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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Emigrant homecomings

        The return movement of emigrants, 1600–2000

        by Marjory Harper

        Emigrant Homecomings addresses the significant but neglected issue of return migration to Britain and Europe since 1600. While emigration studies have become prominent in both scholarly and popular circles in recent years, return migration has remained comparatively under-researched, despite evidence that in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries between a quarter and a third of all emigrants from many parts of Britain and Europe ultimately returned to their countries of origin. Emigrant Homecomings analyses the motives, experiences and impact of these returning migrants in a wide range of locations over four hundred years, as well as examining the mechanisms and technologies which enabled their return. The book examines the multiple identities that migrants adopted and the huge range and complexity of homecomers' motives and experiences. It also dissects migrants' perception of 'home' and the social, economic, cultural and political change that their return engendered.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2025

        The return of the housewife

        Why women are still cleaning up

        by Emma Casey

        An illuminating look at the world of cleanfluencers that asks why the burden of housework still falls on women. Housework is good for you. Housework sparks joy. Housework is beautiful. Housework is glamorous. Housework is key to a happy family. Housework shows that you care. Housework is women's work. Social media is flooded with images of the perfect home. TikTok and Instagram 'cleanfluencers' produce endless photos and videos of women cleaning, tidying and putting things right. Figures such as Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch have placed housework, with its promise of a life of love and contentment, at the centre of self-care and positive thinking. And yet housework remains one of the world's most unequal institutions. Women, especially poorer women and women of colour, do most low-paid and unpaid domestic labour. In The return of the housewife, Emma Casey asks why these inequalities matter and why they persist after a century of dramatic advances in women's rights. She offers a powerful call to challenge the prevailing myths around housework and the 'naturally competent' woman homemaker.

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        November 1994

        Die Multioptionsgesellschaft

        by Peter Gross

        Die Moderne ist der unaufhörliche Versuch, die Kluft zwischen gelebten Wirklichkeiten und erträumten Möglichkeiten zu überwinden. Ihre Geschichte nimmt sich aus wie ein gigantisches ›Guinnesbuch der Rekorde‹. Immer schneller, immer weiter, immer mehr – so lautet die Devise in allen Lebensbereichen. Peter Gross analysiert die Verheißungen und Wiedersprüche des Fortschrittsgedankens in einer offenen Gesellschaft, die keine ernstzunehmenden Feinde mehr hat. Er beschreibt die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Folgen des unendlichen Begehrens nach ›Mehr‹. Er fragt, ob die abendländische Fortschrittslektion angesichts schwindender Ressourcen und knapper werdender Verteilungsspielräume relativiert werden muß. Er stellt zur Diskussion, ob die Anerkennung von Unterschieden, ob Differenzakzeptanz die Gegenformel sein könnte zur transpolitischen Programmatik einer endlosen Ausfaltung immer neuer Möglichkeiten und Teilhabehoffnungen. Peter Gross, Dr. rer. pol., geb. 1941, 1979-1989 Professor für Sozialstruktur im internationalen Vergleich an der Universität Bamberg, seit 1989 Professor für Soziologie an der Hochschule St. Gallen (Schweiz).

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        September 2012


        Antisemitismus nach Auschwitz in Polen

        by Jan T. Gross, Friedrich Griese

        Bei Pogromen gegen Juden wurden in Polen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg mehr als 1500 Menschen getötet. Woher kam dieser Haß? Wieso nahm der Antisemitismus derart aggressive Formen an? Jan T. Gross zeigt, wie sich der traditionelle katholische Antisemitismus durch die deutsche Besatzung radikalisierte und nach der Befreiung durch die Rote Armee fortbestand, vor allem im Glauben an einen »jüdischen Bolschewismus«. Der Autor schildert die Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb der polnischen Gesellschaft um das Verhältnis zu den Juden, er zeigt detailliert, wie es 1945 und 1946 zu den großen Pogromen von Rzeszów, Krakau und Kielce kam. Diese waren keine Erscheinungen am Rande der Gesellschaft, sondern sie fanden mit Unterstützung der Bevölkerung statt. Gross sieht im polnischen Antisemitismus ein Zeichen der »Angst«: die Angst vor den Rückkehrern und nicht zuletzt die Angst, den Besitz der jüdischen Nachbarn wieder zu verlieren, den man sich unter den Deutschen angeeignet hatte.

