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      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

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      • - Online bookshop and wholesale supplier of geographical maps and globes, wall maps, reproduction of antique maps. Touristic, topographic, geographical and antique maps.  Vendita online di carte geografiche, carte murali, mappamondi e riproduzioni di carte antiche. Vendita al dettaglio via web e fornitura all'ingrosso per librerie, agenzie turistiche ed esercizi specializzati in genere.

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      • Tips, Tools, and Techniques to Care for Antiques, Collectibles, and Other Treasures

        by Georgia Kemp Caraway

        What common baking ingredient can conceal white rings on furniture? (Crushed pecans.) How do you detect a repair in a pottery vase you want to buy? (Look at it under a black light.) What’s the best way to remove water damage from your great-grandfather’s Bible? (Put it in your freezer.) Answers to these questions and many more are included in this convenient handbook by long-time antiques expert Dr. Georgia Kemp Caraway. Organized alphabetically, Tips, Tools, and Techniques is easy to consult about the cleaning and maintenance of common antique and collectible objects, including metal advertising signs, glassware, clothing, and jewelry. Addenda provide information such as how to get a good deal at auction, the dates of Chinese dynasties, and U.S. patent numbers. An especially handy pronunciation guide helps the monolingual among us speak with confidence about the provenance of Gallé ware and Schlegelmilch porcelain. Compact yet authoritative, this handbook will appeal to both dealers and buyers, as well as everyone with something from Grandma in the attic.

      • September 2013

        Essential Oils and Their Applications

        by Kuntal Das

        The essential oils are present in the specific cells called as glandular cells present in the plant part that may be anywhere on plant body. Upon rupture of these glands aroma come out which are volatile in nature and combination of all chemical constituents are fragrance what we get sense. Essential oils are used in perfumery, aromatherapy, cosmetics, incense, medicine, household insect repellent cleaning products, and for flavoring food and drink. They are also valuable commodities in the agricultural industries as anti-feedants, repellents, botanical insecticides, natural herbicides and growth boosters are still open to fascinating realms of research. All informations are confined in scattered manner and hence an effort has been made to collect all informations and compiled together and represented in this book in a simple manner to serve the basic concept to the readers. This book complied with five s viz. 1. Introduction 2. General extraction method for essential oils 3. Market statistics for importance of essential oils 4. Individual medicinal and aromatic plants 5. New aromatic plants and their future research.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2007

        Aromatic Plants

        by Baby P. Skaria:

        This book contains seven chapters. Introductory on History, importance and scope of aromatic plants deals with the importance of aromatic crops and their close association with human health and beauty care from time immemorial. History of development of cultivation and aroma based industries in different regions of the world is described to emphasize their significance, scope and role in increasing the quality of human life. Classification of aromatic plants based on their climatic requirement, growth habit and floral morphology elaborated in succeeding will be of great interest to students, researchers and farmers. on Extraction of aroma principles describes traditional as well as modern techniques employed for efficient extraction of volatile oils and oleo-resins from different plants materials and equipments employed for the purpose. Quality of oil is found to vary significantly with ecotypes, season, time of collection, crop maturity and weather conditions prevailing during the growth period, extraction method and duration of extraction process. Conditions and duration of storage also have a bearing on quality of essential oil. This necessitates development and imposition of appropriate quality standards in trade. These aspects are covered in fourth on Quality assurance of essential oils. Aromatic oils & their derivatives and combinations occupy a covetable position in holistic medicines such as aromatherapy. on Aromatherapy details the use of essential oils in human health care, techniques employed, aromatherapy message, aromatic bath, facial care, hair care etc. Information on aromatic oils vide spread application to relieve stress and rejuvenate body are also included. Sixth and seventh s deal with major and other sources of aromatic oils. Under major sources, 17 aromatic crops and under other sources, 25 crops and discussed in detail. These s include the common name, botanical name and synonyms if any and family, vernacular names, importance and uses, habitat and distribution, agro technology, soil, climate, season, land preparation, planting, seed rate and spacing manurial and fertilizer recommendation, irrigation, weed control, pest control, harvest, propagation techniques, herbal yield, extraction and utilization, oil recovery, oil composition, properties of oil, storage requirements etc.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2008

        Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 04

        by K.V. Peter

        There is Global concern on shrinking food base depending on a meager three crops-wheat, rice and maize-.New Crops are to be encouraged to fit into the changing food habits, life styles and above all climate change. Underutilized Horticultural Crops are getting attention world around. The High Impact Journal HortScience reviewed vol. II Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops and reported its global value. The series projects the nutritional values, ecological compatibility, fitness to ecological niches and above all optimum uses of natural resources like water, energy, space and time. Volume 4 deals with edible plant foods in Africa, African Leafy Vegetables, Amaranths, Chilies, Annual Drumstick, Clove bean, Cluster bean, Curry leaf, Ivy Gourd, Snap melon, Sweet Gourd, Teasles Gourd, Tree borne vegetables, Fruits of North Eastern Region, Dragon Fruit, Wood apple, Strobilanthes, Seed Spices, Yam bean and Trees for Energy. Twenty s in the 4th volume are compiled by the Eminent Scientists in the respective crops. The volume 4 envisages a world free from hunger and under nutrition and full of health and wellness.

      • October 2022

        A Taste of Slovakia: Winter

        Emilia's (not only) Cookbook

        by Jarmila Hlávková (Author and Food Photography), Jana Kollárová (Design and Cover Photography)

        The third book of this award-winning series is about winter in the Slovak kitchen. It will take you from the Advent season and the folklore of witches' days through the art of medovníky and oblátky baking to the festive days of Christmas and a complete Christmas dinner menu. Traditional pork specialities and New Year's Day festivities are also presented in the book, as well as a typical Slovak wedding with the old ritual of čepčenie and most popular desserts.  As in the previous two volumes of A Taste of Slovakia series, the Winter Book is not only about recipes. Snippets of history behind the meals and insights into Slovak food culture will give you a broader taste of the country.

      • Microbiology (non-medical)
        November 2022

        Seed Production in Field and Horticulture Crops

        Nucleus And Breeder

        by S.R. Sree Rangasamy & S. Manonmani

        The book is inclusive of all categories of crop plants that are either seed or clonally propagated, will be a useful sourcebook to researchers, students and others involved in quality assured seed production This book will promote or expand the seed innovations like futuristic seeds such as in vitro clones, micropropagation, artificial/synthetic seeds and organic seeds conjoining with the upcoming genetics, breeding and molecular breeding perspectives related to the Nucleus and Breeder Seed production in annual and perennial inclusive of grain, legume, pulses, fibers, oil, vegetables, fruit and other horticultural crops seed and clonal crops.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2022

        Spices and Condiments

        by Shweta Soni, Sunil Kumar, R.K.Singh & S. V. Dwivedi

        The book has been organized with each chapter to assist the students in acquiring the necessary skills in performing the practical work assigned. Comprehensive information is given on topics such as classification, identification, varieties description, morphology, propagation, seed treatment and sowing, layout and planting, production practices, methods of fertilizer application, weed management, training and pruning, maturity standard and harvesting, processing and grading, method of essential oil extraction and value added products of various spices and condiments.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by POLONCA KOVAČ

        HERBS OF THE LITTLE WITCHWritten by Polonca Kovač and illustrated by Ančka Gošnik Godec The little witch is a friendly witch, and she knows not only how to turn a mean mouse into a friendly one but also all about the magic secrets of healing herbs. This is a classic prizewinning Slovene illustrated book, which can be picked up again and again and enjoyed in all its charms great and small, including its descriptions and methods of using more than 30 healing herbs. The book Herbs of the Little Witch was selected for the Ibby Honour List 2000. Format: 23 x 29.5 cm76 pages | Age: 4+

