response to the recent 'affective turn' within the arts and humanities. Resisting the overly rationalist tendencies of political philosophy, it argues that critical theory actively cultivates a powerful connection between thinking and feeling, and rediscovers a range of often neglected concepts that were of vital importance to the first generation of critical theorists, including melancholia, hope, (un)happiness, objects and mimesis. In doing so, it brings the dynamic work of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Ernst Bloch and Siegfried Kracauer into conversation with more recent debates around politics and affect. An important intervention in the fields of affect studies and social and political thought, Critical theory and feeling shows that sensuous experience is at the heart of the Frankfurt School's affective politics.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA2020
Listen to Your Diddalum
by Child, Emily / Lebedeva, Maria
From children's book author Emily Child and popular illustrator Maria Lebedeva comes a new picture book that explores feelings for children in the most incredible way, Listen to Your Diddalum! What is your Diddalum? Is it that funny feeling in your stomach when you're excited? Or is it exploding fireworks? Is it a slimy slug, or a fluttering butterfly? What is your Diddalum and how do you listen to it?
Health & Personal Development
Pause and Sense
by Emily Atallah
Thousands of people say things such as “I have no time”, “when did life pass me by”, or “I have nothing left to live for.” According to the WHO, nearly 700,000 people commit suicide every year, and conditions such as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and lack of purpose are increasingly rooted in our societies, blocking our view to a life full of light and possibilities. In the age of instant connectivity, we have never been as disconnected, unmotivated and empty as we are now. In these pages, you will find 10 practical tools that will help you get unstuck, find your way through pain, and reconnect with your purpose towards a plentiful life. The book is divided in three sections that help you understand what is valuable about life, what we can give to the world as human beings, and how we can embrace challenges, increase connectivity with each other and increase our awareness. This book invites you to enrich your own life, through reflections that help you go deep inside, and examples of how others who when through similar experiences, got through them to live a happier, meaningful, and purposeful life.
Trusted PartnerLifestyle, Sport & LeisureSeptember 2023
Pre and Probiotics for Poultry Gut Health
by Helen Masey O'Neill, Emily Burton, Dawn Scholey
Poultry are the most widely used animal protein source in the world: billions of meat birds are produced globally each year, using 360 million tonnes of feed. Within Europe, over 30,000 companies involved in the production of poultry create an annual turnover of €107 billion. However, maintaining the sustainability of the industry as it moves towards antibiotic-free production is one of the key challenges. Starting with an overview of antibiotics as growth promoters and the challenges faced as the industry moves away from their use, this book then thoroughly considers the potential of pre and probiotic additives in poultry gut health. The book: - Includes thorough definitions of additives in the pre and probiotic space and examples of how they work; - Addresses how to test pre and probiotics and other similar additives, and how they interact with other products, with learning from both poultry and allied sectors; - Combines authors from both academic and industry backgrounds on all chapters, to ensure coverage is balanced, robust and commercially relevant. Based on the renowned World Poultry Science Association UK Branch Poultry Science Symposium 2022, this book provides a thorough and valuable contribution to the field for all involved with the nutrition and production of poultry.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social Sciences
The Spirit of China
Jin Minqin, Wen Dashan, etc.
by Jin Minqin, Wen Dashan, etc.
Focusing on the basic blueprint of the Chinese spirit and the historical mission of realizing the Chinese nation's great revival of the Chinese dream, it closely combined the tasks and requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to systematically sort out the ideas of the Chinese spirit Cultural resources.
