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      • RANOK Corporation

        RANOK is the leading publishing house of Ukraine dealing with educational and children's literature. It also covers adult fiction and non-fiction/business sectors. RANOK has been working on the international market for over 20 years and has a long history of successful cooperation with many publishers around the world.

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      • Fiction
        July 2020

        El sonido de un tren en la noche

        by Laura Riñón Sirera

        Clementina had the story of her life written before she was even born and it seemed happy, fortunate and privileged. Born into a family of the Madrid nobility she was always a happy child. But her grandmother, the spiteful, had already warned those around her, when she heard them talk about how the little girl didn’t cry, that “if she wasn’t crying now, she would do so in the future”. She had just turned sixteen when everything her family had planned for her was frustrated by the quirks of fate and her only way out was to escape. The first chapter of her new life starts here, already changed into a new person. A story of acceptance of her new self, of reconciliation with a solitude that will accompany her around the maps where she chooses to get lost, Madrid, Valencia and the United States. This is then story of a never-ending journey of a woman that could’ve had it all and was forced to forget her past to become a different person, one she had to embrace. Life teaches her a valuable lesson: in the escape the coward shows his courage. Clementina tenía los renglones de su historia escritos antes de nacer, y su vida se auguraba feliz, afortunada y privilegiada. Nacida en el seno de una familia de la nobleza madrileña, fue una niña alegre desde su nacimiento. Pero su abuela, la Rencorosa, ya lo advirtió a su entorno cuando oía comentarios sobre lo poco que lloraba la pequeña, «lo que no llore ahora, lo llorará cuando sea mayor», gruñía entre dientes.Apenas había cumplido los dieciséis años, cuando la vida que su entorno había planeado para ella se vio truncada por los caprichos del destino, y su única salvación fue la huida. Comienza entonces a escribir el primer capítulo de su segunda vida, ya convertida en otra persona. Una historia de búsqueda y de aceptación de su nueva identidad y de reconciliación con la soledad junto a la que se desplazará por los mapas en los que elige perderse, Madrid, Valencia y Estados Unidos.Esta es la historia del viaje interminable de una mujer que pudo tenerlo todo y que se vio obligada a olvidar su pasado para convertirse en otra persona, con la que tuvo que aprender a convivir. Una mujer a la que la vida enseñó que en la huida el cobarde demuestra su valentía.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • September 2020


        by Desirée Acevedo, Silvia Álvarez

        La niña colibrí tuvo un sueño, un sueño que parecía lejano, inalcanzable.  Sin embargo, decidió seguirlo. Frente a ella había un camino lleno de obstáculos, pero también un camino de apoyo indispensable: ¿logrará recorrer este camino para cumplir su sueño? Niña Colibrí es una historia de logros, coraje y esperanza, inspirada en el proyecto "La Luz de las Niñas" de la ONG Entreculturas.  El colibrí es un símbolo de la resistencia de los 31 millones de niñas que luchan por tener acceso a la educación que les brinde un futuro mejor.  Un porcentaje de las ventas de este libro está dedicado a este gran proyecto.

      • Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        Micaela's Confession

        by Cecilia Curbelo

        Micaela opens her Twitter and finds herself reading one word that destroys her: traitor. The worst part is that the accusation is from her best friend, Constanza. From that moment, she begins to relive the moments in history that caused her to act the way she did. In that journey of memories and thoughts, of struggles and confessions, very painful secrets will come to light. What will you do in the end? Her destiny depends on what you decide!

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • Christian theology

        The Practice of Theology

        An Introduction to Theological Reflection and Its Main Figures

        by Ángel Cordovilla

        What is theology? Anyone who tries to answer this question is invited, first of all, to practice such singular science. In order to do so, she or he will have to visit the loci where theology is made, to understand the essential forms it has adopted throughout history, and to deepen into the topics its inner configuration calls for: God’s revelation, human faith, Church, Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium.  This introduction to theological reflection is written from the conviction that theology owns a unique word that only theology can say and propose as a service both to the Church and to society.