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        Veterinary medicine
        March 2013

        Animal Machines

        by Ruth Harrison, Marian Stamp-Dawkins

        Ruth Harrison's Animal Machines now a unique historical classic, had a profound impact on public opinion and the quality of life of farmed animals when it was published in 1964. * Reprinted in its entirety, gives an accurate, and sometimes shocking, account of intensive farming in the 1960's, still current in large parts of the world today. * Harrison's work greatly increased public awareness of animal welfare and led to legal reforms, shaping our closer understanding of farm conditions today. * Provides a fascinating insight into the system we continue to live with as the global population increases. * Includes foreword by Rachel Carson and new chapters by international experts in animal welfare including Marion Stamp Dawkins, discussing the book's significant legacy and impact today.

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        May 2010

        "Point of return"

        Großbritannien und die Politische Union Europas 1969–1975

        by Kreutzfeldt, Jens

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        German for Pharmaceutical Practice

        Communicate, research, present

        by Nadine Yvonne Sprecher, Annette Thomas, Annegret Lehmann and Anke Schichte. In collaboration with Christiane Schneider

        In the pharmacy, the staff communicate with customers, colleagues, the medical profession, sales representatives and nursing home staff. Pharmacy employees produce written information based on well-chosen sources and represent the pharmacy to the outside world through presentations, on social media, or with the help of flyers, posters and other promotional materials. All this presupposes the confident use of language, and is best trained in advance. Part A of this work provides assistance for the most diverse communicative requirements in the pharmacy. A short theoretical explanation is always followed by several tasks so that you can immediately put what you have learned into practice and try it out. The „Brief overview of grammar and language knowledge“ boxes point out linguistic stumbling blocks. Those who are not yet sure of the technical terms can make themselves fit in Part B. Here one learns how to conduct a good counselling interview according to the BAC guideline. Extensive lists of technical terms and their explanations suitable for everyday use – all arranged according to organ systems – contain the most important vocabulary for everyday pharmacy work. A totally practical German lesson!

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        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2025

        Tadeusz Kowalik and Poland’s return from socialism to capitalism

        Full circle

        by Gavin Rae

        Tadeusz Kowalik lived through ten decades and three economic and political systems in Poland. He combined his academic study of economic ideas with his socialist ideals of building a fairer and more just society. This book covers the intellectual and political work of Kowalik, within the context of modern Polish history. Kowalik was part of a Polish School of critical left-wing political economists, that included Michal Kalecki and Oskar Lange. Kowalik contributed to the body of work produced by this group, which included his interpretation of their work. Kowalik participated in some of the most momentous events in post-war Polish history, helping to organise a group of intellectuals to advise the shipyard workers at the Gdansk shipyards in 1980. He became a vehement opponent of Poland's neoliberal form of capitalism and left a body of work that illuminates our understanding of capitalism and socialism today.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth

        by Can Xue

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth, the latest novel by Can Xue, is a profound metaphor of her hometown. It follows her usual magical style in the sense that it vividly unfolds the complex and delicate inner world of the characters. The story takes place in the remote Wuliqu School, with such distinctive characters as Teacher Meiyong, Zhang Danzhi, Yutian, Xiao Man, Uncle Yun and Sha Men presented one after another. The personality and human nature exposed through unique dialogues enable the readers to feel a return to simplicity so that they want to explore human soul and nature and start in-depth reading and thinking. The book depicts petty matters in a great age. The author’s ambition is to create a feeling for the pattern of the whole universe through the structure of an ordinary tree leaf, and to unify the arbitrarily split world through the narration of various folk sundries so that different characters can all become the center of this unity and their performance can have a universality. As the only Chinese writer who has won the Best Translated Book Award in the United States, Can Xue was nominated for the foreign novel prize of The Independent of the UK and shortlisted in the Neustadt International Prize for Literature of the US. As the Chinese woman writer, whose works have been translated and published the most abroad, Can Xue has been called the most creative Chinese writer by overseas critics.

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        Wie Juden in Berlin die Nazi-Zeit überlebten

        by Gross, Leonhard

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        March 2019

        Heimat: Gemischte Gefühle

        Zur Dynamik innerer Bilder

        by Rainer Gross

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