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      • Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. GmbH

        Verlag J.H.W. Dietz is an independent publishing house founded in 1881 and located in Bonn. We focus on political and historical non-fiction and academic literature.

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      • Kynos Verlag Dr. Dieter Fleig GmbH

        Welcome to Kynos, Germany’s dog book specialists. We have been publishing books on dog training, dog behaviour, dog breeds, handling, sports, nutrition, health and other aspects of dog handling since 1980.  Our aim is to provide reliable, up-to-date and useful information to both dog owners and dog professionals. We carefully select our authors for their expertise and the use of dog-friendly methods only that are based on scientific knowledge on learning behaviour.  Our backlist counts approx. 250 titles and is expanding constantly with 10-12 new books each year. With its revenues from the book sales, we support the charity Kynos Stiftung Hunde helfen Menschen dedicated to the training of assistance dogs.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Food Composition Table for the Practice

        The small Souci/Fachmann/Kraut

        by Founded by S.W. Souci, W. Fachmann and H. Kraut. Revised by Dr. Petra Steinhaus. Edited by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich.

        ■ How many omega-3 fatty acids does salmon contain? ■ Which dairy product contains the most calcium? ■ How iron-rich is spinach, really? Whether calories, vitamins or amino acids – whether in field beans, bananas, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese or onion – it is all here. The compact edition of the time-tested „large SFK [Souci/Fachmann/Kraut]“ offers tested data on over 70 ingredients in more than 360 foods, systematically structured according to food groups. This edition with thousands of values has been completely revised and updated by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich. Extra: 32 summary tables cover more than 300 other, less common foods and allow for targeted, clear comparisons. 16 orientation tables provide information about foods with particularly high or low amounts of ingredients. Nutritional values, energy content, main components and ingredients displayed in uniform systematics and a practical format – just look it up!

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        The facts only Nutritionist knows

        by Wang Xufeng

        From the aspects of diet, lifestyle, sports, diseases, different groups of people, this book thoroughly expounds how to eat nutritionally and healthily. With concepts of nutrition and dietary plan, it is the best diet guide for your family.     内容简介 从饮食,到生活、运动,到疾病、人群,一书讲透吃对营养、吃出健康的生活经验,是全球千百万人都在践行的营养理念与膳食方案,是写给各个家庭的最佳膳食速查指南。

      • Trusted Partner
        Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        February 2002

        Nutrient Requirements and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaculture

        by Edited by Carl D Webster, Chhorn E Lim

        Good nutrition is fundamental to the success and sustainability of the aquaculture industry in terms of economics, fish health, high quality product production and minimizing environmental pollution. This book provides a unique, complete coverage of current information on nutrient requirements, feed formulations and feeding practices of commercially important aquaculture species cultured around the world. Each chapter contains detailed feeding information on specific species and is written by an expert nutritionist on that species. The book is of interest to those working professionally in the industry, graduate level students and researchers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        Weekly Plan of Starting food

        by Liu Changwei

        This book is a complete guide to starting food. It’s written by Liu Changwei who is a professional children dietitian. Baby’s parents can find the answers to the almost all of the fundamental problems easily, especially the weekly plans of starting food. There are 215 baby food recipes which are accumulated by Docter Liu by more than one year .These recipes can meet the nutrient requirements of baby( more than 6 months’ old ). There also are more than two hundreds attractive illustrations. Parents can find the nutrient information of each recipes from the topics easily. Delicious energy –giving food recipes are specially prepared for the sick baby. With the help of these recipes, baby can reply from the disease quickly.

      • Gardening
        September 2011

        Modern Technology in Vegetable Production

        by Pranab Hazra, A. Chattopadhyay, K. Karmaka & S. Dutta,

        This book deals with classification of different vegetable crops basic principles of different crop management practices viz, seedling management water management plant nutrient management pollination management IPM techniques integrated disease management biological management of diseases and weed management and modern production technologies of 29 important vegetable crops. Unique feature of this book lay on 190 coloured photographs on four important aspects of vegetable production viz,nursery management physiological disorder disease and insect pests of different vegetables crops. This type book dealing with modern vegetable production technology with extensive photographic documentation is the new addition in the teaching and demonstrative field of vegetable science. This book will be extremely beneficial not only for the students but also for the faculty members of the colleges and University technical personnel of the commercial vegetable farms planners extension and development officers and even nutritionists and dieticians will also get benefit from this book.

      • Medicine
        February 2017

        Nutrition and Growth

        Yearbook 2017.

        by Koletzko, B., Koletzko, B., Shamir, R., Turck, D., Phillip, M.

        Adequate nutrition is a crucial component for child growth. Under- or malnutrition may not only affect present and future growth, but also a child's ability to develop skills. Tremendous efforts are being made to try and understand the mechanisms leading to stunted growth, proper diet composition, and an appropriate rehabilitation diet for children suffering from under- or malnutrition in all age groups during the growth period. In this publication, specialists in nutrition and growth present some of the best studies from peer-reviewed journals published between July 2015 and June 2016. Each paper is briefly summarized and supplemented with editorial comments which evaluate the clinical importance of each article and discuss its application. This 'Yearbook' is an important tool for practicing physicians, including pediatricians, subspecialists in pediatric gastroenterology, metabolism and nutrition, and endocrinology. Nutritionists and dieticians, as well as other health professionals involved in the care of children, will also find this to be a useful resource.

      • February 2021

        Weaning is Yours!

        Practical handbook to your child’s auto-weaning

        by Carla Tomasini

        Weaning can be the scariest phase for a parent, but it’s actually simpler than it seems. We only have to engage our children into meals, to let them watch us and accomodate their behavior. They’ll let us know what they need. A practical and engaging handbook that answers every common question about weaning that might be worrying new parents. A fresh and effective approach to get through a worrysome phase, to enjoy meals and grow together. Weaning doesn’t belong to the pediatrician, to the nutritionist, to the influencer or to your neighbor telling you what to do: Weaning is Yours! Parents and children can take this important step together with confidence, this book will guide them in the discovery of eating well and safely. The «safe cuts» photographic atlas, clear pictures showing how to cut over 100 different foods to make them safe for the child to eat and avoid waste. Carla is a true authority in weaning and child nutrition, she reassures parents in the clearest way and clarifies any doubt they might have. This book’s approach is extremely practical, well supported by technical and scientific evidence, then made simple by a familiar style.

      • Speech & language disorders & therapy
        January 2007

        The Fun With Food Programme

        Therapeutic Intervention for Children with Aversion to Oral Feeding

        by Arlene McCurtin

        An eagerly-awaited resource, this programme provides exact prescriptions for therapeutic intervention with children who have aversion to oral eating, drinking and swallowing. For all those who ask 'How do I get this child to eat?' this is the answer! It is a practical, how-to manual for all professionals working with children who don't want to eat; either those totally tube fed, or those who eat selectively. An interdisciplinary programme, it provides comprehensive solutions across multiple areas. The programme is practical and easy to adapt, and can be used selectively or in its entirety. Contains assessment forms, outcome measures, session plans, case notes and activity suggestions – everything that the therapist needs. Designed to develop more efficient and effective services for disabled children with aversion to oral feeding, the Programme has also been used successfully to treat individuals with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Down's syndrome, sensory processing disorders, and those with complex medical histories but no overt diagnosis. The Fun with Food Programme is an extremely valuable and much-needed resource for all speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, dieticians & nutritionists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and parents who work with children with aversion to oral feeding.

      • Health Squad Guide to Health and Fitness

        by Paula Mee, Padraig Murphy, Karen Ward

        A three in one guide to health from a nutritionist, fitness expert and holistic therapist.

      • Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        The Children's Book of Healthy Eating

        by Kate Davies, Sophie Giles

        Written by nutritionist and expert author, Jo Stimpson, this book is designed to help children discover how much happier and healthier they can be when they eat the right foods and have a balanced diet. The principles shown will provide children with important life skills and an awareness that will guide them through the rest of their lives. Includes wipe-clean reward chart and star stickers to encourage and reward learning.

      • Drop the belly

        Lose weight and be fit with the new Mediterranean diet

        by Francesca Beretta

        The Italian nutritionist Francesca Beretta is presenting a new diet that, if combined with hydration and physical activity, is perfect to get back in shape. The new measure unit is the belt: for every month of this diet, the belt will be fasten one less hole. Five holes in five months. The volume explains how to set the diet and to continue on the path to reach the goals and keeping the results. In the book, there are many focuses and in-depth curiosities on how to pick the ingredients, the weekly diet schemes and many tasty andhealthy recipes.

      • Food & Drink
        September 2019

        Eat Up Raise Your Game

        100 easy, nutritious recipes to help you perform betteron exercise days and rest days

        by Daniel Davey

        Daniel Davey is the man who fuels many of Ireland’s elite athletes. As a performance nutritionist he has seen first-hand how consistently eating good food can lead to trophies, personal bests and incredible physiques. The good news is that it’s not just in elite sport that you can raise your game through diet. Here, Daniel translates the science of nutrition into easy-to-follow information and simple, delicious recipes that will help you align your food choices with your nutrition and energy requirements. In this book, you can choose from lower carbohydrate, lower calorie recipes for rest and recovery days and higher carbohydrate, higher calorie recipes to energise and fuel your body on exercise days. Whether you want to reduce body fat, increase muscle mass or simply eat food that makes you feel healthy, energetic, strong and confident, the recipes and information in this cookbook will ensure you are primed to reach your personal best.

      • Advice on parenting

        Nutrition for Children

        A No-nonsense Guide for Parents

        by Wyndham. Boobier

        How nice it would be to find a book about children's nutrition that was written for parents by a parent. Such a book would be straightforward, easy to understand, and would not be full of obscure facts and statistics. Written by a father and nutritionist with over five years experience giving lectures on nutrition and health promotion to parents and children of all ages, this is such a book. There is no claim for it to be the most comprehensive 'text' on nutrition, but it is written for parents and carers of children who are truly concerned about their health.   Contents include: Diet and Health - the Basic Building Blocks Vitamins Requirements of Pre-School Children Minerals Healthy Eating for School-Aged Children Physical Activity Healthy Eating for Adolescents Reading Food Labels Healthy Eating - The Balanced Diet Diabetes - Some Basics.

      • Entrepreneurship

        Millionaire Mumpreneurs

        How Successful Mums Made a Million Online and How You Can Do It Too!

        by Mel McGee

        Inspiring stories from some of the world's most successful mumpreneurs'Millionaire Mumpreneurs' isn't about traditional start-ups or entrepreneurs. It's not about setting up a coffee shop, selling stuff on eBay, or marketing your own brand of organic clothing. It's about a new form of internet-based business, where you market your knowledge and expertise.From the woman who created her venture with a toddler underfoot, to the stressed advertising exec turned nutritionist, to the lawyer who took a leap of faith, Mel conducts interviews and profiles each mumpreneur's individual story and the secrets of their success.Offering practical information and tips on how you can do it too, 'Millionaire Mumpreneurs' covers many aspects of building a virtual business at home: from social-media marketing and multiple incomes to fitting your business around your family life.Motherhood doesn't mean you have to limit your options and potential. Far from it! By becoming a mumpreneur you can take control of your working life and achieve business success for yourself whilst being there for your family.'Millionaire Mumpreneurs' is a guide for mums who want to know how to go about building a new kind of business from home and create their ideal flexible lifestyle.

