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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2024
Dog politics
Species stories and the animal sciences
by Mariam Motamedi Fraser
Do dogs belong with humans? Scientific accounts of dogs' 'species story,' in which contemporary dog-human relations are naturalised with reference to dogs' evolutionary becoming, suggest that they do. Dog politics dissects this story. This book offers a rich empirical analysis and critique of the development and consolidation of dogs' species story in science, asking what evidence exists to support it, and what practical consequences, for dogs, follow from it. It explores how this story is woven into broader scientific shifts in understandings of species, animals, and animal behaviours, and how such shifts were informed by and informed transformative political events, including slavery and colonialism, the Second World War and its aftermath, and the emergence of anti-racist movements in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The book pays particular attention to how species-thinking bears on 'race,' racism, and individuals.
Promoted ContentMay 2024
Breed Differences in Dog Behavior
Why Tails Wag Differently
by Renee L Ha, Tracy L Brad, James C Ha
Humans have bred dogs for physical and behavioral characteristics for millennia. These efforts can have unintended side effects, however, which may be either advantageous or cause issues - such as a predisposition to certain medical complaints, or, controversially, behavioural issues. The scientific study of domestic dogs is still in its infancy, but public demand for this information is at a record high as more and more pet owners seek to understand their canine family members. Focusing on the behavioral differences and tendencies that have arisen in different breed lines, this book explores, summarizes, and explains the scientific evidence on what breed can tell us about behaviour - and, crucially, what it cannot. This book covers: - the impact of inbreeding, how it contributes to problematic behavioral issues such as anxiety and aggression, and how it potentially affects the future health of the breed; - the limits of predicting a dog's behavior based upon breed, individual differences within breeds, and thus the corresponding limitations of breed-specific legislation; - guidance for professionals to help their clients better understand behavioral issues, traits, and appropriate expectations around the right breed for their household. Providing a comprehensive and approachable view of the science behind breed-specific behaviors, this book gives dog enthusiasts from all professional and personal backgrounds a better understanding of why dogs do what they do, and how we can improve our relationships with our canine companions. Covering genetics, phylogeny of canids, temperament, aggression, social behavior, and the history of dog breeding, it is an important read for researchers, students, veterinary practitioners and animal behaviourists, as well as shelter staff, dog trainers, or anyone looking for a greater understanding of dog breed differences.
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Children's & YA2014My Sheepdog Chiche
by Susana Aliano Casales
Chiche was a brown sheepdog that my grandfather gave my older brother for his birthday. When I was born, Chiche had already lived with us for a few years, so he was part of the family before me.
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Children's & YAMukha and Naida
A heartwarming tale of two stray dogs who embark on a series of adventures, eventually finding new loving homes
by Valentyna Duvan
6+ A touching story of two stray dogs in Kyiv who rely on chance and the kindness of caring people. Based on real events, the story encourages empathy, compassion, and highlights important societal issues. Selling points: - The importance of friendship and supporting loved ones- Encourages compassion towards stray animals- Demonstrates that a happy ending is possible even in the most difficult situations- Inspired by true events
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January 2023Dog King Dahei
by Mu Ling
The big black dog born from a female hound and a wild wolf is regarded by the mountain people as a sinful breed. In order for it to gain the power to survive, its owner has always suppressed its wolf nature. But the "wolfishness" has made him an excellent hunting dog. Rabies became an epidemic among domestic dogs, and overnight, they were treated as vermin. Dahei, who was loved by his master, escaped into the mountains and made friends with several other "lost dogs". Hunger drives them to hunt and join forces with herding dogs to fight wolves.
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July 2023One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia
A Collection of Local Experiences
by Vanessa Slack, Deborah Nadal, Sandul Yasobant, Florence Cliquet, Waqas Ahmad, Nihal Pushpakumara, Sumon Ghosh
Although an effective rabies vaccine has existed since 1885, rabies continues to kill an estimated 59,000 people, and uncalculated animals, every year. Sixty per cent of these human deaths occur in Asia. To work towards the global target of eliminating dog-mediated rabies by 2030, the rabies community is applying the One Health approach. Written by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and rabies control programme specialists, this book is a collection of experiences and observations on the challenges and successes along the path to rabies control and prevention in Asia. It: - Grounds chapters in solid scientific theory, but retains a direct, practice-focused and inspirational approach; - Provides numerous examples of lessons learned and experience-based knowledge gained across countries at different levels of rabies control and elimination; - Brings together and highlights the practices of a strong, international rabies network that works according to the One Health concept. Covering perspectives from almost a dozen Asian countries and a wide range of sectors and disciplines, such as healthcare facilities, veterinary services, laboratories, academia, public health institutes and wildlife research centres, this book is an invaluable resource for rabies scholars and practitioners, but also those working in the wider fields of disease control and cross-sectoral One Health.