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2008

        Organic Spices

        by V.A.Parthasarathy, K. Kandinnan &  V. Srinivasan

        The global changes warranted fastness in food production system and fast foods. In tune with demand, crop production also oriented accordingly. However, the proverb ‘Health is a Wealth is reminded us to keep vigil on system and method of food production and food safety. The ill-effect of conventional chemical based farming well documented and public realized the importance organically produced food and efforts are being made to popularize the organic production. India is a Land of Spices, each state or union territory in India cultivates one or other spice. Since spices form a part of many medicines the demand for organically produced spices is increasing considerably. Assuming a market growth of 10% in Europe, USA and Japan for organic spice products the world demand for organic spices may grow to 57000 tonnes in the next 10 yeaLarge scale use of high analysis fertilizers and pesticides result environmental hazards and imbalances in soil nutrients. Since spices are high valued and export oriented in nature it is imperative to keep the levels of pesticide residues below tolerance limits in view of the standards set by the importing countries. Hence the book on Organic Spices is timely and covers all aspects of organic spice production. The topic includes historical spice trade and importance of spices in food chain. Brief account on organic agriculture movement in the world and its present status and opportunity for organic spices in the world market are given. The chemistry and different methods of composting are included in the organic manures will be informative. Microbes play a greater role in agriculture, a separate devoted on microbes and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria would definitely enrich the reader not only that, the topics on biological control of insect pests, nematodes, fungus and bacteria of spices highlighted in separate chapters would be of interest in organic production system. The importance, composition, uses, botany and varieties, organic way of production of spices like black pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, chillies and paprika, nutmeg, vanilla, seed spices like cumin, fennel, fenugreek, coriander and their harvest and post harvest processing are enumerated. The chapters on good agricultural practices (GAP) and organic certification procedures outlined for adoption. This would serve as a reference book for researchers, teachers and students besides farmers, traders and consumers.

      • Science & Mathematics
        November 2020

        Plants for Novel Drug Molecules

        Ethnobotany To Ethnopharmacology

        by Bikarma Singh & Yash Pal Sharma

        The present book is based on twenty five excellent scientific contributions of seventy researchers from topmost research organizations. The book begin with plants used in Sowa-Rigpa system of food and medicine, followed by traditional uses of plants as medicine among Khasi tribe living in northeast India. This compilation contains several research techniques highlighting methods and analysis of documented data, and procedure for scientific validation of findings. Methods for assessing traditional knowledge of highly threatened plants such as Hodgsoniaheteroclita, pharmacological applications of family asteraceae, ethnobotany of family apiaceae, plants used in managing leucorrhea, plants as animal care, phytochemistry of Arisaemajacquemontii, Andrographispaniculata, Blumealacera, Boerhaaviadiffusa, Hemidesmusindicus, Pterocarpussantalinus, Rauwolfiaserpentina, Rauwolfiatetraphylla, and several other ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological parameters used in studying current science is described in this book. Besides, it is followed by several research topics focused to the clinical arena, plants used in relation to cancer, diabetes, skin disorders and many other aspects relates to animal and human health care. Todays food supplements derived from plants are of high demand, and this compilation also highlighted several plants used as nutraceuticals. It has been observed that herbs contain many bioactive compounds with powerful antioxidant properties as evidence from the scientific data, and few research on lianas, lichens and role of allylisothiocyanate as a bioprotective agent also discussed added more value to this compilations. Focused theme such as ethnobotanical trends and techniques, phytochemistry, biological activities, ethnopharmacology and clinical studies is adding and contributing a lots value to this book in discovering leads for medicine formulations.

      • Agriculture & farming
        March 2016

        Functional Foods

        by Hari Niwas Mishra, Rajesh Kapur, Naveent Singh Deora & Aastha Deswa

        This book comprises of six sections giving the state of the art information in the following topics: Functional foods: Scope, Market Opportunities and Recent trends, Functional food products: Ingredients and Functionality, Functional food products: Formulation and Processing Technology, Functional food products: Packaging and Storage Stability, Functional food products: Prevention, Disease Control and bioavailability, Future prospects of functional food. The book is exclusively targeted for food scientists and technologists, and scientists working in related fields. The book also presents practical information for use in functional food product development. It is also intended for use by practitioners in functional food companies and food technology centres and will also be of interest to researchers and students of food science and technology. With recent scientific studies, this book provides readers with a comprehensive and up-to-date scientific knowledge about the functional food science and technology. The book presents a most updated knowledge on the regulatory status of functional food in different countries. This information, which is seldom available, is essential for the commercial aspect of functional food. Also, core discussion on the reliable and economical scale up of laboratory-based extraction and purification techniques for different functional ingredients is also presented in the detailed manner in the book. A critical issue in the development of functional foods is health aspects and its role in disease control. In section V, Functional food products: Prevention, Disease Control and bioavailability, a variety of examples are discussed indicating the role and action of functional ingredients in preventing disease. The present book also addresses the key issue of processing and its effects on the bioavailability of bioactives. With the advent of the latest scientific technique in the latter half of the 20th century, area of functional food has evolved to the current state of the art.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2015