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Conscious Feelings
Living Life Closer to Your Own Truth
by Clinton Callahan
This book is about feelings, and the ways that we, as individuals and as a culture, have numbed ourselves against them. It is about unleashing the possibility of conscious feelings to re-make our lives into what really matters to us. The central framework of the book is built with the Ten Distinctions for Consciously Feeling, including: *Learning the potent difference between thoughts and feelings, which most people confuse *Sorting out feelings (based in the present) from emotions (based in the past or in somebody else’s life) *Fully allowing that feelings are absolutely-neutral energy and information, neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative. Each chapter is enriched with Thoughtmaps—clear diagrams of ways we presently think and ways we could possibly think—and supported by an abundance of practical experiments to try. The Power of Conscious Feelings is so much more than a book of selfhelp or inspiration. Ultimately, it is about our connection with and responsibility for the fate of the Earth.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2024
Customer Experience Management in the Caribbean
Concepts, Case Studies and Challenges
by Leslie-Ann Jordan, Anne P. Crick, Paul Anderson, Elaine Commissiong, Noel M. Cowell, G. Anthony Ferguson, Koen Hietbrink, Jacqueline Huggins, Michelle McLeod, Candice Petgrave, Juliana Samuel, Trevor A. Smith, Tiersa Smith-Hall, Evora Mais Thompson, Sumit Verma, Nadane Y. Wright
Diving into the evolution of Customer Experience this text offers an insightful exploration of the paradigm shift from customer service to Customer Experience (CX) within the Caribbean context. Unveiling the dynamics of CX's influence on satisfaction, loyalty, and business profitability, this book delves into strategic planning, employee development, data-driven decisions, and emerging technological trends, and it fills a crucial gap in the literature with: - An array of Caribbean case studies; - Enhanced theoretical concepts and a deep appreciation of customer experience management in the Caribbean; - References of best practices to address critical issues affecting the delivery of a quality customer experience. Scholars and practitioners within customer service, services marketing, customer experience management and customer relationship marketing in the retail hospitality and tourism, financial, health care and education sectors will find this a valuable resource on CX's transformative power in this region and beyond.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2020
Sei gut zu dir
by Clara Paul
Zeiten gibt's, da scheint sich die ganze Welt gegen einen verschworen zu haben. Nichts will gelingen, und niemand scheint es zu kümmern. Gegen die düsteren Tage helfen manchmal nur Gedichte – Gedichte, die einen ermuntern, nicht den Kopf hängen zu lassen, die sofort die Laune heben und einem neuen Lebensmut schenken; Gedichte, die einen ermutigen, der zu sein, der man sein will, Gedichte, die einen stärken und trösten, wenn einem das Herz gerade schwer ist, und die einen inspirieren, neue Wege zu gehen, Gedichte also, die einem sagen: Sei gut zu dir. Mit Gedichten von Maya Angelou, Rose Ausländer, Elisabeth Borchers, Raymond Carver, Hilde Domin, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Max Frisch, Robert Gernhardt, Hermann Hesse, Mascha Kaléko, Erich Kästner, Angela Krauß, Rainer Malkowski, Rainer Maria Rilke, Joachim Ringelnatz, Wisława Szymborska u.v.a.
Trusted PartnerNovember 2024
Sensory Tourism
Senses and SenseScapes Encompassing Tourism Destinations
by Ian Jenkins, Robert S. Bristow, Hilary Becker, Émilie Crossley, Sara Duerte, Carlos Ferreira, Carla Fraga, Elisa Alén González, Rubén C. Lois-González, Hairul Nizam Ismail, Sofie Scheen Jahnsen, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson, Claudette John, Margaret Kenna, Jaciel Gustavo Kunz, Katrín Anna Lund, Sharanya M, Chandru M C, Velvet Nelson, Nur Haizum Abd Rahman, Breixo Martins Rodal, Carlos Alberto Patiño Romarís, Lucia Rubio, Bidisha Sarkar, Deborah Slater, Patricia A. Stokowski, Philip Stone, Tim Taylor, Kathryn Terzano, Trinidad Domínguez Vila, Dr Pola Q. Wang, Aristeidis Gkoumas, Nur Hidayah Abd Rahman, Karen Davies
Tourism offers countless global locations, providing a multitude of sensory experiences. These include commercialised tourism products such as saunas and floatation tanks through to natural phenomenon such as mountains and wilderness destinations. Consequently, sensory elements are a curious concept within tourism because every destination provides a sensory experience of one kind or another. The first of its kind, this book examines holidays and tourism through sensory perceptions which either encourage or deter consumers. It studies sensoryscapes and how they effect and affect tourism at destinations and be linked with the development of tourist niches, reflecting the segmenting of the mass market tourism into smaller segments. Finally, it reflects on how with increased urbanisation there a growing need is to find quiet spaces, free from urban or anthropogenic noise, such as silent retreats and dark sky meditation holidays. Escape has always been one of the main components of tourism development together with attraction to spatial locations that match tourists' needs. Structed to address each of the senses separately, this book provides a: · wide range of case studies from interdisciplinary backgrounds · links amongst common themes across the various threads of research on sensory experiences · theoretical framework and practical application for sensory tourism. It will be of interest to those studying tourism management as well as wider social science disciplines.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2023
Heute gibt es Streit! Vertragen find ich gut!
