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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2024

        The Simons of Manchester

        How one family shaped a city and a nation

        by Martin Dodge, John Ayshford, Diana Leitch, Stuart Jones, Janet Wolff

        The Simons of Manchester revives the history of one of Manchester's most influential families, the Simons. The book investigates the lives and public work of Henry and Emily Simon, and Ernest and Shena Simon. Through philanthropy and work in social reform, the two generations of the Simons greatly enriched Manchester's cultural and civic institutions, worked to improve the lives of its citizens, and helped to spearhead profound national reforms in health, housing, planning and education. While many people in Manchester are familiar with the Simon name through Shena Simon College, Simonsway, and the Simon Building at the University of Manchester, there is scant public knowledge of who the Simons were and their legacy. As such, this edited volume of collected essays aims to illuminate their fascinating lives and public service to rehabilitate the Simons and examine their local and national significance.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2011

        Sovereign states or political communities?

        Civil society and contemporary politics

        by Darrow Schecter

        Explores the ideas, meaning and history of civil society, its role in the 1989 revolutions, its role in new social movements and its relationship with the state and the economy.. Distinguishes between security and freedom and illustrates how the latter is a political issue.. Draws on the writings of a wide range of political thinkers including: Kant Hegel Feuerbach Marx Weber Schmitt Adorno Arendt. Offers sophisticated and illuminating analysis and seeks to redefine politics in new ways.. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Critical theory and sociological theory

        by Darrow Schecter

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        December 1995

        Peter Huchel

        Leben und Werk in Texten und Bildern

        by Peter Walther

        In den Erinnerungen von Freunden und Bekannten an Begegnungen mit dem Dichter entsteht ein Bild von der Persönlichkeit Huchels. Zugleich wird ein Stück jüngster deutscher Literaturgeschichte rekonstruiert.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        Critical theory and human rights

        by David McGrogan, Darrow Schecter

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Critical theory and demagogic populism

        by Paul K. Jones, Darrow Schecter

        Populism is a powerful force today, but its full scope has eluded the analytical tools of both orthodox and heterodox 'populism studies'. This book provides a valuable alternative perspective. It reconstructs in detail for the first time the sociological analyses of US demagogues by members of the Frankfurt School and compares these with contemporary approaches. Modern demagogy emerges as a key under-researched feature of populism, since populist movements, whether 'left' or 'right', are highly susceptible to 'demagogic capture'. The book also details the culture industry's populist contradictions - including its role as an incubator of modern demagogues - from the 1930s through to today's social media and 'Trumpian psychotechnics'. Featuring a previously unpublished text by Adorno on modern demagogy as an appendix, it will be of interest to everyone concerned about the rise of demagogic populism today.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2022

        Critical theory and dystopia

        by Patricia McManus, Darrow Schecter

        Critical theory and dystopia offers a uniquely rich study of dystopian fiction, drawing on the insights of critical theory. Asking what ideological work these dark imaginings perform, the book reconstructs the historical emergence, consolidation and transformation of the genre across the twentieth century and into our own, ranging from Yevgeny Zamayatin's We (1924) and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932) to Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1963) and Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games series (2000s and 2010s). In doing so, it reveals the political logics opened up or neutered by the successive moments of this dystopian history.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2003

        Claude Simon

        Adventures in Words

        by Alastair B. Duncan

        Introducing novels by the Nobel Prize for Literature author, Claude Simon, this text gives emphasis to peaks in his literary achievement: "The Flanders Road" (1960), "The Georgics" (1981) and "The Acacia" (1989). Alastair Duncan traces the development and recurrence of major themes, such as war, time and memory, and the constantly renewed inventiveness of Simon's manner. Duncan illustrates and comments on the various critical approaches which have been made to the novels over the years, from phenomenological interpretations, through structuralism to the autobiographical and psychobiographical approaches of the 1980s and 1990s. The text includes a chapter on Simon's most recent works ("Le Jardin des Plantes" 1997 and "Le Tramway" 2001).

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        Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge
        June 2017

        Critical theory and epistemology

        The politics of modern thought and science

        by Anastasia Marinopoulou. Series edited by Darrow Schecter

        This volume in the Critical Theory and Contemporary Society series explores the arguments between critical theory and epistemology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Focusing on the first and second generations of critical theorists and Luhmann's systems theory, the book examines how each approaches epistemology. It opens by looking at twentieth-century epistemology, particularly the concept of lifeworld (Lebenswelt). It then moves on to discuss structuralism, poststructuralism, critical realism, the epistemological problematics of Foucault's writings and the dialectics of systems theory. This unique work takes a comparative look at structuralism and post-structuralism's epistemological theory with special reference to scientific reason. It also investigates Luhmann's works in epistemology. The aim is to explore whether the focal point for epistemology and the sciences remain that social and political interests actually form a concrete point of concern for the sciences as well.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2002

        Zur preußischen Verfassungsfrage. Reprint. Hrsg. von Norbert Simon.

