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      • Reimheim Verlag Thorsten Zeller

        Home to poetry slammers / stage poets and their stages-texts as well as novels / fictional works. What have all our authors in common? They can perform on stages what make every reading quite entertaining. When a stage-experienced actor and poetry slammer writes a dragon-novel for yound readers / listeners, then it's beatuful to read, listen and his readings are always fascinating. That way, the young dragon Fionrir, princess Quirina and their most unusual pack gained a intensely interacting fanbase. As the other stage-performers do.

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      • Wiley

        John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley)is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        The Arts
        November 2006

        Spanish visual culture

        Cinema, television, internet

        by Paul Julian Smith, Susan Williams

        This book is the first to explore three visual media in contemporary Spain: cinema, television and the internet. It also examines cultural products in each of these media in terms of three vital themes: emotion, location and nostalgia. The first two chapters focus on emotion. They analyze the 'emotional imperative' in a recent Almodóvar feature film and in Spanish television's top-rated period drama, and investigate the politics of affect in TV drama in the last decade. The next pair of chapters deal with location. They use cultural geography to re-read contradictory accounts of the movida (the post-Franco cultural boom) and examine an attempt to anchor a US-derived genre (the youth movie) in the urban landscape of Madrid. The fifth and sixth chapters introduce the theme of location into nostalgia. They treat the unique cases of a successful Spanish heritage movie and a contemporary Spanish thriller remade in Hollywood. The peunultimate chapter investigates electronic artists and the virtual universe, and the book ends with a look at the implications of Hispano-Mexican co-productions and the interconnectedness of economic and aesthetic cultural forms. ;

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        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jean Cocteau

        by James S. Williams, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram, Susan Williams

        This is a comprehensive, original and accessible account of all aspects of Jean Cocteau's work in the cinema. It is the first major study in English to appear for over forty years and casts new light on Cocteau's most celebrated films as well as those often neglected or little known. Jean Cocteau is not only one of French cinema's greatest and most influential auteurs whose work covered all the major genres but also an experimenter, collaborator, theorist and all-round ambassador of film. This lucid account provides a complete introduction to Cocteau's cinematic project in the context of his entire oeuvre, detailed analysis of individual films, and a thematic engagement with all his cinema from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. The Cocteau that emerges is at once a materialist filmmaker and visionary who is committed to realism in all its guises and reveals the wonder and mystery of what he called 'the cinematograph'. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Thomas Nashe and literary performance

        by Chloe Kathleen Preedy, Rachel Willie

        As an instigator of debate and a defender of tradition, a man of letters and a popular hack, a writer of erotica and a spokesman for bishops, an urbane metropolitan and a celebrant of local custom, the various textual performances of Thomas Nashe have elicited, and continue to provoke, a range of contradictory reactions. Nashe's often incongruous authorial characteristics suggest that, as a 'King of Pages', he not only courted controversy but also deliberately cultivated a variety of public personae, acquiring a reputation more slippery than the herrings he celebrated in print. Collectively, the essays in this book illustrate how Nashe excelled at textual performance but his personae became a contested site as readers actively participated and engaged in the reception of Nashe's public image and his works.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The lives of Thomas Becket

        by Michael Staunton

        This collection tells the story of Thomas Becket's turbulent life, violent death and extraordinary posthumous acclaim in the words of his contemporaries. The only modern collection from the twelfth-century Lives of Thomas Becket in English and features all his major biographers, including many previously untranslated extracts. Providing both a valuable glimpse of the late twelfth-century world, and an insight into the minds of those who witnessed the events. By using contemporary sources, this book is the most accessible way to study this central episode in medieval history. Thomas Becket features prominently in most medieval core courses. This book allows the subject to be taught as never before, and is highly suitable as a set text.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2019

        Thomas ‘Jupiter’ Harris

        by Warren Oakley

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia

        Engaging in everyday struggle

        by Alexandrina Vanke

        Despite the intense processes of deindustrialisation around the world, the working class continues to play an important role in post-industrial societies. However, working-class people are often stigmatised, morally judged and depicted negatively in dominant discourses. This book challenges stereotypical representations of workers, building on research into the everyday worlds of working-class and ordinary people in Russia's post-industrial cities. The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia is centred on the stories of local communities engaged in the everyday struggles that occur in deindustrialising settings under neoliberal neo-authoritarianism. The book suggests a novel approach to everyday life in post-industrial cities. Drawing on an ethnographic study with elements of arts-based research, the book presents a new genre of writing about workers influenced by the avant-garde documentary tradition and working-class literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries

        by Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont, Charlotte Coffin

        This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2009

        Der Briefwechsel Thomas Bernhard/Siegfried Unseld

        by Thomas Bernhard, Siegfried Unseld, Raimund Fellinger, Martin Huber, Julia Ketterer

        30 Jahre alt, ohne Resonanz auf seine bis dahin veröffentlichten drei Gedichtbände, vom eigenen überragenden schriftstellerischen Können allerdings überzeugt, schreibt Thomas Bernhard im Oktober 1961 an Siegfried Unseld: "Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich an Ihren Verlag ein Prosamanuskript geschickt. Ich kenne Sie nicht, nur ein paar Leute, die Sie kennen. Aber ich gehe den Alleingang." Obwohl der Suhrkamp Verlag das Manuskript ablehnte, gingen der Alleingänger und der Verleger seit dem Erscheinen von Bernhards erstem Roman "Frost" 1963 gemeinsam den Weg, der den Autor in die Weltliteratur führte. In den etwa 500 Briefen zwischen beiden entwickelt sich ein einzigartiges Zwei-Personen-Schauspiel: Mal ist es eine Tragödie, wenn etwa Bernhard die aus seinen Werken bekannten Schimpftiraden auf den Verleger losläßt, der seinerseits auf die Überzeugungskraft des Arguments setzt. Dann gibt Bernhard ein Kammerspiel mit Unseld als Held – 1973 schreibt er ihm: "mit grösster Aufmerksamkeit, mit allen Möglichkeiten, gehe ich gern mit Ihnen." 1984 agieren beide, bei der Beschlagnahme von "Holzfällen", als Kämpfer für die Literatur in einem von Dritten inszenierten Schurkenstück. Es dominiert das Beziehungsdrama: Der Autor stellt die für sein Werk und seine Person unabdingbaren Forderungen. Der Verleger seinerseits weiß, daß gerade bei Bernhard rücksichtslose Selbstbezogenheit notwendige Voraussetzung der Produktivität ist. Solch einen dramatischen Briefwechsel zwischen Autor und Verleger, in dem bei jeder Zeile alles auf dem Spiel steht, kennt das Publikum bislang nicht.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Der Briefwechsel Thomas Bernhard/Siegfried Unseld

        by Thomas Bernhard, Siegfried Unseld, Raimund Siegfried, Martin Huber, Julia Ketterer

        30 Jahre alt, ohne Resonanz auf seine bis dahin veröffentlichten drei Gedichtbände, vom eigenen überragenden schriftstellerischen Können allerdings überzeugt, schreibt Thomas Bernhard im Oktober 1961 an Siegfried Unseld: "Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich an Ihren Verlag ein Prosamanuskript geschickt. Ich kenne Sie nicht, nur ein paar Leute, die Sie kennen. Aber ich gehe den Alleingang." Obwohl der Suhrkamp Verlag das Manuskript ablehnte, gingen der Alleingänger und der Verleger seit dem Erscheinen von Bernhards erstem Roman "Frost" 1963 gemeinsam den Weg, der den Autor in die Weltliteratur führte. In den etwa 500 Briefen zwischen beiden entwickelt sich ein einzigartiges Zwei-Personen-Schauspiel: Mal ist es eine Tragödie, wenn etwa Bernhard die aus seinen Werken bekannten Schimpftiraden auf den Verleger losläßt, der seinerseits auf die Überzeugungskraft des Arguments setzt. Dann gibt Bernhard ein Kammerspiel mit Unseld als Held – 1973 schreibt er ihm: "mit grösster Aufmerksamkeit, mit allen Möglichkeiten, gehe ich gern mit Ihnen." 1984 agieren beide, bei der Beschlagnahme von "Holzfällen", als Kämpfer für die Literatur in einem von Dritten inszenierten Schurkenstück. Es dominiert das Beziehungsdrama: Der Autor stellt die für sein Werk und seine Person unabdingbaren Forderungen. Der Verleger seinerseits weiß, daß gerade bei Bernhard rücksichtslose Selbstbezogenheit notwendige Voraussetzung der Produktivität ist. Solch einen dramatischen Briefwechsel zwischen Autor und Verleger, in dem bei jeder Zeile alles auf dem Spiel steht, kennt das Publikum bislang nicht.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

        by Glen Curry, Simon Lewis, Roger Carter, Philippa Sully, Anthony Rowe, Peter Thorpe, Verity Kemp, Richard Williams, Rob Ellett, John Simpson, Gordon MacDonald, David Griffiths, Jonathan Van-Tam, Tim Uyeki, Marianne Coughlin, Chloe Sellwood, Andy Wapling

        Intensely practical and down to earth, this timely new text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses to a range of threats. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events, such as: major incident planning; infectious disease epidemics and pandemics; natural disasters; terrorist threats; and business and service continuity management. The book builds upon the basics of risk assessment and writing an emergency plan, and then covers inter-agency working, command and control, communication, personal impact and business continuity as well as training, exercises and post-incident follow up. Detailing the full emergency preparedness and civil protection planning cycle, the book is illustrated throughout with real-life examples and case studies from global experts in the field for countries with both advanced and developing healthcare systems. This practical handbook covering the essential aspects of major incident and disaster management is ideal for undergraduate and master's students in emergency management and public health, as well as for practitioners in emergency preparedness and civil protection. It will be valuable to all health practitioners from ambulance, hospital, primary and community care, mental health and public health backgrounds. Read the first chapter for free: Introduction: Why Do We Need to Prepare? ; Intensely practical and illustrated with real-life examples, this text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events. ; 1: Introduction: Why do we need to Prepare?2: The Planning Process3: Risk Assessment4: Writing an Emergency Plan5: Emergency Planning and Response: Working in Partnership6: Interprofessional Working: Understanding some Emotional Barriers and Unconscious Processes That Might Influence Practice in Group and Team Work7: Command, Control and Communication8: Communications during a Health Emergency9: Psychosocial and Mental Health Care Before, During and After Emergencies, Disasters and Major Incidents10: Business Continuity11: Training and Exercising for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response12: Post-incident Follow-up13: Mass Casualty Incidents14: Preparedness and Response to Pandemics and other Infectious Disease Emergencies15: CBRN Incidents16: A Military Case Study17: From Pandemics to Earthquakes: Health and Emergencies in Canterbury, New Zealand

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2005

        Graham Swift

        by Daniel Lea, Susan Williams

        This book offers an accessible critical introduction to the work of Graham Swift, one of Britain's most significant contemporary authors. Through detailed readings of his novels and short stories from 'The Sweet Shop Owner' (1980) to 'The Light of Day' (2003), Daniel Lea lucidly addresses the key themes of history, loss, masculinity and ethical redemption, to present a fresh approach to Swift. This study proposes that one of the side-effects of modernity has been the destruction of traditional pathways of self and collective belief, leading to a loss of understanding between individuals about their duties to each other and to society. Swift's writing returns repeatedly to the question of what we can believe in when all the established markers of identity - family, community, gender, profession, history - have become destabilised. Lea suggests that Swift increasingly moves towards a notion of redemption through a lived ethical practice as the only means of finding solace in a world lacking a central symbolic authority. ;

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