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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Die allerbeste Prinzessin

        by Poznanski, Ursula / Illustrated by Büchner, SaBine

        An innovative & different princess story!   • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant!   Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Biography of Wang Chuanshan

        by Wang Lingxin

        Mr. Wang Chuanshan is a broad scholar and great thinker in Chinese history. The author of this book, on the basis of consulting sufficient historical materials, fully studying for many years and many investigations of Chuanshan relics, details Chuanshan's legendary life and its spiritual journey. Although the book focuses on the actual life experience of Chuanshan, it also involves some profound thoughts of Chuanshan. Through the understanding of Chuanshan and his thoughts, we can also further understand the greatness and loftiness of human spirit, and understand the persevering efforts and contributions made by sages at all times and in all countries in order to continue and develop human spiritual wisdom.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Confucian Gaint Wang Fuzhi

        by Wang Li Xin

        Qing fighters blood purged central land of China and Ming dynasty was crushed under the iron horse hoofs of Qing armored troopers. With this social background, Wang Fuzhi (assumed name Chuanshan ), an officer and great philosopher of Ming dynasty living under the Hengshan Mountain and holding the pain of national subjugation, wanted to stop Qing fighters’ massacre with his flimsy strength. How could he survive in a series of disasters catastrophes?What epic masterpieces he remained after suffering agonies of national and family toppling? This book makes a detailed introduction to Confucian giant Wang Fuzhi’s life.

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        The Arts
        May 2017

        Dream of Hometown

        by Wang Zengqi

        This a souvenir edition of Wang Zengqi’s works. He wrote about beauty of human and emotion with kindness; he explored beauty of nature and the world through description of ordinary work and customs; he wrote about luck in difficulties, optimism in depression, and fun of bitterness, showing the beauty and power of life.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2015


        by Lateefa Buti / Illustrated by Doha Al Khteeb

        Kuwaiti children’s book author Lateefa Buti’s well-crafted and beautifully illustrated children’s book, Hatless, encourages children (ages 6-9) to think independently and challenge rigid traditions and fixed rituals with innovation and creativity.   The main character is a young girl named Hatless who lives in the City of Hats. Here, all of the people are born with hats that cover their heads and faces. The world inside of their hats is dark, silent, and odorless.   Hatless feels trapped underneath her own hat. She wants to take off her hat, but she is afraid, until she realizes that whatever frightening things exist in the world around her are there whether or not she takes off her hat to see them.   So Hatless removes her hat.    As Hatless takes in the beauty of her surroundings, she cannot help but talk about what she sees, hears, and smells. The other inhabitants of the city ostracize her because she has become different from them. It is not long before they ask her to leave the City of Hats.   Rather than giving up or getting angry, Hatless feels sad for her friends and neighbors who are afraid to experience the world outside of their hats. She comes up with an ingenious solution: if given another chance, she will wear a hat as long it is one she makes herself. The people of the City of Hats agree, so Hatless weaves a hat that covers her head and face but does not prevent her from seeing the outside world. She offers to loan the hat to the other inhabitants of the city. One by one, they try it on and are enchanted by the beautiful world around them. Since then, no child has been born wearing a hat. The people celebrate by tossing their old hats in the air.   By bravely embracing these values, Hatless improves her own life and the lives of her fellow citizens.     Buti’s language is eloquent and clear. She strikes a skilled narrative balance between revealing Hatless’s inner thoughts and letting the story unfold through her interactions with other characters. Careful descriptions are accompanied by beautiful illustrations that reward multiple readings of the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of DU Fu’s Works

        by Written by DU Fu Edited by WANG Zhuo Read by ZHANG Jiasheng

        This book incorporates 29 well-known poems and articles by DU Fu—a poet of China’s Tang Dynasty. Each article is equipped with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts

        The Complete Collection of Calligraphic Works by Su Dongpo

        by Wang Lianqi

        The Complete Collection of Calligraphic Works by Su Dongpo was edited by Mr. Wang Lianqi of the Palace Museum in China and jointly published by the Palace Museum Press and Qingdao Publishing House. It is the first comprehensive collection of Su Dongpo's surviving calligraphic works of handwritings, copybooks and inscriptions collected by the Palace Museums on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and museums at home and abroad, and the first comprehensive collection of Su Dongpo's surviving calligraphic works in the cultural and artistic circles, with unprecedented quantity and quality rarely seen in previous publications.   The Complete Collection is a set of 6 volumes, including 2 volumes of handwritings, 3 volumes of copybooks and 1 volume of inscriptions. The book consists of 43 handwritings, 15 copybooks and 8 inscriptions of Sudongpo scattered in major museums, collection units and libraries in China and abroad. The inscription of ChenKui pavilion tablet rubbing of Song Dynasty (Song Ta Chen Kui Ge Bei) collected in the Book Mausoleum Department (Shoryobu) of the Imperial Household Agency of Japan was published publicly for the first time in China; The inscription of Mr. Zhao Qingxian’s tombstone rubbing of Ming Dynasty of China (Ming Ta Zhao Qing Xian Gong Bei) collected in Shanghai Library in China has not been published in recent years and this is the first publication since the Republic of China; The copybook of Sudongpo's tablets published by Wanxiangtang in Ming Dynasty of China (Ming Ta Wan Xiang Tang Su Tie) collected in the Palace Museum in China is the largest work of in this book and this is also the first time that this masterpiece has been published publicly in China.