by Andrea Schütze, Julia Weinmann
Mein Gefühl, dein Gefühl: Wir streiten und vertragen uns. Kennst du das auch? Die eine mag es gar nicht, wenn man ihr widerspricht. Damit kann sie gar nicht umgehen. Der andere traut sich nicht, laut zu sagen, was er will. So geht es auch Violetta und Pablo im Kindergarten der Tiere: Ein Sommerfest soll gefeiert werden, und die Orchideengruppe und die Kaktusgruppe bereiten es gemeinsam vor. Violetta, der freche Wirbelwind, und der ruhige, friedliche Pablo haben beide die gleiche Idee: ein Theaterstück – und sie wollen beide die Sonne spielen. Oh je, da droht Streit. Während Pablo es nicht gewohnt ist, für sich selbst einzustehen, kann Violetta schlecht damit umgehen, wenn sie Widerspruch bekommt. Doch die Tierkinder lernen, richtig zu streiten, mit ihren Gefühlen umzugehen und die Sicht des anderen zu verstehen. Am Ende finden sie einen großartigen Kompromiss, vertragen sich und werden sogar Freunde, die ganz toll zusammenarbeiten. Schau dir die unterschiedlichen Gefühle der beiden an: Drehe das Buch und klappe es in der Mitte aus – so sieht ein gelungener Kompromiss aus. Mein Wendebuch „Mit Gefühlen umgehen lernen“: Was sind Gefühle? Was ist ein Streit? Und wie lernt man sich zu vertragen? In diesem Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahren wird es verständlich erklärt. Ein Wendebuch, in dem unterschiedliche Emotionen anschaulich für Kinder dargestellt werden. Schau dir Perspektivwechsel und Kompromisse an – in einem Bilderbuch mit zwei Seiten und großen Aufklappern in der Mitte. Von „Maluna Mondschein“-Autorin Andrea Schütze einfühlsam erzählt.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Mein Tröstofant. Bald ist alles wieder gut
by Richert, Katja
Ein wunderschönes Pappbilderbuch, das durch eine außergewöhnliche Ausstattung begeistert: mit Formstanzung und Elefantenohr aus Plüsch! Egal, ob Maus Tigerstark und Streifenhörnchen Toni streiten, schlecht gelaunt sind oder sich wehgetan haben - der Tröstofant macht alles wieder gut! Denn er hat für seine Freunde immer eine gute Idee oder einen Rat parat. Und wenn es sein muss, zaubert der Tröstofant auch mal ein Trostpflaster aus seiner Tröstetasche. Kleine Vorlesegeschichten und lustige Gedichte trösten Kinder ab 2 Jahren und machen ganz schnell wieder gute Laune.
Trusted Partner
What a feeling!
Alles über die fabelhafte Welt unserer Gefühle | Die aus "Doc Fischer" bekannte SWR-Moderatorin und Ärztin über die Emotionen, die unser Leben bestimmen
by Fischer, Julia
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2017
Critical theory and feeling
by Simon Mussell, Darrow Schecter
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Trusted PartnerMarch 2021
Feeling fresh
Wie Kälte unser Immunsystem stärkt und wir uns rundum wohlfühlen
by Andrea Bianchi
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