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AlFulk Translation and Publishing
AlFulk Translation & Publishing: An independent publishing house, launched in October 2015 and based in Abu Dhabi. It specialisation is translating children and young adult literature from different languages into Arabic. AlFulk aims for:1. To enrich the Arabic library with diverse cultural collections, in order to aware the readers of the intercultural communication importance. 2. To establish a reading habits base for children from 0-4.3. To increase the level of YA books -both Fantasy, fiction and non-fiction- in terms of their content and illustrations.As the majority in the publishing industry, we have been affected by COVID-19 epidemic. However, we have decided to participate at Frankfurter Buchmesse this year to look at what is new in the industry and to expand our network. We seek long term partnerships.
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by Moshe Kaufman
These thirty three drawings by Moshe Kaufman, selected from hundreds of drawings, are the fruition of his sketching trips to the historic and picturesque landscapes of the Holy Land. They reflect the artist’s admiration of the majestic sceneries he has witnessed while touring the various regions of the country. Kaufman's formative years were spent in Jerusalem, where the urban landscapes of the holy city were first absorbed. As a young architecture student in Haifa, he enjoyed many trips to the mountains of the Carmel and the Galilee. In later years, being involved in the planning of the town of Eilat, he had the opportunity to be in close contact with the mountainous desert views of the Negev and the Arava. Moshe Kaufman is a painter and retired architect. His landscapes, in black and white, as well as in color, were exhibited in several successful one-man shows in Israel, Florida, and New York. “...Moshe Kaufman, with only pen and ink on paper, he paints the simple country scenes, and the intensity with which they are felt, make them rise off the page as from the page of the Old Testament. The simple jagged desert tree, with a few bushes and a hill behind them is the stuff with which Moshe Kaufman can make magic.” Bruno Pulmer Poroner “ARTSPEAK” New York “...Kaufman does not copy nature in a realistic style. He rather adopts the impressionist tinge with a personal touch. His drawings consist of mysticism and imagination combined with realism. His expressive landscapes reveal a concealed force of the artist, as well as his inner truth that characterizes him.” “WORLD OF ART” Tel Aviv
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by Mosche Kaufman
ISRAELISCHE LANDSCHAFTEN von Mosche Kaufman ? Diese dreiunddreißig Zeichnungen von Moshe Kaufman, ausgewählt aus Hunderten von Zeichnungen, sind die Frucht seiner Zeichenausflüge in malerische Landschaften des Heiligen Landes. Sie reflektieren die Bewunderung des Künstlers für die majestätischen Landschaftsansichten, die er auf seinen Reisen in die verschiedenen Regionen des Landes erlebt hat. Der Künstler verbrachte seine formativen Jahre in Jerusalem, wo er zuerst die urbanen Landschaften der heiligen Stadt in sich aufnahm.Als junger Architekturstudent in Haifa erfreute er sich an zahlreichen Ausflügen in die Berge des Carmel und nach Galiläa.In späteren Jahren war er an der Planung der Stadt Eilat beteiligt und hatte Gelegenheit, in engem Kontakt mit den gebirgigen Wüstenansichten von Negev und Arava zu sein. Moshe Kaufman ist Maler und Architekt im Ruhestand.Seine Landschaften, schwarzweiß wie farbig, wurden in mehreren erfolgreichen Einzelausstellungen in Israel, Florida und New York. *... Moshe Kaufman malt mit Stift und Tusche auf Papier einfache ländliche Szenen, und mit der Intensität, mit der sie gefühlt sind, gemahnen sie häufig an Szenen des Alten Testaments.Der schlichte, knorrige Baum in der Wüste, ein paar Büsche und ein Hügel im Hintergrund – das ist der Stoff, aus dem Mosche Kaufman Magie erzeugen kann. Bruno Pulmer Poroner “ARTSPEAK” New York „... Kaufman kopiert nicht die Natur auf realistische Weise.Statt dessen übernimmt er impressionistische Schattierungen und versieht sie mit seiner persönlichen Note.Seine Zeichnungen bestehen aus Mystik und Imagination, in Verbindung mit Realismus.Seine expressiven Landschaften enthüllen eine verborgene Kraft des Künstlers und die innere Wahrheit, die ihm zu eigen ist.“ “WORLD OF ART” Tel Aviv
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by Moshé Kaufman
PAISAJES DE ISRAEL por Moshé Kaufman Estos treinta y tres dibujos de Moshé Kaufman, escogidos entre cientos de dibujos, son el resultado de sus viajes artísticos a los panoramas históricos y pintorescos de Tierra Santa. Dichos diseños reflejan la admiración del artista por los espléndidos paisajes que pudo apreciar en sus recorridos por las diversas regiones del país. Los años formativos de Kaufman transcurrieron en Jerusalén, donde absorbió por primera vez los panoramas urbanos de la ciudad santa. Como joven arquitecto en Haifa, disfrutó de numerosas visitas a las montañas del Carmel y de la Galilea. Posteriormente, al estar involucrado en la planificación de la ciudad de Eilat, tuvo la oportunidad de entrar en estrecho contacto con los panoramas del desierto montañoso en el Néguev y en el valle de Aravá. Moshé Kaufman es pintor y arquitecto jubilado. Sus paisajes, en blanco y negro y también en color, se exhibieron en diversas exposiciones individuales de gran éxito, en Israel, en Florida y en Nueva York. «...Moshé Kaufman, sólo con pluma y tinta sobre papel, pinta las sencillas escenas del país y la intensidad con que son percibidas y las hace surgir de la hoja como si lo hicieran de una página del Antiguo Testamento. El sencillo árbol desértico espinoso, con unos pocos arbustos y una colina detrás de ellos es un material que, en las manos de Moshé Kaufman, se convierte en algo mágico». Bruno Pulmer Poroner "ARTSPEAK" Nueva York «...Kaufman no copia la naturaleza en un estilo realista, sino más bien adopta la connotación impresionista, con un toque personal. Sus dibujos consisten en una mezcla de misticismo e imaginación con realismo. Sus paisajes expresivos revelan la fuerza oculta en el artista, así como la verdad interna que lo caracteriza». "WORLD OF ART" Tel Aviv
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January 2015Regular Script of the Confucian Analects by Sun Xiaoyun
by Sun Xiaoyun
China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.
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January 2015Regular Script of the Greating Learning by Sun Xiaoyun
by Sun Xiaoyun
China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.
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January 2015Regular Script of Dao De Ching by Sun Xiaoyun
by Sun Xiaoyun
China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.
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January 2015Regular Script of the Doctrine of the Mean by Sun Xiaoyun
by Sun Xiaoyun
China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.
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by Moshe Kaufman
PAYSAGES D’ISRAEL par Moshe Kaufman Ces trente-trois dessins par Moshe Kaufman, choisis parmi des centaines de dessins, sont le fruit des excursions entreprises par lui pour dessiner les paysages historiques et pittoresques de la Terre Sainte. Ils reflètent l'admiration de l'artiste à la vue des paysages majestueux qu'il a pu decouvrir en visitant les différentes régions du pays. Les années pendant lesquelles Kaufman s’est formé ont été passées à Jérusalem, où il a tout d’abord absorbé les paysages urbains de la ville sainte. En tant que jeune étudiant en architecture à Haïfa, il s’est livré de nombreuses randonnées dans les monts du Carmel et de la Galilée. Au cours des années suivantes, lorsqu’il participait à la planification de la ville d'Eilat, il a eu l'occasion d'être en contact étroit avec les vues du désert montagneux du Néguev et de la Arava. Moshe Kaufman est un peintre et architecte à la retraite. Ses paysages, en noir et blanc ou en couleurs, ont été exposés dans plusieurs one-man-shows en Israël, en Floride, et New York lui valant autant de succès. « ... Moshe Kaufman, seulement avec plume et encre sur papier, il peint de simples scènes de campagne et l'intensité, avec laquelle il les fait ressentir, les fait se lever de la feuille du dessin comme d’une page de l'Ancien Testament. Un simple arbre du désert, déchiqueté, avec quelques buissons, et une colline derrière eux, c’est avec cela que Moshe Kaufman est capable de réaliser de la magie. » Bruno Pulmer Poroner « ARTSPEAK » New York « ... Kaufman ne copie pas la nature dans un style réaliste. Il adopte plutôt la nuance impressionniste avec une touche personnelle. Ses dessins se composent de mysticisme et d'imagination combinés avec le réalisme. Ses paysages expressifs révèlent une force cachée de l'artiste, ainsi que la vérité intérieure qui le caractérise. » « WORLD OF ART » Tel Aviv
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Humanities & Social SciencesPower towards kindness:I read Sun Tzu's Art of War
by Zhang Guoji
The author has a profound knowledge of history. In this book, he uses his rich historical knowledge and the theory of modern management to make a new interpretation of Sun Tzu's Art of War, an immortal masterpiece in the history of Military Science in China. The book has been copyrighted and exported to Taiwan, China and Vietnam.
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November 1995Stephen Hawkings Welt
Ein Wissenschaftler und sein Werk
by Hawking, Stephen / Übersetzt von Kober, Hainer; Herausgegeben von Hawking, Stephen; Illustriert von Bafaloukos, Ted; Adaptiert von Stone, Gene
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December 2025The Art of War
The thirteen chapters of "The Art of War of Sun Tzu" involve various aspects of military theory and practice, with broad and profound content, profound thinking, and rigorous logic. They are not only a treasure of my country's ancient military cultural heritage, but also an important part of my country's excellent traditional culture. This book is based on "Eleven Schools Annotations on Sun Tzu's Corrections", absorbing the excellent results of ancient and modern collation, annotation, and collation, and annotated and translated the full text of "Sun Tzu Art of War". Sun Tzu's thoughts are expounded in the context of pre-Qin philosophers and pre-Qin culture, and there are many new theories. It is an excellent reader for studying and studying "The Art of War". "The Art of War by Sun Bin" is one of the most famous Chinese military works in ancient China. It is also another masterpiece of the "Sun Tzu School" after "The Art of War by Sun Tzu".
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Sun Jianguang: Regimen and Healing with Traditional Chinese Medicine
by Sun Jianguang
With the aim of scientifically guiding people to enhance physical fitness and prevent and treat diseases with traditional Chinese medicine regimens, the author writes this book from seven aspects to provide a systematic introduction of the theories and methods of traditional Chinese medicine regimens. The book offers readers a deeper insight into such aspects as Chinese medicine taking, daily regimens, and basic self-treatment. The Chinese medicinal materials selected in this book are all commonly used, and the selected health-preserving medicinal diet has been verified by long-term TCM clinical trials to have significant health_x0002_preserving effects while being authentic, low-cost, easy, and convenient to use.
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History & the past: general interest (Children's/YA)2005días tonaltin (days tonaltin)
by Andréadis, Ianna / Foch, Élisabeth
Drawings on the signs of the Stone of the Sun that represent each of the 20 tonaltin of the month, accompanied by the Spanish and Nahuatl words.
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Anthologies (Children's/YA)October 2022Vuvuzela Verses
by Seele, Liza / Wallace, Stephen
Vuvuzela Verses is Liza Seele's sequel to the nose snortingly hilarious Potjie Pot Poems, with belly laugh inducing illustrations from Stephen Wallace. Once again from the South African melting pot, Liza Seele brings children together under one banner: No more boring poems allowed at school! Dive into these childhood-friendly poems and join the boring textbook protest.
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Business, Economics & LawDecember 2017Tour Operators and Operations
Development, Management and Responsibility
by Jacqueline Holland, David Leslie
With a focus on the creation and distribution of packaged holidays, this text covers the fundamentals of business and the relationship between tour operators and destinations. With particular reference to the sustainability of both parties, it reviews the impacts and influences of tour operations and practices on destinations within the overriding context of tour operator responsibility. It addresses the entirety of this key component of the tourism sector, and reflects the shift in recent years from traditional 'sun, sea and sand' holiday to more bespoke packages. Taking into account tour operators as a growing factor among the major emergent economies of the world, this book is: - The first textbook to provide such in-depth content of tour operators and operations. - Written by authors with industry, research and teaching experience. - A wealth of information regarding popular eco, nature and adventure trips, as well as myriad niche and special interest products. Full of international and highly topical case studies, exercises and discussion questions, Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility is a fundamental text for students of tourism.
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Sport & leisure industriesJuly 2004Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas
by Edited by Paul F J Eagles, Stephen F McCool
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May 2020The Sea, the Sea, I Ask You-Liu Raomin's World of Nursery Rhymes
by Sun Yunxiao, Liu Baoan, Cao Weihong
Liu Raomin is a famous poet and nursery rhyme writer in Qingdao. His works have been selected by various elementary school Chinese textbooks many times. Such as "the sea, the sea, I ask you", "tick tick tick it rains", etc., are popular and enduring. But people remember these nursery rhymes, but often don't know the author of the nursery rhymes. Teacher Sun Yunxiao has a dream to recommend more poems by Mr. Liu Raomin to readers, so that everyone can learn more about poets and poetry stories. Thereby sublimating children's imagination and language ability. This book can also be read by adults who are still innocent.
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Animal husbandryNovember 2010Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain
by Edited by Denis O Krause, Stephen Hendrick.
Beginning with their sources, including manure and animal feed, and detailing their development, spread and transmission to humans, Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain gives an insightful introduction to and epidemiological overview of the problems raised by zoonotic pathogens. The authors specifically examine the attributes of microorganisms that allow potential contamination of food sources and the factors in modern animal production processes that contribute to the risk of infection. Chapters discuss in detail pathogens that have recently emerged as important sources of infection, investigating in depth the implications of avian flu, swine flu, bovine spongiform encephalopathies and Johne's disease for human consumers, and considering where potential mitigation strategies should be focused. With a focus on new trends in animal production, such as organic livestock farming and raw milk consumption, this text provides an interesting and up-to-date reference for researchers, academics and those with an interest in pathology working in the livestock industry.
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September 1986»Seien Sie nicht zu undankbar, mir zu antworten«. Bernard Shaw – Lord Alfred Douglas. Briefwechsel
by George Bernard Shaw, Lord Alfred Douglas, Mary Hyde, Ursula Michels-Wenz
George Bernard Shaw wurde am 26. Juli 1856 als Sohn eines Beamten in Dublin geboren. 1876 zog er nach London, wo er sich als einer der führenden Musik- und Theaterkritiker etablieren konnte. Shaw betätigte sich auch auf politischer Bühne und wurde u.a. Mitglied der Fabian Society. Seine schriftstellerische Laufbahn begann er mit fünf erfolglosen Romanen, wandte sich dann dem Schreiben von Dramen – darunter vielen Komödien – zu, die sich durch die Verbindung von Ironie, Satire und Kritik an gesellschaftlichen und politischen Mißständen auszeichnen. Shaws Gesamtwerk umfaßt über 60 Dramen. 1925 wurde er mit dem Literaturnobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Er starb am 2. November 1950 in Ayot Saint Lawrence.
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2003Chinese Folk Shadow Play
by Sun Jianjun
Written by the famous folk art researcher and professor of the Art College of Tsinghua University Sun Jianjun, this book contains a large number of valuable pictures and detailed studies on Chinese folk shadow play. As a textbook or a comprehensive reading on the contemporary folk shadow play studies of China, this book is of value to artists and collectors.