      • Know Your Foods To Boost Immunity

        by Dr H S Prema

        Health indeed is Wealth. And a strong immunity is a must for sustained good health. How then do men, women, and children build their immunity? The answer is very simple, says Dr.H.S.Prema, a renowned Dietician and a Health Management Specialist. That the food we eat is the key to building strong immunity has been proclaimed to us since our Vedic times. The recent pandemic era witnessed people in general living in fear and constant mental stress. The Author could sense the fear among the public through the outpouring of questions on health and immunity into her mailbox. The focus of this book is to help build confidence among the public, like how to handle an unwarranted situation in a better way. Yesterday it was Covid 19, today it is Omicron, and tomorrow there might be something else that attacks our health. This book has four major divisions covering fundamental aspects, lifestyle disorders, how food gets poisoned, and finally, herbs that help promote body immunity. The book will surely address your concerns by finding the locally available food resources that Indians have been using for eons.

      • Neurotrition - Proper nutrition for a higher IQ

        by Günter Wagner, Dr. Siegfried Lehrl, Dr. Anja Bettina Irmler

        Whether you are intelligent or not depends only in part on your genes. New studies show that everyone can actively increase their intelligence themselves, with the right diet and targeted brain training. How this works is described in this two-volume work. For this purpose, nutritionist Günter Wagner and intelligence researcher Dr. Siegfried Lehrl developed the ABDD model: A stands for variety in nutrition, B for blood sugar stabilization, D for avoiding thirst and the second D for nutritive dopamine optimization in combination with brain jogging and positively motivating movement. Not only in increasing mental performance,Diet also plays an important role in maintaining them. This is what a guest post on Alzheimer's prevention is about. In addition to carbohydrates, phytochemicals from fruit and vegetables play an increasingly important role in optimizing nutrition. The ecotrophologist Dr. Anja Bettina Irmler shows that these promote the formation of new nerve cells and increase the activity of cells in brain regions that are responsible for memory and concentration.While this book presents the scientific basics, the practical book contains 5 IQ points more in 7 days, a compact program with specific exercises for brain training, delicious and tried and tested recipes and motivating exercise units to implement the ABDD model to increase IQ.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure


        Vintage Secrets

        by Laura Slater

        Ever wondered how Audrey Hepburn kept her elfin figure or the secret behind Ava Gardner’s knock-out curves? Hollywood Diet and Fitness turns back the clock to a time when movie stars ruled the world, revealing exactly what went into building the most beautiful bodies on the silver screen. From Clara Bow’s crash diets to Marilyn Monroe’s Yoga workout, the book is packed with tips and warnings from Hollywood’s golden age of glamour. Featuring beautiful photographs and vintage imagery, it takes a charming, accessible look at our timeless pursuit of the body beautiful.

      • Quick & easy cooking

        A Japanese Version of Beautiful Breakfast for Lazy People

        by Makiko Ono

        A Series Total of 150,000 Copies Sold in Japan! On an ordinary week day, breakfast is the least important meal for many of us. We skip it to sleep another five minutes. If anything, it's the same old cereal. Or we stop by the store near work to spare a few dollars on a doughnut and coffee. We get excited for lunch breaks and dinners, but never for breakfast.   But wait a minute, because what you're about to see in this book will change your view of breakfast at home. You might think a book about breakfast is only for people who are good at cooking or those who care to put aside the time for it. But nope, this book teaches lazy people how to put the LEAST amount of time and effort in it!   All 260 recipes in this little book have three things in common. They 1. take merely 5 minutes to make 2. require no dishwashing 3. perfect your morning mood!   From beautiful fruit sandwiches, monthly themed English muffins to cute little rice balls, various versions of Japanese-style miso soup and nutritious rice bowls... This delightful little book will help you to become the most clever and efficient morning cook. Keep sleeping those extra five minutes in the morning, because with these recipes, you won't need them! Love your mornings, love your life!

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