        Climate Resilient Crops for The Future

        by K.V. Peter

        Concise Oxford Dictionary defines Resilience as recoiling; springing back; resuming its original shape after bending, stretching, compression etc. With five components of crop production –space, water, energy, light, nutrients- limiting, there are stresses on crops to perform at threshold input yielding optimum output. Droughts and floods, cold and heat waves, forest fires, landslides and mud slips, ice storms, dust storms, hailstorms, thunder clouds associated with lightening and sea level rise are throwing new challenges to farming. This dangerously narrow level of food base prompts to widen the base of grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, industrial crops, mushrooms and aromatic plants. The emphasis so far was more on terrestrial plants, forest plants and lesser on lower plants. The aquatic plants-fresh water, brackish water, marine- were not much explored for edible use except by Chinese and Japanese. Halophytes, bryophytes, ferns and sea weeds are so far climate resilient. The Indo-Burmese Centre of origin (Hindustan centre including North East) is abode of several plants of possible vegetable, fruit and spicy value. The New Life styles consequent to migration for employment have brought newer food and dietary patterns. The urbanization and smaller family size are leading to pre-cooked foods and visitation to restaurants. s on bryophytes, halophytes, microalgae, chasmophytes, pseudocereals, medicinal mushrooms, speciality mushrooms, palmyrah palms, bramakamal, tropical tuber crops, dragon fruits, broad dhaniya, plants for dyes, kale and ornamental ginger are authored by eminent working scientists from 21 Universities and Research Institutes in Japan and India. The crops for the future especially climate resilient are to be identified and promoted in an emerging production scenario of new life style foods and convenient speciality foods getting attention by the new generation. The present book Climate Resilient Crops for the Future carries 17 chapters authored by men of eminence in respective areas concerning to the above areas.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2023

        Modern Techniques For Crop Management

        by U.S. Walia

        The book covers comprehensive information on highly profitable and soil less farming techniques i.e. hydroponic - a high income technique. It also includes the modern techniques like precision farming, conservation agriculture, irrigation saving devices, remote sensing, nanotechnology, leaf colour chart for economical use of nitrogen, laser land levelling, value addition in farm produce, precision weed management, climate smart agriculture, organic farming, global warming, crop residues management techniques, bioherbicides and application of agricultural biotechnology in weed management etc. Latest practices for the cultivation of cereal crops, oilseed crops, pulses and commercial crops have been discussed in detail. Apart from these topics highly profitable systems i.e. integrated farming system and allied enterprises, important uses of medicinal, aromatic and spice crops are also covered. The book also contains information on dry land agriculture, role of plant nutrition in agriculture, crop management in problematic soils, hints for achieving higher yield of crops as well as judicious use of herbicides for controlling problematic weeds. This book will be highly helpful for students of agriculture particularly Agronomy throughout.

      • Agricultural science
        January 2017

        Flower Breeding and Genetics (In 2 Parts)

        by Manjunath S.Patil & Anil R. Karale

        The large volumes of research works that have been done, and the information accumulated over the years necessitated the need for immediate publication of a good updated text book on breeding ornamental flower crops to keep the readers abreast with the current literature and development in the subject. It presents the breeding work on 37 ornamental and flower crops and describes the skills necessary for taking up the cultivar improvement program on these flowers. The opening chapters are meant to provide basic information to the subject, history and development of ornamental plant breeding and major work going on at global level. The major part of the book then considers breeding of all economically important ornamental and flower crops of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. Each chapter is supported by a comprehensive list of bibliography to facilitate readers, locating finer details of the past and recent work of the crop(s). To help readers, some topics in a chapter are broken down into short sub-sections in order to convey the gist of a subject area. The book will serve as an excellent source of reference for flower scientists and teachers too. Additionally, it should be useful to others (enlightened growers, nurserymen, flower traders, agricultural extension officers and policy makers) who wish to become familiar with the topic in relation to their professional interest. However, a basic knowledge of botany and genetics is preferable to fully appreciate the text.

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