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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Hase, Fuchs und Maus - wen besuchen sie zu Haus?

        by Richert, Katja

        Der Hase, der Fuchs, die Maus und die anderen Tiere bereiten tolle Überraschungen vor. Wen wollen sie wohl besuchen? Den kleinen Dachs - er hat ein Fest für seine Freunde vorbereitet!

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Study on Literary Anthropology in Shen Congwen's Works

        by He Xiaoping

        This book takes the homogeneous, isomorphic, and mutual relationship of Shen Congwen's aesthetic thoughts, artistic thoughts and cultural anthropological thoughts as the starting point, and then explores the anthropological characteristics of Shen Congwen's works from the perspective of anthropological ontology, methodology and axiology. The following analyses focusing on the expression form, ideological root, and value and significance to literary creation and cultural construction are an extended study of Shen Congwen's cultural thought, aesthetic thought, artistic creation thought and value.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        Alle meine Freunde haben wen umgebracht


        by Curtis Dawkins, Hannes Meyer

        Curtis Dawkins schreibt aus ungewöhnlicher Perspektive. Den Weg des Schriftstellers hatte er eingeschlagen, in namhaften Magazinen veröffentlicht, geheiratet, drei Kinder bekommen. Dann tötete er auf Crack einen Mann. Jetzt sitzt er lebenslänglich im Knast. Und dort schreibt er Literatur, die taumeln lässt. Zwischen Härte und Schönheit, zwischen Gut und Böse, zwischen Liebe und Hass. Dieses Buch ist die kraftvolle literarische Anverwandlung eines Schicksals, es erzählt von Männern hinter Gittern und ihren Versuchen, etwas von dem zurückzugewinnen, was unwiderruflich verloren ist. Es spricht von Freiheit, Liebe und Familie aus der Sicht derer, die ihr Recht darauf verwirkt haben. Curtis Dawkins findet dafür eine massive Sprache, einen Sound voller Sehnsucht, Humor und Tragik. Alle meine Freunde haben wen umgebracht wird so zu einem neuen und streitbaren Meisterwerk amerikanischen Erzählens.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2014

        My Predestined Love with High Rail

        the Oral Autobiography of Zhiyun Shen

        by Zhiyun SHEN, Tianming ZHANG,etc

        This book is the oral autobiography of Zhiyun Shen,the senior fellow member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the recall of his science study life on the railway motors, communication and transportation, it veritably reflects the development of the Chinese railway vehicles, especially the high rail.

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        Children's & YA
        July 2017

        Shen Nong’s Miracle Herbs

        by Feng Jiannan

        Shen Nong’s Miracle Herbs is adapted from an ancient Chinese legend that Shen Nong (the Yan Emperor) taught people to grow crops to feed themselves when food was in short due to the reproduction of human being after Nüwa repaired the sky. Later he tasted many kinds of herbal medicines to help cure people’s diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        The Craftsman

        by Shen Fuyu

        It tells the story of the craftsmen and their families. They all come from the Shen Village, the hometown of the writer. They are gardeners, tailors and blacksmiths. From the story, we can see the change of northern Suzhou. And the writer reminisces about her hometown. The prosperity or decline of Shen Village not only shows the changes of the time, but also tells about the fate of karma.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2015

        Shen Congwen and Me

        by Huang Yongyu

        The heartfelt recalling of his uncle Shen Congwen as the mentor in his lifetime and the cultivation, encouragement and help for him by the modern artistic master Huang Yongyu.

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        Children's & YA
        September 2021

        Wen immer wir lieben

        New Adult-Roman mit Bad-Boy-Challenge und Liebe auf den zweiten Blick

        by Michelle Schrenk

        Whomever We Love Three sisters, three challenges, three winners of hearts?Although they are sisters, Lina, Kaya and Nika couldn‘t be more different. While Lina enjoys her life to the fullest, Kaya is a full-time perfect student. Nika, on the other hand, always falls for heartbreakers – but together the three of them fight against all odds. In life and in love!Tattoos, leather jacket and unbelievably charming: a bad boy from the books. In a bar, Lina and her two best friends rate guys on Tinder on a scale from 1 to heartbreaker. The reason is Lina‘s little sister Nika, who has once again fallen into the bad boy trap. When the very guy on Lina‘s display just walks through the door – clearly identified by them as a womanizer – her friends challenge her: Lina is to prove to them that she can resist him, effortlessly. That‘s how the Bad Boy Challenge begins... the stakes: nothing less than Lina‘s heart.   • Second encounters can defeat first impressions, the heart always wins ...• Original and modern twist on New Adult fiction – touching and an extra dose of humor• Girl power: 3 self-confident sisters as protagonists and role models• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Wen liebte Goethes "Faust"?

        Der große SPIEGEL-Wissenstest Literatur

        by Doerry, Martin; Hage, Volker

      • Trusted Partner

        Wen der Rabe ruft

        Der Auftakt der heiß geliebten Raven-Boys-Reihe

        by Stiefvater, Maggie

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Jessika Komina und Sandra Knuffinke

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      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2014

        Wen kümmern die Alten?

        Auf dem Weg in eine sorgende Gesellschaft

        by Klie, Thomas

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Six stories of Floating Life

        by Shen Fu

        "Six stories of Floating Life" takes the life of the author Shen Fu and his wife as the main line, and narrates what they saw and heard about the ordinary and interesting life at home. The work describes the life of the author and his wife Chen Yun, who want to live a kind of cloth clothes and vegetarianism and engage in art. Because of the oppression of feudal ethics and the suffering of poor life, their ideals are finally broken.The whole article is nearly 40000 words, saying that the world is sweet and sour.

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