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        October 2009

        Kriminelle Karrieren.

        Straftaten, Sanktionen und Rückfall. Eine empirische Untersuchung erstmals inhaftierter und rückfälliger Strafgefangener in China.

        by Fan, Wen

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        January 2013

        Homecoming Travel

        by Shen Cong Wen

        To saw his sick mother, Shen Congwen started his journey to home and wrote down what he saw and heard and his perceptions along the journey on the letters to his wife in Beijing. Later, basing on these letters, he collated and published this prose work. Besides the natural sceneries of western Hunan he saw while sailing towards upstream of Yuan River, he mainly focused on the scenes of life, work and multiplying of the people from all walks of life in the land of western Hunan, including sailors, soldiers, miners, merchants, ordinary masses he had met. On reading the book, the hints of his concerns about the changes of Western Hunan under the influence of the age can be felt, which reflects Shen’s deep love and strong sense of responsibility for his hometown.

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        The Cherry Tree

        by Zhang Mudi, Wen Aining

        In this picture book, the author depicts the last period of the grandfather’s life. After the grandfather moved to the “room of spring” from the “room of winter”, as he got rid of diseases and pain, a pink cherry tree grew from his body. Life continues in a gentle and good way. Children will, more or less, face parting in their lives. Through delicate poetry and brilliant pictures, this picture book turns “parting” poetic, bringing comfort to children’s souls. Though dealing with the topic of parting, it tells stories full of love and hope.

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        Die schwarze Reiterin

        Roman aus der Tsing-Zeit

        by Kang Wen, Franz Kuhn

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        Dietetics & nutrition
        March 2003

        Health, Nutrition and Food Demand

        by Wen S Chern, Kyrre Rickertsen

        Over the last two decades, increasing concerns about health risks related to diets have had significant impacts on food consumption patterns in the United States and Europe. This timely book presents the results of several comparative studies of the impacts of health information on food consumption behaviour amongst various socio-economic groups, and across many different countries. It also provides economic analysis of food demand estimations, and implications for future global food systems.

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        August 2013

        Hunan Culture Textbook

        by Xuande WEN, Fulong TIAN

        Exploring from the origin of Hunan culture, this book explains the philosophy,education,cultures,arts,science&technology,traditions,religions,customs and talents of Hunan Province step by step,which introduce Hunan culture comprehensively and systematically.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Spirit of China

        Jin Minqin, Wen Dashan, etc.

        by Jin Minqin, Wen Dashan, etc.

        Focusing on the basic blueprint of the Chinese spirit and the historical mission of realizing the Chinese nation's great revival of the Chinese dream, it closely combined the tasks and requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to systematically sort out the ideas of the Chinese spirit Cultural resources.

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        September 2009

        Die Rechtsabweichler von Jiabiangou

        Berichte aus einem Umerziehungslager

        by Xianhui Yang, Katrin Buchta, Huang Wen

        China Ende der fünfziger Jahre: Maos »Großer Sprung nach vorn« endet in der größten Hungerkatastrophe der Geschichte. Überall im Land werden die alten Eliten massenhaft als »Rechtsabweichler« in Umerziehungslagern interniert, so auch in dem abgelegenen Ort Jiabiangou. Bis in die neunziger Jahre blieb das Massensterben, das sich dort abspielte, politisches Tabu. Dann begann Yang Xianhui, nach Überlebenden zu fahnden und ihnen in feinfühligen Protokollen Stimme und Gesicht zu geben. Das Buch, das dabei entstand, ist eine kleine Sensation: Erstmals sprechen die Opfer selbst, berichten über die alltäglichen verlorenen und gewonnenen Kämpfe um ihre Menschlichkeit.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Hase, Fuchs und Maus - wen besuchen sie zu Haus?

        by Richert, Katja

        Der Hase, der Fuchs, die Maus und die anderen Tiere bereiten tolle Überraschungen vor. Wen wollen sie wohl besuchen? Den kleinen Dachs - er hat ein Fest für seine Freunde vorbereitet!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        Alle meine Freunde haben wen umgebracht


        by Curtis Dawkins, Hannes Meyer

        Curtis Dawkins schreibt aus ungewöhnlicher Perspektive. Den Weg des Schriftstellers hatte er eingeschlagen, in namhaften Magazinen veröffentlicht, geheiratet, drei Kinder bekommen. Dann tötete er auf Crack einen Mann. Jetzt sitzt er lebenslänglich im Knast. Und dort schreibt er Literatur, die taumeln lässt. Zwischen Härte und Schönheit, zwischen Gut und Böse, zwischen Liebe und Hass. Dieses Buch ist die kraftvolle literarische Anverwandlung eines Schicksals, es erzählt von Männern hinter Gittern und ihren Versuchen, etwas von dem zurückzugewinnen, was unwiderruflich verloren ist. Es spricht von Freiheit, Liebe und Familie aus der Sicht derer, die ihr Recht darauf verwirkt haben. Curtis Dawkins findet dafür eine massive Sprache, einen Sound voller Sehnsucht, Humor und Tragik. Alle meine Freunde haben wen umgebracht wird so zu einem neuen und streitbaren Meisterwerk amerikanischen Erzählens.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Wen liebte Goethes "Faust"?

        Der große SPIEGEL-Wissenstest Literatur

        by Doerry, Martin; Hage, Volker

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        Children's & YA
        September 2021

        Wen immer wir lieben

        New Adult-Roman mit Bad-Boy-Challenge und Liebe auf den zweiten Blick

        by Michelle Schrenk

        Whomever We Love Three sisters, three challenges, three winners of hearts?Although they are sisters, Lina, Kaya and Nika couldn‘t be more different. While Lina enjoys her life to the fullest, Kaya is a full-time perfect student. Nika, on the other hand, always falls for heartbreakers – but together the three of them fight against all odds. In life and in love!Tattoos, leather jacket and unbelievably charming: a bad boy from the books. In a bar, Lina and her two best friends rate guys on Tinder on a scale from 1 to heartbreaker. The reason is Lina‘s little sister Nika, who has once again fallen into the bad boy trap. When the very guy on Lina‘s display just walks through the door – clearly identified by them as a womanizer – her friends challenge her: Lina is to prove to them that she can resist him, effortlessly. That‘s how the Bad Boy Challenge begins... the stakes: nothing less than Lina‘s heart.   • Second encounters can defeat first impressions, the heart always wins ...• Original and modern twist on New Adult fiction – touching and an extra dose of humor• Girl power: 3 self-confident sisters as protagonists and role models• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place

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        Wen der Rabe ruft

        Der Auftakt der heiß geliebten Raven-Boys-Reihe

        by Stiefvater, Maggie

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Jessika Komina und Sandra Knuffinke

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