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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2004

        Hören, lauschen, lernen 2 – Anleitung und Arbeitsmaterial

        Spiele mit Buchstaben und Lauten für Kinder im Vorschulalter – Würzburger Buchstaben-Laut-Training. Buch und Spiele compl. z. Vorzugspreis

        by Schneider, Wolfgang; Plume, Ellen

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2004

        Hören, lauschen, lernen 2 – Anleitung

        Spiele mit Buchstaben und Lauten für Kinder im Vorschulalter – Würzburger Buchstaben-Laut-Training

        by Plume, Ellen; Schneider, Wolfgang

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2004

        Hören, lauschen, lernen 2 – Arbeitsmaterial

        Box mit Buchstabenkarten, Bild- und Memory-Karten, Haptischen Buchstabenkarten, Dominokarten und Buchstabenwürfeln

        by Plume, Ellen; Schneider, Wolfgang

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2016

        Feather Robe

        by CAI Gao

        Feather Robe is an interesting tale of ethnic Miao, a Chinese minority. It tells a story that a beautiful woman called Cai came out from a painting and married the painting’s owner, a laborious and honest youngster. The emperor of that time attempted to hold Cai at first, later he ordered this couple to present a robe made of one hundred different birds’ feathers, or he would execute them. Cai worked it out with magic power and punished the greedy emperor successfully.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Poultry Feathers and Skin

        The Poultry Integument in Health and Welfare

        by Oluyinka A Olukosi, Ariane Helmbrecht, Victor Olori, Nick French, Sarah Lambton

        Based on the proceedings of a recent symposium, this book documents the significant developments that have been made in our understanding the importance of the integument to poultry species. It traces the development of the skin and feathers over time and discusses our current understanding of the integument's embryonic development. A broad range of studies are included, covering: genetics, welfare, health, nutrition, and management. The book provides a comprehensive yet concise summary of information that will be useful both in the poultry industry and for researchers in animal science and welfare at a postgraduate level.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Primary Health Care in Tanzania through a Health Systems Lens

        A History of the Struggle for Universal Health Coverage

        by Ntuli A. Kapologwe, James Tumaini Kengia, Eric van Praag, Japhet Killewo, Albino Kalolo, Maryam Amour, Mackfallen Anasel, Rutasha Dadi, Faisal Issa, Mwandu Kini Jiyenze, Godfrey Kacholi, Antony Kapesa, Leonard Katalambula, Anosisye M. Kesale, Stephen M. Kibusi, Amani Kikula, Erick Kitali, George Kiwango, Claud Kumalija, Hadija Kweka, Zarina Shamte Madabida, Abel Makubi, Chacha Marwa, Innocent Mboya, Romuald Mbwasi, William Mfuko, Chipole Mpelembe, Gemini J. Mtei, Oresto Michael Munishi, Castory Munishi, Elihuruma M. Nangawe, Harrieth P. Ndumwa, Frida N. Ngalesoni, Jackline E. Ngowi, Belinda J. Njiro, William Reuben, George M. Ruhago, Bakari Salum, Don De Savigny, Aifelo Sichalwe, Nathanael Sirili, Felix Sukums, Bruno F. Sunguya, Idda L. Swai, Marcel Tanner, Desderi Wengaa

        Robust health care systems are paramount for the health, security, and prosperity of people and countries as a whole. This book provides for the first time a chronicle of the struggle for, and eventual success of, universal health coverage (UHC) in Tanzania. Beginning with an introduction to primary health care in the country, from its historical foundations to the major milestones of implementation, this book then considers stewardship of this important aspect of health systems over time. Written in a way to allow the application of lessons learned to other countries' contexts, this book covers: - Policy and governance issues such as leadership, human resources, and financing of health systems; - Practical aspects of health system delivery, including supply chains, community care, new technologies, and the integration of services for particular population groups; - The impact and mitigation of global events on health systems, such as resilience and preparedness in the light of disease outbreaks or climate change, and social, commercial, and political influences. Concluding with a look to the future, forecasting the changes and new solutions needed to adapt to a changing world, this book is a valuable reference for policy makers, global health practitioners, health system managers, researchers, students, and all those with an interest in primary health care and reforms - both in Tanzania and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Magic Bird

        by Ken Spillman and Malavika PC

        A lone bird hungry for magic pecks at alphabet shapes. It looks through glass windows of book stores and glances at the t-shirts of pedestrians with the hope of solving the mystery hidden behind those letters. Soon, the words become familiar and the bird determinedly starts collecting scraps of paper to build a nest, wanting to hatch its ideas with warmth and nurture them through potential and free imagination. The unusual combination of Ken Spillman’s simple yet eloquent prose and Malavika PC’s inspired images combine in perfect harmony to express the powerful story of The Magic Bird. The bird reminds the reader of the extraordinary components which create something as ordinary as language, and the value of spreading our wings to take stories to others.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Sincere Peacock

        by Sri Ulina

        Oscar is a very pretty peacock with beautiful feathers, yet he is never arrogant. Meanwhile, Willy, a brown cockerel is jealous of Oscar's feathers and always bullies Oscar. One day, Willy is stuck in a bush. No animal wants to help him, except a certain beautiful peacock.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        December 2023