        Erstveröffentlichung in: "Deutsche Vierteljahrs Schrift. Erstes Heft. 1852". Verlegt durch W. Keiper Berlin, 1940. Besorgt und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Carl Schmitt. Mit handschriftlichen Randbemerkungen und Notizen von Joseph H. Kaiser.

        by Stein, Lorenz von / Epilog von Schmitt, Carl; Herausgegeben von Simon, Norbert

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Corona Chaos. Confessions from a pharmacist

        by Simon Krivec

        More than two years of pandemic is more than two years of corona clutter. Only a staggering level of helpfulness, improvisation and flexibility prevented the healthcare system from collapsing completely. In this highly topical book, pharmacist Simon Krivec tells of his incredible experiences and the stormy ups and downs of pandemic madness, missing masks and disinfectants, and the feeling of having been totally abandoned by a helpless state. We learn, for instance, of the short-term procurement of large quantities of ethanol and the transportation of the highly flammable substance, and just what lured the author – and 71,400 euros in cash – to visit the port of Neuss at night.

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        Children's & YA

        Ayélévi's Secret

        by Simon de Saint-Dzokotoe, Maryse Montron

        Little Ayélévi is very cunning. She always wins at the game of "Who would win the most beautiful flower." This situation intrigued his brother who wanted to understand the secret of these repeated successes. Ayélévi is very clever; will it still be for a long time?

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        August 2012

        Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan

        by Sabine Rahn, Andrea Offermann, James M. Barrie

        In "Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan" von Sabine Rahn erleben die Geschwister Wendy, John und Michael eine außergewöhnliche Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer verändern wird. Peter Pan, der Junge, der niemals erwachsen wird, und seine treue Gefährtin, die Fee Tinkerbell, erscheinen in ihrem Kinderzimmer und lehren sie das Fliegen. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise ins magische Nimmerland, einem Ort, an dem die Fantasie keine Grenzen kennt. Dort treffen sie auf Meerjungfrauen, Indianer und stellen sich der Bedrohung durch den berüchtigten Piraten Captain Hook. Sabine Rahns Neuinterpretation des zeitlosen Klassikers von J.M. Barrie macht diese fantastische Geschichte zugänglich für jüngere Zuhörer, ohne dabei den Zauber und die Spannung des Originals zu verlieren.Die wundervollen Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann ergänzen die erzählte Geschichte perfekt und fangen die Atmosphäre von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner eindrucksvoll ein. Durch die kindgerechte Aufbereitung und die lebhaften Bilder wird "Peter Pan" zu einem idealen Vorlesebuch, das Kinder in die Welt der Fantasie entführt und gleichzeitig wichtige Themen wie Freundschaft, Mut und das Heranwachsen behandelt. Sabine Rahn gelingt es, die Abenteuer von Peter Pan und seinen Freunden so zu erzählen, dass sie junge Zuhörer fesseln und inspirieren. Zeitloser Klassiker neu erzählt für kleine Zuhörer, macht die Geschichte von Peter Pan zugänglich und verständlich. Lebendige und detailreiche Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann, die die Magie von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner zum Leben erwecken. Kindgerechte Sprache und Aufbereitung, ideal für Vorlesestunden und als Einführung in die Welt der klassischen Literatur. Spannende Abenteuer und wertvolle Lehren über Freundschaft, Mut und das Erwachsenwerden, die Kinder begeistern und zum Nachdenken anregen. Hochwertige Ausgabe, die in keinem Kinderbuchregal fehlen sollte und die zu gemeinsamen Lesemomenten einlädt. Förderung der Fantasie und Kreativität bei Kindern durch die Einführung in die Welt von Peter Pan und Nimmerland. Ideales Geschenk für junge Leser*innen ab 4 Jahren und alle, die die Magie des Vorlesens schätzen.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex

        by Jeff Wallace, Ruth Evans, John Whale

        Acknowledged by many feminists as the single most important theoretical work of the twentieth century, Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex (1949) nevertheless occupies an anomalous place in the feminist 'canon'. Yet it has had an undeniable impact, not only on the development of critiques of sexual politics but on twentieth-century western thinking about the concept of 'woman' in general. This collection of six new essays by scholars from the disciplines of French, English literature, history, cultural criticism, feminist theory and philosophy makes a valuable contribution to the task of re-reading and reassessing this enormously influential text for a new generation of feminist readers, and also for cultural theorists, for whom the question of 'the feminine' is at the centre of key debates in philosophy and postmodernity. The contributors provide a significantly new rethinking of the place of The Second Sex in cultural history and of women and representation, the role of 'fictions' and the problem of ethical agency in the work of the leading intellectual woman of this age. ;

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