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        The Arts
        January 2018

        The Flower of Evil: Illustration Art of Aubrey Beardsley

        by by Aubrey Beardsley Edited by Wei Junlin

        This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2014

        The First Year of the Love Calendar

        by Wang Yuewen

        Sun Li, the protagonist of the novel, is a bestseller writer and his wife Xizi is the head of a university library. Their son Sun Yichi has been rebellious and unruly since childhood, remaining distant from his mother. Afraid of the exhaustion of his creativity, the middle-aged Sun Li begins to question the meaning of his writings. He thus suffers from serious insomnia and anxiety. Just at this time, his wife Xizi begins to have her own amorous secrets. Sun Li also finds himself unable to leave Li Qiao, director of New Evening Paper. These affairs have pushed their seemingly peaceful family life to the verge of collapse. The love calendar refers to the calendar that belongs only to Sun Li and his wife Xizi for their love. But such turbulent life experience has caused them to temporarily betray their love calendar … They eventually begin again the first year of their love calendar. Through the depiction of the love, marriage, and family life of Sun Li and Xizi, the novel becomes a retrospection of the spiritual tendency, emotional development and love pattern of the Chinese over the past 20 to 30 years. It also vividly outlines the changes of social mores in China over the past years in a figurative way. Even amorous entanglements are not devoid of elements of the officialdom, with honest and corrupt officials still on the scene. According to Wang Yuewen, this is an element of reality rather than of officialdom – “after all nobody can live in a vacuum space”.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time

        by He Yuhong

        “Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time” is an original book by Hunan reportage writer He Yuhong, who reinterprets the spirit of Lei Feng from the perspective of this new era. This book is based on the four outstanding spiritual qualities of “faith”, “love”, “selflessness” and “advancement” as the theme of each chapter. The author has selected the stories that can show the characteristics of the spirit of Lei Feng, and presented them in a friendly and vivid language. This book has a distinctive theme, complete content and unique structure. This is a book with distinctive ideological characteristics and contemporary connotations on the theme of Lei Feng.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Appreciation of LU Xun’s works

        by Written by LU Xun. Edited by WU Yue’e

        This book incorporates articles by LU Xun. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the related two-dimension code.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Appreciation of OU’YANG Xiu’s works

        by Written by OU’YANG Xiu. Edited by MAO Pengfei

        This book incorporates well-known passages by OU’YANG Xiu from Northern Song Dynasty. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the related two-dimension code.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The History Story For Children

        by Xiang Zi

        Based on his unique insights and historical knowledge, the author analyzes Chinese historical figures and introduces the life, thoughts and main achievements of ancient Chinese historical figures, depicting Wei Wenhou, Shang Yi, Zhuge Liang, Wang Anshi and other characters,in a total of 99 articles.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        December 1997

        Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes

        by Edited by David J Allen, Jillian M Lenné

        The plant family Leguminosae is second in economic importance only to Gramineae, which includes the world's cereals and pasture grasses. Indeed, about one quarter of the total output of crop protein in the world as a whole is derived from legumes, which are of great importance both in human diets and in the feeding of livestock. Production is nevertheless limited by major diseases, and therefore there is a great need for a reference book on the pathology of food and pasture legumes. This book fills that need and provides substantial critical reviews of each crop type. It is written by leading research workers from the USA, UK, India, Nigeria, Malawi, New Zealand, Syria and Uganda. The content is thus applicable to both the developed and the developing world, and to temperate and tropical zones. Well illustrated with both monochrome and colour plates, and thoroughly referenced to the research literature, it represents an indispensable volume for plant pathologists and legume agronomists.

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        The report of mountain patrol · gene editor baby: clown and history

        by Wang Liming

        It's a grand scientific writing plan of Professor Wang Liming. He plans to spend 30 years continuously observing and analyzing the progress and major events of life science in the world, and finishing the book year by year. Gene editor baby: clowns and history is the * edition of this series. Professor Wang Liming combed the 26 life science events that may affect the whole human beings in this year, focusing on 8 of them. He uses a professional eye to dispel the fog and restore the truth of events, so that readers can understand the scientific logic from these vivid events, and understand where human life science exploration has reached and where it will go.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of YU Dafu’s Works

        by Written by YU Dafu Edited by LIANG Yingchun Read by CHEN Xiguang

        This book incorporates 5 articles and excerpts by YU Dafu. Each article comes with notes and appreciation. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of BAI Juyi’s Works

        by Written by BAI Juyi Edited by TAN Zhenming Read by CAO Can

        This book incorporates 18 well-known articles by BAI Juyi—a poet of China’s Tang Dynasty. Each article comes with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.

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