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March 1998Werke. Herausgegeben von Frank Hörnigk
Werke 1: Die Gedichte
by Heiner Müller, Frank Hörnigk
Dieser Band I der Werkausgabe enthält neben allen Gedichten, die der Autor zu Lebzeiten in Büchern, Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und an entlegeneren Orten veröffentlichte, auch sämtliche 120 im persönlichen Archiv Heiner Müllers hinterlegten unveröffentlichten Gedichte. Erstmals wird hiermit das gesamte lyrische Schaffen des Autors im Zusammenhang vorgestellt. Heiner Müller hat an der Vorbereitung dieses Bandes noch selbst teilgenommen, Material gesichtet und geordnet. Es entspricht seinem Wunsch, daß diese Ausgabe dem Prinzip »brutaler Chronologie« folgt. Bitte beachten Sie: Der Band enthält zwei Gedichte, die nicht von Heiner Müller, sondern von Günter Kunert stammen. Es handelt sich um die Texte »Impressionen am Meer« und »Die Uhr läuft ab«. Der Fehler wird in der nächsten Auflage des Bandes korrigiert.
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January 2015Der Tag, an dem Michel besonders nett sein wollte
by Astrid Lindgren, Karl Kurt Peters, Kay Poppe, Kay Poppe, Peter Kaempfe, Frank Gustavus, Björn Berg
Immer, wenn Michel aus Lönneberga etwas angestellt hat, schnitzt er im Tischlerschuppen ein Holzmännchen. 97 Männchen hat Michel schon, und wenn er 100 hat, will er ein großes Fest feiern. Doch gerade jetzt hat Michel sich vorgenommen, besonders nett zu sein und nichts anzustellen! Aber dann kommen ihm eine Mausefalle und noch einiges andere dazwischen … Vorgelesen von Peter Kaempfe und untermalt mit vielen Geräuschen und Musik. Entdecke Oetinger Kinder-Hörbücher zum Mitfiebern und Träumen! Mit unseren Hörspielen für Kinder von 4 bis 8 Jahren werden die schönsten Kinderbuch-Klassiker von Astrid Lindgren lebendig wie nie zuvor, von Michel aus Lönneberga bis hin zu Lotta aus der Krachmacherstraße. Ob als Hörspiel oder als musikalisch unterlegte Lesung, mit unseren Hör-CDs tauchen Kinder in die kunterbunte Welt der berühmten schwedischen Kinderbuch-Autorin ein. Renommierte Sprecher*innen und eine sorgfältige Komposition machen jede unserer Audio-CDs zum Erlebnis für junge und jung gebliebene Hörer*innen. Dabei regen Hörbücher für Kinder die Fantasie an, erweitern den Wortschatz und fördern ganz nebenbei die Konzentration. Vom ersten Sonnenstrahl bis zum Einschlafen – ob zu Hause oder als Kinderbeschäftigung auf Reisen: Astrid Lindgrens Hörspiel-Geschichten begleiten Kinder jeden Tag aufs Neue dabei, die Welt für sich zu erobern!
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Dogs as petsNovember 2014Dogs in the Leisure Experience
by Neil Carr
This book explores the social and cultural constructions and debates of what are dogs and what is leisure. It looks at how working dogs play a significant role in leisure experiences such as ensuring the safety of air transport, and considers the differing roles and changing acceptance of dogs’ involvement in sport. Within the setting of the animal welfare and sentience debates, it examines the leisure needs of dogs and their owners. Providing an original contribution to our understanding of dogs as both participants and objects in the leisure experience, this book is a useful resource for researchers in leisure, hospitality and tourism.
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Children's & YAJanuary 2022Patron, the dog
by Zoryana Zhivka (Author), Bogdana Bondar (Illustrator)
Patron is a dog loved by children and adults alike, as he is the mascot of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the only goodwill ambassaDOG in the world, recognised by the UN Children's Fund UNICEF, and an awardee of Ukraine's Order of Courage medal for hiswork with sappers (military engineers) in defusing enemy explosive devices. This book is an autobiography as told by Patron, as Zoryana Zhivka and Bogdana Bondar translated dog language into human language for children of all nationalities - and Patron, the Dog is the result of their work. This little hero's story will inspire readers to dream, to believe, and to win! From 5 to 12 Years, 5112 words. Rightsholders:
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Animal pathology & diseasesDecember 2012Dogs, Zoonoses and Public Health
by Jonathan Artz, Alan Beck, John Bingham, Christine Budke, Ray Butcher, Bruno Chomel, Thomas J Daniels, Albis Francesco Gabrielli, Elly Hiby, Richard Halliwell, Tiny Keuster, Eric Morgan, Robert A Robinson, Karen Snowden, Dennis C Turner, Paul Torgerson. Edited by Calum N L Macpherson, François-Xavier Meslin, Alexander I Wandeler.