      • Libelo de Sangre

        by Sandra Aza

        Madrid, winter of 1620. The happiness of the marriage formed by Sebastián Castro, a renowned clerk of the Villa, and Margarita Carvajal staggers when both become the main suspects of a blood libel: lawsuits that blame the Jews for sacrificing Christian children to collect their blood and whose jurisdiction belongs to the Holy Inquisition. With the bonfire hanging over them, their son Alonso, a thirteen-year-old boy, begins a desperate search for a way to save them, a purpose that tears her out of her warm existence and shows her the ice of life. In spite of everything, three headlights turn on light in the shadows of her misfortune: friendship, hope and a dream. Friendship is provided by Juan and Antonio, two rogue vagabonds. Hope beats in a bag full of money that seems to be pulling the strings of destiny. And the dream awaits him in college, where he plans to study law, become a lawyer, and exercise a law capable of preventing innocent people like his parents from suffering the rigors of injustice. Blood Libel is a fascinating story of love and friendship set in Madrid during the Golden Age, a vibrant but bleak time in which, while faith in God lit hearts, crimes against it lit bonfires.

      • November 2015

        Una historia en imágenes

        1957 - 1973

        by Aurelio González

        Las fotografías de este libro guardan un doble secreto; una increíble historia de resistencia y tenacidad. Los negativos, escondidos por Aurelio en 1973 para evitar que las fuerzas represivas los destruyeran, fueron recuperados 30 años después. La humedad del escondite, en vez de estropearlos, selló las latas y los mantuvo a salvo. Ya vuelto del exilio, Aurelio los buscó en varias oportunidades en el lugar donde los había ocultado y sus alrededores, sin lograr encontrarlos. Un niño los descubrió. Jugaba con ellos sin que nadie supiera y volvía a dejarlos donde los había hallado. Un día el niño, ya grande, se encuentra con un fotógrafo, le cuenta su historia y este ata cabos. Aurelio nunca perdió la esperanza de recuperar esta porción de historia en formato de negativos que vencieron el tiempo y las dificultades. Todas estas fotografías fueron tomadas, desde 1957 a 1973, para el diario El Popular en su primera época hasta su clausura por la dictadura cívico-militar. Son imágenes que nutren la memoria colectiva sobre la historia de las peripecias de un pueblo en su lucha por lograr mejores condiciones de vida y su resistencia ante el autoritarismo.

      • Children's & YA


        by Beatriz Esteban

        One day they told me: “Leire, don’t goto the jail, there are dangerous people in there.” And I surprised them when I an-swered: “And outside as well.” Set in a women’s prison, Prisoners nar-rates this reality from two opposing points of view: that of Leire, who goes there as a volunteer, and that of Azaha-ra, locked up for a terrible crime. After publishing her first novel when she was twenty, the author was a volun-teer in a summer camp for the prison-ers of the Picassent Prison, the largest prison in Spain.

      • February 2023

        Cómo cocinar un lobo

        by Magalí Etchebarne

        Over a year, she goes from daughter to poet, and the verses become blows of memory of the last things but also the first. It’s about traversing “a rope over the precipice,” sniffing every corner like a hound, knowing that even then, scent trails run cold and that voices that remain only on a cassette may sound different from one’s own memory. It's to assemble a lexicon of gestures, moles, invented words, insignificant things, and bird food. This is how you cook a life, how you process legacies and silences: over a low fire, cooking the ghost wolf.  Marina Mariasch

      • 2022

        La puerta del mar

        by Miren Agur Meabe

        The night her mother died, Elora saw a flash of purple lightning from the window of the Saint-Étienne hospital. She instantly understood that the flash was her mother's flame, recently freed from the world. And, at the same time, she saw a figure draw itself on the glass fogged up by the winter cold: a heart. And the fact is that Elora, like her mother before her, like her grandmother, with whom she must move, possesses a gift that makes her special, intuitive, wise... Like so many women from other times and places, grandmother and granddaughter will have to survive together and be strong. And Elora will discover more than one secret in her new home, on the strange Île Cormoran, the island of the cormorants.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        Live only

        by Sara Montesinos and Martí Albesa

      • Interactive & activity books & packs


        by Sofía Guerrero Zepeda, Juan Francisco Bascuñán Muñoz, Loreto Salinas Retamal

        This bilingual Spanish-Mapuzugun story, based on the Mapuche tradition, tells the story of Nawel, a boy who was raised by the animals of the forest in southern Chile, learning their language and also that of the non-living elements of nature, such as wind, thunder and water. The puma gets sick from drinking water contaminated by waste from the city and Nawel is called in to solve the problem, by teaching its inhabitants to take care of the environment, which ultimately means a healthier life for themselves. The book also presents an attractive game with illustrations of different animals and a mini dictionary that teaches the names of the animals in Mapuzugun.

      • Science fiction

        Psique La sombra del espíritu

        by Iván R. Sánchez

        Grace has been told what to do during her whole life. Her mother has dragged her from one place to another through life without any consideration for her. No one understands her and she lives constantly bored. In a twist of fate, she arrives in a big city. There she discovers friendship, love, but also who she is. Her father, who disappeared since she was very young, left her some letters to be handed out after her fifteenth birthday. Now, close to being sixteen, not only will she painfully discover what it means to grow older, but also what lies inside her. The horror will appear in her life with each day before that celebration. A spiral of events unleashed by the shadow of the spirit that promised her that from there on, nothing would be the same. This story, from the PSIQUE universe, tells the vicissitudes of a teenager tormented by a specter: her father. Enclosed by maternal protections. Subjected to the banality of a world she does not want to belong to. It is a reflection on life, freedom and family, within a background in which there are mysterious deaths and in which people are much more than they appear to be. A world where the mind can reach and overcome any limit.

      • October 2013

        El silencio de los pájaros

        by Horacio Cavallo / Gonzalo Delgado

        Para salvar su vida, un hombre decide salvar la de los demás.Una solitaria mujer recibe las esperanzadoras cartas de un admirador secreto.Padre e hijo viajan al pasado con una caja de cenizas en las manos.Un músico ciego recorre a tientas un pequeño pueblo del interior.Un poeta ignoto le entrega el más valioso regalo al hombre que lo iluminó con sus palabras.Un grupo de niños planean un mágico rescate.Un abuelo, su nieto y un perro ven lo que el río devuelve a los hombres, mientras los pájaros callan. En los siete cuentos de este libro, Horacio Cavallo construye un mundo de particular sensibilidad gracias a la calidad sugestiva de su prosa. Las vidas de los personajes que habitan ese mundo son antiguas, vidas que han llegado a un punto en el que un solo gesto de bondad, de sencilla ternura, puede devolverles una parte de su fuerza original. Mucho tiempo después de que el lector haya abandonado estas páginas, esos personajes continuarán en su memoria, buscando nuevas oportunidades de redención, y, quizá, encontrándolas. Un nuevo relato se añade a los siete que conformaban la primera edición de este volumen. Se trata de «El sabor de la nieve», originalmente publicado en el libro colectivo Exposición múltiple (Alter Ediciones, 2015), un texto que, además de ser una prodigiosa muestra de técnica narrativa, alcanza una gran hondura emotiva y se ubica entre las mejores piezas breves del autor. El nuevo conjunto amplía así los márgenes de su universo simbólico y ofrece nuevas posibilidades de diálogos cruzados. Cabe señalar que luego de obtener el Premio Nacional de Narrativa Édita del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura en 2015, varios de los relatos de este libro han formado parte de antologías en diversas lenguas.

      • Fiction
        April 2017

        Los pecados de Victoria

        by Giovanna Zuluaga

        My knees were shaking so I collapsed face down on the rug, feeling its texture and a distant smell of lavender. I moved with his urgent pace, in a perfect and harmonious copulation, until we came almost at the same time. We remained silent, while our breath calmed down, his chest on my back, all his skin adhered to mine. [...] Victoria is not the ideal protagonist of a book, because she is far from being the perfect, virginal and innocent woman who abounds in contemporary stories. She has a love-hate relationship with sex and with men, as well as a vulnerable and masochistic personality. Classified by its author as a "dramatic erotic" book, "Victoria's Sins" is a story based on real events, it is told in first person, intimate, personal, sometimes exciting, because of the stories it narrates, and other times sad, because of the situations that the protagonist must confront in her desperate search for happiness.