        A guided approach to asking better scientific questions in primary schools

        by Lynne Bianchi, Tina Whittaker

        This book brings a new classroom approach for primary teachers to teach the explicit knowledge of scientific question-asking. This is an essential skill when children are involved in finding out about the world around them through science enquiry. Challenging the assumption that because children ask lots of questions in science, this automatically leads to meaningful learning of the enquiry curriculum, QuBuild is important for all children developing as scientific thinkers. It outlines an approach to explicitly plan for, practice and develop the craft of scientific question-asking. Unlock your children's science learning potential by exploring the QuBuild Process.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Ein gewisser Plume

        by Henri Michaux, Kurt Leonhard

        Der Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieser tollkühnen Textsammlung – ein gewisser »Plume« – ist ein Meister der absurden Welterfahrung. Tut ihm sein Finger weh, wird er ihm von einem eifrigen Chirurgen amputiert. Bestellt Plume in einem Restaurant ein Gericht, das nicht auf der Karte steht, wird er in einem kafkaesken Spektakel von Polizei und Geheimdienst gejagt. Eine Königin nötigt ihn so lange zum Liebesspiel, bis ihr Gemahl das Schlafgemach betritt. Und in einem Augenblick dummer Zerstreutheit läuft Plume »mit den Füßen über die Zimmerdecke, anstatt sie am Boden zu behalten. Als er dessen gewahr wurde, war es leider zu spät«. Henri Michaux, Reisender in wirklicher und imaginärer Fremde und Experimentator verborgener Bewusstseinsräume, hat mit der Gestalt des Plume eine prägnante wie tragische Spielfigur seiner eigenen Phantasie geschaffen. Die Prosatexte, Gedichte und Kurzdramen des vorliegenden Bandes offenbaren die Absurdität unhinterfragter Glaubenssätze und Verhaltenscodices. Zugleich kann Ein gewisser Plume auch als Hommage an alles Abseitige, Komische und Verquere gelesen werden. Michaux, der sich zunächst den Surrealisten nahe fühlte, widmete sich nach seinen ersten literarischen Publikationen verstärkt der Malerei und Experimenten mit Meskalin, über die er später viel beachtete Bücher schrieb. Als Künstler nahm er mehrmals an der Documenta teil, 1960 wurde ihm auf der Biennale von Venedig der Einaudi-Preis verliehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        November 2013

        1 Angel Square

        The Co-operative Group's new head office

        by Len Grant

        This book charts the building of 1 Angel Square, the remarkable new head office for The Co-operative Group in Manchester's new NOMA district. Combining text and photographs to illustrate the building from commissioning to completion, Len Grant has interviewed the whole project team - clients, architects, engineers, project managers and builders - and has had unreserved access to document the creation of this already award-winning structure. The design of 1 Angel Square by the architects 3DReid, is currently the UK's highest BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) rated office building to date, and it is set to be one of the most sustainable buildings in Europe. 1 Angel Square, the book, is an intimate record of this fascinating building. Some of the impressive facts include: 3,157 internal and external window panels make up the façade; there are 10,500 data and power outlets; it sits on 539 foundation piles, with an average depth of 18 metres below ground; and there are approximately 22km of power cables. This book will be required reading for students of architecture and construction, sustainability studies and urban planning, and for those with an interest in the history of one of the world's great businesses. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Basic Monitoring in Canine and Feline Emergent Patients

        by Elizabeth J. Thomovsky, Paula A. Johnson, Aimee C. Brooks

        This book discusses the various basic monitoring techniques available for emergency patients. The book elaborates on and explains monitoring techniques that can be easily performed in basic ER clinics and primary care clinics. This includes blood pressure, capnography, ECGs, pulse oximetry, and point of care monitoring ranging from the physical exam to bedside diagnostic tests like PCV/TP, urine specific gravity, blood glucose, and lactate. Each chapter is structured in the following way: basic physiology as related to the monitor, how the monitor/piece of equipment works, pros and cons of the monitor/piece of equipment, when not to trust the monitor, and clinical applications/examples of how to use the monitor in clinical settings.

      • Trusted Partner


        by María José Ferrada

        Pop-up board book features riddles as poems about 7 feathers of birds (condor, flaming, hummingbird, penguin, owl, woodpecker, and pelican), and images that transform as you turn the page to reveal magically the answer.The final two pages briefly list additional information about each bird. Recommended by Book Trust, 2021 (UK), The Best of Banco del Libro, 2022 (Venezuela) and Ibby Medal, 2019 (Chile).

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        A Tale of The Black Square

        by Maria Bilinska (Author), Maria Bilinska (Illustrator)

        Where do artists get ideas for their paintings? The answer is obvious – objects, people, events – everything that surrounds us and that acquires new meanings in the eyes of the creator. In A Tale of the Black Square we are introduced to the world of Kazimir Malevich, and learn how the artist invented a simple geometric figure known all over the world, by rejecting the excesses of forms and colors, cutting off everything superfluous. A Tale of the Black Square is a story about paying attention to even the simplest, most banal things because they might suddenly inspire you to create.   From 3 to 5 year, 91 words Rightsholders: Taisiia Nakonecnha:;

      • Trusted Partner

        Fifty Six Thousand Square Miles

        by Humayun Azad

        Humayun Azad has not spoken of any person in this book. He sheds light on a country and a nation in extraordinary prose in the novel style. He presented a touching part of the present as well as the future. No one has been so bold about the land of the fifty six thousand square miles – Bangladesh. The truth is exposed in a candid manner. The artistic quality of the book is parallel to a very little in the Bengali literature.

      • Trusted Partner

        Up and Down

        by Johanna Selge

        The graphic novel uses expressive, humorousimages to make the topics ofmental health, depression and anxietydisorders in children and young peopleunderstandable. The first part of thenovel tells the story of 16-year-oldNoah.The second part provides informationto better understand mentalprocesses and strategies to deal withchallenges in a self-effective way. Withits preventative programme, “Up andDown” aims to strengthen the resilienceof all young people.

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