Know Your Foods To Boost Immunity

by Dr H S Prema


Health indeed is Wealth. And a strong immunity is a must for sustained good health. How then do men, women, and children build their immunity? The answer is very simple, says Dr.H.S.Prema, a renowned Dietician and a Health Management Specialist. That the food we eat is the key to building strong immunity has been proclaimed to us since our Vedic times.

The recent pandemic era witnessed people in general living in fear and constant mental stress. The Author could sense the fear among the public through the outpouring of questions on health and immunity into her mailbox.

The focus of this book is to help build confidence among the public, like how to handle an unwarranted situation in a better way. Yesterday it was Covid 19, today it is Omicron, and tomorrow there might be something else that attacks our health. This book has four major divisions covering fundamental aspects, lifestyle disorders, how food gets poisoned, and finally, herbs that help promote body immunity.

The book will surely address your concerns by finding the locally available food resources that Indians have been using for eons.

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Author Biography

Dr.H.S.Prema, a well-known Dietician based in Bangalore, Karnataka, has done a Ph.D. in Nutrition and has established a clinic exclusively for dietary treatment. It was the first of its kind that was attached neither to any corporate hospitals nor any multinational nutraceutical companies. She is the most sought-after dietician in Karnataka for her diets based on locally available foods without incorporating any supplements. Dr.Prema encourages the public to stick to cultural dietary practices.
Dr.Prema is also a columnist for various national papers, including Economic Times and Organiser, and participates regularly in TV discussions. Her Samvada videos are the talk of the town and have the highest subscribers in Karnataka.
In addition, she has written five books on nutrition and hundreds of articles for various newspapers. People follow her dietary advice and tips through her videos, Doordarshan, other TV, and All India Radio talks. In addition, Dr.Prema is also an avid traveller, and multiple magazines have published her travelogues. She has won many awards for her achievements in dietetics and health management.

Moonlight Books

Moonlight Books

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher Moonlight Books
  • Orginal LanguageEnglish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9789392756191 / 9392756194
  • Publication Country or regionIndia
  • Primary Price 300 INR
  • Pages152
  • ReadershipGeneral
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language TitleEnglish
  • Original Language AuthorsEnglish
  • Edition1st Edition
  • Copyright Year2021
  • Page size8"x5.25" (8"x5.25") inches

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