      • Historia de las feminazis en América

        by Sidharta Ochoa

        A catalog of misdeeds, absurd situations or violent, using sites and contexts perfectly locatable in reality, with characters from fiction in regards to feminism. In this book the resource of facing what is called objective with fiction, to show that its boundaries are much blurrier than we like to suppose.Edgar Krauss

      • November 2007

        Herencia de milagros

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-2-3 Titel “Herencia de milagros”. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela Un anhelo de descendencia termina por enfrentar dos hombres y sus respectivos territorios geográficos. Para C. Abarca, un mulato suramericano que aterriza en Suiza con el propósito de cumplir su parte como macho reproductor estipulada en un contrato, esa descendencia futura, sus genes trasteando un apellido y una nacionalidad ajenos, contribuirá sin él poderlo impedir a perpetuar la desigualdad que le permitió a otro negociar aventajado su simiente.  Para F. Spinelli, descartada por enfermedad su capacidad de reproducirse, el resultado esperado, un ser humano, planeado como un recurso hábil y negociable para salvar su matrimonio, esa misma descendencia representa incluso antes de concretarse una hormiga miserable y aventajada con una tendencia congénita al abuso, un subdesarrollado irresponsable sin redención posible. Para Adela, la futura madre, el anhelo legítimo de tener una descendencia es el detonador de una fantasía que la lleva a revivir su primer amor, C. Abarca, en su país de orígen, a enquistarlo adrede en la mente de su marido enfermo como el único semental permitido, a convencerlo de traerlo a Suiza como una compensación a otro tipo de abuso con ella como víctima.  Sin embargo, al momento de horizontalizar el negocio, ella ya no es más la mujer linda y joven, su marido resulta siendo un suizo falsificado y el macho reproductor ya no reproduce. C. Abarca anda atareado sumando milagros y amuletos para dejar tras él una Herencia de milagros. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter




        Tras el término de la Guerra Civil de 1891, el desierto del Norte Grande chileno se ha convertido en tierra fértil para la llegada de aventureros, contrabandistas y bandoleros, todo en busca de un solo objetivo: obtener la riqueza que yace bajo el suelo atacameño. Allí, en medio de la pampa, las historias del Flaco, la Rubia y el Indio se entrecruzan, mientras la oficina salitrera Santa Fe se alza como el escenario perfecto para una trama marcada por la cuestión social, los engaños, la rapidez del gatillo y la sed de venganza

      • Geography & the Environment
        November 2021

        Shout out what is silenced

        A young eco-social activist gives voice to what the Climate Summits silence.

        by Alejandro Quecedo del Val, Marina Garcés

        "Alejandro Quecedo del Val points to the need for a reform of being and feeling that connects us again with nature." - foreword by Marina Garcés   Gritar lo que está callado (Shout out what is silenced) is written by a 19-year-old who has attended climate summits representing Spain.   It is not just another book about climate change, it is a book that reveals what is on the fringes of the climate summits, what prevents the fight against climate change from progressing. The invited and silenced young people are the example of the smoke screens that are created in the information of the disaster, for example with the Greta Thunberg phenomenon.   Under the slogan Uniting the world to tackle climate change, the next United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) — held in Glasgow (United Kingdom) from November 1 to 12, 2021— brought together representatives of around 200 governments with the aim of accelerating climate action to comply with the Paris Agreement.   In a recent article, Alejandro Quecedo pointed to the disappointment of a large part of the activist sector, after learning about the withdrawal of permits and funding for citizen and scientific initiatives, with the excuse of not "excessively politicizing the summit", a fact to which was added the leak to the media that certain lobbies had pressed to amend the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in order to deny the evidence of an increasingly imminent catastrophe and blind public opinion with half-truths, sweetened.   The author has been interviewed by the most important media in Spain, all interested in his position: to ask for a change of sensitivity in order to stop the eco-social crisis.

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