Zoonotic diseases constitute a public health problem throughout the world. Addressing a little-studied area of veterinary and medical science, this book covers viral, bacterial, protozoan and helminth parasites transmitted between humans and dogs, discussing population management, control disease agents and human-dog relationships. Fully updated throughout, this new edition also includes chapters on benefits of the human-dog relationship and non-infectious disease issues with dogs. It is a valuable resource for researchers and students of veterinary and human medicine, microbiology, parasitology and public health.
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September 2022Companion Animal Behaviour Problems
Prevention and Management of Behaviour Problems in Veterinary Practice
by Rachel Casey, Sarah Heath, Helen Zulch
Behaviour problems are a significant cause of companion animal relinquishment and euthanasia. This book provides up to date information about animal behaviour as well as practical advice on how veterinary practice professionals can manage undesirable animal behaviour and give down to earth, appropriate and trusted advice to owners. This book:· Covers the important aspects of behaviour in dogs, cats, rabbits and rodents, parrots and birds, as well as how this behaviour has adapted to the domestic environment.· Discusses the role of the veterinary practice in improving the emotional experience of animals attending the veterinary practice, including practice design, socialisation classes for young animals and effective communication with owners.· Covers the clinical decision-making process in managing the signs of undesirable behaviour, appropriately handling pets in the practice to minimise distress, as well as: behavioural first aid, referral to a specialist, medical influences on behaviour and decisions about euthanasia.This practical and accessible book gives all the essential information needed by veterinary professionals in order to advise clients on the behaviour and well-being of animals in their care.
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August 1978Das Kalte Herz
Und andere Texte der Romantik
by Manfred Frank, Manfred Frank
Einer Zeit, die sich vieles »zu Herzen nahm« und darum ständig vom »Herzen« sprach, war wohl bewußt, was das heißt: »ein Herz aus Stein in der Brust tragen«. Uns ist der Ausdruck immer noch verständlich. Aber kann man leugnen, daß er den Geruch des Antiquierten, des Frömmlerischen, zumindest des Gezierten angenommen hat? Allmählich muß das Selbstverständliche unselbstverständlich geworden sein. Wie geschah das? Offenbar im Verlauf einer Geschichte, von der die zünftigen Historiker wenig wissen, desto mehr aber die Dichter als die Historiographen der Schicksale der ›Seele‹. Der Zeitpunkt ist fast genau datierbar: Um die Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert beginnen verschiedene Schriftsteller, die man dem Epochenbegriff der ›Romantik‹ zuordnet, auf jeweils ganz verschiedene Weise damit, uns eine Geschichte zu erzählen, die gleichwohl immer das eine Thema hat: den Tod des alten christlich-abendländischen Herzens; seine Erstarrung; seine Entwertung; seine Ersetzung durch das unorganische Ding oder die Maschine. Eine große Rolle spielt das Geld. Es ist nicht nur der allgegenwärtige Mittler der Herz-Stein-Tauschoperation, von denen berichtet wird. Sein gleichsam autonomes Wachstum scheint die Produktivität des lebendigen Herzens in dem Maße zu beerben, wie das Herz selbst die kontrakte Metallnatur der Münze annimmt. Ähnlich ergeht es dem menschlichen Auge, welches seit alters als das Einfallstor der Seele gilt: durch das mechanische Artefakt eines »Perspektivs« ersetzt, wird es blind für das Beseelte und entdeckt seine Faszination für das Seelenlose, für Automat, Maschine und den Glanz des Geldkristalls. In seinem beschließenden Essay rekonstruiert Manfred Frank den sozialgeschichtlichen und ästhetischen Kontext dieser Wandlung und ihre Auswirkung auf Geschichte und Literatur der Gegenwart. Es zeigt sich, daß die Metapher von der Herzensversteinerung ebensooft wie in den Erzählungen der Dichter auch in den Texten der zeitgenössischen Ökonomen – als Symbol der Effekte
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May 2023Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs
by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach
Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations