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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Humoral cytology atlas

        by Duan Aijun

        This book mainly introduces the morphological characteristics of body fluid cells and describes the cell pictures in detail. A total of 12 chapters, including serous cavity fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, joint cavity fluid, prostatic fluid/testicular hydrocele, sputum/alveolar lavage fluid/bronchial brush, gastric juice/vomit/gallbladder puncture fluid, puncture fluid /Skin scraping, eye/sinus discharge, vaginal discharge/amniotic fluid/tissue puncture fluid, urine, stool and rare types of body fluids

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Tetanus, Second Edition

        by Patrick Guilfoile, Ph.D.

        Tetanus is a very serious, potentially fatal disease that typically occurs in people who have not been vaccinated. Caused by Clostridium tetani, it generally enters the body through a deep wound in the skin, such as a puncture caused by stepping on a nail. While rare in the United States and other developed countries, tetanus kills approximately 300,000 people a year worldwide. Tetanus, Second Edition describes the characteristics of the disease, which includes powerful muscle contractions and a form of paralysis called lockjaw, and details its prevention and treatment. The historical background of the disease and the future trends of treatment and prevention are also covered. A better understanding of tetanus can help everyone take steps to make this disease even less common. Chapters include: Tetanus History of Tetanus Treatment of Tetanus Prevention of Tetanus Future Prospects Regarding Tetanus.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Celta and the Fallen Moon

        by Victoria Iver (Author), Victoria Iver (Illustrator)

        Celta and two rats live in a house near the old lighthouse. Every evening, the girl curls up in a big chair and reads fairy tales to her pets. But today the book had to be put aside - the Moon fell in her backyard! The unexpected guest is convinced that her business is useless and nobody needs it. So Celta sets out with Moon on a journey to prove that she is wrong. This kind and heartwarming story will give young readers faith in themselves and teach them that everyone in this world has value.   From 3 to 8 years, 1853 words Rightsholders

      • Advancing the Frontiers of Monetary Policy

        by Tobias Adrian, Douglas Laxton, Maury Obstfeld

        The book outlines efficient operational procedures, central bank communications, financial stability issues, and the importance of incorporating financial conditions in inflation-forecast targeting. It also reviews the experiences of Canada, the Czech Republic, India, and the United States. The analysis argues for assertive policies and maximum transparency, especially when long-term expectations tilt toward high inflation or deflation.

      • February 2022

        Graffiti & Co

        by Rémi Vidal

        A scribbling story, people will be talking about. As his dad is walking him to school one morning, Sasha comes across a weird message written in red paint on a wall : “Police, you are sausages”. In the next few days, several similar slogans appeared all around town. Do we have to seek and unmask the one who gets already called “the rude graffer” and most of all  : what does he want to say through his mysterious messages ?     A story in 4 episodes :   The rude graffer (08:10) Whether it is at school or at home, Sasha, Susie and their friends only hear about one thing : this “rude graffer” who causes turmoil all around town. His mysterious messages do not spare anyone : the police, fire-fighters, hairdressers and even gardeners…     Deflated (11:00) As if it wasn’t enough, a deflater barges in. Soon uncovered by Sasha, she confesses to him why she proceeds to attack car tires. Torn between disapproval and sympathy towards the deflater, Sasha doesn’t know what to do… Diving into her schemes or exposing her ?   Madam Lucette (09:54) What if the deflater was in cahoots with the rude graffer ? That is what Sasha is wondering. While the police runs in circles, he thinks he might have a lead to get to the “rude graffer”...      Uncovered (12:08) We thought the case was settling down but the graffer started defying kids in his messages. That was all it took to get Sasha and Susie, his best friend, to join their efforts to once and for all unveil the mystery…

      • Economics
        July 2021

        The Financial System Limit

        The world's real debt burden

        by David Kauders

        Why were economies sluggish before the pandemic arrived? Why have interest rates paid by businesses and households been rising even though deposit rates are nil? Does the policy of bailing out economies, now followed by most governments and central banks, bring any dangers? In The Financial System Limit, investment manager David Kauders puts forward three radical theories which together provide the answers to these questions. These theories show that Keynesian economics has gradually turned from a benefit to society, into a damaging scheme. Other economic policies are also not addressing the fundamental problem, which is the world’s inability to afford debts already created. The author challenges the existing academic and political consensus about how economies should be managed. The old arguments about sound money versus stimulus, as well as contemporary arguments that governments controlling their own currency can create as much credit as they wish, are fundamentally inappropriate to the deflationary world that we are moving towards. Whether you are a concerned individual, an academic, politician, banker or even a policymaker, read about a different view of the current financial orthodoxies, one that will provoke serious debate and even action. "Radical thinkers might have a point” was how the Financial Times described David Kauders’ first book The Greatest Crash: How contradictory policies are sinking the global economy. This new book offers further original thought.

      • Fantasy


        by Helen Harper

        Yuri, a half Japanese-half English girl, has struggled ever since her beloved father drowned when she was a child. The circumstances of his death were anything but natural - he was drawn into a storm by the sensual singing of a group of sirens and Yuri's life has been overshadowed by the threat of the gods of Olympus ever since. However, when she meets Ozzy, a soulful singer who goes on to become one of the country's biggest rockstars, she attempts to put her past behind her. Unfortunately, fate has not finished messing with her just yet. The second book in the Olympiana series, although able to be read as a stand-alone, Lyre follows the classic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice.

      • May 2023

        A Heretic's Manifesto

        Essays on the Unsayable

        by O'Neill, Brendan

        We need more heretics. Throughout history, it has been those brave enough to puncture the prevailing groupthink who have propelled society forward. But they are in shockingly short supply today. In this collection of original essays, Brendan O’Neill remakes the case for heresy – and commits a few heresies of his own along the way.

      • Biography & True Stories


        by Abi Palmer

        A young woman spends a month taking the waters at a thermal water-based rehabilitation facility in Budapest. On her return to London, she attempts to continue her recovery using an £80 inflatable blue bathtub. The tub becomes a metaphor for the intrusion of disability; a trip hazard in the middle of an unsuitable room, slowly deflating and in constant danger of falling apart.Sanatorium moves through contrasting spaces — bathtub to thermal pool, land to water, day to night — interlacing memoir, poetry and meditations on the body to create a mesmerising, mercurial debut.

      • November 2020

        The Science of Why, Volume 5

        Answers to Questions About the Ordinary, the Odd, and the Outlandish

        by Jay Ingram

        Have you ever wondered if octopuses are from outer space? What Mexican jumping beans are? Or if banana peels are really slippery?   If questions like these are keeping you up at night, you can rest easy. Bestselling author Jay Ingram is here to answer all the whimsical and whacky wonderings that have baffled people since the dawn of time. From our bodies to our pets (and other beasts) to the natural world around us, Ingram tackles science topics big and small, such as:Did dinosaurs sit on their eggs?What is our funny bone?Is there a specific muscle that makes dogs cute? Because who hasn’t pondered whether plants have feelings? Or if Robin Hood was a real person? Or what humans will look like in the future? Teeming with amusing answers to bemusing questions and handy and hilarious illustrations this latest volume separates fact from fiction, lesson from legend, and myth from marvel. Endlessly illuminating and entertaining, The Science of Why, Volume 5 is five times the fun for new and old readers of the series.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Cheated twice by a fox / 再被狐狸骗一次

        by Author: Shen, Shixi / 沈, 石溪

        Animal novels are more attractive than other types of novel, because the subject is more likely to puncture the human culture’s shell and all sorts of hypocritical representation of civilization, there can be no conceal and directly show the original ecological life, which ugly and beautiful are fused together. / "再被狐狸骗一次"是一本动物小说,动物小说之所以比其他类型的小说更有吸引力,是因为这个题材最容易刺破人类文化的外壳和文明社会种种虚伪的表象,可以毫无遮掩地直接表现出丑陋与美丽融于一体的原生态的生命。

      • Thriller / suspense
        June 2014

        Global Raider

        by Jame McKenna

        When the American Air Force conducts final tests on Global Raider, the new unmanned bomber capable of deploying missiles from the outer stratosphere, terrorists close in to steal the aircraft and cause a major disaster.  On advice from the Security Services, Juliet Walsh, daughter of Wat Walsh, Global Hawk’s manufacturer, is sent to a safe house in Britain under close protection of her bodyguard Lisa, and Seb, a young SAS officer, to whom she becomes attached.  But betrayal, deceit and corruption allow Juliet’s abduction.  Seb is blamed, but is the real enemy Lisa or head of Walsh Security?  While Global Hawk flies towards the Middle East with its deadly load of missiles, two sides wrestle for control as Seb hunts for Juliet and her abductors.  Can her father allow the murder of his only child for the sake of American prestige, or will one innocent life be sacrificed to the intransigent hatred between terrorists and US government?  Only Seb can change the balance, but who does he trust?

      • Agriculture & farming

        The Right Colour

        by Andy Frazier

        This touching tale tells of a calf born in a pedigree Aberdeen Angus herd, an unusual calf that although is black in colour, is the wrong kind of black. Her times of hardship and degradation evolve her into a somewhat exceptional character. Now an old lady nearing the end of her life she tells her own extraordinary and comical tale of her exciting journey towards fulfilling her destiny.

      • Fiction

        Pieces of a Puzzle

        by Jenny Gill

        Baby Boomer fiction - No 1 in the Southhill Sagas, set in leafy Surrey, to the south of London, though each book stands alone.   Happily married Alison and Mark are chatting about their coming holiday. She goes to the kitchen to finish supper preparations. When she comes out he has disappeared without a trace, taking nothing with him. She never sees him again. Then 17 years later a solicitor's letter starts her on a search for answers. She needs to piece together the whole puzzle in order to put it behind her and get on with her life. The story is told in two main interleaving threads, one from when Mark vanishes, the other from when Alison receives the letter from the solicitor, interspersed with flashbacks to her life with Mark and earlier happier times. A family saga of love, loss, despair, betrayal, and above all hope.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2020

        Zoe, Max and the Bicycle Bus

        by Steven Herrick

        The sun is shining and today feels like an adventure, only one I can go on whenever I want because I have a bicycle and friends and a city just waiting to be explored.   With their new teacher’s help, the kids in class 5D ride to school together in a bicycle bus. Olivia can fix a puncture in no time and Max can ride on one wheel. Lily wishes she wasn’t quite so wobbly and Jordi’s been waiting forever to ride on the road. Dylan has a speedy getaway from alley cats, Dabir’s glad to be part of a group and Zoe’s bike even has a name (Esmeralda). Everyone loves their new way of getting to school.     But there’s a narrow stretch on Fisher Road with no white line to separate the cyclists from the traffic. Zoe and Max decide they need to make it right, even if that means breaking a few rules.     Award-winning author Steven Herrick’s latest verse novel is an uplifting ode to bike-riding, the environment and fixing the future.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Lion to Stray / 雄狮去流浪

        by Author: Shen, Shixi / 沈, 石溪

        Animal novels are more attractive than other types of novel, because the subject is more likely to puncture the human culture’s shell and all sorts of hypocritical representation of civilization, there can be no conceal and directly show the original ecological life, which ugly and beautiful are fused together. The human culture and the social civilization will update with the change of time. But the spirit core of cruel competition, pertinacious survival and seek refulgence are never changed in life. Therefore, animal novel has more reason to win the heart of readers, but also has more reason to seek immortality. / "雄狮去流浪"内容简介:动物小说之所以比其他类型的小说更有吸引力,是因为这个题材最容易刺破人类文化的外壳和文明社会种种虚伪的表象,可以毫无遮掩地直接表现丑陋与美丽融于一体的原生态的生命。人类文化和社会文明会随着时代的变迁而不断更新,但生命中残酷竞争、顽强生存和追求辉煌的精神内核是永远不会改变的。因此,动物小说更有理由赢得读者,也更有理由追求不朽。

      • Women's Fiction
        August 2013

        Stanley Park

        by Racine Hiet

        STANLEY PARK by Racine Hiet: Forced into a bloody crime by Ace, an isolated girl April buries her past until passionate love drives her to uncover dark secrets and free his hold on her. “Hiet skillfully introduces and intertwines her characters’ lives and passions in a riveting tale of mystery, murder, deceptions, love discovered, love lost. Chronicling several lives from the 1930s to 1960s, Hiet writes energetically, evocatively. Her descriptions and use of metaphor give subtle insights into the characters (and make another writer envious). Stanley Park becomes the symbol intertwined throughout the characters’ lives. The park represents for them escape, renewal of self-nurturance, life-changing liaisons, and courageous revelations. Stanley Park, a powerful thread, becomes the place of dreams proclaimed, true selves revealed, and ultimately freedom from their physical and psychological prisons. In Stanley Park, Hiet faces head-on the abhorrent aspects of life, its physical and emotional cruelties, its disappointments, and its ability to bring out the worst in people. Yet, anchored always in the beauty and freshness of Stanley Park, with the major characters finally finding what they seek, her vision is one of hope and love.” To hear briefly about STANLEY PARK click

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